Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Aria squirms a bit, but folds her arms across her chest and looks at you crossly. good thing i can hold my breath for awhile
"EVERYTHING drinks water." she she smirked. "biology 101. exaclty what have they been teaching you here anyway?" she laughed as she tread water.
"Thats kinda what i was hinting at" laughs and swims circles around her

(see this guy im trying not to be an antagonist)
((yea i noticed. there isnt really anyone to antagonize anyway. this is a slow RP thread.))

"im all brain and no brawn" Aria poked at her thin arm.
"Okay now im going to throw you in the air are you ready" before you even answer throws you in the air making you do a front flip
"some cats like swimming, you might know that if you worked this out more often and your muscles less." she poked him on the forhead.
"I know some felines swim but not domestic its unnatural" swims there and thinks for a minute "How do you clean yourself?"
"my cat forms cleanliness corresponds with my normal cleanliness." she answered. "say i take a jog and my armpits get sweaty, the fur under my front legs might smell funny. i shower in my human form, and my cat form will be clean too."
she sticks her tongue out "whatever." her stomach growls. "swimming makes me hungry, can i go change and get something to eat?" she laughed.
"well, you said i could borrow your towel, and i also thought you might want to come with." she said, "buuuut.....if you dont want to....." she said sarcasticly
"Fine guess i will just because your begging is pathetic" he said sarcastically and gives her a grin then climbs out of the pool and gets his towel from the lockers.
she hops out after him "are you sure youre not coming cuz kitty is soooo adorable" she smirks at him, her ears twitch. she hadnt noticed how long her ears and tail had been there.
Cherys had grabbed an apple from the cafeteria and quickly dashed out. She wasn't ready for more social interaction today. She wandered the empty halls, searching for her classes and secret places.
Laughs and puts his mouth up to her ear almost touching and whispers "Who knows" he then winks and gives her the towel

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