Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Aria spotted cherys, grabbed some food and sit down. "Hey what's up? What did you think of the math quiz earlier?" She smiled

Faith looked up, "s-sure, but I'm not much for conversation." A tiny hand motioned to another chair.

Aria spotted cherys, grabbed some food and sit down. "Hey what's up? What did you think of the math quiz earlier?" She smiled

Faith looked up, "s-sure, but I'm not much for conversation." A tiny hand motioned to another chair.
Leo laughed along with her. "Yeah, I can't really see you as a doctor. Not fun enough for you," he replied, grinning widely. He turned away slightly, and ran his fingers through his hair, the smile slowly fading. "Things are alright. I'm not..I don't fit in as well at home, like here. I, uh, it's just good to be back, with you. With people I'm actually comfortable around." he looked back to her and smiled, somewhat forcibly this time. 'But it's all good now."

Cherys smiled back at Aria. "Hey. It was..alright. I'm usually pretty good at math but it was a bit tougher than I'm used to. Probably being one of the youngest in the class and all doesn't really help." she shrugged. "What about you?"

Torren half smiled and sat down. "Oh, that's alright. I'm the same way." he began eating, then realized he didn't even know her name. "I'm sorry, I must seem pretty rude." he cringed slightly for a moment, embarrassed. "I don't think I've properly introduced myself. I'm Torren, or Tori."
Ava could tell he really didn't want to talk about it, and she wanted him to stay happy. She linked their arms together. "Come on, let's get some lunch. I'm starving. " She smiled and walked into the cafeteria.
Leo watched her intently for a moment, then smiled. It was nice, being so close with someone that they could understand you even when you didn't speak. Leo couldn't really think of anyone like Ava. He liked having her around. "Me too, I've been looking forward to this all day," he joked.
"I have! I really should start eating more at breakfast." When they got to the line, Ava let go of his arm and got some chicken, fries, and a coke. She then sat down at a table and quickly started eating.
Aria sighed, "well, age isn't my issue. I'm pretty average but I'm terrible at mathe." She chukled.

Faith looked up from her cake "I'm faith, nice to meet you. I thought I hadn't seen you around. Not many people know me but I kinda memorized all the people who come and go....." she got quieter as she spoke. She hoped that it wasn't weird how she knew everyone.
Leo laughed and followed after her, grabbing a similar meal. He sat beside her and looked around the cafeteria before eating. "It seems like there's so many less students this year," he commented after several bites of lunch.

"I wouldn't be that surprised if you hadn't," Torren shrugged, "I just started this year, and I'm not very noticeable." he said, only partially joking.

Cherys nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I'm like that with science classes. No matter how much I studying or how old I am, it just never clicks."
"I know. I guess a lot of people graduated or just stopped coming." Ava took a big bite of chicken and a small growl slipped again. "Dang it. I need to learn to control that." She blushed a little.
Aria chuckled,"I'm pretty goodat science actually. If you need help just ask."

Faith smiled a bit. "Your not that unoticable. I've been here a year and people still don't know me"
Cherys smiled. "Okay, I'll remember that. Thanks." she took a few bites than looked back up to Aria. "Oh and if you need help in math you can ask me," she laughed, "I may not be able to help but I'll try."

Torren nodded in understanding. "I know that feeling, it's been like that most of my school life, no matter where I've been." he sighed quietly. "The world isn't very accepting to us quieter people. You only get noticed if your loud and put yourself out there, which can be pretty hard for people like us."

Leo nodded slowly, then stopping and turning to her, cracking a smile at her growls. Chuckling, he shook his head slightly. "Nah, don't worry about. It's kinda cute." he teased.
Ava blushed a deep red and smiled. "Yeah, sure it is." She made her tail and ears appear like she had yesterday and her tail swished back and forth behind her.
Aria chuckled, "I think any help would be worth it. Math is like greek."

Faith smiled brightly, "I've never really gotten to have anyone understand. Do you like to read?" She hoped she might find more similarities.
Torren half shrugged. "Yeah, some. I'm more into writing though. And music. " he remembered the guitar back in his room, untouched since he had started school.

Leo laughed, figured there was nothing else to say, and continued eating.
"Writing? I write poetry but not much else. And I enjoy singing, but I'm no good with instruments." Faithchuckled
Leo shrugged. "Whatever, I just don't want to sit in my dorm for the rest of the day..." he finished his lunch and pushed the tray aside. "What do you want to do?"

Torren smiled, it was nice to actually be able to talk with someone. "Yeah, my writings sorta like poetry, song lyrics kinda. I sing sometimes, badly though," he laughed sheepishly, "Maybe we should start a band." Torren joked.
"would," Faith smiled shyly, "would you like to hear me sing sometime? i could sing along with an instrument, if you play one"
"Do they still let us off the grounds? I heard a rumor they changed it to weekends only." Ava smirked. "Not that it would stop me from sneaking off. We could go see a movie or go play basketball or something."

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