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Fantasy Hackerz!

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She looked in his eyes. Suddenly she got a flashback of them together. Her hands rushed to her head in pain as memories flooded back "Ryuu...." She said before falling to the ground.
he quickly grabbed her before she landed onto the floor and picked her up "let's go home Janine" he walked out of the lab and to the hotel he sneaked in before kai saw them then to their room and laid her down on her bed.
Janine slowly opened her eyes to see Ryuu looking down at her. She smiled at seeing him "W-what happened to me? She asked.
"Janine you were injected with the serum that did this to me" he said and hugged her tightly "i'm so glad to see you're alright" he said kissing her
Janine smiled into the kiss. "So this is what Love feels like...." As a hacker Janine had never really trusted anyone before. This was the first time she had ever partnered with anyone either. She knew it was dangerous from the start but she still regrets nothing.
Janine took the USBs and laughed. "Yours to" She looked as the USBs "Actually I'm not sure I even need this anymore I mean I've completely lost track of my client and I have to wonder what he wanted theis for......Actually I never asked you this but what did you want theis for anyways?" Janine questioned as she stood up.
"My boss wanted to make the same serum so i rather not have any more over power hackers destroying everything" Ryuu told her
"Oh......" Janine thought for a moment "So what do we do with it......wait......You knew what was on this the whole time!" She yelled at the end.
"N-not really they just said that I would become stronger when they got it" he said trying to calm her down
Dax walked on the sidewalk, carrying his pouch of USBs as usual. "All this data...so much useful info." He said smirking. "Now then...aside from being a loner in this, I wonder if I can find some other hackers anywhere. It would be nice to have some friends in this...not like they'd get away if they tried to cross me." He said to himself as he kept walking. "Maybe I should go back to the club...nope. come this far. Can't back out now." He said as he looked around for fellow hackers or followers.
Janine sighed when he didn't respond "Maybe we should go take a walk and think about it." She said as she walked towards the door.
"yeah sounds like a good idea" he said "so what are we going to tell Kai" he stated as he looked at the broken door the ripped curtain the open fridge and a kid passed out on the couch.
Janine looked around as well. "Wow.......I didn't realize this place was so wrecked.......I vote we just sneak out and let him find it."
"Sounds good to me." Janine said. She started laughing "Both that kid and Kai's going to have a surprise when they see each other."
"last one down is a rotten egg" Ryuu said jumping off the balcony using his sickles to slide down at a fast speed
Janine laughed and jumped withought using her weapon. She landed on the ground a second before Ryuu and began running immediately "Try and catch me!" She yelled over her shoulder.
"did you forgot that i am faster" Ryuu yelled catching up to her "i'm going to get you" he said closing in
"Faster?!" Janine yelled "I said catch me not keep up with me!" she laughed as she made a sharp turn into an alley way. She spotted a ladder on the wall and climbed up withought hesitation. She kicked the ladder down and sat on the edge of the building, waiting to see Ryuu turn into the alley.
"oh no i can't reach you now" he said sarasticly and used his sickles to climb up the wall "Here's Ryuu" he yelled and jumped at her.
Janine laughed and quickly moved out of the way. "You'll have to do better than that!" She said with a wink before she ran to the other end of the building and jumped to the next.
he chases her across the buildings and he reaches for her shoulder "i almost.... got you" he said reaching
Janine laughed and turned around so he ran into her. They fell to the roof and she laughed before kissing him. "You'll always have me~"

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