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Fantasy Hackerz!

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"and you'll always have me" he said putting his hand behind her head "why don't we just get rid of the USBs"
he takes out his colt and takes one from her hand putting it on the roof and putting his colt against it "do the same with your pistol" he told her
Janine pulled the trigger at the same time as Ryuu and the USB's shattered. Janine sighed "Now what?" She asked.
"i don't know what do you think we should do remember i'm with you 100 % percents" he said tightening his grip on her hand
Janine sighed and looked up at the sky. Suddenly her face turned to one of confusion "What the heck is that?" She said pointing to the starry sky. It looked like someone was flying, but that's impossible right?
Janine took one last look then sighed "You're probably right." She said sitting next to him. She smiled at his peaceful face when suddenly she heard a voice. "sorry to break this up but you never returned to me Janine~" He said in a smooth voice. Janine frowned and summoned her pistol as she stood up "Theirs a reason why." She said. The boy laughed "But My dear.......What possible reason could you have for leaving me~?" He asked. She hesitated.........
Ryuu opened his eyes leans up "why does it matter why she left it's obvious she doesn't want to go back" Ryuu said holding her hand and summoning his scythe "so leave us" he yelled
The orange haired boy laughed "Oh you really are funny!" He turned to Janine "Who's you're friend? I think I like him." He said with his hands in his pockets. Janine froze at the kids voice "Joseph, I'm not going back with you so just Accept it!" She yelled at the end before pointing her pistol at his face. He frowned and sighed " I really hoped it wouldn't come to this but have it you're way." He summoned a tiger that stood in front of him like a shield "You won't be able to get past him~" Joseph said as he smiled at Ryuu and Janine.
"a tiger..... i'm pretty sure a few bullets to it's brain will kill it" Ryuu said aiming his pistol at the tiger's head and shooting a entire clip into it's head.
"That won't work......" Janine said. She was right the tiger barely flinched "Joseph's a rare kind of Hacker......Half magic half Tamer...so none of his animals are real merely figments of imagination. He creates illusions so aim for him not the tiger." Janine whispered to Ryuu.
"alright i think it's a good time to show you something" Ryuu said loading his clip with red aura bullet when he shot at Joseph bullets made of fire shoot out of his pistol "my boss gave me these just in case something happened" Ryuu said shooting the entire clip at Joseph. "you're not so tough now are ya" Ryuu yelled
Joseph fell to the ground.........but he was laughing "I'm not the one you should be worried about right now...." He said. Ryuu looked around and noticed Janine was gone. "Damit not again!" He yelled.
Ryuu walks up to him and puts his gun to Joseph's head "where is Janine" he said and his eyes began to get darker.
Joseph laughed "Our boss got her.........just incase you're wondering she wasn't my girlfriend or my partner......She's my sister." He said with a smirk
"tell me where your boss is before i shove my gun down your throat and empty a entire clip of flame bullets" Ryuu yelled his voice began to lower and he became more violent.
"GGGGGGGRRRRRRRR" he let's his pistol disappear he full on with all his power punched Joseph's face giving him a black eye and knocking him back "you lucky bastard i'll just beat it out of you unless you want to tell me" Ryuu said cracking his knuckles.
Joseph laughed again and slowly stood up. He looked Ryuu straight in the eyes and smirked "I can tell you but You'll never make it. He's at the top of Kentu Mountain were our families estate is. Janine's probably joined him by now"
"listen to me you are going to teleport me there right now before i drag you by your neck al the way there" Ryuu said chocking him. Ryuu was a beast right now is hands had claws he teeth had sharpen so much his skin turned pail as snow there was no going back
"Fine with me" he tightens his grip on his neck and began to run dragging Joseph by his neck jumping building to building smashing his head when ever he jumped until he reached the foot of the mountain "want to teleport me now" he yelled at his extremely bruised face.

"hey Joseph you still conscious" Ryuu asked shaking him

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