Harris Boarding School of Shifters

He took his hand away from her ears and hung his head "Sorry." he said slowly and sadly and walked back to a table and laid his head down.
Aria sighed and walked over to Koas desk. "dont be a downer, i said we visit after school right?" she patted him on the head.
((Either. :b Just so the class can get somewhere instead of just sitting etc))
((Nevermind, I'll be the teacherr..))

Leo shrugged, eyes wandering the class. "I don't know..." he said and paused for a moment, then looked back to her and grinned, "What do you wanna do?" he asked teasingly.

The teacher rushed in, her heels clicking loudly. She was fairly young, early thirties at the most. "I'm so sorry for being on the first day," she said breathily as she rustled through the papers littered on her desk, "I've just been so stressed and needed to get some things sorted out and.." she rambled on, then suddenly seemed to remember where she was.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry," she walked to the chalkboard, "My name is Mrs. Nelson and this is math class," she enunciated, writing on the board as she spoke. Once finished, she turned around and smiled. "And it being the first day, we won't really do any work, just go through class rules. And there will be a small assessment to see what each level of math you are at." she passed out the assessment, which was a worksheet with various types of math problems. "This won't be graded, and you can work on this as I talk." she glanced at the clock. "And since there isn't a lot of time left, if you don't finish, don't worry about, we will have more time tomorrow," she said cheerily.
Ava looked down at the worksheet, then looked back at Leo and mouthed,"I'll talk to you about it later." She quickly did the worksheet in record time and walked up to the front to hand it to the teacher. Ava had studied all throughout the summer like she always did. She wanted to show her parents what she was capable of doing. If the school let her, Ava was even smart enough to skip a grade.
Faith handed her sheet in just seconds after Ava. she was very studious, seeing as she didnt have anything better to do. she excelled in acadamics where she lacked in socializing.

Aria scratched her head. she worked through the problems the best she could. she wasnt very good at math.

((im going on a week long vacation, so when class isnt going on just say my characters are in their dorm rooms being antisocial. nothing to out of the ordinary for Faith at least. im not sure yet if i will be able to post, not sure if there is phone service wear im going.))
((Alright, no problem.~))

Torren frowned at the worksheet. Although he wasn't terrible at math, it was one of his least favorite subjects. He worked slowly, blocking out the sound of the teacher's voice.

School had always come fairly easy to Cherys, though the math on the worksheet was slightly more advanced than she was used to. She doodled along the edges as she thought out the problems, eyebrows knitted in deep thought.

Leo nodded, then turned to his paper. He was a very average student, very doing exceptionally well in anything. Math had always been his worst subject. He wasn't exactly sure how he had went through school without having to retake a math class.
After eventually at least answering each of the questions he walked hesitantly and handed in the paper making his way quietly back to his seat and laid down his head.
(([MENTION=1845]AGProject7347[/MENTION] alright, it's going pretty slow and etc..so i understand.))
((We can keep going, since this is basically it who's left. :b

We'll just say it's lunch now...))
Ava walked beside Leo on the way to the cafeteria. She wanted to say something, but she had no idea what. She didn't want to say something and sound stupid.
Aria wandered to the cafeteria. She hoped cherys was there so she had someone to sit with.

Faith sat alone as usual. Though she didn't eat much she didi in fact have a sweet tooth. She nibbled at a peice of coffee cake.
Leo walked down the hallway, quite cheerful. "Halfway through day one! Only, like, 150 more days to go." he turned to Ava and smiled. "Hey, so we've been together the whole time but we haven't gotten to actually talk much. How've you been?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

Cherys sat alone at a table with her lunch tray, wanting to find someone to sit with but unsure where. Her eyes scanned the cafeteria for familiar faces, and finally she noticed Aria. She hoped her friend would see her, but if not, she would just have to tolerate sitting alone.

Torren walked out of the lunch line with his tray. He bit his lip, feeling the anxiety build up again. He still knew very few people at the school, and none well enough to call friends. His wandering gaze stopped on the girl in his earlier class. They hadn't spoken, but she didn't seem like much of a talker, either. Someone he could get along with. He walked over to her table, and paused before sitting down. "Hi, uh, mind if I sit here? Not really sure where else to sit and we were in the same class and..yeah.." he rambled, then stopped abruptly, awkwardly.
Ava shrugged. "Good I guess. My parents still think I'm going to become a doctor like them." She laughed sweetly. "Can you imagine me as a doctor?" She looked up at him. "What about you?"

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