Harris Boarding School of Shifters

{James isn't talking to anyone yet... i was going to leave that open to see if you guys wanted to talk to him first. I just said 'refearing to leo and arira so that you guys knew i was in your class.}
((ok.i know both my characters, Aria and faith are in the same class and Cherys too, but otherwise im a little lost. i just wasnt sure since you just said "girl" refering to ppl.

{Oh sorry, i didn't know other people where in that class too. you guys got so ahead of me, and i got too lazy to read the posts. But no, James isn't talking to anyone. Like i said i kept that open if anyone wanted to speak to him first. lol sorry i confused you.}
{You know what, i confused myself. Alex is talking to Ava. And James is in Arira's class. Lol im so sorry. I even confused myself}
((totally fine. i do it all the time.))

Aria sat, really bored.

Faith lifted her head as another student walked in, a boy this time.
((@KaitWink ; I understand, sorryy.))

((Lul ok, since there's like less than 10[?] students everyone just has the same class. Just to clear it up. :b))
Leo smirked, leaning back in his chair. "I dunno, just making conversation. And I have like no other friends here at the moment, so..." he shrugged.
Alex smiled slightly to the girl and nodded and she let go of her hand. "Nice to meet you." she said right befor eher phone vibrated.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, it said that James sent her a text.

Looking it over quickly, she sent a quick reply before stuffing her phone back into her pocket.



When James looked around the room, he saw one girl wave to him. She looked like one of those types of girls that are always shy.

He smiled to her and nodded his head.
"Yeah, that makes me feel special." Ava laughed again. "So...do you want to do something after classes are over? " A light blush spread over her cheeks.
"Uh, yeahh, that's kinna sorta why I said it. Unless you got other plans..?" Leo replied jokingly, "you're blushing.." he grinned, "You alright?"
Alex looked over at the two talking, and saw Ava blushed. Alex looked down at her phone as she grinned at Ava's blushing.

At first Alex wasn't going to say anything to the two, since she didn't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation, and didn't want to approach anyone. But when the guy she was talking to asked her why she was blushing, Alex had to laugh a bit.

It was funny to her how this guy was either being oblivious to what was happening, or was just purposely pretended like he didn't know why. Either way, it made Alex laugh a bit.
ith frowned when the boy started talking to Leo and Ava. i guess he didnt see me wave? i guess thats ok. its hard talking to people anyway, Leo and Ava are more social. while Faith could remember every face that came and went in her school, most didnt know her. another unfortunate side effect of her shyness. she wished she was as fun and open as those two.
AGProject7347 said:
When James looked around the room, he saw one girl wave to him. She looked like one of those types of girls that are always shy.
He smiled to her and nodded his head.
{James didn't start talking to Leo and Ava. Alex somewhat did though}
((ooohhhhhhh. sorry, now i confuused myself. derp. got Alex mixed up for a boy, but Faith did wave at James....sooooo. sorry bout that.))

Faith was a little surprised when the boy waved back at her. she blushed and looked down. a typical reaction for her. she never understood why she had trouble looking people in the eyes.
Faith was surprised when she was greeted by another boy sitting near her. she smiled, genuinly happy, and waved back. this was the thrid person to greet her today. just because she was shy didnt mean she liked being alone, she just had difficulty making friends.
James chuckled a bit under his breath as he got up and walked over near the girl. Lenaing against another desk he held out his hand to her.

"As much fun as it is to just nod to you, how bout a name." he said with a smile. "Name's James, and you?" he said to the shy girl.
After letting go of her hand, James noticed how shy she was getting. "Nice to meet you Faith, nice name too."

Leaning closer to her, he whispered loudly to her, so she could hear him through all the talking. "Don't worry, everyone has a bit of shyness in them, even me." he said jokinly trying to ease her stiffness.

When James had first meet Alex, she was the same. So it was nice meeting someone who was just like her when they were younger.

After he said that, he leaned back into his orignal position, chuckling lightly so she knows he wasn't tryng to be mean about ehr shyness.
While he was laying on his desk he saw faith with a new guy and she was pushed up against a wall. He put on a smile and walked over "Hey its you again is this guy a new friend" he kept his smile across his face.

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