|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

"A soul? Your joking what kind of pathetic excuse has one of those. You would be correct but ask yourself this...what is still keeping you moving and acting upon your own whim." He laughed "Everyone will know it was your fault. The orphaned children whose parents have come to kill them...the elderly whose lost their loved ones see as they come back just to bring them with them...families killing families...all on you and the pathetic excuse for an angel."
Roselyn laughed, "Psh, so what? They're just orphans and old people, it's not like they're Jesus...hon, you obviously don't know who you're talking to," She scoffed, "I'm a demon, I don't give two shits about starving children in Africa."
"Of course but does your angel boyfriend feel the same way?" he laughed at her. He sang to himself "But do you wonder what if you were indeed alone forever never to see a single being again. Even demons have other demons."
Erci grabbed the sword and flew through the wall, breaking just a small hole and dived down into the massive swarm of skeletons. You didn't see her for at least two seconds before skeletons went flying everywhere, her sword extended at her side in a deathly spin. She stopped, her face maniacal, her eyes wide and red. "Who wants to play a game?" She giggled, running after more skeletons.

Vice stopped what she was doing to watch Erci. Her jaw dropped and she had a moment of 'what the hell is wrong with this girl...' just before looking back at Myles, who was ninja-flying through the door. Sighing, she thought, What the hell.. And climbed through the hole that was once a door, swinging at everything she could.

Lenneth grinned, "Dude, I'm a fallen angel for a reason." He chuckled. "Whatever it is you're trying to do to scare us pal, it's obviously not working, and whatever power you have, I have over you. I wasn't the highest ranking angel in the entire existance of anything for no reason."
"You know what, you are absolutely right how could I ever have thought of beating something as high and mighty as you. The highest angel who gave it all for a pile rubbish demon and you use to be the highest my boots would be shaking if I had any. What you just told me is that your the highest slave...the highest trash. I am the one and only of me because I wasn't foolish enough to put part of me into little lesser beings like angels or demons. Still Ill leave you to your little affairs and love session I've heard of an even better fish fry." The flys out of his mouth and almost instantly comes back to Quincys body. "Now lets go do some real gambling." he said to himself before walking on the air out the window. He looked at all the skeletons that had been knocked to pieces. "What a shame...wouldnt want them to continue to waste away." He covered all of the skeletons and put them all back together and reformed his body. He watched as they came back to life and pointed at Erci "Now lets play some roulette see which one gets you first."
As the angels came out they lasted about a second. Their souls were sucked up by the skeletons. They now had brains. Now the teacher, who's soul had been sucked up by Caricon and his body. He went to were the shadow was talking to the demon and fallen. "Lenneth you weren't the highest ranking angel I was. Also Quincy, I remember you. You were the shadow that was cast by my creation. I hope you like what I combined with your previous plans. All the angels' souls are in the skeletons bodies. I would like to join this bet."
Grim, finally have finding the book he was looking for, held it in the air, mimicking the famous Lion King scene. "Thank you! I have found it!" He cheered to himself before dashing out of the Library and into the main hall. If you could see his eyes from under his bandages, you would be able to see that they were swirling. His manor was in ruins and Erci, Myles and Vice were trying to defend it.

"What in the world-"

Myles got up from the dirt and shook it off. He ran into the manor, skidding across the floor, tearing the floor boards up.

"Myles!" Grim cried at the awful damage the house was taking. He seemed more concerned over the wood than any of the people here.

The demon boy gave Grim a deathly glare before positioning himself at Erci's side, facing Quincy

Roselyn, sighed heavily, "Look, no one gives a damn about who was highest in ranking. Heaven seems more like a Hell to me now than anything!" Things are so much easier in the flames. Do what you're told, you get to survive. No one cares about anyone else. Roselyn thought, getting a head-ache from all of this. Confusion and irritation filled her brain. She had no clue exactly was going on at the Manor with these skeletons and such, and frankly she didn't feel like finding out.
Erci giggled, prancing up to Quincy and twirling her sword in her hand. "Hehe, you want to play too?" She kicked off from the ground, flipping in the air and using her heel to crush his makeshift skeleton body.

Vice looked over to grim, then to Erci. "Uh... I think we have a problem. Happy-go-lucky over here lost it."

Lenneth frowned. "You're both idiots" he mumbled after Gerus and Quincy left. "Oh well. Lets go scare more people." He grinned at Roselyn.
(Quincy wasnt using a skeleton as a body)

Quincy looked at the high angel boy "Yeah whatever I was there too you know." He shook his hand. "Now welcome to the Casino." He looked over at the ruined building "Oh so many good times...who am I kidding I was hardly ever there." He covered his suit of armor that he had came there in and picked up his sword. He looked back to the girl he told the skeletons to attack. "Well I would love to play with such a pretty girl like you but I think you need a time out." he seperated all the pieces and covered her in them covering her in the suit of armor with him still around it. He dropped the sword and started walking toward a body of water. "Hope you like to hold your breathe."
Caricon mad, flew in front of Quincy and turned into Caricon (he was in somebody else's form). "Recognize me now, shadow." He smiled and went to his holster, to find nothing. "Where is my sword." He stopped and remembered his servant Gerus. "Him." He decided to wait and see what Quincy was doing.
Grim, being the selfish cheap bastard he was, was not at all concerned about Erci. "Vice! Look at this!" He gestured every where. "You're going to have to pay for this!" He told her, kind of repeating himself last time. Maybe he just had a thing for running her pockets dry.

Myles's eyes flared bright orange, as if his sockets were just holding fire. He growled at Quincy, pouncing at him, but then retracted slightly, afraid he would smash Erci also. He let out small whimper of frustration while his ears flattened like a beat dog. He just counting on the fact that Erci's insanity could save her.

Roselyn paused for a moment, trying to soak everything in. She ultimately decided worrying over things and trying to think too hard was lame. She looked at Lenneth, "Usually I'll jump at the offer, but I kind of just want to..." She stopped to try and think of the right to words to describe herself, "I kind of just want to take a breather..."
Caricon held out his hand and a sword of vines appeared in his hand. He then swirled around and cut Myles across the chest. "Hey me and him were going to do very bad things. It's not like your a angel ether."
Myles howled as he fell over. His blood slowly smearing on his black fur. He looked over at Caricon, thoughts swirling through his brain. I thought he had died.... was the first thing the demon had thought. Confused and dazed, he got up and shook some dirt off.

"Yes, I'm not an angel...I've never been good. But I've changed...and it's surprising how fast an angel like you can change too." Myles had said without necessarily opening his mouth. He sounded like a swirl of different voices mixed together and speaking in unison for the boy.
As he heard what Myles said he backed away. "Quincy time to go." He backed away faster. He then opened his fist and all the bones came together to form the army they were with the angels soul giving them life and brains. He then spread his wings and took off going to get his servant.

As Gerus shattered the last skeleton, they all came back. He looked up to see his master flying through the skies. He then turned and began battling skeletons again. He was even more horrified as he saw that the skeletons were harder to battle. He got sissy and almost passed out. He tired to talk to his teacher and failed. This place is going to hell he thought.
Giggling, Erci watched as Caricon stood before Quincy. "Hehe, I thought you were dead, silly." She giggled, twirling the blade in her hands as he flew off. "That's no fun!" She giggled again, skipping in circles around the reborn skeletons. "Oh no no no, this will not do!" She giggled again, then hopped up, her wings extending and her head tilted to the side in a fluid, graceful movement. Everything seemed to be in slow motion in her mind, and soon her smile turned devious and vicious. She slammed herself down, shooting the sword into the ground and causing the earth to crumble beneath her. "Hehe.."

Vice sighed, looking over to Grim. Why do I have to pay for everything... She used her claws to swipe at more oncoming skeletons. Soon she was covered in a pile of broken bones. She had several cuts from the swords of them, and a few deep gashes. She was losing a lot of blood, but refused to let that take her down. She glanced at Erci, who looked like she was having the most splendid time in the world. I knew she was weird, but damn..

Lenneth's smile faded, and he looked at her cautiously. "Yeah, a breather it is." He flew down into a meadow, setting her down in the grass on her feet and backed up a few steps, watching her. I see she's not in her playful mood right now. He turned his back on her and looked around the area, his eyes skipping from place to place.

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