Harris Boarding School of Shifters

((Sorry for disappearing. Here I am~))

Cherys sat up from her bed and looked around. When she looked at the clock it was later in the day. She wondered what Aria was doing and felt bad for not going to see her. But Cherys had yet to finish setting up her room, and it was possible Aria wasn't in hers anymore. She could always go later..

Torren shrugged slightly. "I-I guess. It's been a few years since I was here, and I mostly kept to myself then. Didn't do a lot of, uh, exploring or anything really." He glanced at Faye then to the ground, biting his lip. Hopefully these next years were better than his first. After a moment, he brightened forcibly. The girl wouldn't want to stick around a downer, and he needed new friends. "But I know the basic places like the gym and classrooms and cafeteria and stuff. And there's probably more interesting places, we just have to find them." he grinned.
"Sounds like fun to me" Faye replied. She saw this as a perfect opportunity to make a friend... she could survive without being the most popular girl ever, but being stuck in a new country, in a new school, without ANY friends.... lonely. "Well lets start at the bottom... what's down there, that you can remember?"
Aria went back into her bathroom and washed her face. im surprised he put up with me so long. im such a wreck. no one wants to deal with that. hopefully the rest of my time here doesnt become that depressing. she was tired, and it had to be around supper time but after what just happened she had no appetite. she hoped cherys would still come and hoped that she hadnt come by while she was out. Aria could really use a cheer up and needed to apologize to Koa later.
Cherys finally finished her room. She decided it was a good time now to go see Aria. She got up and closed the door, cringing slightly when it slammed loudly. She trotted to Aria's door and knocked quietly, glancing down the hallway as she waited.

"I know there's a basement, but I don't know what's down there. On the bottom floor though, there's the gym, the cafeteria, and the pool. I think there's a couple classrooms, too, like art and the animal control class." Torren said, starting in the direction of the bottom floor. "We could go to the basement," he smirked, not really being serious, "but I doubt there's really anything exciting.."

Leocadie stood on the metal roof near the door. He blinked and broke from his thoughts, feeling slightly disoriented. He hadn't realized how far he had come while his mind had wandered. He stretched his arms and let out a roaring yawn, thinking it was a good time for a nap. He made his way to the far corner, where a small leam-to made of scrap wood and metal stood. He and his group had often met here, but it was currently unoccupied. He curled up under it, quickly drifting into sleep.
Aria got up answered the door. "Cherys! come on in!" a smile quickly spread across her face. she needed some girl time.
"Hello." Cherys replied cheerily. She walked through the door and looked around curiously. It always interested her to see how other people lived. "Oh, um sorry for not coming earlier. I fell asleep and then I still had to unpack. I hope you weren't expecting me too long...?" she said, somewhat guiltily.
"Its fine. I went and got something to eat anyway" she cleaned up a few books she had been sorting earlier. "Sit anywhere." Smiled
"Oh, alright." Cherys said, feeling less guilty. She looked around the room again then sat cross-legged on the floor. "Soo..." she started awkwardly, trying to think of something to say, "Have you looked around the school or anything yet?"
Cherys brightened at the mention of the pool. "Oh, I didn't realize there was a pool, I'll have to go later.." she said aimlessly. It was already almost evening, and she hadn't eaten yet, or even seen the rest of the school. "So, exciting for tomorrow?" she asked.
"yes very much!" at this, her cat ears sand tail appeared again. to which she yanked a blanked off the bed and wrapped up in it. "sorry about that. my control over shifting isnt so great and emotional spikes bring out my ears and tail."
Cherys grinned. "Nothing to apologize for. It's normal now and I'm sure it happens to everyone here.." she glanced at Aria's ears, then down at her own arms. "I'm actually pretty surprised nothing happened to me yet."
"you think so?" she hears the door, "just a sec." she walks to the door, leaving the blanket. "hey Koa, something the matter?" she asks as she opens the door.
Cherys stared curiously at the door. She recognized the boy from earlier, and felt somewhat like she shouldn't be here. But she would wait to see how things worked out, then leave to swim and eat if things got awkward.
"im fine thanks." she says with a shy look as her ears twitch. "you can come in if you dont mind girl talk, but otherwise im already hanging with someone so....." she trailed off awkwardly.
"sorry about the interuption Cherys i hope you dont mind if he chats with us." Aria said taking a seat on the floor and pulling up her blanket again.

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