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Fandom Hamilton AU [REBOOT]

"I hope I don't do that, I wouldn't want to hurt such a gorgeous face."

Alexander blushed deeply. "Um... thanks. It was... I asked him to do it, so I'd have a reminder of him... I mean..." Alexander blushed even deeper. He wasn't sure if he was explaining this right. 
"Was he your boyfriend?" he asked.

Eliza sighed inwardly. She thought that she had lost him.

Alexander panicked. He couldn't come out on his first day here! "No, not exactly. I mean, he was my friend and a boy . But not necessarily my boyfriend."
Eliza thought he wouldn't be nterested and had just gone back to work. She was too shy to try and fight for him, especially since John probably deserved him more than she did.

Alexander sighed and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe that so soon after joining the school he'd been asked out by two different people. This was insane. Not to mention that he'd go out with both of them if he could. 
Thomas was already out of the room and heading to his next class, debate. Besides Orchestra, this was the class he was looking forward to, he walked down the hall a smile on his face, and once he was in the class sat down in an empty seat

@Alexander Hamilton
Thomas was already out of the room and heading to his next class, debate. Besides Orchestra, this was the class he was looking forward to, he walked down the hall a smile on his face, and once he was in the class sat down in an empty seat

@Alexander Hamilton

Alexander rushed off to debate and looked around. "Um..." he saw a boy with a cane, someone he remembered from earlier but couldn't quite remember. "Hey." Alexander said softly, sitting next to him.
Alexander rushed off to debate and looked around. "Um..." he saw a boy with a cane, someone he remembered from earlier but couldn't quite remember. "Hey." Alexander said softly, sitting next to him.

Thomas turned and looked to the boy sitting next to him. "Hey." He replied, "You were the kid who was talking to Burr earlier, right?"
"Drop that, debate is going to be sooo much more fun." Alexander only half-joked. He kind of wanted to explain himself to John, but didn't know if he'd have the time.

"Well, I'll see you later." John said, and walked off. Eliza walked with Alexander and sat beside him in debate while he talked to Thomas, who she waved to again.

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