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Fantasy Hackerz!

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he lets go off her " yet you tried to kill me over flicking your forehead" he grabs her sword and holds it towards her "this is coming from someone that has killed many, there is no reason to always kill right now you're just a kid" he said and flicks her forehead again

"because there will be someone that wants revenge" Ryuu stated summoning his scythe and holding it to her neck "and there will be a day you can't run away or break out or win a fight okay Janine" he stated while pulling the scythe away from her neck.
She froze after the scythe was pulled away from her neck. "Well then why are fighting Ryuu? We both need that USB. I think we should work together to find it. Deal?" she said sticking her hand out for a handshake.

Once we have the USB we can decide who gets it ok.
"fine Janine deal" he shakes her hand and let's his scythe disappear "one problem we both don't have the slightest idea where whoever that was went" he said
"We're hackers aren't we? It shouldn't be to hard to find him and besides it might be fun to go on an adventure with you." She said with a smirk.


[QUOTE="Amaya Itami]"We're hackers aren't we? It shouldn't be to hard to find him and besides it might be fun to go on an adventure with you." She said with a smirk.

"But if you prefer to be alone......" She turned and faced the window. The moon light illuminated her blue hair "Then I'll just leave."
he grabbed her hand "you're not getting away that easy" he stated smiling "so any ideas that might draw him out" Ryuu asked her.
She smiled and turned to face him again. "Well he seems to be a magician Hacker. So he probably left a faint if not completely gone trail of hacker magic. The USB was in my pocket and theirs no way he could have gotten it withought using magic because he never went near me. I say we try and find the trail." she said with a smug look.
"alright doesn't seem so hard i believe that building that you stole from has a tracker to find the files maybe if we go to the building we can see where they were sent last" Ryuu stated and he climbed out of the window and on top of the building waiting for Janine.
Janine Jumped to the top of the building and landed next to Ryuu "ok Ry, Lets go! Oh and by the way I'm calling you Ry now k?" She said with a smirk before running in the direction of the building. I wonder why I feel this way? she thought. She dismissed the feeling and looked behind her.
he taps her left shoulder "i'm right here you know" he said running beside her and smiling as he looked at her for a few seconds then looked back in front of him.
"Wow, you're fast!" she said with a laugh. "Now let's hope we didn't pass that building." she said as she slowed to a stop. "If I'm right, and I always am, the building we need is under us right now." Janine went to the edge of the building and peered over it to see the front.
"we just need a computer that was connected to the files you've stolen bypass the tracker's password which i child's play and find the last location" he said while putting a suppressor on his Colt 1911
Janine looked impressed. "well then don't let me stand in you're way, Romeo." She walked to the other side of the building and jumped down and kicked in one of the back windows. She jumped in through the window and looked back out and up at him "Coming or not!" she yelled before going back in the building and summoning her pistol.
he jumps in following her with his colt ready "wow the security is pretty low for the building just being broken into" Ryuu was a bit suspicious
"True, That means we should be careful." Janine said as she walked forward and found a door not far from them. She opened the door and screamed before being pulled into whatever room that door led into. The door shut behind her and Janine was in a dark room but she could sense someone else besides her. "What do you want." she stated as she summoned her sword and held it out towards the persons presence.
"Janine" he runs towards the door and tries to open it then he began try and break it down with his Scythe it the steel door wouldn't break and tear gas was released into the room and he began to choke on it but he kept trying to break down the door "Janine"
Janine looked around her. her eyes more adjusted to the dark now. "Who are!" she yelled. She heard a sinister laugh and froze gripping the hilt of her sword tighter "Lets say I'm who you're looking for. What would you do." The voice taunted "I'd do whatever I have to do to get what I need and protect my partner." She said with a slightly shaky voice "Partner." The man laughed. Janine could tell he was male by the sound of his voice. Suddenly someone gripped her neck from behind and began choking her. She dropped her sword and began clawing at the mans grip. "Oh that won't help you." the man said "But speaking of partners, Let's see what's happening to yours." The man laughed again and waved his hand at one of the walls. it was full of monitors hooked up to cameras in every room. Janine's eyes widen as her eyes land on the monitor that portrayed the scene happening in the room she had just left. The man released his grip on her throat and she gasped for air as she stumbled towards the wall. "Ryuu!" she yelled as tears began streaming down her face. "What's wrong girly I thought you where stronger than that." the voice said. Janine turned and faced the man "Never underestimate me!" She yelled as she summoned her sword from wherever it lay. "I'll kill you!" she yelled as she ran at him. He disappeared and she new he was a magician hacker then. This is who we have been looking for She thought as she regained her composure.
Neal destroys windows in the room to try and air out the tear gas and continued to try and break the door he could barely see but he kept swinging the scythe trying to break the door and sometimes trying to bash it down as he gasp for air as he wouldn't stop swinging at the door "i- i need to get in there to - help Janine" he choked harder on the tear gas and he was near to losing conscious but he wouldn't stop. in the other room on the stairs camera Janine could see guards running up the stairs wearing gas masks.
"Damn! The guards are coming!" Janine yelled "What's wrong are you scared?" the voice said as it appeared behind her. "No I just don't want to hurt anyone." Janine said as she ran towards the door. She could hear banging on the other side of the door. "Ryuu!" She yelled "Janine!" she heard. She summoned her pistol and shot at the lock. It broke of and the door burst open allowing Janine to get to Ryuu. "You'll escape this time girly but next time you won't be so lucky." Janine Ran to Ryuu and embraced him "We have to go! the guards are coming up the stairs!" Janine yelled over the now blaring alarms.
"let's go then!"they both run to the window and Ryuu pulls her up to the roof as soon as they got to the roof guards started coming as well "run!" Ryuu yelled taking out his Colt and shooting few of the guards that came up as they both ran from the building.

Not far away was a abandon warehouse that they both hid in Ryuu was in a bad state from the tear gas he turns to Janine "you alright Janine".
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"I'm fine but I'm more worried about you!" She said "I barely did anything but fight that guy, You tried to save me." she said with a strange emotion in her eyes. "Are you alright Ryuu?" She asked softly as she held his hand.
"i'm fine i'm just a bit blind from the tear gas heh" he lied and laughed holding her hand "you shouldn't worry about me" he leans towards her and flicks her head.
This time she laughs and hugs him tightly. Then she freezes and quickly pulls away from him while blushing. She quickly turned around and walked a few steps away from him "I-I'm sorry." She apologized. She was fully aware that the only feeling you must have for a partner is the feeling to protect them and nothing else
he turns from her "it's.... it's alright" he was trying to hide his blush he shakes his head and turns around walking towards her and steps in front of her "why are you sorry" he asked her while chuckling.
She looked down and began explaining "A hackerz we were both taught that when in an alliance you should only want to protect you partner, nothing else. And the only reason you protect them is because they could prove useful later." Janine sighed " That's why."
"so if i were to do this" Ryuu stated and hugged her tight "what would you do" he chuckled "i think you already know that i could be useful later the fact that i stood in a room of tear gas trying to save you proves it by a landslide"

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