|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

(The human is in the library, Vice just opened the door to see a ghost, and the other three are snuggling in the front door, put simply xD )
(Standing awkwardly in the hallway with everyone else. xD Or so I thought you were. We're letting Grim and lenneth talk to the human.)
(Oh oops) Laxira wakes up, and frowns, blinks, and sighs, "Hi...Um.." She is never good at starting a conversation. "Hi." She says it expressionlessly.
(Yeah...what she said ._. )

Roselyn's eyes widened when Erci planted her face in her breasts, "Oh!" She said surprised.

"Oh god no!" Myles said, trying to squirm away.

"Myles don't go...she said she loved us!" Roselyn said, bringing him closer.

"Eeep! Quit it! Erci let go of Roselyn now! She's a pedophile! I swear!" Myles said, warning Erci of Roselyn's "dangers"

Roselyn pouted, "What!? Would you call your mother a pedophile because she kissed you on the cheek like this?" She asked kissing him on the cheek like a mother would.

Shivers went up Myles' spine, "LET GO ROSELYN! You're NOT my mother! I didn't come out of you! No no no!"

Roselyn laughed but then looked up when Vice opened the door.

"Oh...a...ghost..." She said with a smile.

Grim looked over at Lenneth and shooed him off, basically saying If you don't like what I'm doing you can walk out of the Library!

He then alerted his attention back at Ava.

Grim bit his lip, hearing the replaying words in his head. Those were the exact words that Lillian had said to him a hundred years ago when he asked that question to her.

"Excuse me a moment..." Grim said moving his chair aside and going though his drawers to find the dusty cross he never hung up. He crouched down behind the desk and began to thank the lord for birthing that human into the world. After his little praising of the lord he peeked his head over the desk.

"Umm...before I allow you to stay here...I want to know...do you get scared easily?" He asked, "I mean this house is next to a graveyard it's old, the floors creek, people say they see ghosts, blah blah blah, the usual things said about a funeral home..."
Vice blinks, looking down at her and smiles a bit, then opens the door. "Come in." She stepped out of the way for her to come in.

Sensing a new person, Erci's eyes snap open and she moves away from the snuggle. When she sees the ghost she jumps up and down and squees. "Oh my gosh! Hi!" She gigled and jumped on the person, somehow actually touching the ghost. She blinked and backed away her brows furrowing. Then she extended a finger, poking the ghost, and feeling flesh. "A translucent ghost person.. I can touch you!" She giggled, then jumped back on her.

Lenneth raised his hands in his defense. He wouldn't say another word, he was very interested in this conversation.
A funeral house. Yet, why were there so many residents here? Ava shook her head. "No, I don't get scared much." She silently added Because there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. Reluctantly, she added, "I'd also be happy to help in any way as payment for my stay here." Truthfully, she wanted to run away, to another state or so. The place she had entered upon was a funeral home, was creepy, yet filled with people for no reason whatsoever. But the few dollars in her pocket and her dagger would not take her far. Besides, nothing had hurt her here yet.
Laxira frowns, not used to being touched, and put on a small smile. "Hi...Uh, my name's Laxira..."
Grim clapped his hands together joyfully, "Oh no need to pay. Don't worry~ Now here, let me find a room key..." Grim said, going through his drawers and pulling out a ring with one key on it. "Here, now how this works is that you start out with one key, but the longer you stay, the more keys you get!"

He gave Ava the key, "Right now the person who has stayed here the longest has the most keys, so if you need help with anything ask him. He's a boy...young boy, about fifteen. He's grumpy all the time...er...well most of the time. His name is Myles, you'll find him, don't worry, now go on, find your room. They're all up stairs."

Roselyn let go of Myles, letting him breath. She ruffled his hair and laughed, "Sorry..."

"Yeah whatever..." He snapped, getting up and away from her that's for sure. He went over to the ghost, "Hi Laxira..." Myles greeted her, "If you could do us a favor...please note there is a human in the manor right now...so once she's out of the Library we may all need to hide what we are..." He explained, not wanting to get into a sticky situation. "But I'm sure after that...you can talk to some people who are important here..."
Erci giggled, rubbing her cheek against Laxira. "I like your name. It's really nice!" She smiled, staring into her eyes.

Vice walked to the back of the crowd, watching them, and keeping a look out for the human.

Lenneth raised his eyes, stepping back to the door and standing there, waiting for her to come so he could lead her upstairs and to her room.
Ava gingerly took the key and stood up. "Oh, well, thanks for letting me stay and everything." She awkwardly headed for the exit, but not before almost bumping into the chair. The library wasn't brightly lit, but she could see the door well enough. As she reached the door, she hesitated before beginning to open it. There was something odd about this place...she just couldn't pinpoint the abnormality.
Roselyn sighed and walked next to Vice, "What do you think Grim did?" She asked.

Grim got up from his seat also and stopped Lenneth before he could go and help Ava find her room, "Once you're done with that, I really do need for all of you to come to the Library, anyone who was involved with Caricon's incident...and the events that followed..." Grim whispered to him. He wasn't going to let this go.
Lenneth nodded, not aware that he was needed. He stepped in front of the girl, smiling and grabbed her hand, forgetting about manners. He opened the door and tugged her through the halls, making as much noise as possible to alert the others.

Vice's eyes snapped open and she looked behind her, seeing Lenneth, then the ghost. Her eyes widened and she rushed forward, pushing Erci and the ghost outside, going with them and pointing to the library, looking at Roselyn. Then she shut the door and smiled at Laxira. "I'm Vice."

Erci frowned. "Why so pushy! I just wanted to snuggle!" She giggled, snuggling Laxira more. "I'm Erci!"
Ava let him drag her through the halls, purely because she had no idea where anything was in this place. When they got to her room, she found that the key fit perfectly. "You really don't have to be so well mannered towards me," she reminded him. Aware that she hadn't thanked him for helping her get everywhere, she added in a softer tone,"Thanks for guiding me, though." With that, she pushed open the door, finding it creak-less and tidy.
Roselyn heard the noise and wondered why Vice just kind of locked themselves outside. She shrugged and looked over at Lenneth. Oh oh! Library...okay...I get it... She thought grabbing Myles and pushing him along to the Library with her.

Myles stayed quiet, not defying Roselyn since he could sense what this had to be about. While they were walking in the hall to the Library that's when Roselyn started getting nervous.

"I-Is Grim mad?" She asked shakily.

"Probably..." Myles said bluntly.

"Eh!? Really!?"

"Just relax okay..." He reassured her hesitantly and opened the door to the Library.

"Oh good you're all here...Roselyn...Myles...Gerus...wait...we just need Lenneth and Erci..." Grim said, counting on his fingers.

"Erci wasn't involved..." Myles said, trying not to get her dragged down with them.

"Oh...she wasn't?" He asked a bit surprised.


Roselyn's jaw dropped. She was more surprised than Grim.

"Alright then if you say so~" Grim said, shrugging it off.
(I think she was thanking Erci for saying she had a pretty name but then she posted and not realized that Erci already stated her name... .____. that's what I thought happened)
Lenneth nodded at the human, closing the door behind her and walking back downstairs. He opened the door for Vice and Erci, his eyes lingering on the ghost. "All clear. Bring her in to Grim.' He smiled.

Vice nodded, walking inside and smiling back to Laxia. "Come on. We don't bite I swear." She walked further inside the house to the library, stepping inside. "Theres a ghost here Grim. I think she'll want to be staying."

Erci giggled, climbing off of Laxia and tugging her inside, shutting the door behind her. "Come hither! Hehehe~!" She tugged her along, pulling her down the hallway and to the library. As soon as Erci got inside the library, her eyes widened, she'd never been inside there before. She jumped up and down, clapping her hands and giggling. Then she spread her wings ans flapped herself to the top of a shelf, giggling. "Lookie, Lookie! I'm so high up!" "
Laxira gasps out a little as she gets pulled, she's not even used to being touch but she doesn't say a thing cause she's being dragged alone too fast. She sees Lenneth, and takes a while to understand that males exist in here while being pulled. When Erci finally settles down and instead fly to the top of the shelf, Laxira catches her breath and smiles tiredly, "Yeah, that's awesome, so high up, so high that I want you to hit the ceiling..." The last part is merely a low, low mumble, and she is rather glad she changes it to a whisper. Saying something like that for the first time and making a bad impression is not good, not good at all.

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