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Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

Cassius takes a second to notice Broderick, "Huh? Yeah." he said, never looking up from the paper. "You?"
Altheaire said:
Sefira had been in the hall for a while and was just leaning against the wall near the door. She had a look of amazement when Alex was giving the speech while also thanking the woman for the mission slip. After seeing the enrolees rushing out the place, she walked towards the guild master. "As expected of Master." she said with a warm smile, complimenting him. Looking at the paper she had just received, "Again, we get such troublesome tasks to do. I can't wait to see what the new enrollers has to offer." making a grin of excitement while she looked at the others that are still in the hall. As always, Sefira would have her chakrams on her and also her gunblade on her back.
Alex looking to her, his eyes hard. Not giving a smile back. "As am I but move." He walks back to the waiting area. He wasn't one for talking at all. Time spent talking was wasted doing something. His hair flowing out behind him. Making his way to the take off point. His aura of black, starting to rise around him, his mood Turing darker.


StoneWolf18 said:
Standing she made her way over to Alex, not bothering to grab a mission slip. "I'm guessing we're taking the enrollers with us?" Dysis asked, distant thick in her tone. She didn't mind them that much, if they just stayed the hell away from her. Now she was going to have to save their asses as well.
Looking to her, "Yes, we have to. This is hard and we need people. If they die they die." He tried not to be hard to her. He was different to her. "I trust you to look at for who you can. If they fuck up. Well that is on them." His voice cold.
"Yeah," he says to Cassius,"looks like we're all working together on this one. I'm Broderick. Who are you?"
Sizniche said:
"Yeah," he says to Cassius,"looks like we're all working together on this one. I'm Broderick. Who are you?"
"Cassius," he says simply. " I have a feeling this is going to be one big mess." he commented, he finally looked up to meet his gaze.
"There's no way it can't be," he says,"They're sending a huge group of rookies to kill a high profile target. If it went off without a hitch, I'd be awfully surprised. We're good enough to make it into the Guild of Souls, though, so we at least have a shot. Anyway, It's nice meeting you, Cassius."

I offer Cassius a handshake.
Sizniche said:
"There's no way it can't be," he says,"They're sending a huge group of rookies to kill a high profile target. If it went off without a hitch, I'd be awfully surprised. We're good enough to make it into the Guild of Souls, though, so we at least have a shot. Anyway, It's nice meeting you, Cassius."
I offer Cassius a handshake.
Mo comes up behind him, "If you really think that, then maybe you should ask to stay behind. I would like to see you tell the guild master that when he gets here." Her eyes locked on the back of his head.
H8becomesyou said:
Alex looking to her, his eyes hard. Not giving a smile back. "As am I but move." He walks back to the waiting area. He wasn't one for talking at all. Time spent talking was wasted doing something. His hair flowing out behind him. Making his way to the take off point. His aura of black, starting to rise around him, his mood Turing darker.

Looking to her, "Yes, we have to. This is hard and we need people. If they die they die." He tried not to be hard to her. He was different to her. "I trust you to look at for who you can. If they fuck up. Well that is on them." His voice cold.
Sighing with a nod she would then ask "Anything that needs to be done at the moment?" She was asking because unlike the enrollers, Dysis had prepared earlier that morning.
StoneWolf18 said:
Sighing with a nod she would then ask "Anything that needs to be done at the moment?" She was asking because unlike the enrollers, Dysis had prepared earlier that morning.
"Not at the moment." In a softer tone to her."Just stick close, I know you can handle your self. But this is a bad one. Even I think most won't come back." He wanted to make sure that she knew. "That is why I am coming along"


Liondal said:
Cassius folds the paper and puts it back in his pocket. He meets Mo's gaze, saying nothing.
"Nothing to say I see. Good." She walks over and sits down, letting her roll around her hand.
Broderick stops talking, and just continues walking. I swear, he thinks, she shows up to hate me at just the right times. He twirls his hatchet as he walks, dropping it a few times. After a while, he puts it back in it's holster.
Following along with everyone else Tristan thought to himself, 'All these people for one target? Probably not the smartest choice, especially since it's a bunch of newbies too. I just want to get this done and over with." Hurrying back to his room he grabbed his tonfa, stuffing them into the sheaths on his legs, and his whip which he placed along his belt. When he left his room he saw others starting to head out, he decided to keep going and follow everyone else.
Cassius chuckled slightly at Mo's reaction and shook his head. He fixed his stare on something past her.

Ash carefully dipped darts into poisons and crushed leaves to make new ones.

Hey guys, I have to leave soon for class but I'll be back after.))
H8becomesyou said:
"Not at the moment." In a softer tone to her."Just stick close, I know you can handle your self. But this is a bad one. Even I think most won't come back." He wanted to make sure that she knew. "That is why I am coming along"

"Nothing to say I see. Good." She walks over and sits down, letting her roll around her hand.
Dysis gave a nod, a warm look in he eye only for a brief moment before the pale blue depths hardened once more. "Ah I thought so" lowering her voice she replied in a soft tone "Just try not to get yourself killed..."
StoneWolf18 said:
Dysis gave a nod, a warm look in he eye only for a brief moment before the pale blue depths hardened once more. "Ah I thought so" lowering her voice she replied in a soft tone "Just try not to get yourself killed..."
He chuckles,his voice a low rumble, " I will do my best.." He enjoyed having her around. She was a good fighter and didn't put up with shit. That is something has liked the most.
H8becomesyou said:
He chuckles,his voice a low rumble, " I will do my best.." He enjoyed having her around. She was a good fighter and didn't put up with shit. That is something has liked the most.
Turning she called over her shoulder "I'll be back in a bit." Dysis wanted to change into a new...armor you could say that she "found" earlier in the week.
ShadowedNexus said:
Following along with everyone else Tristan thought to himself, 'All these people for one target? Probably not the smartest choice, especially since it's a bunch of newbies too. I just want to get this done and over with." Hurrying back to his room he grabbed his tonfa, stuffing them into the sheaths on his legs, and his whip which he placed along his belt. When he left his room he saw others starting to head out, he decided to keep going and follow everyone else.
Ash glanced up at Tristan as he passed, he seemed like a potentially good friend. He's going to die if I don't.
StoneWolf18 said:
Turning she called over her shoulder "I'll be back in a bit." Dysis wanted to change into a new...armor you could say that she "found" earlier in the week.
Nodding he heads into the waiting area. Looking around at the ones around. He sighed and went to lean on the wall. His dark aura swirling around him. The enrollers where going to be put through hell. Learn the fast hard way. Always one of the best ways to learn.
Alexia, or Lexi, had been in hall, listening to the guild master the entire time. She was new, and thank goodness that she didn't make any impressions, yet. The guild master was intimidating, and going on a mission not long after she joined makes her nervous a little bit, but she swallowed that feeling and put on some new clothes. She folded the paper and put it in her pocket. She grabbed her weapons then exited her room and walked to the waiting area to see that he was already there. She had the urge of going back to her room then come out later when there's more people, but she knew that she'll have to face him sooner or later. Lexi sighed and continued walking then stopped before she reached him and wait for the others.
Robinson knew that he was late for the meeting. He wasn't known for being early for these meetings. He personally hated these meetings, he just wants to go out and do what he thinks he was born to do,and that's to kill people.He cracked his neck, which made a few pops on each side. Now with that out of the way he slowly made his way inside. He was a very silent individual, even in his movements. The only thing that made a sound were the doors opening and closing. He slowly walked forward further into the meeting hall and meeting up with everybody else.
Dysis enters the waiting area, the armor she changed into was a tad tight but she just needed to work the leather, and the runes on her upper right arm were shown. That, she didn't like. Sharpening Sang, one of her daggers Dysis saw what looked to be an Enroller. Amusement gleamed in her eyes as she noted her unease.

on the right:


The hood is black:


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Ash removed the black scarf covering her face but kept the rest of her head covered in the hood. She got up from the floor and sat at a table, she searched her pockets for matches or a lighter but found none. She worked on a very delicate paralysis poison that could be turned to work lethally if ingested; all she needed to do was to heat it up and let it simmer. She looked around for anybody who looked friendly.
Lexi saw a woman, who seems to be younger than her, entered the room. There were a few others, but the dagger that she was sharpening had caught her attention. She thought for a moment, well, she doesn't look...intimidating. Lexi noticed that the woman was looking at her so she nodded her head then smiled, acknowledging her.

Sefira sat in the corner of the waiting room after following along Alex there. She was examining her weapons to make sure they are in top shape as she observed people coming into the room one by one. For even the master to get involved, it must be a very dangerous request she thought so she reminds herself to be more cautious when the operation starts. She hoped it will end as any request the guild has done but much less deaths.
When she smiled Dysis sheathed Sang. "And Enroller I'm guessing?" Scanning her quickly she sighed "Don't answer that. I can already tell." Gesturing to Alex, Dysis continued "First the way you act around him. Your nervous, scared, intimidated. Second, the look in your eyes. The way your holding yourself before this mission" Shaking her head, Dysis went on "you've never actually been in a fight were the victims are trying to fight back."

Alexia shook her head, "no, I only killed two people, and both of them didn't fight back." She knew that this mission will be hard, but she was confident. At first when she heard about she was a little bit unsure whether she was going to survive this, but she'll just have to try her hardest. She came here for a reason, and she won't give that up. Alexia observed the woman carefully, knowing that she's in a higher rank than just a member of the guild. She put her bow behind her back and smiled, "I'm Lexi."

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