Harris Boarding School of Shifters

As Alex and James climbed off the bus that took them to Harris Boarding School. They both stood there looking at the vast school. This was their first time going to a school made for 'shifters' James was the one who suggested the idea of comming to a boarding school, Alex only agreed so he'd shut up, and so that she could get away from the orphanage.

After a couple moments, Alex shifted her weight on the two duffle bags she carried and turned to James.
"This better be one of your 'good' ideas James." she said sarcasticly to James, who was still gazing at the school.

Her sarcastic voice snapped him out of his staring contest with the school. Turning his head to look at her, he nodded. "
Of course it's one of my good ideas, when are my ideas ever bad. We should go to the office, we're late as it is." before Alex could respond, he already started making his way towards the school building.

The two were late for the simple reason that the bus kept have delays. They lived about three states over from the school, so they had to take a bus to get here. They already hated the idea of being new to an unknown school, now they were late to it. But they had already called ahead and let the school know.

As they walked, Alex noticed two people who were sitting under a tree, not wanting to get lost on top of everything else, Alex approached the two. "
Hi, excuse me. Sorry to bother you, but could you point us to the administration office. i think my friend got us lost." she said in a charmismatic tone.

James stopped in his tracks when he noticed Alex was walking towards two people who were sitting under a tree. Instead of continuing to walk, James made his way to where Alex was. He almost spoke up when she said that he got them lost, but decided to keep his mouth shut.

Emily was playing with Dahlia's rabbit ears and looked up when she heard someone speak to them. She looked up to see two people, maybe siblings. Dahlia nodded and pointed, but it was Emily who spoke up as always. "It's in that building." the ten year old said, motioning at the same building Dahlia pointed to. "Right at the front." she gave a cute smile.
After finishing several of his laps he got out and went to the changing room to dry off. Once he was completely dry he made his way to the weight room and put some wraps on his hands then proceeded to practice his boxing punching the nearest bag hard enough that the entire room was shaking.
Smiled to the two, "Thank you." Then she turned towards the building the two pointed to and started walking towards it, while James walked beside her.

He was the first to speak as the walked,
"I was not getting us lost." he said turning to look at her as they walked.

All didn't turn to look at James as she replied.
"Whatever you say." she said with a bit of laughter in her voice.

Ignoring her reply, he pushed open the doors to the adminstration office. After speaking to the staff there, they both recieved their class schedules and room keys.

As the two walked out of the building, Alex realized something.
"We're gonna be lost again" she said aloud. Turning to James who was staring at his schedule, she spoek again. "This is why i hate new schools, espcially boarding schools. Too much of finding places." she said in a dull tone.

Both her and James stood there with their schedules and bags, trying to find out where to go.
While he was punching the bag he was getting really worked up and angry. He walked up to the door and punched it twice knocking the door completely out of its sockets. After that he snapped out of it and said "Sorry" down the hallway and pulled the door back up. He couldnt fix it but he could make it look okay.
A bell tolled as a warning, signalling that the students had an hour until curfew.

Leo nodded, smiling and feeling slightly embarrassed. "No one really takes me seriously, not even myself, so it's hard to defend someone when everyone thinks you're joking." he stopped awkwardly in the hall, seeing as they had reached his room.
Emily and Dahlia heard the bell. They stood up and started walking back to their room. Once they got to the second floor they located room 505 and Dahlia, who kept one key and gave Emily the second, opened the door.
"Well at least you have me, I always know when you're joking or not. I guess it's just cause we've known each other for so long." Ava smiled up at him. She made her tail and ears disappear. 'Should I do this? I might as well just go for it,' ​she thought.
Torren heard the bell from outside, but he wasn't quite ready to move from position of stargazing beside the pond. He could hear voices, but they were quite distant, and he wasn't curious enough to go found out who they were.

Leo smiled and nodded, then bit his lip, something felt different about this year. He couldn't exactly figure out what is was. "Hey, uh...I should go.." he gave her a quick hug, "It's nice seeing you again... don't miss me too much before tomorrow though, k?" he offered a teasing wink as he opened the door, then closed it quickly behind him. He stood in the dark for a minute, lost in thought.
"I can't promise you that." Ava stared at his door for a while before walking off. "Idiot! You had a perfect chance! Why didn't you do anything?!" She mentally beat herself up. She didn't care if anyone heard her talking to herself. Just seeing him today made her realize how much she missed Leo. She walked to her room and quickly went to take a shower and get ready for bed. Once she was in her pajamas she laid in bed and put her earbuds in, listening to nothing but Maroon 5 love songs. She fell asleep to She Will Be Loved.

((omg yes 0_0 that is amazing))

((are we going to have to wait for everyone else to go to bed to continue? -_- ))
((Haa, sweet.))

Leo lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get much sleep that night. His mind was too awake and full of wandering thoughts.

((Should I fast forward or wait a little longer?))

The night passed uneventfully, and the sun was now rising; a new day was beginning. The bell rang again, at 7:15. There were two hours until students were expected to a class. Another bell would sound at 9, fifteen minutes before class. This routine, as with the bell at night, would continue through the school year.
Alex woke up and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. She got up and quickly did her hair, makeup, and changed the piercings in her ears and her monroe. She got dressed in some black shorts and a fitted tshirt. She then put on her red converse and walked to the cafeteria for breakfast.
Toa woke up and started cracking all his joints. He stood and went to the restroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth.When he came out He puts a red tanktop and some tan shorts and walked to the cafe. Once he got in there the first thing he saw was the tiger. He walked into the line filling his tray with everything avaliable and sat down by himself.
Dahlia woke up on time as usual, looking across the room to see her twin still sound asleep with a puddle of drool absorbing into the pillow. Dahlia cringed at Em's sleeping habits, then crossed the room and silently nudged her awake. "Breakfast." Dahlia said in her usual one-word sentences. Emily nodded and mumbled something before tumbling out of her bed. They quickly dressed in identical yellow sun dresses and white sandals, then did each others hair in pigtails. "No one will be able to tell us apart!" Emily said, a devilishly adorable grin crossing her face. She grabbed her sister's hand and they walked over to the cafeteria for breakfast. When they got there they saw the tiger girl from yesterday, and the boy that was with her. They weren't sitting together. "I guess we made them mad at each other..." Emily said sadly as they stood in line. "Accident..." Dahlia mumbled. They got some food and took the same seat they'd sat in the previous day, not wanting to bother either of the upperclassmen they'd met before. Both girls' ears and tails were clearly visible, neither of them being able to control their powers when the smells of food flooded their senses.
As he sat down again he turned one arm into an octopus tentacles and started wrapping it around his food and his mouth looked like it came unlatched as he put all of it in his mouth. With his human hand he picked up a napkin a cleaned around his mouth.
Leo heard the bell and groaned, rolling over in bed pulling the pillow over his. "Too early." he muttered, he was not getting up now. Being late wasn't really a concern to him, if it happened, it happened. The teachers would probably be a little more easygoing with it being the first day of school...

Torren sat up slowly, rubbing at his closed eyes with the back of his hand. He wasn't really a morning person, he much preferred the night. He didn't usually sleep much during the school year because he often stayed awake until very late at night. His eyes were affected by this, the halfcircles under his eyes were always very dark and the mark on his eye was enhanced to a deeper color. Tori dragged himself to the bathroom and washed his face. His shaggy hair stuck out at strange angles around his face but he didn't bother to fix. He changed into a clean shirt and skinny jeans and slumped down to breakfast.

Cherys rose quickly from bed, somewhat excited for the new day. She changed into a light dress then trotted to the bathroom, humming quietly to herself. Cherys smoothed her long hair into a braid and finished the rest of her morning routine. She still wasn't very hungry, probably jitters, but she walked to the cafeteria anyway.
Having already been up for awhile, Faith found her first class and sat down. she had skipped breakfast yet again. she had always thought that she might be a little stronger and less frail if she ate more, but she still ate very little. its not that she was picky or anything, she was just never hungry.

Aria walked to the cafe, got a hot choco to go and wandered in search of her first class. her hairwas a mess since she woke up late, and she had to leave early because she was afraid she would get lost on her way to class.
Ava finished her breakfast and say there for a little bit to see if Leo would show up. When she still saw no sign of him she got up and threw her trash away. She sighed and walked out. It was weird how much she missed him, even though she just saw him last night. Ava decided to take the long way back to her room, so that she would pass by Leo's room.

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