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Fandom Hamilton AU [REBOOT]

Samuel put his hands on his hips, a small frown on his face. "Well, I find school very fun. There is nothing more exciting than learning new things, isn't that right, Aaron?" His broad smile returned. He could mark making friends off of his mental to-do list. At least, he thought they were his friends now. That's how it worked, right? Talk to someone and then boom. Friends. He hooked his arms through both of theirs, "so, where does this your start off at, mm?"


@Alexander Hamilton
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Samuel put his hands on his hips, a small frown on his face. "Well, I find school very fun. There is nothing more exciting than learning new things, isn't that right, Aaron?" His broad smile returned. He could mark making friends off of his mental to-do list. At least, he thought they were his friends now. That's how it worked, right? Talk to someone and then boom. Friends. He hooked his arms through both of theirs, "so, where does this your start off at, mm?"


@Alexander Hamilton

Alexander wormed out of Samuel's arm-hook and shook his head. "Um, don't... that's not normal." Alexander said this very bluntly, unaware of how rude that comment was. 
"U-uh..?" Samuel stuttered, a very nervous look showing on his face. He looked to the ground, wormed his arms from Burr's and looked at the two of them. He coughed awkwardly, adjusting the strap on his bag. "Right. My sincerest apologies. I'm not quite used to the whole... social thing..." He smiled softly, trying to shrug it off, though the situation wasn't one he found himself in often. "I'll... just go. Sorry for bothering you." He backed away a few steps, waved slightly and then quickly turned around. "Dammit Samuel," he muttered to himself after. 

@Alexander Hamilton 

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"U-uh..?" Samuel started, a very nervous look showing on his face. He looked to the ground, wormed his arms from Burr's and looked at the two of them. He coughed awkwardly, adjusting the strap on his bag. "Right. My sincerest apologies. I'm not quite used to the whole... social thing..." He smiled softly, trying to shrug it off, though the situation wasn't one he found himself in often. "I'll... just go. Sorry for bothering you." He backed away a few steps, waved slightly and then quickly turned around. "Dammit Samuel," he muttered to himself after. 

Eliza was walking into school when she saw Samuel. She walked up to him. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked kindly, a sweet smile on her face.
Samuel's heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She spoke to him and he looked up and honestly, she was incredibly pretty. Most of the women he was acquaintanced with was, well, his mom. Socializing was new to him and so we're girls. So yeah. He might have blushed. A lot. "Huh? Oh, me? Yeah... I'm quite alright. And how are you doing this fine evening, ma'am?" He tugged nervously at his collar. Man, it suddenly got hot out there. 

Samuel had walked away before he could hear what Burr had to say, but he could only assume is was rude like what his pal had said. He figured it be best to stay away from them. 

@Paint The Wind

Aaron Burr looked down at Samuels arm, then at Samuel, then back to the arm. "Umm... Well... Uhh..." Burr tried to form a coherent sentence, but he couldn't. He was too dumbfounded by this kids ability to not care about personal space. "Well-" Burr began, trying to form a coherent sentence once again. That was when Alexander said something. No way. He thought to himself. Did Alexander just call the kid abnormal? "No... Uh... Samuel. It's okay. You can... Still come on the tour?" Burr said, sending a questionable glance at Alexander. 

(Haha. Sorry I'm a slow writer)

Alexander looked at Burr, confused. He wasn't the best at socializing. He was too blunt. "What? I just told him he was being weird." Alexander mumbled. "He can come, but I don't want him hanging off my arm."
Samuel's heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She spoke to him and he looked up and honestly, she was incredibly pretty. Most of the women he was acquaintanced with was, well, his mom. Socializing was new to him and so we're girls. So yeah. He might have blushed. A lot. "Huh? Oh, me? Yeah... I'm quite alright. And how are you doing this fine evening, ma'am?" He tugged nervously at his collar. Man, it suddenly got hot out there. 

Samuel had walked away before he could hear what Burr had to say, but he could only assume is was rude like what his pal had said. He figured it be best to stay away from them. 

@Paint The Wind


"I'm alright, and it's the morning. I know it's the first day, you must be super out of it like the rest of us." she said kindly. "Are you new here? I can show you around if you'd like."
Samuel laughed and glanced at his wristwatch. Right, schools started in the morning. Of course. "Out of it. Yes, I suppose you could say I am. I'm really not quite used to these public schools, and I'm pretty sure I've already done all of the wrong things. If you could show me around, though, that would be marvelous." He smiled, "my name is Samuel, by the way."

@Paint The Wind
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Samuel laughed and glanced at his wristwatch. Right, schools started in the morning. Of course. "Out of it. Yes, I suppose you could say I am. I'm really not quite used to these public schools, and I'm pretty sure I've already done all of the wrong things. If you could show me around, though, that would be marvelous." He smiled, "my name is Samuel, by the way."

@Paint The Wind

"I'm Eliza." She smiled at him. "Come on, show me your schedule and I can show you around."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Eliza." Samuel pulled the wad of paper that was his schedule from his pocket and showed it to her. "My first period is mathematics." 

@Paint The Wind
Burr looked to where Samuel has disappeared to. He wasn't there. Aaron figured the guy would've ignored any further attempts to get him to come. "No, its fine, so where were we...?" Burr muttered, beginning to walk toward the entrance to the school as he ushered Alexander toward him. "So, where would you like me to take you first?"

"Library, orchestra room, band room, chorus room, oh are there computer labs? And is there a writing center?" Alexander started rambling.
"Huh," he said in awe when she mentioned having the same schedule. He was glad for it, really, at least he wouldn't be a complete stranger in his classes now. He followed her, looking around as he did. "My word!" He shouted when she saw the classroom. "Are all of the classrooms here this large?"

@Paint The Wind
"Huh," he said in awe when she mentioned having the same schedule. He was glad for it, really, at least he wouldn't be a complete stranger in his classes now. He followed her, looking around as he did. "My word!" He shouted when she saw the classroom. "Are all of the classrooms here this large?"

@Paint The Wind

"Yeah, this is a pretty big school. What school did you used to go to?" she asked.
"Oh, I've always been homeschooled. So I suppose you can say I went to school at... well, my house. How about you? Are all schools this large? It's quite wonderful. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself here." 

@Paint The Wind
"Oh, I've always been homeschooled. So I suppose you can say I went to school at... well, my house. How about you? Are all schools this large? It's quite wonderful. Never in a million years would I have imagined myself here." 

@Paint The Wind

"I've always gone to public schools. My dad is a senator and he is a huge activist for public education so my sisters and I all went to public schools."
"Very interesting. My parents always worked, so I had a tutor come every day and teach me. However, things changed this year and here I am." He looked to his schedule again. "Well, I suppose I could put this away for now and just follow you throughout the day? If that isn't too much to ask, of course, I seem to annoy people." 

@Paint The Wind
"Oh. Nice. That's my first period. Come on." Aaron jogged a little ways away until he finally came to the class. "Here we are..." He muttered. Aaron attempted to open the door, hopefully it wasn't locked. And it wasn't. The door slid open slowly. "After you?"

Alexander stepped in and looked around. Strangely, the teacher wasn't in the room yet. So Alexander just took a seat near the front of the classroom and took out a thick, leather bound journal. 

(Anyone wanna be Washington? @Paint The Wind @Ambela @Camilton )
"Very interesting. My parents always worked, so I had a tutor come every day and teach me. However, things changed this year and here I am." He looked to his schedule again. "Well, I suppose I could put this away for now and just follow you throughout the day? If that isn't too much to ask, of course, I seem to annoy people." 

@Paint The Wind

"Of course, and don't worry. You're just new to this environment, I'm sure you'll get used to it." She smiled and let her hair down from the ponytail it had been in.
"Very relieving words, honestly." He walked in a few steps, taking a look at the desks. "Are there assigned seats? And I wonder where the teacher is. Or, in that case, who the teacher is?"

@Paint The Wind
"My last name is Seabury..." He looked at her and shrugged. "I suppose that means I'll be near the back, huh? What's your last name?"

@Paint The Wind

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