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Fantasy Hackerz!

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"Please stop i just need some time partner alright" Ryuu said waiting for Janine to let go but she didn't. "I really did like you Janine" Ryuu said looking at her.
Janine felt like she was breaking and she was on the verge of tears. She released is arm and looked him in the eyes "Have it your way." she said her eyes full of regret. She turned and walked in the opposite direction of Ryuu I knew this would happen eventually. I was a fool to let him get to close........
Ryuu walks away from her i need to forget about her but i can't.... Ryuu wanted to turn around and embrace janine but he couldn't he left the building and walked back to the hotel. "What have I done" he asked himself over and over again
Janine ran through the building and found a back door. She ran out and into the forest. She didn't care about anything right now. Tears spilled down her face as she ran and she wiped them away I was such an idiot I should have know this is what would happen! This is what happens when you get too close to your partner, Your enemy uses it against you. Janine stopped running and leaned against a tree. She sat down against the tree and cried. Why!

"It's not my fault that he broke your heart that he left you i believe what you need is some revenge against your ex don't you think" the man stood behind her "and if you eliminate him i'll give you the USB DRIVE" the man said holding the USB drive "what do you say girly"
Janine looked at the man talking to her and stood up. "As much as I'd love to say yes, I'll have to decline." she said as she summoned her pistol "But how about this instead. If I bring him back to you alive you'll give me the USB and you can do whatever you want to him deal?" She said sticking out her hand for a handshake. "But you have to give me the USB now, If I don't bring him back you can kill me and him. I know you're fully capable of finding us at anytime you'd like, You've already proven that." Janine said.
"Fine you hold the this half i give you the other half later alright" the man tosses one of the USB drives to her " now go get him" the man told her
Janine smirked. "No problem."


Janine found the hotel she and Ryuu had stayed and walked in "Hello! Jan!" Kai greeted her. Janine smiled "Hello Kai! Have you seen that guy I was with before pass by?" Kai thought for a moment. "No, sorry." he said "It's alright Kai thanks for you're help." Janine said before walking out of the hotel. She scaled the side of the building and searched for the balcony to their room. Once she had found it she jumped onto it and knocked on the sliding glass door. She saw Ryuu pull back the curtains and she held up the USB.
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He opened the door "you're you're back" he hugs her tightly "I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry for what I did" Ryuu said about to cry tears of joy and hugged her tighter.
"That's great but it's not over yet." Janine stated as she hugged him back.


[QUOTE="Amaya Itami]"That's great but it's not over yet." Janine stated as she hugged him back.

"I may have used you as a bargain chip to get this half of the USB." Janine stated almost afraid of his reaction.
"Alright Janine I screwed up last time I don't want to do it again" he said wrapping his arms around her "so what is it" he asked
Janine sighed and began her explanation. "That guy came up to me after I ran off and wanted me to kill you in exchange for the USB, but I wasn't about to just kill you so I bargained with him and said if he gave me the USB now I would get you to him alive. He gave me half the Information and called it a deal. So somehow I have to make him believe that I brought you to him and he'll give me the other half then we can both hightail it out of their, but it would be a jail break for you. Also if I don't bring you to him I gave him permission to kill us both." Janine smiled at the end "So thoughts?" she asked.
"Once you get the other half just run okay" Ryuu said to her "make your money and forget me okay" he stated wrapping his arm around her waist
Janine rested her head on his chest. "But He'll kill you If I leave you there! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew your death was my fault." She looked up into his eyes "Either we both get out or we both die." she stated and with that she kissed him. She broke the kiss and continued with words. "Besides I think I have an idea that could get us both our of there alive......provided he doesn't double-cross me." Janine rested her hands on his neck. "I don't even care what you say, I'm not leaving you and I'm definitely not forgetting you because you mean more to me than all the money and information in the world.
Sorata violently smashed down the door and ran into the room in which Janine & Ryuu resided, the place was oddly clean, but there were a couple of discrepancies at the front door that he noticed. "Sorry to break, 'Lovey Dovey Time' but there are a whole militias worth of cyber terrorists heading for me and I don't have much time to talk." He yelled throughout the apartment, panting and coughing as if he had been running for ten days straight. Sorata had a couple of scratches and bruises here and there, but in the end he looked like a boy who just finished a 100 mile marathon. With sweat pouring down his neck and dribbling down his chest, Sorata propped the door back up and barricaded it like a zombie apocalypse was occurring, he was obviously taking this seriously. Sorata opened a fridge located in the back of the apartment and scoured it for food. Within minutes he had scoffed down five refrigerated meat 'n' lettuce sandwiches. "Ahhhh... Much better..." Sorata mumbled towards himself.
Ryuu looked at the boy confused "who the hell are you and why did you break our door down .... and why are you taking food from our fridge" Ryuu yelled at the boy who had came into the door and taking food and he didn't even know him.
Janine looked at the boy curiously then looked at Ryuu "Maybe we should just leave him here. He doesn't seem to be paying attention at the moment and I doubt he would notice if we left." She looked back at the boy who seemed as if her where in a trance.
"alright he'll probably will empty the entire fridge let's go" he moves the barricade from the door and watches as it fell to the ground "i'll yell at him later but right now can you give me the info about your plan" he asked her and looked at her.
Janine laughed "About that.........I don't really have one I just said that to keep you calm......" Janine looked down "I was just going to make it up as I go...."
he turned to a wall and slammed his head against it "i'm going to die" he said as he banged his head about twenty more times
"No you won't!" Janine said "All I have to do is bring you there and he gives me the USB. So I'll just let him take you and then go back for you later." Janine put a hand on one of his shoulders to calm him down. "Beside, I doubt he'll kill you right away. He'll probably ask you questions of something before hand......Actually on another note, If he's been working so hard to keep us away from that information, I wonder why he would be so willing to give it up for just you." Janine thought about this for a few seconds then face-palmed. "I'm such and idiot!" She yelled. She held up the USB "I bet this doesn't even have anything on it." She said. "He plans on getting his hands on both of us and keeping the real USB." Janine sighed "I used to be so much better than this.........before I started trusting people I never had this problem." Janine glanced at Ryuu.
"now you're blaming me and did you even check it" Ryuu stated taking the USB back into their room checking it "there is stuff inside come in" Ryuu called out to Janine and she walked into the room "i'll read the end of it 'the test was successful but we are missing something all we need is one' and then there's nothing it looks like a lab document" Ryuu told Janine.
Janine sighed and twirled her blue hair "At least it's something, but what do we do with it." She looked at the ceiling lost in thought. "When I stole the USB I was never told what was on it so I can't be sure if this is real or not." She stated. "I feel like an idiot! Now both of our lives are in danger and I don't know if this is the right one!" She sighed " I'm sorry for dragging you into this Ryuu."
"we're going and once you hand me over go back to the hotel find what the other USB is then come back to get me alright we're going to make it through this okay Janine" he looked into her eyes and cupped her chin in his hand "i promise Janine" he said to her.
Janine searched his eyes for a trace of doubt but found none. "Ok." she said "We have to Hurry before he sends someone after me." Janine tore a piece of the curtain of into a long strip and stuffed it into her pocket. "Kai's going to kill me.." She mumbled before walking over to the door. "I figure it would be weird for you and I to walk down the street together if your hands are tied so If we go to that building then when we enter the forest I can tie your hands and go from there."

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