Harris Boarding School of Shifters

Cherys sighed lightly in relief as they reached Aria's room. "Appears as if we've reached your room." she said. "Thanks!" she repiled. "I really hope I'll see you again sometime!". Aria then walked into the room leaving Cherys standing awkwardly in the hallway.
After doing his vigerous workout he starts to cool down while doing the back stroke. As he is lesiurly swimming he starts to think about the girls from his earlier conversation.
Aria decided it had been a long day, she knew Cherys would be over later after so she decided to take a quick shower. not that there was anything better to do. her cat ear and tail finally dissapeared so it would be much easier to shower this way.
After drying off he started to explore around the hallways saying hello to some of the new people at the school
Aria finished her shower and decided to wander. she was hungry, so she headed towards the cafeteria in search of food.
After walking around for awhile Koa decided to go get a bite to eat at the cafe and saw one of the girls from earlier.
Aria got a hot chocolate and some carrot cake. she sat down and ate happily. this cake is really good. makes me wish i could bake! i wonder if they would let me use the kitchen here?
Koa walked threw the line and picked out a salad and got some poppy seed dressing. After which he walked over to the girl from earlier sat down and said "Hello remember me" and smiled.
"Oh well im sure you'll love it here there are good people and water i like water." laughs and starts to eat his salad
Aria freezes for a second. "i wanted to meet people like me." she said with a weak smile. its not a lie, but its not the full truth either.
just as he asked the question, her cat ears and tail popped up. "well i guess that should answer your question." she said a little embarrased. "but i cant fully control it yet."
"u-um sure?" she was surprised. usually guys made fun of her. but then again, this was a school made of people just like her. she wrapped her snow white tail around her waist so it was out of the way.
Reaches out his hand a and uses his thumb and index finger to message the top part of the ear "very well maintained"
"mew" Aria purred. she pulled away from his hand. "maybe thats not such a good idea." i forgot how vulnerable i get when people touch my ears. she looked down. and fidgeted.

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