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Fantasy Guardian pets


Räv walked into the school, and into his class room. He was a teacher at the Guardian school teacher the students what to expect on the journey like the routes that are best to take or about the creatures they will be fighting. He put his stuff away and got ready to teach the class. This class wasn't like all the others, they were special, and Räv had hope that this class would be the class that finally ends this evil. After getting ready he started writing on the board thinking about all his wonderful students.
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As Asher walked into the school, he hoped this would be different than his earlier schooling. He had assumed school was a loose term, and with luck he would be right. He was supposed to get to kill things. That's always fun.
Chase walked into the school and straight to class, she was nervous about the first day, but people made her nervous in general so she knew this day would be bad.
Rai's cape swishes as she enters her class she steps lightly making the sound of her light breathing the only noise audible. Her steps, seeming almost dance like, lead her to the seat at the front of the room closest to the door. In one swift movement she sits in the chair, her eyes dart around the room as she familaries herself with the room and the people in it.
"Welcome class." Räv said as he scanned the room. "I see that we to wait on some more students but for now i will introduce myself." "Im Räv Kärlek, but you can call me Räv, Kärlek, or Mr. Kärlek, I don't really care, but i hope you all enjoy this class!" He said sitting down.
Megan quickly made her way up the steps. She hoped she wasn't late. She slowed down a bit once she reached the class room. She walked inside and took a seat in the back.
She watches Räv admiring his enthusiasm. Maybe this won't be so bad.. She puts down her hood and runs her fingers through her slightly knotty hair and fixes her bangs keeping her eyes on him.
"Ok now that your here i need to explain something." "I'm a new teacher here and the reason for that is this schools new system, which involves the journey you will take." He said getting up. "Sometime in life, and what i mean by that is I don't know when but someday will be the day you start your "mission" or journey and I, I will go with you." He said smiling. "When that day comes you will split into teams and team members will be chosen a-" he said when he got cut off when one of the staff members came into the room with a letter. He handed it to Räv and left. "Anywho, does anyone have any questions about the mission t...today?" He said wirh a disappointed look on his face.
Megan gave the teacher a confused look. She didn't say anything and kept quiet , listening to the other students
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As she watches the member of staff leave she sits up straighter in her chair becoming more alert and furrows her brow in confusion. Everything happened a little too quickly and she was struggling to take in all the information.
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"Ok i see you are confused so lets go to outside and I'll explain everything." He said opening the door. "Ok lets go." He said holding the door open while waving them to come to go outside.
Rai stands up shaking slightly and pulls her hood back over her head. She cautiously walks out the door and waits on the other side, not knowing what was happening made her feel uneasy.
Elise knew she was late. On her first day. She hadn't heard her alarm clock that morning and overslept. She rushed up the stairs and noticed that the teacher and several students were coming out of her classroom. "Shoot.", she thought as she walked towards the teacher, embarrassed because as usual others were staring at her for being too late. "U-uhm I'm Elise Taint, excuse me for being late." She looked up at him, her face red from embarrassment. She then moved past him and walked towards the crowd, who apparently were her classmates.
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Räv could tell that everyone was confused and so was he. "Ok everyone lets form teams!" He said pulling out a paper. "So, team Alpha will have Me, Elise, and Asher, since there is an odd number at the time but soon more students might come. Team Beta has Megan, Rai, and Chase. Also if you want you could change your team name. There will also be team leaders, so team Beta, you need to choose a leader, and i will be Alpha's team leader. So any questions?" He said looking at them.
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Elise looked back at the teacher. She had more than just one question. She noticed that she wasn't the only one who was confused. She was hesitant at first, but then raised her hand.

"Mister, I have a question. What are we doing? What's going to happen next?"
Rai leans against the wall listening to her teacher. She nods to show she understood the teams, she glances around not knowing the other two girls mentioned in her team. She assumes the girl raising her hand was either Megan or Chase. Then also assumes the girl offering to be leader was on their team.

"Sure." She says bluntly to the girl.
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She looks at the girl through her bangs and stands up from the wall.

"Rai." She says will a slight smile shaking the girls hand gently.

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