Harris Boarding School of Shifters

"its fine." she smiled "im not so weak that people cant touch me."

Aria could only imagine what they were talking about. if Koa were a bull the little red head would definatly be a china shop. she paled in comparison to him
He looked back up smiling "That's good. What's your name." He puts both of his hands on her shoulders and started to massage her pressure points.
"im Faith" she flinched as he put his hands on her shoulders.it didnt hurt and it was only a massage, but should wasnt used to much contact since people were afraid they would hurt her.

Aria giggled a bit as Koa started to massage the frail girl. he was strange, and she did quite understand some of the things he did.
"n-no." she looked down and fidgeted. "im sorry, im i bit too shy sometimes."

Aria was a bit dissapointed, she had gotten along with Koa pretty well the other day, or at least she thought. she frowned, but brushed it off for a bit. she hoped he was being nice to the tiny girl.
The second bell rang, meaning fifteen minutes to class starting.

Cherys watched with an eyebrow raised curiously. She found him strange, but in a funny way. She liked watching the different personalities of people and how they interacted, she imagined it as a sort of movie. She noticed Aria's changed and tilted her head slightly. "You alright?"

"Nah-not exactly.." Leo stopped and stretched a moment, then continued walking, "Just, like, if someone wanted to go around with no pants, people shouldn't freak about. It..it should be no big deal." he sighed dramatically, beginning to wake up some and become more of his normal self.
Faith felt a bit awkward, and wondered when class would start.

Aria sighed, "hey Cherys, do you think this school does events? like dances and stuff? i was homeschooled so i never got to expeirince that stuff. but now that i think about it, if i hadnt been homeschooled, people probably wouldnt have wanted to go with the freaky cat girl anyway." her ears and tail pop up as though she said a magic password.
Faith was surprised to see him fall asleep so easily. she turned around and took out a notebook. she scribbled a few things down and shut it. she crossed her arms on the desk and lay her head in her arms. she sighed as she wondered how this school year would go.
Ava laughed again. "I wonder if anyone would actually do it?" They had finally reached their first class and Ava walked into the classroom.
Emily and Dahlia sat down in the classroom, surprised to see that there were students of all ages in the room. So they taught everyone in the same room, then? It was very strange, especially when they wondered how they would teach normal classes, where not everyone would be on the samee level.
((Yeeah, I kinda thought about the same level thing, but teacher can like, individually teach the grades, and it's not really a big deal, since it's not real school. ;b))

"Well, I don't know about anyone else, buut, I definitely would." Leo recognized several faces from yesterday. This was going to be an interesting class. He sat down next to Ava.

Cherys shrugged. "I'm not sure, I've never really thought about that. But it might be sorta cool if they did.." she said thoughtfully. "I was never asked to dances at my old school, it's not a big deal going alone, though."
Ava laughed. She looked around the classroom. "I wonder where all of our friends are. Do you think they left the school?" She looked back at Leo.
Eventually Alex and James found their bedrooms, it was about 10 minutes till curfew.

When Alex got inside she discovered that she had the room to herself, and so did James, which they both enjoyed.

Unlike James who went straight to sleep and threw his bags to the wall, Alex slowly began to unpack, trying to soak in all that happened. She wasn't sure if this academy would work, or if she should just endure normal school. But for James's sake, she would try the school out.

"James seemed excited to try the school out, might as well try too." she said to herself as she unpacked.

After about an hour, Alex had fully unpacked and got into, while James was already asleep long time ago.


Alex woke early, as she always did, and so did James. Since the two was late for the first day, they had today to look around the school, and find out where their classes are located at.

It was about 6 a.m when Alex had gotten fully ready and started walking around the school ground, while other students started to wake up and move around in their rooms.

Alex thought about going to see James, but just decided to walk around the school grounds instead of bothering him.

After about a couple hours later, students where making their way towards their classes, and she decided to see who were classmates where in her first class.

The first class she popped her head in, Alex saw a girl and boy, the girls was looking around the room, as if she was looking for someone. "Sorry, i must have the wrong class." she said to the two.

{Sorry, wasn't sure on what to do with the rooms, you guys got so ahead of me}
((I think since there's not many students everyone was just going to have the same teachers for some subjects. So like, everyone switches classes for the like academic classes together and then they go to whatever random classes after. If this makes sense? I'm not very good at explaining. :P ))

Leo shrugged. "Some of them graduated last year, and most of the rest were in my grade, so they probably decided to go to a normal school their last year.." he looked up as more students walked in, "But it's alright. We have each other." he teased, grinning stupidly.
"i suppose youre right," Aria replied, "but i get lonely easy so i dont like being alone." she faked a sad face.
"You could always ask someone," Cherys grinned, "Like, the boy from yesterday...?"

Leo lay his head on the desk. "How is it that I can already be bored?" he complained. after a few moments, he groaned, then lifted his head from the desk, leaning on his arm. "Soo, any after class plans?"

Torren blinked awake, not quite realizing he had fallen asleep. It took him a moment to register where he was, and once it came to him he cringed in embarrassment. He hoped this wasn't a regular problem.

((Er, anyone wanna play some generic, not that important teachers? :b))
"maybe." Aria smiled a little. "but we dont even know if this school has events. there arent many people here."
((I think I am going to drop this... My characters don't have much chance to interact and it's not really going anywhere for me. Sorry D: ))
Since James had woken up so early, he debated for about twenty minutes if he should check out the school now and go to classes today, or go back to sleep and look around later. After awhile he got dressed and decided to look around the school.

After awhile students started to walk out of their rooms and start the fun adventure it is to find your classes. Eventually James found his first class.

There was a couple people that stood out from the rest for some odd reason. Maybe because they were socialzing with one another unlike everyone else that basicly kept to themselves. One was a guy who was groaning, probably about classes or something. The other was a girl, who was leaning against a desk, talking to him.

James walked in and sat near the two. Pulling out his phone, he texted Alex quickly before class started.

'Did you find your class?' he sent her. He knew for a fact that Alex was doing the same thing he did, and went to her class today.


Alex smiled to the girl.

"And here i was ranting to my friend on how
he gets lost." she said laughing lightly at the end.

As the teacher walked in, Alex approached her to see if this really wasn't her class, and if it wasn't, she would ask where her class was After a few minutes of talking to the teacher, they figured out that it was really her class.

Taking a seat near the two, she turned back to the girl and smiled. "guess it is my class." Then Alex held her hand out to her, "My name is Alex, and you?" she saild, still smiling.

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