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Fantasy Hackerz!

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"oh alright tomorrow we'll go shopping for clo-" he mumbled in his sleep not finishing his sentence and not remembering what she had said.
it was around 12:00 when Janine woke up when she woke up she saw Ryuu still asleep in his bed peacefully. "Janine .....i have.... to protect" he mumbled in his sleep
Janine smiled sweetly and walked over to him sitting on the edge of his bed. "Good morning Ryuu." She said softly before kissing his forehead.
he hears Janine's voice say "good morning Ryuu" his eyes slowly began to open then after she kissed him his entire body shot up "wha-why did you do that" he asked nervously his face turned completely red with out him realising.
Janine laughed "You know, just brushing up on my acting skills." She said cheerfully as she got up and began getting dressed.
James sighed and took his position on top of the building, there was a certain data cartridge with his name on it. He saw the man and his two bodyguards walking very close to him, were they expecting him? No, they won't know what hit them until it was too late. He quickly summoned his blade, he would take out the owner first. He flipped into the air and quickly summoned his sword before yelling,"Die!" and falling straight down with his blade going straight into the owner before he took the cartridge off of him before his bodyguards turned their attention to James. He quickly hid behind a crate and summoned his two pistols. He sidestepped and quickly shot both guards before running off with the cartridge in hand. He quickly ran into a building and took out his laptop and the cartridge. He quickly inserted the cartridge and said,"Now let's see what you have for me today..."
Janine finished getting dressed and walked back over to Ryuu. "Come on Get up! We have to go search for the Magician Hacker!"

She said
he sighed "fine, stay out here" he gets dressed in his regular clothing in the bathroom after he finishes he walks to the window and takes a quick look outside to see a dead man lying face down on the ground and someone running away "well we know that there is a hacker in the area or just a killer, let's just go before some more horrible stuff happen".
"Oh wow, I wonder if it is a hacker or not....." Janine smiled at him "so are we shopping or searching?" she asked as she walked to the door of their room.
James sat down with the cartridge and chuckled at some of the secrets he found. He smiled, he just found his next target. He took out his cellphone and quickly marked the target on his phone and said,"Found you..." He stretched out for a moment and dropped down from his building before starting to run again. He'd get something to eat first and then go after his target.
Janine turned to see Ryuu staring at her. She smiled "Ryuu? Come on. You're spacing out allot lately. Are you ok?"
"oh sorry... your choice sweetie" he stated and opened the door for her.

"and yes i'm fine Janine" he stated as she walked out and he shut the door behind them.
"Whatever you say! I think we should go shopping first. It would be easier to search if we didn't need to worry about them recognizing us" She said with a smile. She walked through the doors of the hotel and into the bright sunlight. "Damn! it's bright out here!" She said covering her eyes.
"you'll get use to it come on" he said holding her hand while walking to a store. "so this is like a date" he said keeping an eye out for the person

"Hey you there, Earth to Janine" ryuu said snapping his fingers in front of her face. "You said I was the one spacing out.
James stopped running and simply began to walk with his hands in his pockets. He saw Ryuu and Janine, but ignored them and walked into a clothing store. He went to the winter wear section and started looking at different scarves that he could possibly purchase.
Bellatrix followed her target into a store. I don't see why I have to be the one to do this. Why couldn't he send Erin? She sighed and made sure not to look like she was following her target who was currently interested in scarves.

Bellatrix longed for her headphones. She wanted to listen to music. She moved some of her blond hair away from her face as she pretended to be interested in a particular winter coat while keeping an eye on her target. I just need him alone... Then I can kill him and go home. She thought.
James took a green scarf with white stripes in certain areas. He smiled and quickly went to buy it at once. He noticed at the corner of his eye that there was someone keeping an eye on him, oh well...if he needed to he could take that person out in a flash. He sighed and tucked his hands into his pockets once he bought and put on the scarf. He walked out of the store and headed out to a nearby restaurant. The woman behind the counter said,"Just one?" James replied with,"Yup, just me..." The woman replied with,"Right this way sir..." She showed him a empty table where he could sit. He sat down and looked at the menu at the table. James simply said,"I'll have a glass of milk and some breakfast please." The woman simply nodded and took the menu before heading back to the kitchen. A few moments later, she came back with a glass of milk and said,"Your food is almost ready sir, I hope you don't mind waiting a minute." James replied with,"Not at all..." and took out his phone to look at the clock. He looked around to see that the place was practically empty, hardly anyone was there.

@Naya Hushblade
Bellatrix followed James to a restaurant. Before she went in, she changed clothes and put her hair in a ponytail. She went in and got a table far away from James and ordered a small breakfast. Why must it always be me? Of course he has to send the glitch to kill people. Can't send assassins like normal bad guys... She sighed.
James sighed, finally his breakfast was in front of him and he began to eat. He quickly ate and left the appropriate amount of money on the table and left. He went back to his building and opened the door to an apartment complex. He walked inside and went into a elevator, pushed the button for the 4th floor and was on his way. Once he made it to the fourth floor he went to room number 59 and put his key inside of the keyhole and walked into his apartment.
Bellatrix watched James enter the apartment complex. I could just travel through the electricity and kill him in his own apartment... Bellatrix went inside and pulled out her phone in a place no one could see her. She traveled through her phone into the wiring of the building and came out inside Jame's apartment.

Now, this should be fairly easy. Bellatrix thought. Can't say I hope this is a piece of cake, though...
Janine Snapped out of her trance at Ryuu's voice. Janine laughed "Sorry, I guess I'm just in a trance from the beauty of this place. It's amazing!" She said as she looked around at the beautiful city. "So, What did you say before you brought me back to reality?" Janine asked.
"nothing, nothing i was just teasing you" he said avoiding eye contact they both walk in to the store "just pick anything you want it's on me love" he told her as he began to pick something out for himself.
Janine smiled and went over to the woman's section. While she was looking she overheard someone talking on the phone. She froze where she was and listened to the voice. "No, no It's fine they'll never know!" A man said in a hurried whisper "Yes I'll make sure to bring them back.........You have my word on it sir They will never find you!........Yes, yes of course I know who I'm looking for I'm not an idiot!.......Ya, sorry boss.......No I really do!......Ya I'm looking for two people who's names are Janine and Ryuu right?..........No I wasn't given their last names." at that the man froze and said "I'll have to call you back...." Janine took this as her opportunity to go back and tell Ryuu what she had heard. She quickly grabbed a pair of Dark jeans, A white V-neck shirt and a pair of stylish sunglasses. She hurried back to Ryuu and whispered to him "We're being followed."
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"relax if anything we'll lose him in the crowd and if something happens i'll keep you safe" Ryuu said trying to calm her down and bought the clothing "let's move quick" he whispered in her ear pulling her out of the store into the crowd "we need to change somewhere" Ryuu stated keeping a eye out for someone following them.

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