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Fantasy Hackerz!

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"alright remember i trust you 100% let's go" Ryuu stated he walked back out with Janine "lead the way" he told her
Janine smiled and walked hand in hand with him all the way to the forest. She now stood at least 30 feet away from the building and tied Ryuu's hands behind his back. "Remember you have to act like you're furious at my betrayal and all that." Janine reminded him. Ryuu nodded and Janine began to walk him to the building.
Ryuu acted like he was struggling to break free "well girly it seems like you did your job we'll take the boy" they said throwing a bag ovr his head and wrapping a dark magic chain around his hands making it almost impossible for him to break out they throw him into a truck and the man throws the second USB to Janine "you can see what we're doing with this" he said and got into the truck driving away.
Janine smiled and hurried back to the Hotel. She checked the USB and found more lab reports. She quickly scanned it and began to read it out loud. "The serum is almost perfect. We just need on more thing............The blood of a hacker." Janine gasped and grabbed the USB. "I've got to hurry!" Janine yelled as she ran out the door.
"after we're done we'll return you you'll just be a bit different" a man said as he took some of his blood and stirred it into the serum and got ready to inject Ryuu "you'll pass out for a while" he laughed as he injected the serum into Ryuu "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH............." Ryuu past out a little after getting injected. "let's leave so she can get him" the boss said and they left taking the serum.
Janine ran as fast as she could to the building and stopped for a second panting. She quietly snuck up to the back door and walked inside. Her boots made a clicking sound on the concrete floor She kept walking and thought it was a little to quiet. She found a door and summoned her pistol before opening it. Janine held her pistol at the ready and opened the door. It seemed like a lab and she shivered. Janine hated labs, She looked to the center of the room and almost fainted. Ryuu lay their strapped to a table. Janine's gun disappeared and she ran over to him. "I-I'm to late.......R-Ryuu...." She said choking back a sob as she held is hand. She swept aside some of his snow white hair and kissed his forehead. She sunk down to the floor and began sobbing.
his hair grew longer his eyes went full red and his teeth were sharpen he breaks the straps that held him down he summons his Scythe which looked more dangerous than his original he looks at papers that were laid next to the table he was on "test one, code name: Grim Reaper" he said in a much deeper voice.

Janine jumped up and summoned her pistol again......She was shaking and confused. "What-what happened to you Ry.....?" Janine slowly backed up and realized her back was to the wall of the lab. She kept her eyes on the new Ryuu and noticed his eyes got darker, his hair got longer, and his voice changed. The Serum did this to him!
James did something that might help, he grabbed a old spoon and threw if far off to make a small distraction while he changed the pistols into his blade and quickly slashed at the girl yelling,"Die!"
"who are you" he looked at Janine not able to remember her "did you do this to me" he yelled holding his scythe at her.
Bellatrix barely escaped his attack. "This could be-be-be harder than I thought." She cursed her voice for glitching again and backed up. Electricity began to spark on her hands and she disappeared and materialized behind James.
"No! Of course not!" Janine yelled in fear. "Ryuu, Come on it's me! Janine." She dropped her pistol because her hands where shaking to much. The look on her face was one of fear and confusion.
"i do not know the name Ryuu or Janine apparently I'm grim reaper" he was confused "you're ..... cute ... Janine" he said pulling away from her "i don't.... remember anything" Ryuu said and backed away from Janine a bit more.

"you seem to know about me tell me who i am please um... Janine" he said lets his scythe disappear and putting his hands on her shoulders "please tell me" he asked.

Janine phone rang and she answered it before she puts her ear to the speaker a very loud noise came from her phone making Ryuu go nuts then a voice came from her phone "if i were you i cut my chances and run because your friend is about to become a monster AHAHAHAHAHAHA thank you girly" the man laughed and disconnected the the call Ryuu started to destroy everything in his path even breaking through a wall destroying more in his path and even knocking a light post over.
Janine sighed. "Well I guess I'll have to explain to him later then..." she said as she summoned her sword and ran after Ryuu. I think I know how to stop him. She thought She scaled a building and ran from building to building following Ryuu on his rampage. finally she had overtaken him and jumped down from the building. She landed right in front of him and made her sword disappear. She just stood their hoping he would remember her or a memory with her or something, anything.
He continued to run at her raising his scythe but he stops in front of her dropping it. "I....can't hurt you but I can't..control it much longer" he stated walking closer to her.
Janine smiled sweetly and walked towards him as well. Might as well take my chances. She thought before kissing him and resting her hands on his shoulders. I hope this works.....
His eyes turn normal and he began to close her eyes melting into her lips pulling her closer "it seem you are not following orders" a person said but he stayed in the kiss "obey, mutt" Ryuu ignored the order best he could.
Yes it's working!! Janine thought as he pulled her closer. she took one hand and ran it through his hair. She knew that she was the only thing keeping him distracted from whatever was controlling him.


[QUOTE="Amaya Itami]
Yes it's working!! Janine thought as he pulled her closer. she took one hand and ran it through his hair. She knew that she was the only thing keeping him distracted from whatever was controlling him.

Janine pulled away from the kiss and looked into his eyes "Ryuu....."

Janine saw his eyes get lighter and he began to fall. "Ryuu!" she yelled in surprise. I knew the serum was strong but I didn't think it would make him faint!
"damn it the reaper is down we need to revert to plan B, get the girl" a surprise attack was launched against Janine she is tied up "leave the boy" he said playing the noise one more time then leaving with Janine tied up.
Janine woke up strapped to the same table she had found Ryuu on. She looked around and spotted the Magician hacker with a shot of a blue fluid "Hell no." Janine said as her eyes widened at the sight of the shot. The man laughed "I thought I would do this personally, girly." He walked towards her with the shot in hand and a sinister smile. Janine struggled against the straps but found she couldn't do anything. He pressed the needle to her skin and smiled "Goodnight~" He said. He injected her with the blue fluid and she screamed before blacking out Ryuu........was her last thought.
his eyes shoot open he was laying on the road he stood up an looked at his hands then at his much longer hair "what happened" he thought then heard someone scream "j-Janine" he ran towards the direction to see Janine blacked out and the Magician hacker laughing Ryuu quickly charged at him and shoved the colt into his mouth "what did you do to Janine" he yelled and the magician raised a recorder and played the loud noise and disappeared Ryuu ran to Janine and rips the straps off her "Janine come on, Janine please be alright" he yelled holding her.
Janine opened her eyes "W-who are you?" she asked in a confused voice. Ryuu stepped back to see that Her eyes where dark and her skin pail. She tilted her head to one side "I am Silver Knight."
Janine looked at his eyes "Ryuu?" she said thoughtfully. "No I have no memory of anyone by that name. Could you explain who you are to this Janine you speak of."
i love Janine she and i promised each other that we would get out of this together that we trusted each other 100 % after that it's all a big blur but you're Janine please you have to remember who you are you tried to save me from this I've gotten back some of my memories" he said standing in front of her scared that he was going to lose the one he loved.

"You seriously don't remember me or anything"he asked her while walking towards her.

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