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Fantasy Guild of Souls (modern fantasy)

Alex, had gotten a request from one of the main mob bosses. Seeking the guild for help once again. But this one wouldn't be easy for them at all. But this is what they did. They would do this, and fast. But Alex had a meeting that he needed to get to. For all the guild members. He was already I'm a foul mood, as he the was most of the time. Getting up from his big ok desk. He slipped on a long leather coat, that reached all the way down to his ankles. Not having sleeves on it. Slipping his swords and guns onto him self. He was ready to get this on the way.

Walking out of his office, his face cold. As he made his way to the meeting hall. His long legs making his steps wide. As people passed him, he would glance at them. They needed to get to the meeting. In a deep rumbling voice, "Get to the meeting." His tone very cold. They run even faster away from him. He had to laugh to him. People did fear him easy.

Getting to the big meeting hall. It was round in shape, and made of sliver and deep black stone. He walked to the stage. All the chairs were in place for the meeting. He made his way to the single set that was on the stage. His big frame over flowing in the chair. As sighed in annones, as he waited for the guild to come in.
Ash was one of the first to enter, being eager to go begin the day. She sat in front, on the floor of course, to get every detail of the meeting. She greeted others with a bright smile although most replied with groggy grunts or ignored her completely. She watched her fellow Guild members fill the room and took mental notes on a few people.

Cassius walked in by himself, he was still working on some kind of advanced pipe bomb from the night before. His stomach growled slightly and ignored the greetings of other Guild members. He sat on the end of an isle somewhere in the middle, he took the screwdriver from between his teeth and worked silently.
Tristan, hearing about the meeting, hurried over to the Guild Hall so as not to be late (Lord knows what happened to those who were, he'd rather not find out.) He noticed one particularly excited girl sitting on the floor in the front, "She looks like another enroller" Tristan thought to himself. Tristan didn't know anyone else really so he walked up and sat next to her. "Hi, the names Tristan." He said casually as he held out his hand.

Mo, made her way into the hall. Sitting in the chairs that littered the meeting hall. As she sat down he pulled one of her kinfes from her thighs as, her fingers working the knife gracefully. Her mask in place as she looked around the room, the chatter was going around the room. Looking up the front. The Guild Master always there before everyone else. She didn't say much, as she hoped it would start soon.
Ash smiled pleasantly upon Tristan's greeting. "Hi, I'm Ash." She shook his hand gently. "You can take this seat if you want." she offered her own seat, knowing that she wasn't going to use it anyway.

Cassius grunted as someone stepped over him to get to a seat. He was usually patient, but he was sleep deprived, hungry and real done with everyone's shit.
Dysis silently entered the meeting hall. Her gaze wandering from face to face, the giddy one most likely an enroller. With an eye roll, she made her way up to the front of the dimly lit room. The dark clothing she was wearing made her almost impossible to catch, yet the subtle gleam of her daggers in their sheathes and the slight shifting of arrows in her quiver made it obvious to the trained eye. Sitting in the front Dysis glanced at the once trying to introduce himself. Turning back she felt it quite hard not to give a chuckle, though a small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. This is going to be quite entertaining... Dysis thought to herself.
Mo, looking to Cassius as he grunted. Raising an eyebrow, "Are you a bear or something. The way you gurnt it sounds like it." Looking back to the front, so almost didn't like enrollers they were the worst to be around sometimes. But they were always around it seemed.
Without looking up from his project, he replied simply, "My spirit animal is an owl, although I have had dreams with a bear wandering into them." He wiped his strained eyes with the sleeve of his grease-stained t shirt. He too, was slighting annoyed by the energy of the half-elf.
"I'm good, I'll just sit down here also." Tristan replied, taking a seat down on the floor near Ash. "I assume you are an enroller like me correct? I'm not much for killing people, but money is money. What about you, what's your story?" He asked hoping to strike up a conversation before everyone else finished arriving.
Mo, looks back to him, "Long way to say that. Could have just said no." Looking to happy girl in front. She would have a hard lesson to learn being in the guild most are happy after being here for a long time. And most of them have had been. Looking to Dysis, "Heard what this all about or is it our weekly meeting? I need to get out and fight." Her voice a normal time to the Gulid General.
Broderick walks into the room, sleep deprived. He trudges in, his hair in a mess. "What is it this time?"
She watched him sit, slightly questioning intentions. Her slight mistrust of new people begged her to elaborate her answer more than usual. "Well, I got these scars from a fire when i was small and since then my mother and father both killed themselves because...well I'm not sure why. Anyway, it wasn't that big of a deal and a lot of people they knew thought it was my fault. So I joined the Guild before trial, I hate courthouses, they're always so cold." She spoke with a sort of distanced tone. It was obvious that she had no regards to the meaning of death.

Cassius sighed, not wanting to converse any longer. His impatience and bad mood radiated bad vibes.
Sizniche said:
Broderick walks into the room, sleep deprived. He trudges in, his hair in a mess. "What is it this time?"
Mo, looking to Broderick, "Well, don't you look pretty this morning.we don't know yet. Might want to take a set. And we all can find out." She didn't really care for most people. But they would learn that in time.
"Well, I can't say much towards scars. I can't actually get them. Here watch, I'll show you." Tristan said grabbing a nearby knife, and before anyone could say anything he plunged through his hand. The knife went through like butter, and the most that happened was that a little water splashed from the stabbed area. When he pulled it out the hole filled in with water and solidified back into normal skin. "I can't really get any marks on myself from physical wounds, Truthfully I'm not here because of some tragic backstory. I just want to live my life free, all it took me was one push to kill someone and I ended up here." He explained.
Broderick takes a seat. He tries to comb his mess of hair with a comb from the pocket of his leather jacket in an attempt to not look like an absolute mess. He wishes he would've gotten the chance to shave this morning, but combing his hair will have to do. As he combs his hair, he looks around at all of the people, seeing a man with a beard talking to a girl about the same age as Broderick with very prominent burn scars, the red masked guild sergeant that just responded to him, and a guy in a jacket with combed back hair. To his shock, he watches this last man, without any context from Broderick's perspective, plunge a knife into his own hand.
H8becomesyou said:
Mo, looks back to him, "Long way to say that. Could have just said no." Looking to happy girl in front. She would have a hard lesson to learn being in the guild most are happy after being here for a long time. And most of them have had been. Looking to Dysis, "Heard what this all about or is it our weekly meeting? I need to get out and fight." Her voice a normal time to the Gulid General.
Glancing back at the one who asked, Dysis would sigh "why don't you wait and find out" the mindless banter in the room around her was getting slightly annoying. Looking to Alex she sent him look as if to say 'when are we starting? I got things to do'
Ash raised her eyebrow, "Ah." she faced forward, not wanting to talk any longer. She grew slightly impatient now, wanting to get on with the day. Although she was talkative, she didn't feel that this was the right place to hold a conversation. They underestimate me, I would too.
StoneWolf18 said:
Glancing back at the one who asked, Dysis would sigh "why don't you wait and find out" the mindless banter in the room around her was getting slightly annoying. Looking to Alex she sent him look as if to say 'when are we starting? I got things to do'
Alex, looking to back her. Annoyed at all the chatter that was going on, he would have to start this soon. It was getting late. And he hated to be late for things. He had to bring this meeting to order. Standing up with annoyed sigh, he walks to the center stage. A mic in place for him to talk. But it was really no need for it. His voice was loud and would carry easy in here. "Alright, if you would all shut the chatter off. It is getting annoying. And if you are talking you can't hear a damn thing I say." His voice boomed into the mic, his voice carrying to the back of the room. "We have some new enrollers that are here. They are going to get a hard lesson. In fighting. For we have a misson. One of the big boss's as sent us a request. I will be joining this mission. I don't want the new ones to fuck it up." A woman going around the room, hands at papers of the mission. "This is misson, we are going to kill a leader of a force that has been a pain in the ass. They are cold blooded killers. And picking off the boss's men. And he hates it. I want everyone ready in an hour. Don't be late, it won't be pretty if you are." Looking at every on, "Well move now!!!" He walks off the stage.
I stand up, walking to the group of other enrollers as I read the paper. " 'Cold blooded killers,' oh, how ironic."
Ash popped up quickly and bolted out of the room. She ran up to where she stayed and changed quickly into black fitted attire. She wrapped her head in a black scarf to hide her face. She equipped her darts and whatever else she would need. Checking herself, she ran quickly back down to wait to leave. She read over her paper several times.

Cassius got up slowly and bumped into a few people as he worked. He crumpled the paper and jammed it into his jeans pocket. He carelessly threw the bomb on his bed and put a different shirt on. He packed a few small things he thought he would need and then left. He saw Ash and sighed impatiently, Oh great. He took the paper out and sat down somewhere away from her.
Sefira had been in the hall for a while and was just leaning against the wall near the door. She had a look of amazement when Alex was giving the speech while also thanking the woman for the mission slip. After seeing the enrolees rushing out the place, she walked towards the guild master. "As expected of Master." she said with a warm smile, complimenting him. Looking at the paper she had just received, "Again, we get such troublesome tasks to do. I can't wait to see what the new enrollers has to offer." making a grin of excitement while she looked at the others that are still in the hall. As always, Sefira would have her chakrams on her and also her gunblade on her back.
Sizniche said:
I stand up, walking to the group of other enrollers as I read the paper. " 'Cold blooded killers,' oh, how ironic."
Mo, looking up from the paper handed to her. "Well, sunshine get your ass in great." Rolling her eyes she gets up. Making her way to get ready. She wouldn't piss off the Guild Master. She would like to keep her head.
"Alright, then," he says to Mo, leaving the briefing.

Broderick grabs his hatchet from his room, and then leaves for the mission. As he leaves, he sees the bearded man from the briefing. He catches up to him, and says, "Hey, you're an enroller too?"
H8becomesyou said:
Alex, looking to back her. Annoyed at all the chatter that was going on, he would have to start this soon. It was getting late. And he hated to be late for things. He had to bring this meeting to order. Standing up with annoyed sigh, he walks to the center stage. A mic in place for him to talk. But it was really no need for it. His voice was loud and would carry easy in here. "Alright, if you would all shut the chatter off. It is getting annoying. And if you are talking you can't hear a damn thing I say." His voice boomed into the mic, his voice carrying to the back of the room. "We have some new enrollers that are here. They are going to get a hard lesson. In fighting. For we have a misson. One of the big boss's as sent us a request. I will be joining this mission. I don't want the new ones to fuck it up." A woman going around the room, hands at papers of the mission. "This is misson, we are going to kill a leader of a force that has been a pain in the ass. They are cold blooded killers. And picking off the boss's men. And he hates it. I want everyone ready in an hour. Don't be late, it won't be pretty if you are." Looking at every on, "Well move now!!!" He walks off the stage.
Standing she made her way over to Alex, not bothering to grab a mission slip. "I'm guessing we're taking the enrollers with us?" Dysis asked, distant thick in her tone. She didn't mind them that much, if they just stayed the hell away from her. Now she was going to have to save their asses as well.

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