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Fantasy Hackerz!

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Janine leaned down so she was eye to eye with him "SO you're lost and your first instincts is to go to the roof of a tall building?" She asked in disbelief. Joseph smacked the back of her head "You're so rude Janine." He said with a slight laugh. He looked at the kid "So you're lost but where do you need to go?" He asked. Janine glared at him "It's true though.....if this kid's serious he has some weird instincts." She mumbled.
"I don't know, my Mother always said to Scout out something first to find something..." Noyeh responds, looking back down. "I don't know what my House Address is.." Noyeh says, mustering more Tears. They really know how to reject someone.. Noyeh musters more tears, acting Innocent still. Why does everyone in this town so rude.. Maybe I should've just bumped into them and pick pocket her Stuff...
"Magician hacker here. I can read your thoughts~" Joseph said with a smirk "I told you, I was right...." Janine said as she looked at Joseph. "So, your not really lost are you......glitch." Janine said.
Noyeh stops mustering Tears. He looks up, with a Smirk on his Face. He sighs, another Graphical Blue Light streaming down his Arm. "I hate those god dangit!" Noyeh complains, his Arm having another Graphical Light stream down. His arm down from his Elbow turns into a Knife. His other Arm does the same thing, he gets in a Stance. "I would love just to take that USB Drives you have but.. Violence be used?" Noyeh says.
Janine thought about it "What USB?.......wait.....Joseph!" She yelled "I was going to tell you!" He yelled back "You took the eternal files!" She yelled "All the information our family has ever gathered is on that USB and you took it from the Estate!" "Ok ok I was going to sell it on the black-market but It's not like we have any use for it and it would bring in allot of cash." He said trying to convince her. Janine glanced at the kid then back at Joseph "Look I don't have time to argue with you right now but when this is over you are so dead!" She yelled as she summoned her sword and put it out towards the kid.
"Is this gonna be a Knife vs Sword match?" Noyeh asks, running at a Good Speed than jumping over her and does a spin to look in her direction. He jabs his Knife Arm into her, hoping it would've done something. Noyeh has a Smirk on his face while attacking behind her.
Janine laughed and her eyes turned red "Cute." she said as she turned to face him. Her sword turned double-bladed and she swung it in a circle slightly catching his shoulder. Josephs eyes did the same and he smiled as he conjured a tiger and wolf out in front of him. He pointed at Noyeh and laughed "Go get him boys." He said to the animals.
Noyeh jumps up, his wound spitting out blood. "That's just mean.." Noyeh says, his Leg facing the Tiger and Wolf. His Left Leg turns into some kind of Cannon, shooting a Massive Laser at the Both of them. "I don't like Pets get that?" Noyeh yells, shooting a Massive Laser at Joesph.
Joseph smiled and disappeared before the laser got him. He laughed "You'll never even touch me~" He said with a sadist grin on his face. Janine smiled "We aren't mean just slightly insane." She said as she laughed and swung the sword in a patern no one could understand. Noyeh laughed thinking that she hadn't gotten him. She simply smiled as blood began to drip down a large cut on his back.
Noyeh lands, feeling pain in his Back. "Mean is Insane!" Noyeh yells. He has his Knife Arms get longer, him having a Larger Reach. "I swear these days.. People are just Crazy!" Noyeh yells. His legs turn into Artificial Legs, he runs at an incredible speed, passing by Janine. A cut manifested on her Arm. "Do I have to do that over 20 times?" Noyeh asks with a Smirk on his face. Noyeh looks behind her, seeing something explosive.He shifts his Arm over into the Cannon and shoots a Laser over at her, expecting her to Dodge but get blown to bits by the Explosion.
Joseph appeared next to her and teleported her to another buildings roof. "What the heck Joseph I could have totally taken that kid on!" She yelled smacking him. Joseph rubbed his cheek "What a thank you......." He said "You would have been killed and I wasn't about to let that happen!" He yelled "Oh Ya well on another note this is all your fault anyways!" She yelled with crossed arms.
The Beam hits the Explosive, a huge explosion blew out the Roof. Noyeh jumps off the correct time, running into Alleyways and into Storage Rooms. (I won't be posting often so please wait until I answer something..)
The siblings heard the explosion and covered their heads. Joseph looked at her with a pointed look "Told you." He said. Janine looked at him and frowned "Fine you where right..." She mumbled. Joseph looked back over to the building and saw Ryuu standing there His eyes widen "Ryuu watch out!" He yelled before another explosion shook the city.
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