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Fandom Hamilton AU [REBOOT]

"That would be nice." He nodded and took a seat at a random chair. He'd move when the teacher comes in, but he didn't want to stand for too long. 

@Paint The Wind
(Lol just make stuff up, give vocab tests and assign essays. It's more about playing the character than being a teacher.)


Mr. Washington walked in and set his bag down on his desk before writing on the board and turned his head to look at the two students that were in the room. "Good to see you again Mr. Burr." He said with a smile, then turned back to the board. "And who might you be?" He asked to Alex, "You must be new." 

@Alexander Hamilton

Mr. Washington walked in and set his bag down on his desk before writing on the board and turned his head to look at the two students that were in the room. "Good to see you again Mr. Burr." He said with a smile, then turned back to the board. "And who might you be?" He asked to Alex, "You must be new." 

@Alexander Hamilton

Alexander was stunned. This teacher exuded power and wisdom, and left Alexander with a feeling of complete and total awe. when he recovered from the initial shock, Alexander stammered, "Alexander Hamilton, sir. I moved here a c-couple of weeks ago."
"Huh?" Burr muttered. He was locked in his book, too busy to answer anybody. "Oh, uh, good to see you also, Mr. Washington." He went back to reading his book. 

Alexander was stunned. This teacher exuded power and wisdom, and left Alexander with a feeling of complete and total awe. when he recovered from the initial shock, Alexander stammered, "Alexander Hamilton, sir. I moved here a c-couple of weeks ago."

"Well, Mr. Hamilton, welcome to New York, and to my class." Washington turned and gave him a slight nod. Then, looked back at Burr. "Summer reading?" He joked, and sat at his desk and started pulling out some papers from his bag. "So Mr. Hamilton, why did you take this class?" He asked him, he always asked his new students this, and got a variety of answers.


Thomas walked into his math class, and sat at some random desk, which was next to Samuel. He looked over at him, and tapped him on the shoulder, "You were talking to Burr earlier weren't you?" He asked him.

Samuel had stopped talking to Eliza, though she was still beside him. He simply watched her sketch without saying anything. He looked up when someone spoke to him, humming momentarily. "Ah, yes, I talked to him for a little bit..." He nodded before adding," might I ask why?"

"Well, Mr. Hamilton, welcome to New York, and to my class." Washington turned and gave him a slight nod. Then, looked back at Burr. "Summer reading?" He joked, and sat at his desk and started pulling out some papers from his bag. "So Mr. Hamilton, why did you take this class?" He asked him, he always asked his new students this, and got a variety of answers.

Alexander looked down at his notebook. "I love writing. I love words, I love stories, I love English... I love it all. And any class that will improve my writing is a class that I want to take." Alexander mumbled softly. He wrote his way out of hell, and since he knew the power in words he wanted nothing more than to learn how to use them.
Alexander looked down at his notebook. "I love writing. I love words, I love stories, I love English... I love it all. And any class that will improve my writing is a class that I want to take." Alexander mumbled softly. He wrote his way out of hell, and since he knew the power in words he wanted nothing more than to learn how to use them.

Washington nodded, and put a paper on his desk. "Then this first assignment is right up your alley." Washington said, and passed out the same paper to Burr. "By the way Mr. Hamilton, good answer. I actually hope you mean it." He told him and went back to the board.


Samuel had stopped talking to Eliza, though she was still beside him. He simply watched her sketch without saying anything. He looked up when someone spoke to him, humming momentarily. "Ah, yes, I talked to him for a little bit..." He nodded before adding," might I ask why?"


"I just wanted to make sure.. I was just watching, I should've said something. Thomas Jefferson." He said, reaching out his hand. "Samuel was it?" 
Samuel nodded at Thomas and took his hand, shaking it firmly. "I see. And you've got it right. Samuel it is, Samuel Seabury. It's nice to meet you, Thomas." 

Washington nodded, and put a paper on his desk. "Then this first assignment is right up your alley." Washington said, and passed out the same paper to Burr. "By the way Mr. Hamilton, good answer. I actually hope you mean it." He told him and went back to the board.

Alexander nodded. He sure as hell meant it. Writing was the only reason he was here. Alexander read the paper and started annotating the prompt, making sure he understood it perfectly.
Alexander nodded. He sure as hell meant it. Writing was the only reason he was here. Alexander read the paper and started annotating the prompt, making sure he understood it perfectly.

"In case you're wondering, you can write about any modern event, in the world or locally, this is just to see your style. Burr, I expect a better essay than last year. MLA." He joked and finished getting organized.



Samuel nodded at Thomas and took his hand, shaking it firmly. "I see. And you've got it right. Samuel it is, Samuel Seabury. It's nice to meet you, Thomas." 


"Nice to meet you too." Thomas smiled, and looked over at Eliza. "Hey Eliza." He said and waved with his free hand. Then, looked back to Samuel. "Your new here aren't you Samuel?" He asked him.
Samuel turned a light shade of red, leaning in slightly closer to Thomas. "Is it that obvious..? Uh huh, first time even in a public school. It's much bigger than I thought, and there are so many people." 

"In case you're wondering, you can write about any modern event, in the world or locally, this is just to see your style. Burr, I expect a better essay than last year. MLA." He joked and finished getting organized.


Hamilton's mind jumped immediately to the hurricane that hit Charleston earlier that year and a sinking feeling hit his stomach. His previous boyfriend ended up with a bad scar on his cheek. Hamilton was left with horrible images that popped up in his brain every once in a while. "S-s-sir?" Hamilton asked weakly. "How recent would this event have to be?"
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"In case you're wondering, you can write about any modern event, in the world or locally, this is just to see your style. Burr, I expect a better essay than last year. MLA." He joked and finished getting organized.



"Nice to meet you too." Thomas smiled, and looked over at Eliza. "Hey Eliza." He said and waved with his free hand. Then, looked back to Samuel. "Your new here aren't you Samuel?" He asked him.

"Hey Thomas." she said sweetly.
Hamilton's mind jumped immediately to the hurricane that hit Charleston earlier that year and a sinking feeling hit his stomach. His previous boyfriend ended up with a bad scar on his cheek. Hamilton was left with horrible images that popped up in his brain every once in a while. "S-s-sir?" Hamilton asked weakly. "How long ago would this event have to be?"

"Im not that bad at writing essays." Burr muttered. At least, he didn't think so. He thought he was a pretty good reader. 

Burr took a close look at the assignment, warily putting the book away. What to write about. He thought. 

"Well it depends. How long ago was this event you're thinking of?" Washington asked him and looked over at Burr. "Your not, but formating trust me. When you get to college, MLA MLA MLA." He told him and turned his focus back over to Hamilton. 


Samuel turned a light shade of red, leaning in slightly closer to Thomas. "Is it that obvious..? Uh huh, first time even in a public school. It's much bigger than I thought, and there are so many people." 


"Hey Thomas." she said sweetly.

"Wait.. I got that right? Shit.. I just guessed." Thomas said with a chuckle, "Well any case welcome. I'm sure Eliza gave you some sort of tour, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He said and patted him on the shoulder. "How was your summer?" He asked Eliza, with a smile. 
"Well it depends. How long ago was this event you're thinking of?" Washington asked him and looked over at Burr. "Your not, but formating trust me. When you get to college, MLA MLA MLA." He told him and turned his focus back over to Hamilton. 


"Wait.. I got that right? Shit.. I just guessed." Thomas said with a chuckle, "Well any case welcome. I'm sure Eliza gave you some sort of tour, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He said and patted him on the shoulder. "How was your summer?" He asked Eliza, with a smile. 

"It was good! How about yours?" Eliza didn't know Thomas well but he seemed nice and smart.
"Well it depends. How long ago was this event you're thinking of?" Washington asked him and looked over at Burr. "Your not, but formating trust me. When you get to college, MLA MLA MLA." He told him and turned his focus back over to Hamilton. 


"Wait.. I got that right? Shit.. I just guessed." Thomas said with a chuckle, "Well any case welcome. I'm sure Eliza gave you some sort of tour, but if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He said and patted him on the shoulder. "How was your summer?" He asked Eliza, with a smile. 

"June." Hamilton mumbled. Images flooded into his brain. The screams echoed in his ears. "If that's alright?"
"It was good! How about yours?" Eliza didn't know Thomas well but he seemed nice and smart.

"It was fun. Went back to Virginia for a bit." He answered, Thomas liked talking to Eliza, she always seemed like the person he could just talk to for hours. 


"June." Hamilton mumbled. Images flooded into his brain. The screams echoed in his ears. "If that's alright?"

"I'll allow it." Washington answered, "Speak up more, if you want to learn about words, the first step to that, is to speak up." 
"I'll allow it." Washington answered, "Speak up more, if you want to learn about words, the first step to that, is to speak up." 

"Sorry sir, I'm just nervous." Alexander said a little bit louder. He was really nervous, actually. His first day at a school in New York. Something Alexander wouldn't have dreamed of a year ago. And now it was happening. He just didn't want to fuck it up.
"Sorry sir, I'm just nervous." Alexander said a little bit louder. He was really nervous, actually. His first day at a school in New York. Something Alexander wouldn't have dreamed of a year ago. And now it was happening. He just didn't want to fuck it up.

"Don't be. I understand that this is new for you, but if you're too nervous to do anything, then you can't experience it to the fullest if that makes any sense." Mr. Washington reassured him with a soft smile. 
"Don't be. I understand that this is new for you, but if you're too nervous to do anything, then you can't experience it to the fullest if that makes any sense." Mr. Washington reassured him with a soft smile. 

Alexander wanted to melt at the smile Washington gave him. The memory of his father came up and Alexander blinked it away. He wasn't going to go into that right now.


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Mr. Washington spent the class doing the normal 1st day routine, handing out some slips, explaining what this class would cover, and as well as explaining the first assignment.

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