|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

He looks down and his little bit of shadow came off the ear ring and flew back to him returning to his body in no time. He laid down floating in the air proud of his work "Now we wait." He laughed to himself looked up at the ceiling.
Erci began to tear, flicking at his ears. "But you still put it down which means you thought about it!" She sat up on his lap, beginning to cry. She pressed the back of her hands to her eyes, trying to wipe her tears as they kept flowing. "Erci is a good girl! Erci isn't stupid!" She began talking in third person, trying not to cry but crying anyway.

Lenneth quirked his eyebrow at Roselyn. "Why'd you drop them? And no, I don't think that would be a good idea. What if they're humans and they freak out because we mentioned a grim reaper in their presence, and they're all holy and about the ohsomighty and banish us from their grounds?" He frowned, remembering it happening to him before.
Myles' eyes widened before his expression returned to emotionless and cold. "Yeah I thought about it..." He admitted, "But the more I thought I decided that you weren't, which is as much as I can say..." Myles has always been this way, he couldn't help it though, it was just who he was. When he tried to be nice he would revert to being a jerk, even though he really doesn't mean what he says.

Roselyn sighed, ignoring his question about her ear rings and tried to think of a way to get a skeleton. "Ugh...dilemmas..." She muttered, "But if it does turn out to be like Grim's then the dead will rise up again and we'd be screwed because where in the world will I find a skeleton that isn't already crazy so that the stupid shadow won't go all crazy on you!?" She asked all of that in one breath.
Erci's eyes widened in slight shock, then she let her hands fall to her side, and she frowned. "Stupid Myles." She completely stopped crying, and just gave him a stone-faced stare. "Stupid, stupid, stupid Erci." She muttered, before standing up and walking back to her room, shutting the door behind her.

Lenneth stopped flying forward, which was more like a screeching halt, causing Roselyn to jerk forward and him to slam her back against his chest. "What? You're doing that for the stupid shadow guy?! What do you mean he's going to go crazy on me?" He frowned, anger pulsing through him.
"I thought you said you weren't stupid! Which one is it-" Myles was saying but Erci shut the door behind her. He sighed, laying there for a moment on the floor.

Why? Why? I don't even...understand... Myles thought while looking up at the ceiling. She's all happy, then she's mad, then she cries...I don't...get it...

Myles's skills in women are proven to be limited.

Roselyn flinched at the sudden stop. She paused for a moment before explaining, "He basically said he wants to beat you up at midnight if we don't get him a skeleton," She told Lenneth, "I don't want to get him one...but...he's adding you in this whole mix and it's making it real hard on me because I just...don't want to deal with anything...I never do..." She admitted.

"Everything is just too hard for me to handle..."
Erci crawled around on her floor, sulking. "Stupid Erci! Stupid Myles! Stupid Erci!" She then let her happy-go-lucky attitude slip, along with her bright aura. She let herself dive bomb into a spiraling hole of depression. Her aura turned pitch black, and her eyes lost their usual shine.

Vice frowned, feeling too hot from the fire now. She put it out and walked back up the stairs, looking at Myles on the floor. Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Why are you on the floor...?" She mumbled, crouching just above his head and looking down at him.

Lenneth gritted his teeth. "And you really believe he can beat me up?" He sighed, looking to his right and above the treeline. "We're not getting him a skeleton." He said finally, then flew upwards into the clouds. "If he's dragging me in it, that saves me the trouble of butting in." He kept a frown on his face, his annoyance fueling him.
Myles moved his eyes from the ceiling, onto Vice. He blushed feeling like an idiot for still laying there. He shot up but his forehead smashed into Vice's and he landed back down on the ground. He covered his head and winced, "Ow..." He muttered. "W-Why are you right there!?"

"Well...technically no...but he was really persuasive..." Roselyn mumbled with a nervous smile. She then frowned slightly, "Let's just both butt out, like I offered before at least until midnight...I mean, we still have hours before that, let's go do something stupid..."
Gerus jumped up and scanned the area. So much confusion so much chaos. He almost passed out. "No," he staid to himself. "Not now not ever." He went charging into battle holding up his sword releasing his anger.

The teacher called apron the army. He knew what he was doing. He would get revenge for what Grim had done to him. He checked the spell that made him look like a angel. I was so easy to attack his body and destroy his soul. As the called upon enough to fill the bodies he opened the portal and the heavenly army went charging....
Vice fell back on her butt, her head slightly bleeding, and now she had a throbbing headache. She pressed her hand against her head, frowning. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, then got up, beginning to walk to her room.

Lenneth raised his eyebrows, his smile returning. "Do something like what?" He flew higher and higher, looking at her instead of where he was going.
Myles noticed the blood on Vice's head and a drop of it on his. His horn or something must have gotten her. He wiped her blood off his face and licked it with no problem before stopping Vice, "Wait! You noticed that right?" he paused waiting to feel it again. "It's like...Heaven just released Angels on us..."

Grim was still digging through his books, trying to find some things to calm the dead when he noticed what was going on outside. He looked out his broken window and what he saw really pissed him off.

"What!? There's no need to bring Heaven into this! Do they understand there's demons in this house hold who are going through a process!? We don't need angels screwing them up with their presence!" Grim flipped out, but he was mostly just talking to himself.

Roselyn smirked, she could think of a few things, but she didn't say those. "Oh, I don't know...something stupid and bad...like walk on grass that wasn't meant to be walked on. Steal from wishing wells. Pay for things we don't need only in change...go into men's restrooms...well you know that's mostly just a kick for me..." Roselyn laughed slightly. Those things she listed were stupid, but it's not like they had anything better to do.
Erci trembled, feeling the presence of something great and big. She covered her wings, who were shaking more than her, and curled in a ball. "No... No no no.... I'm not ready yet.. Don't hurt me...!" She whimpered, covering her face and wrapping her wings around her in a huge feathery ball.

Vice was about to scold him when she felt the floor beneath her rumble. She turned her head behind her and saw tons of skeletons starting to climb up the steps of the front porch. She frowned, then crawled to Myles, tugging on his sleeve. "Uh, I don't think Angels are our only problem.." She mumbled into his ear.

Lenneth chuckled, leaning close to her face. "Oh wow Roselyn, You're such a rebel." He teased. Just then he felt the sky open up, and he looked upwards, seeing hundreds of thousands of angels fly down, battle ready, towards the manor. "Uh... You think that has something to do with those skeletons..?" He murmured, flapping his wings.
Myles' eyes widened when he saw what was going on, "Who...disturbed the graveyard!?" He asked furiously. He got up, brushing himself off, "I suggest you arm yourself..." He told Vice. Myles then walked over to Erci's door and knocked on it, "The skeleton horde has come forth to the manor, you must go to arms!" He told her loud of enough so she could hear him through the door.

Then he undid his tie quickly while going over to his room. He tossed the tie to the ground and went under his bed, pulling out a chest which held his sword. He dusted it off, making sure it was still in tact.

"I prefer the term, morally grey," Roselyn stated with that smug look of hers before she saw the angels. The smell of them suffocated Roselyn. It was like walking into a perfume department when all the bottles had been broken. She covered her nose with her hand, trying not to smell it. "Ugh...it's strong..." she muttered, looking at where they were going. "Uh...I told you...t-they'd take care of it..." She said sheepishly.
Vice frowned, looking over at Myles. "What is he...Oh well.." She stood up, then let herself shift into a were, just in time for the first skeleton to swing its rusty claws at her. She lifted her arm just in time, and its claws got caught deep in her flesh. Roaring, she leaped forward, tackling at least seven of them down the stairs and in a pile on the floor.

Erci trembled more, crying and covering her face. "No no no no.... Not again... Not me.... Leave me alone.." She whispered, covering her eyes, tiny little sobs erupting her throat.

Sighing, Lenneth looked down at her, covering her nose. "You really don't like the smell of angels, huh." He grinned, then flew off in the opposite direction, far away from any of them. "Welp, we cant help with you covering your nose like that." He chuckled, then landed on the roof of a house, where little children were playing. The looked up at them in awe, taking in Lenneth's wings. "I knew it... Angels were real..." The said at the same time. Lenneth frowned, looking down at them.
Myles came out, slicking the skeletons into piles of bones, "Careful Vice!" He told her, "They are dim witted but they're bones are sharp. Depending on how strong they are, they can recreate themselves," Myles gave her a heed of warning while going down the stairs. He took his sword and hacked at the railing of the stairs, so he could barricade the windows.

"If you could, bring as much things in front of the main door, chairs, tables, furniture..."

Roselyn coughed before smiling, "They smell like old ladies..." She stated, laughing. She was glad to finally be away from the smell and she then removed her hand from her face.

Roselyn smiled weakly at the fact the children took notice to Lenneth's wings. Then as if a light-bulb had flashed into her head she leaned over to his ear and whispered, "Now crush their dreams and tell them you're a bird mutant from a science lab!"
Vice stood up, having at least five bones impaled in her stomach and shoulder all together. She grunted in reply, basically stating "Yeah, I noticed." She grabbed at least seven chairs at once, pushing them against the front door, blood dripping from her wounds as she did.

Lenneth laughed at her telling him that. "So you want me to be like Max, from Maximum Ride?" He whispered to her. He chuckled then jumped down into the yard, setting her down next to him. "Actually, I'm a mutant alien who was developed in a lab, and I feed on little children." He wiggled his fingers in their direction and made his voice sound villain-y.
Myles sighed in frustration seeing that Vice was already badly injured and the fight had barely started. "I sure hope the girl can fight..." He muttered quietly, before rushing up the stairs to Erci's door and basically kicking it open without any warning.

"Erci, we have some problems out here and we need as many hands as we can, you understand?" He asked and he meant business.

"Yeah! Like that!" Roselyn agreed excitedly. Scaring little children...what a beautiful thing.

The children went pale, "Uh....M-Mom!" One of them screeched. The mother quickly ran out of the house at the sound of her screaming child only to bump into Roselyn.

"Oh goodness! What are you doing here!? Put clothes on!" The woman said, thinking that Roselyn was just some odd stripper at first.

"Wha- I have clothes on!" Roselyn said with a pout. The woman looked over at Lenneth and nearly blacked out. "Oh God! Stay away from my children!" She cried, huddling around the kids.
Vice frowned, ripping out all three bones at once, her blood pouring on the floor. She grunted in pain, but refused to stop fighting.

Erci trembled, her whole feathered ball shaking. "N-no... They're going to take me again... They can't see me.. Not the angels..." She murmured, curling in a tight ball.

Lenneth grinned, walking up to the lady and grabbing her hand, kissing the back of it gently. "My apologies, madam. You see, I am the angel of death, and I have come to claim your children." He grinned, a wide, menacing grin, and watched the lady. She snatched her hand out of his and cursed. "You monsters!" She grabbed onto her children, frightened. "Stay away from my children! You can't have them!" Lenneth smiled, backing away and grabbing Roselyn's waist. "I'll come for them soon.." He muttered, then flapped his wings, making strong gusts of wind and dirt fly around them, then he flew up and away, laughing at the girls reaction.
Myles let the tip of his sword touch the ground as he walked over to Erci, "We're not going to deal with angels..." He told her, "We're dealing with skeletons...so don't...erm...worry about that right now...they won't get you, I uh...promise..."

Roselyn laughed, thinking about how that experience probably messed that family up forever. "Grim is gonna kill us if we go back..." Roselyn commented. Just thinking about it ran shivers up her spine, also brought unwanted thoughts about what was to come.
Erci picked her head up almost immediately. "They're not here yet?!" She pushed herself past Myles and into the hallway, wiping her tears. She sped down the stairs and when she got a look at Vice, frowned. "What happened to-" Just as she started talking, the barricade Vice was putting up was torn down.

Vice frowned, curling her claws into a massive fist and punching at least three skeletons in the face at once. She growled with annoyance, and grabbed two more, crushing them together and down on the ground.

Lenneth grinned, then frowned when she shivered. He patted her back, flying forward. "Its okay, we don't have to go back right now. Wanna go mess with more people?" He offered.
Quincy listened to all of their conversation from the inside of Lenneths body and then screamed at them "You think I was being Metaphorical?!? I am currently in control of his every heart beat." He stopped his heart for several beats and started it up again. "You do not just stop." He was yelling with intensity "Go get me a body...Now." All of this happening in front of the people.
Lenneth laughed when he stopped his heart. "Are you kidding me? I don't have a heart, stupid. No angel has a heart. We are made to protect and serve."
"And given hearts to love and worship God you idiot. How inexperienced do you think I am." He laughed at him "Even if for some reason you didnt have a heart you have other things...and I cant imagine you being an angel much longer considering your with her and calling poor little old men names."
"We don't need hearts to worship god, and we don't need a heart to love, that's emotion that we feel regardless of a heart of now. You apparently are very inexperienced." He spat, frowning.
"Fool what do you think channels your very spiritual energy, your life force given to you by God, and your emotions. This is not what humans call a heart that I speak of. I'm talking about the very thing that makes you who you are, that keeps you from turning into an killing maniac. I speak of your very core the only thing that keeps you here. You are a century to young for me. Get me that body or ready yourself for nothingness or the great abyss. As for your girl friend... I'm sure she wouldn't mind joining you." The Quincy inside his room laid down. "When God and Lucifer themselves first met I was the very shadow between them simply smiling. I was a... representation of the space in between heaven and hell. Purgatory the land of judgement."
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Myles moved out of the way so that Erci could run down, he was about to go too when he saw the barricade break and Erci standing right there. The bodies started to come in.

"Erci! Take this!" Myles called out to her, tossing her the sword. He then jumped down the stairs, transforming in mid air into the beast that lurked inside of him. He leaped over Erci and slammed his body out the door and onto the porch, knocking down the skeletons in his path.

Not only was he able to take care of some of them, he was able to do damage to the door frame, the porch and the ground outside.

Roselyn was dazed, not exactly sure what in the world was happening at first but then she started to get more and more irritated with this conversation. What really set her off hearing the words girlfriend and with her commitment issues this was something she didn't like to hear so suddenly. "You talk to much! It sounds like what you're trying to describe is a soul and in my view, a soul is disposable. It's useless and you don't need it to survive, look at me, I'm doing just fine without one."

One of the perks about being a demon, is not owning a soul. It makes it easy to turn off your emotions and just destroy everything in sight, but the hard part is trying to turn them back on. It makes it hard to be happy.

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