|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Laxira sighs, "Then may I know what happened....Cause you guys are like......Talking.....Like a bunch of complicated spaghetti...."
Erci giggles, then snuggles Laxia. "I like spaghetti!" She then jumps off of her and grabs Myles, tugging him out. "Come on, come on~ Its time for their private talk~" She giggled, dragging him out of the library.
Quincy appeared in front of Roselyn for the first time in awhile and laughed at her " Im sorry but did you miss me?" He floated up a little just so he could look down on her "Ive been so bored recently."
"Anyway, what's the private meeting about?" Laxira asks, sounding a little tired.
(Yay! :3 yer back :D )

Myles nodded his head and walked out with Erci, giving a bit of privacy for Grim and the ghost. He knew that Grim will probably have something important for her to do around the Manor or something.

"Our last ghost as recently disappeared," Grim stated, "I want you to be careful around her just in case it happens to you, I also want you to know that you are able to go anywhere in the home without a key, but there is one place I forbid you to go, and it's the door underneath the stairs."

Roselyn looked up from her bed and narrowed her eyes. A bit of fear sank in her stomach but she attempted to keep her composure, "Oh yeah, I've missed you very much~" She said with a sarcastic smile, "And what makes you think I can help you with that?" She asked, referring to him being bored.
"...Have you ever heard of a story? About like...Um...How some dude said 'Oh don't open that door' and then the main character opened that door out of curiosity and then screw this! And stuff like that. So tell me what's inside that door so I won't open that door?" Laxira raises a tired eyebrow.
He stood strait on her ceiling looking down at her and started pacing "Oh what is with you and the questions you could just start screaming now that would be lots of fun." he gave an erie laugh. Quincy starting flipping over "Other wise its just not any fun and life is boring."
Erci stops dead in her tracks when she feels Myles fingers. "OH MY GOSH." She picks up his hand and holds her fingers up close to her eyes, looking at each one intensely. "Myles..." She mumbles.. looking at his fingers and tearing up.. "Your hands are so cute..." She giggled, then jumped on him.

Vice continued sending short electrical currents into the floor boards, one after another after another after another. She didn't stop, even though there was now a huge scorch mark the size of a bolling ball between her feet. She was out of it, trying her best to remember her past and how she came to be, both like this, and in the world. She had no clue, and it was eating at her.

Lenneth stood up, running his fingers through his hair. He was sorting through his emotions, the good and the bad. He felt bad about being here, and he felt bad about saying most of the things he said to people, but he was also glad he was here. He was glad he said all those things and got sent here. He was glad to have met everyone and he was glad to have met Roselyn. He frowned. Screw it. Whether she likes it or not, she's getting that snuggle. He opened his door and walked down the hall to Roselyn's room.
Myles' eyes swirling thinking that Erci had something important to say, but when she just told him his hands were cute his expression fell and he sighed, "Man...don't scare me like that..." He said, not liking to be worried for nothing like that.

Grim laughed, "Alright...there's a type of...portal, that was opened one hundred years ago on accident. It released the lost souls from limbo and came after humans, and with a human staying here it is most defiantly more dangerous than usual and I don't want a repeat of last time."

Grim sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Does that satisfy your needs?"

"Uh...no...I'm not in total mood for screaming..." Roselyn told him, pressing her face into her pillow and then turning back around to stair at him on her ceiling. "Aren't you already dead?" She asked him, "So you're not even living a boring life..."

She took a deep breath trying to keep herself cool but her door opened and she turned her head to face Lenneth. Roselyn didn't make any sudden movements, "L-Lenneth..." She muttered. "He's back..."
Quincy stayed in place when she said she thought he was dead "No i am most certainly not dead nor am i living and i cant believe you would insult me so highly." he said in a smart ellic tone " Instead im infact more of and object than i am a being."
Erci tilted her head to the side, eyeing him. "Hum? What do you mean?" Her face fell. "Did I worry you Myles? I'm sorry." She pressed her face against his shoulder and sighed.

Lenneth frowned, looking up at Quincy. He pointed to the door, and walked in front of Roselyn. "Out lover boy, this one's mine." His tone had taken a bit of raspyness, and he was growing increasingly annoyed at this shadow person.
Myles shook his head, "Just...don't say sorry..." He muttered looking to the side. Erci confused him. He was mean to her, but she just kept clinging onto him. Maybe...I should stop being the way I am... He thought, not wanting to end up saying something he didn't mean to her.

"Yes, I don't know how long she'll be staying," Grim said but the shrugged, "You don't have to socialize with the girl if you want, no one is forcing you too~" He pointed out with a grin.

Roselyn frowned, "Hmm...I'm being stalked by an object..." She mumbled, "That's new..."

She then got quiet when Lenneth started to tell the shadow to get out of here. A light tint of pink spread across her face when she was "claimed" by him. What the hell!? What makes him think I'm his!? She thought, not used to dominance.
Erci smiles, then tugs on Myles' sleeve. "Hey Myles~ Can I see your room?" Her eyes filled with excitement. "I've never seen a boys room before!"

Lenneth frowned, sitting next to Roselyn on the bed and slinging his arm over here, opening his wings and staring at Quincy, waiting for his reply.
"Hm...But if I happen to like....Bump into her and then go through her without my feet invisible and not showing.....What will happen........" Laxira tilts her head to one side, thinking.
"Oh how possessive and rude. Have you even considered her thoughts on the situation you worthless pile of rubbish." He stared toward him with a smile "Who would want to be with something like you anyways your just an outcast...a nothing." he spoke in a sad sarcastic voice then laughed. "Besides im not here for a petty relation im here for fun. If you would rather play its all the same to me." He stood there waiting for a reply. "And dont worry i know im not exactly normal to but i dont have to be nor have i ever wanted such...havent you ever wanted just to be normal. I mean there are lots more human girls than there are of you...things" He walked around him tugging randomly at his shirt as his shoes clicked against the ground "Dont you long to be just like everyone else but your cursed to be like this. Your life is terrible and your doomed to live an eternal circle...but i could change that for you...for any of you." Quincy started floating again.
"Uhh..." Myles gawked, surprised she hasn't seen a guy's room before, "You know it's just a room, it's not like it's anything special..." He pointed out, "Kind of like male restrooms, they're pretty much the same as female's. They do the same job."

Myles is actually not that comfortable bringing a girl into his room though. He thought he'd be over it by now, but sometimes formalities just stay.

Grim gave Laxira a curious look. He was about to answer but he shook his head, "Uh...just don't do it..." He said nervously. Grim was going to send her off but he just remembered what else he wanted her to do, "Also...if you see anything suspicious going on...please in form me. You see I can't always be everywhere, I have a job to do, souls to reap. So it would be very helpful if you would be my eyes and ears around the manor...of course, you don't have to, I'm just offering you this job..."

Roselyn sat there for a moment, listening to the shadow talk in a sadistic tune. She grew more and more irritated with his taunting.

"All you're doing is talking and talking and it's boring me. Can we skip this whole part and get moving with things! If you came here for fun, then let's start the games," Roselyn offered bluntly, getting tired of the bullshit. She's never been one to talk anyways, she's always been a bit more physical.
He smiled at her and walked out the door returning with a deck of cards he took them out and shuffled. He tossed them all in the air and his left arm disappeared as all they cards were then colored black and floating in the air. They started spinning around in a circle and all turned their backs to her "Choose a card."
Perched up on the celine, was Gerus. He sat in the place Caricon always sat. He thought about the message he had been given. He had no idea who it was from. "The job is yours to watch after the reaper." So he was doing his job watching Grim. Just like Caricon. he brought himself back into reality to hear the offer. be my eyes and ears huh. He decided to let the spirit leave and then he would talk with Grim more about Caricon.
Ava looked around the room. Clean and neat, but unused. She was surprised at the lack of dust, yet slightly musty scent. This funeral home gave her an uneasy feeling, like the hotels in horror movies where people got murdered. She gingerly pushed one side of the curtain back from the window, as if expecting someone to be hiding there. The window was dusty and dirty, so she could not see anything. Through the dust and grime, she could make out the colors of night and droplets of water.
"Like...If people become perverts...And when people have nosebleeds?" Laxira doesn't get what he means, really.
Erci giggled, tugging on Myles' sleeve. "Come on come on come on pleaaaaase?! I really wanna see!" She bounced on her heels, everything about her pleading excitedly.

Vice felt sleep calling to her, and couldn't help but lie back on the bed, relaxing and slowly falling asleep, again.

Lenneth frowned, his irritation searing through the room in waves. He stood, looking at the shadow man, then he smiled menacingly, his eyes flaring neon purple and his wings twitching anxiously. "You wanna play, kid?" His smile was devilish, and you would have thought he was a demon if it weren't for his black wings, which were now twitching, wanting to move and slice at the shadow.
Myles sighed out of exhaustion, giving into Erci's pleading, "Alright alright...come on..."

He then walked up the stairs and opened the door into dark room. He held it open waiting for Erci.

"Uhhh..." Grim didn't know how to respond at first, "No...yeah, I allow Roselyn around, so I don't care about perverts...but what I do care about is people doing things they shouldn't. You know, killing one another, keeping secrets, making plans...things that aren't right or could potentially destroy the world...that type of stuff~" Grim said all of that with a bit of a happy tone, as if the destruction of the world wasn't a big deal.

Roselyn thought that he had actually left when the shadow went out of the room but instead he came back with playing cards and was encouraging her to pick one.

"...Ha! He actually wants...to...play..." Roselyn started that sentence excitedly but faded when she glanced at Lenneth. She smiled thinly and took his hand reassuringly, hoping he'll calm down.

Roselyn then looked back at the shadow and debated on which card to choose. "What's your name hon?" She asked after picking the one.

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