Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Candace sat back in her chair and watched the two at the table. They seem pretty close....She mused as she took a big bite of her apple.
Koa stop for a moment and talks to himself "Crap i left my back pack in the cafe" He turns back and sees a group of people surrounding one of the tables. He walked over to his table and grabed his bag slinging it over his should and walked over to the group and just stood there.
Emily and Dahlia finished eating, and Dahlia sat at the table while Enily threw their trash away. Dahlia looked over and saw a big group of the older kids talking all at one table, but didn't go over to them. When Emily came back Dahlia got down from the booth and they started leaving the cafeteria. "Boring." said Dahlia. Emily nodded in agreement. There was hardly anyone here their age.
Leo laughed. "Nah, this table just gives off good vibes." he looked up to the new arrival, an eyebrow raised. "You been to school here before, yeah? I think I've seen you..."
"Yeah so have I." Ava picked up a piece of chicken from her plate and ripped some of the meat off the bone with her sharp teeth. As she did this a small growl escaped. She blushed a little, it was hard to keep her animal instincts under control sometimes. Her ears went back a little. "Sorry about that."
Leo smirked. "Not exactly. It's more of I don't remember well those that I'm not close with." he tilted in his chair, continuing to stare at the boy, "And I can only hold so much in here," he jokingly tapped his forehead, then paused for a moment, glancing at the others. "But, anyways, I'm Leo."
Ava looked at Koa. "And I'm Ava. Nice to meet you!" Her ears perked up. She then turned her attention back to her food, another little growl escaping as she took another bite.
Koa stared at him for a moment trying to process what the meaning of tapping on his head was for. Eventually it him and he said "Oh thats what that ment" he then looked over at Ava and smiled "Hello Ava" he stared at her ears
The twins had just pushed the door open when they looked back and Emily spotted the girl with the cat ears. Her jaw dropped and she smiled. She pulled Dahlia back. "Look, Dolly!" she said, pointing at the girls' twitching ears. Dahlia smiled the tiniest bit as well. Emily pulled her twin over to the group. When they reached them, Emily opened her mouthto speak but fell silent with her mouth hanging open. Suddenly shy, her eyes dropped and she gently tugged on the cat-girl's sleeve, blushing a little being surrounded by all the older students.
Ava felt someone tug at her sleeve and turned in her chair to look at them. She saw the two young girls and smiled at them. "Hello. Who might you two be?"
Toa had to look way down to even see who she was talking to. When he finally saw them their were two little girls that looked very similar in appearence. He kept switching his gaze between the girls ears and the short girls.
Emily looked up at Ava, Dahlia standing behind her. She noticed that one of the boys was looking at them now too. She looked back at the girl with the white ears. "I'm Emily, this is my sister Dahlia... I... Like your ears..." she said quietly, pointing at them. "Is your animal a tiger?"
Toa started watch her tail sway moving his head the same way the tail would move almost as if he were in a trance. He shook his head to snap himself out of it but still couldnt move his eyes of her tail.
Emily smiled when Ava asked what her animal was. She looked at Dahlia then back at Ava. "Me and my sister can turn into bunnies!" she said happily. "Well, kinda. We're not very good at it huh sis?" Dahlia shook her head. "Wanna see?" asked Emily. It was clear Dahlia was too shy to speak at all, but Emily was opening up to Ava. She sucked in her breath, makig her cheeks puff out cutely. Dahlia sighed when she saw her twin's "concentrating" face. Finally, a white fluffy tail popped out from Emily's shorts where a small hole had been cut to make room for it, and fluffy white ears sprouted through Emily's blonde locks. She let her breath out, satisfied with this small transformation.
Ava smiled at the cute little girl, but she could see Koa watching her tail as it kept moving. "That was great! I'm sure you'll really get the hang of it in no time. I know it didn't take me too long. Once you go to the classes it becomes a lot easier." She made her ears disappear then reappear again. "See?"
The only reason Toa looked away from the tail was because of the little bunny girl "Aw its so cute i want one" Looks over at Ava "Will you get me one."
((made another character since Aria is stuck. check out the signups for info :) ))

Faith looked up from her soup, it seemed a lot of people gathering at a nearby table. she wished she had friends like that, but she was just too shy.
Emily smiled. "Thanks! I hope I learn how to turn all the way into a bunny." she said. "Sometimes I get whiskers too, but that's only when I run." she laughed when the girl made her ears disappear and reappear. Her attention turned to Koa and wondered what he meant when he said "Get me one?"
"Darn well wait a minute don't tigers eat rabbits?" He laughed at his own joke then he looks back down at the little bunny girl "Shes so fluffy im gonna die!"
"Ok you're just being kind of a jerk. And if you couldn't tell I'm not a real tiger and they aren't real rabbits." She was starting to get annoyed by him.

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