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Fantasy Hackerz!

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Janine stood there, wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. . "Yes, it dose prove you will be useful and perhaps a bit more than...."
"uh......" Ryuu was speechless his blush burned brighter he smiled he felt a burning feeling in his chest and he didn't know what to do "what....what do you mean by that" he asked her as his blush became worse.
Janine smiled and pulled away from him "suspense is my greatest leverage right now." she said as she walked over to a table that had been in the center of the warehouse. "Stay with me and maybe you'll find out." she said with a wink. "But that's not what's important right now, what's important is catching that Magician Hacker." Janine pulled out a map from her pocket and spread it out on the table. "This is a map of the city, We're here." she said as she pulled a needle out of her sleeve and stuck it on the map where the warehouse was "And the building where we last encountered him is here, so he can't be outside this circle of buildings right here. She said all this while pointing and putting needles on the map in certain places. "Well what do you think?" she said looking over to where he last stood. He wasn't there "Ryuu?" she questioned.
"well, well, well it seems your still sticking your nose into other people's business girly and frankly my client doesn't like that one bit so he knew the only way to put you in your place is to take care of your "partner" for good" the hooded man stated as the lights turned on and Janine could see Ryuu was held by three chains one on each arm and a chain around his neck slacked "so we are going to cut the chains around his arms then watch the chain strangle him this will be one fun show" the hooded man laughed manically as Ryuu chuckled "she's so going to murder you guy" Ryuu stated "we'll see kid" the hooded person said as the chain on Ryuu right arm was cut
Janine summoned her sword and sighed. She slowly walked towards the hooded man with closed eyes. The man stopped cutting the chain on Ryuu's left arm and peered at Her curiously. Janine opened her eyes, but they where different now, they where darker. Suddenly she was no where in sight of the hooded man. He gasped startled and then looked around him but it was to late. "He warned you~" Janine said in a sweet voice before bringing the hilt of her sword crashing down on his skull, temporarily knocking him out. She cut the chain around Ryuu's neck in one blow and then did the same to the chain around his left arm. "My client underestimated me." Janine stated. "That was childs play for sure." She said as her sword disappeared and was replaced by her pistol. "Should I kill him?" she asked.
"don't kill him he's not a hackerz he's just regular probably wanted to become a hacker in the end but that's impossible for someone that's not born as one" Ryuu stated as he tied the hooded person up with the chain "Janine you're not acting like yourself you're eyes are different, are you alright"Ryuu asked while holding her hand
Janine looked down at their laced hands then looked back at him her eyes still dark "I'm fine~ My eyes get dark and I get a bit more dangerous whenever someone threatens the person that I L- Nothing It's nothing really." She said with a smile
"well might as well make it so he has a fun time getting back to his client" his Colt 1911 appeared in his hand with a suppressor attach "want to shoot out his knee caps or want me to" Ryuu asked her
"and a second ago you wanted to murder him" Ryuu stated and shoots his knee caps making him unable to walk "he'll live...maybe let's go" the colt disappears and he grabs Janine's hand walking with her

"right now the best place to hide is by acting like everyone else i'll buy a room with some money i got from an earlier job, plus i believe we need a new change of clothing so we don't get called out what do you think" Ryuu turned his head to Janine
"we'll just say we're a couple vacationing don't you think that is a good cover sweetie" Ryuu stated saying 'sweetie' on purpose
"Well might as well start acting now, Dear." She said with an innocent smile. She suddenly kissed his cheek then kept walking towards the exit of the warehouse. "Come on, We have to find somewhere to stay before night."
"huh oh r-right any hotels in mind" he stated surprised she kissed his cheek but thought she was acting so he didn't think much of it after that.
"well I know of a small inconspicuous hotel around here......The owners my friend. He'll let us stay for cheap, And it's a relatively nice place." Janine said, glancing over her shoulder at him.
Janine playfully rolled her eyes but began walking in the direction of the hotel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Janine stopped in front of a classy looking hotel. "It doesn't look cheap and normally it's not, but he owes me one so it will be this time." She looked at Ryuu "You going to open the door or stand there?" she asked.
Ryuu opens the door for Janine "ladies first" he stated and waited for her to walk in and the owner saw her walking in with Ryuu "long time no see it seems like you got a boyfriend with you this time anyways down to business how can i help you this time old friend" The hotel owner stated holding in a laugh.
"Hello Kai! We need a place to stay for a while." Janine said "Sure thing Jan! After that incident I really owe you so it's on me ok!" Kai said with a laugh. "Thank you Kai!" Janine said with a smile. "No problem." the man said with a jolly smile "Let me just check you in and then I'll give you the key ok?" he said "Great!" Janine said excitedly.
"that seemed easy" Ryuu stated as Kai gave the key to Janine "let's go to our room sweetie" Ryuu said holding her hand the two walk to the door in front of their room.
"alright go get some sleep i have something i need to do" Ryuu sits in front of a computer and takes out a card from his pocket. "good night Jan" Ryuu called out.
"Goodnight Dear!" Janine called back from under the covers of the queen sized bed placed on the wall opposite where Ryuu was.
after sometime Ryuu found a encrypted file called "Birth of a Hacker" he started to break it down until it finally blocked him out and with little of what he got he was suspicious of it but he dismissed it as just a thought he got out of the chair and laid in his bed "i thought you said we could drop the act Janine" he said half asleep.

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