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Fantasy Hackerz!

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Joseph woke up with the shaking and a major headache. "Ya-ya hold you're horses! Fine I'll teleport us jeez......" he said. He snapped his fingers and they where suddenly at a large gate. "Open the gate and we can get into the estate." he said.


Janine woke up to find herself in a white silk dress "What?" she questioned herself when she saw what she was whereing. She looked around her and saw that she was in her old bedroom. "What am I doing here?" She stood up and walked around the room. "Oh you're finally up Dear!" Said a mans voice behind her. She turned "Father!" She said when she saw the man "Yes! It's me are you surprised?" He said. Janine hesitated Oh boy She thought.
Joseph sighed "She's not being held jeez! We're still her family, she's probably just in her room..................getting ready for the wedding." Joseph said the last part with a smirk.
"if i could i would seriously throw you down the mountain you bastard" Ryuu yelled the last part throwing him towards the gate "i got to stop it" he said running into the building "Janine" he yelled running room to room.

he runs up the stairs checking doors until he comes up to a locked door and hears Janine voice and someone else "Janine" he said slamming the door a few times.
Janine sighed at her fathers words. "Dad, I told you I don't want to marry Ren! I already have someone that I want to marry! His Names Ryuu and he's on his way to get me right now!!" Janine yelled.
Ryuu heard footsteps running on the first floor the footsteps begun to get louder Ryuu standing in front of the door gets into his battle stance with his scythe and once guards began to run up the stairs holding guns from pistols to assault rifles Ryuu charged at them dodging their bullets, "GGGGGGGAAAAAAAHHHHHH" he yelled as he attacked the gaurds.
"I really don't think you understand my predicament." Janines father said "Just because you want to be safe dose not mean I have to marry Him." Janine said as she sat on the edge of her bed and crossed her arms. Her father sighed "I don't know why you wouldn't want to marry Ren, You loved him when you where younger!" He said "That was before he changed." Janine said with a harsh tone as memories of the raven haired boy pushing her around and hitting her crossed her mind. Her father put on a stern look "It doesn't matter what you want Janine, I'm sure you know that, You're duty is to marry Ren so we can unite the two most powerful family's in the hackerz world!" Janine stood up and yelled "You can force me to walk down that isle in a wedding dress but you can't make me said 'I do'!" Her father sighed and snapped his fingers "I didn't want it to come to this but you gave me no choice. A moniter on the wall turned on and it showed Ryuu chained to a chair in a dark room. "What is you're relationship with the masters daughter like?" a rough voice asked "That girl? Nothing, we met and for reasons you don't need to know we made a partnership." She heard Ryuu say "Have you ever mentioned anything about love to her?" the rough voice asked "Ya maybe once or twice, but I never meant it I just needed to get my hands on some information." "That's not him!" Janine yelled. Her father shushed her and told her to listen further. "But you got rid of that information correct?" The mas asked "Ya after that I was just along for the ride." She saw Ryuu smirk "She's fun sometimes~" he said. Janine felt doubt begin to creep into her and when she heard the next sentence she broke "I might have loved her but she's to weak, she could never defend herself even if I tried anything. I can't bring myself to do anything to a girl who can't defend herself." Tears slipped down Janines cheeks. She turned to her father. "I'll do it, i'll marry Ren." He smiled and motioned for a line of people to come into the room and prepare her for the wedding.
Ryuu was locked up and put in front of a TV that showed where the wedding was going to be held "I need to save her" Ryuu said "she's not in love with you anymore" voices kept repeating around "i need to protect her" Ryuu stated "she's not in love with you" the said again louder "i need Janine" Ryuu said dropping his head repeating what he said "she's not in love with you" they shouted over and over again "You're lying" he yelled making his voice echo in the room.
Janine had cried all she could and before she knew it she was standing in front of a mirror in a white wedding dress. "You look lovely!" the dress maker said "Yes! Ren will absolutely fall in Love with you!" Her makeup Artist said "Thank you for your kindness." Janine said simply. She looked in the Mirror and admired herself


She sighed and the dress maker came over to her "Darling I know how nervous you are but It'll all work itself out." Janine looked at her "Thank you." She said right before Joseph entered the room "Wedding time~" He sang. Janine glared at him but followed him out of the room anyways.
guards left Ryuu in the cell to attend the wedding Ryuu had begun to lost his sanity for being in his grim reaper form he broke the chains holding him then he ripped the door off the cell the wedding was happening in the courtyard the door was being guarded he saw Janine with her brother walk out into the courtyard and Ryuu hid and waited for a certain part the priest would say.
Janine and her brother walked down the isle together "Why isn't dad doing this?" she whispered to him "He wanted to watch." Joseph whispered back. Janine nodded slightly in reply and looked at the Alter where Ren stood with a smirk and his forest green eyes had a mysterious gleam in them. She forced a smile on her face and stood in front of Ren. The priest began to speak "We are gathered here today to watch as theis two individuals express their Love for each other in Holey matrimony. If anyone here have any reasons why these two should not be joined in holey matrimony, let him speak now or forever hold his peace." Ren looked in Janines eyes and whispered to her "You look beautiful~"
Guards from the door were thrown in front of the two "I object to this marriage" Ryuu stood at the door half savage from staying as the reaper for longer than regular. He began to walk towards the two " the girl you are forcing to marry this man is the girl I had fell for since I first met her" Ryuu said
Janine looked at Ryuu and nearly ran to him "Ryuu!" She yelled. Ren looked at Ryuu and frowned, he created fire on the floor around him and Janine "Get past this Beast!" Ren yelled. Janine took her bouquet of flowers and smacked Ren over the head with them "How dare you call him that!" She yelled. Ren didn't even flinch but he caught her wrists and bound them with lace so she couldn't move "Have fun catching up~" He said as he snapped his fingers and Transported them somewhere. Janine struggled against Rens strong grip on her throat "You'll pay for ruining my wedding day." He growled as he pushed her against the wall of his own families estate, where he had transported them. Janine could barely breath and silently prayed for him to stop.
"When you hurt my sister you become my enemy" Joseph said as him and Ryuu appeared behind the two "go get him Ryuu" Joseph yelled as Ryuu summoned his scythe using the pole to knock Ren away from Janine "you alright Janine" Ryuu said standing between her and Ren.
Janine fell to the floor gasping for air"Ya I'm fine." She said as she put a hand on her throat. She looked up to see Ryuu and Ren fighting "Come on Janine!" Joseph said as he helped her up "Thank you." She coughed "Wow he really got you...." Joseph said as he surveyed his sisters ripped dress and red neck. Janine merely nodded on the verge of tears. Joseph summoned His real Black Horse and helped Janine onto it. He got on himself and rode of. Janine looked back at Ryuu "But what about-" "He can handle himself." Joseph said cutting her off.
"You know how a reaper is a god of death well I will personally bring you to the gates of hell at the end" Ryuu yelled as he turned more into a beast. Ryuu charged at Ren with his scythe and just hits his shoulder "you weak beast die" he attacks ryuu with fire burning him ryuu runs at him and began to choke him " I'll kill you for hurting my love" Ryuu yelled
"It's over I have to return to Janine" Ryuu stated "I wonder how she'll take it" he said using the portal her brother left to get back.
Noyeh sits in his House, playing with USP Drives and what not. "I should stop by the Black Market.. Maybe they got a Job for me.." Noyeh says, walking out of his House and onto the Sidewalk. Soo.. Noyeh feels his Pocket, feeling his 2 USB Drives. "I better hurry to the Black Market.." Noyeh runs on the Sidewalk, walking into an Alleyway, than opening a Door on one of the Walls.
Joseph laid Janine on the roof of a building "You ok?" He asked as the horse disappeared leaving only him and Janine. Janines eyes fluttered open "I'm fine, but where's Ryuu?" She asked "I'm not sure but don't worry about him right now ok." Joseph said as he conjured some water and gently poured some into Janines mouth. "Thanks." She said
He walks out of the Door, onto the Sidewalk. "So.. Steal something from someone named Joseph.." Noyeh says, opening his Phone and watching the Closest Security Footage, Watch_Dogs style. He checks the last piece of footage. Noyeh used a Face Recognizer to examine the person. "That's Joseph.." Noyeh commends, using Google Maps to locate the Area they're at. "I better get to it.." Noyeh runs to they're direction, taking deep breathes.
a portal opens in front of Janine and Joseph and Ryuu walks out covered in burns "I've might have taken it a bit overboard" Ryuu chuckles and stands in front of the two "you two alright" he asks
Noyeh gets an exact sight of them, he walks into the Buidling and walks up to the Roof. He waits on the Stair Case, trying to make a innocent cry and sad face. Noyeh walks up to the Top, mustering a Tear. "Hello? I don't know where I am... Can you help me?" Noyeh says, in an Innocent and Feminine voice. He musters another Tear, looking down acting sad.
"We are fine Ryuu." Janine stood up and had to stop herself from laughing when Joseph gave her a glare "Who are you kid?" Joseph said in an intimidating voice as he waved a gun around.
Noyeh looks up, tears coming down from his Eyes. "My name is Noyeh.." Noyeh says, mustering more tears. "Can you help me.. I'm lost and don't know where I am.." Noyeh says, forcing tears to come out from his Eyes. "I just don't know where I am.." Noyeh says, a Blue Graphical Light coming down from his Arm fast. "Please help me.." Noyeh asks, his Voice still Feminine and Innocent.

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