|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Smiling, she giggled. "Wow Myles! Your aura is sooo cool!" She giggled, then closed her eyes, allowing herself to concentrate. After a moment, they both felt a shuddering shake, and then their souls were removed from their bodies, and she was gripping onto his soul tightly. "Hehe! Don't panic Myles! Otherwise we might not be able to get back in!"

Lenneth grimaced, following Roselyn out to the graveyard. "Skeletons. Euh." He shuddered, then looked around. "Wont grim get, oh i dont know, angry, because we're digging up graves?"
Myles didn't panic, but he didn't enjoy this either, mostly because he couldn't understand. It wasn't like he had a human body so why could his soul be detached from it? Most importantly how did he get a soul? These questions startled him.

"Uh...Erci...put us back..." He told her simply.

Roselyn kind of ignored Lenneth for a moment there, picking up a shovel and reading the tombstones, which were now fixed. Grim must have done it when they weren't around or paying attention.

"It will be fine~!" She answered, jamming the shovel into the ground, "I mean when push comes to shove, I think Grim would much rather me dig up a grave than kill someone for a skeleton..."
Erci grinned, then tugged on a strand of his non-existent hair. "Okay~" She closed her eyes and focused, then they went back to their bodies. She exhaled the moment she got into her body, releasing her pent up energy. "Your turn!" She giggled.

Lenneth frowned, grabbing a shovel and helping her dig up the grave. "That's true." He began piling the dirt beside the grave, digging deeper and deeper until the coffin was visible. He hopped down inside the hole and onto the coffin, dusting off most of the dirt. He looked up at her. "You coming in?"
The angel stopped crying and looked outside. They were digging up a grave at a reaper's house!!!!! He got up and flew through the window picking up both of the demons there. "You have no idea what you are doing!!!" He waved his hand and dirt came back and covered the grave. "Who told you to do this!!!!!!'
Myles gasped slightly when he was put back into his body. He then let go of Erci's hands and drew back, "Uh...no thanks..." He said, not wanting to play this game any more. He debated on whether or not he should kick her out of his room but instead he stayed quiet, looking off to the side.

"Of course I am!" Roselyn said with a smile before going down there too. That far under the ground was a bit warmer than above. Winter must be fast approaching then.

Roselyn then opened the coffin and there was indeed a dead guy. Bones, dust and rotting clothes. "This is what the guy wanted right?"

Roselyn looked up at the angel, "Trust me, it's alright, I got some debuts to pay off and a skeleton just seems to be involved..."
"Do you know what happens when you open a coffin at a reaper's house?!?!?!?!" He was panicking. He called his teacher and he came running. Two angels against two demons. They would use any force neesary to keep them from opening a coffin.
"Dude...it's already open!" Roselyn told them, starting to pull the skeleton out, taunting them.

"Oh look, dead body...at a reaper's house!" She laughed, not taking them seriously. Basically thought they were being over dramatic wimps.
When the skeleton was pulled out pf the grave the Angels took off going as fast as they could. Lightning flashed and the skeleton started shacking. The ground started rumbling and and graves through themselves open. He the Angels flew through the shattered window and landed on Grim's desk. "They have opened a grave."
Quincy floated in the air and had a large grin on his face and started an evil laugh. "Now let the real games begin." he laughed and it echoed though the entire building. He placed his body on the deck of cards so that he could hide and wait out what would happen. He was quite happy with his work. "This will prove to be much fun."
Erci's face fell slightly, and she looked to the ground, not smiling. "Oh.. Okay." She stood up, not letting him see her face and walked to the door. "I'll see you later then Myles~" She said in her most cheerful voice, then shut the door behind her, walking over to her room and stepping inside.

Lenneth frowned, looking over at Gerus. "Such a tattle-tale." He mumbled, waving the skeleton's hand around a bit.
She probably thinks I'm mad at her... Myles thought, knowing that being mad at her was not at all what he was feeling. He just didn't like being pulled out of his...body. It made him wonder if he could...die again. That thought is what scared him because it should be impossible.

Grim still was talking with Laxira when the angels came barging in. He was about to send them off and tell them that they were being annoying but what they had to say intrigued him.

"Who opened a grave?" He asked, not taking any steps to solve the problem right away.

Roselyn nodded her head and agreed, "I know right? I don't know what's he talking about-" She looked down at the skeleton and saw that it was moving. "Oh...shit..."

Roselyn climbed out of the grave to look above, and all the graves were opening up. "Uh...Lenneth...do you think the shadow guy might have known this would happen? I mean...he did try to kill me before..."
Erci sat on the floor of her room, her knees brought tightly against her chest and she sulked. Did I do something wrong to make him mad at me..? She burrowed her face farther in her knees and tears pricked at her eyes. I shouldn't have played that game, he probably hates me now. She continued to sulk, her eyes watering more and more.

Lenneth frowned, jumping up from the grave and watching the skeletons opening up. He felt his anger surge at the mention of the shadow guy trying to kill her. Just let him try. I'll dissipate him before he could even touch her. He thought, backing up and grabbing Roselyn's arm to make her back away too. "Does this mean we have to kill the undead?'
Myles, being the old fashioned bum that he was, decided to pretend that Erci lived far far away and he couldn't just walk down the hall and talk to her, but instead had to write a letter to explain himself. Odd mind set, but it helped him express himself. He sat down at his desk and sighed, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. He began,

Dear stupid girl Erci,

Roselyn shrugged, "Or...we could just...you know...leave the manor for awhile then come back when they've solved the problem and won't be mad..." Classic Roselyn. Slipping away when times were tough, something she needed to work on but never did. "It could be fun~ We just walk away now, not knowing where we'll go..." She laughed sheepishly.
Erci frowned, then extended her legs, smacking her cheeks a few times. "Stop crying Erci! You'll be fine! You always are!" She giggled, a fake giggle, then her face fell again. "Why am I so sad?" She frowned, then rolled under her bed, closing her eyes and sulking.

Vice woke up, rubbing her eyes and looking around. That was a.. refreshing...nap.. She sat up, glancing around her room and swinging her legs off of the bed. She lifted her shirt, looking at the scar. Ah that's right.. I'm at this manor..

Lenneth glanced at her, then back at the skeletons. "Good idea, but who walks anymore?" He grinned, swooping her up in his arms and spreading his wings, flapping up just as a skeleton swung at him, almost scratching his arm. He flew up, then into the forest, gripping Roselyn as he did. "Much better, right?"
And so, I'm not mad. I'm just confused at how in the world you did that.

And I don't like being confused.


Myles finished off his letter and then folded it in half. He thinks he made his point clear in three paragraphs of just ranting. He then walked out of his room and slipped it under Erci's door. "Solving" his problem.

At first Roselyn couldn't believe that Lenneth agreed. First time she has been on the run with someone else and she liked it. She smiled warmly at him, "Yeah...it is much better..." she agreed, not so sure if what she said was referring to the fact that they weren't walking, or that they were leaving together.
Erci heard the sound of paper, so she looked up, noticing something under her door. She crawled over to the door and picked it up, opening it. She walked back to her bed as she began reading it, smiling to herself. At the end of the letter she giggled. "D'awww I was such a silly girl, yes I was!"

Vice stood, being tired of laying down all day, then walked to her door, opening it and stepping into the hall. She saw Myles, slipping something under Erci's door, then raised her eyebrows, looking at him for a moment.

Lenneth grinned, flying higher and higher until they were above the clouds. The setting sun painted the perfect picture as he flew forward towards it. "I always love it up here, it helps me think." He said, twitching his eyebrow and making one of the clouds solid enough for them to sit on. He landed on it, then set her down on her feet, keeping his arm around her waist in case she fell.
(Yes she does~ :3 Little skull ear rings... pictures of her
Myles was about to head back when he saw that Vice was looking at him. He stared at her for awhile before speaking, "Is there a problem?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and giving her a slight glare.

"It's not like a poisoned the paper! Trust me...I learned my lesson," he muttered crossing his arms, feeling judged.

Roselyn was in awe. She had thought she'd seen everything there was to see but of course she had to be proven wrong. She then laughed, "It's because of angels like you that humans developed the stereotype that heaven is in the clouds..." Her sentenced faded slightly since he technically wasn't an angel anymore. I hope I didn't say the wrong thing... She thought.
Erci giggled again, rolling around on her bed and pressing the paper into her nose. "Myles is so cute! Yes he is!" She giggled, then sat up, picking the paper up and looking it over. "I'm going to read it out loud!" She grinned. "Dear stupid girl Erci," She froze, realization sinking in. Did he just...?

Vice raised her eyebrows, then walked straight past him, not saying a word. She tapped her way down the steps and into the den, sitting down on the carpet in front of the fireplace and lighting the fire. She sighed, her heart aching. Just... who am I...?

He shrugged, picking up on her word about him being an angel. "Don't worry, not offended. I think this way was better. If I didn't do what I did, I'd still be over there, following orders, taking commands.. That's not... me.." He mumbled, looking over at the sunset.
Quincy came off of the deck of cards and looked over out the window. He saw that Roselyn was not at the grave site where she was suppose to be. "Tsk Tsk..." He had a part of himself covering her ear ring and started speaking to her. "Now now thats not very nice of you are you just going to drop our entire bet...because if you do I hope for your sake you never see the light of day again. Dont think your safe in the shadows of day or night either thats my territory. I want my body by midnight tomorrow or we will see which is stronger... my shadows or you little boyfriends heart."
Myles was a bit shocked, maybe offended when Vice kind of ignored him and walked downstairs. "Uh...yeah! That's right! Just keep walking down there...and...um...leave me alone!" He snapped weakly since he wasn't exactly mad.

Oh good lord, why am I still at this manor? He asked himself with a sigh.

"Then maybe you should have thought about your choices while you were human," Roselyn joked but then winced. Ugh...do I have a real head-ache this time!? She thought to herself before he started talking to her. She felt a rock sink in her stomach. Where are you? How can you even talk to me? Roselyn questioned in her head before looking over at Lenneth, "Um...we still need a skeleton..." She muttered.
"Roslyn and Lenneth." He and his teacher then flew of opened a portal to the heavens and went in. They were getting a army to rebel the undead. They told every angel that they could. Then Gerus then opened a portal back to world and pulled out his Nature sword ready to defend himself.
Erci slammed the door open, looking around the hallway until her eyes landed on Myles. With complete fury she jumped at him, her body colliding with his until she had him pinned on the floor. She pressed the letter in his face. "Erci is not stupid!" She frowned, sulking while being angry.

Lenneth raised his eyebrows, then looked over towards a grave site a few miles away. "Lets get it from there. Maybe those aren't possessed." He lifted her up again and flew towards the grave site fast, then slowed down once he was almost there.
"Your absolutely pathetic if you think that's good enough for me. I was thinking more on the lines of oh I dont know Al Capone or One of the Egyptian Pharaohs." He laughed and spoke to her again " Dont get cheap with me girl."
Grim covered his face with his hands and sighed, "Jesus Christ...that girl has found a partner in crime hasn't she?" He muttered to himself. "Now no need to do anything stupid just yet, the undead are mindless until-" Grim looked up and Gerus and his teacher were gone.

"-until they come into contact with a soul..." Grim mumbled the last part before getting up irritably. "Why doesn't anyone listen!? Those skeletons are brainless! The only moment they become a true threat is if a supernatural being goes into their body...but no one listens to someone who's been alive for as long as I have!" Grim complained digging through the books and tossing them to the side.

Myles, the unsuspecting victim was thrown down to the floor and got a paper shoved into his face. "Hey! What are you doing!? Erci!" He whined trying to squirm away, "I know you're not stupid!" He told her, "I crossed it out! Can't you see!? You may not be stupid but you sure are blind!" He huffed.

Roselyn nodded her head at Lenneth and ignored the shadow. She took her ear rings off while they were in flight and dropped them, hoping to never see them again. She looked over at the graveyard and noticed a smaller home next to it. "We should just barge in and ask if anyone is a reaper first to make sure the graveyard is just some dirt and bones and not like how it was back there..."

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