|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

"Oh...a ghost~" Grim said, "Well, I'm assuming you won't need a key..." He was mumbling to himself. "Ahem...I will need to speak to you privately about your stay..." Grim said, being a bit suspicious about the ghost's arrival.

Myles facepalmed when Erci started to fly around the Library. Roselyn snickered slightly thinking her up beat personality was needed right now.

Grim cleared his throat, "Erci...please...could you come down for now...after this talk I promise you can fly around the Library as long as you want..." He offered Erci with a smiled, "As for the rest of you there are two things I would like to talk about...the human...and Caricon's death...those who did not know Caricon and could care less about his death you may wander the library, look at history records, blah blah blah, I'll talk to you later if you need me~"
Erci sulked, dropping down in front of grim and sitting indian-style in front of him. "Okay daddy.." She sulked, crossing her arms and observing him with big, wide eyes.

Vice bit her lip, having no idea about caricon dying, and looking at Erci curiously.

Lenneth stood next to Myles and Roselyn, smiling at Erci. When grim started talking, his face fell and he got serious, he payed very close attention. It was his nature after all, every time he was called to a meeting he was made to pay full attention, on alert for anything.
Laxira frowns, "A-a private talk?" She gasps a little. Okay, so now she has raised her own existence. Oh my god, a private talk.
(Aww yeah


Laxira sighs silently. A private chat, with a male. She will go through the wall if she needs to, even though she usually fail at it. Just making sure, she asks directly, "Um, Grim...You are not a pervert right?"
Grim was just about to start getting serious but the ghost had started talking before he could.

Myles nearly tripped over air laughing, "Ha! Yes...Yes he is..." He answered for Grim, liking the ghost already. Roselyn snickered, trying not to laugh too hard since she kind of liked it when Grim was a pervert.

"Um...not all the time dear~ Don't worry," He answered sheepishly, "Anyway let's start with the death, get it cleared out of they way to continue to the Human issue... so, Gerus...I know you have...killed Caricon...but I do not blame you...who I do blame is who influenced you," Grim eyed the demons.

Roselyn and Myles were, slightly offended but what could they say. It was a pretty logical way to start.

"I have one question...who's idea was it to go after Caricon?"

Roselyn shifted in her stance. If she could remember correctly, her and Lenneth decided to go onto him, but she didn't know who influenced Gerus to kill Caricon himself.

((LOL Awesome question! xD You just won Myles' affections xD )
Vice frowned, leaning against the back wall. She hadn't participated in any of this. She looked to the ground, then walked out of the library, back up the stairs, and to her room. That wasn't any of her business.

Erci tilted her head. "Whats a pervert..?" She whispered in Myles' ear. She knew perfectly well what it was, just wanted to see if he'd explain or not.

Lenneth frowned, then looked up at Grim. "Well, I was thinking it, but I didn't mention it until Gerus said something about killing him." He folded his arms, ready to take his share of blame. "I was the one who agreed, and said we should to it."
Myles took a moment to zone out of the moment for awhile to explain what a pervert was to Erci, "A pervert is someone like Grim and Roselyn." He said flatly. His explanation isn't too far off.

Roselyn listened to Lenneth and nodded her head, "And...I was talking about ripping his wings off for awhile..." She muttered, "But...it didn't...get to that...sadly...and so I think you know the rest..."

Grim nodded his head, "Alright...that explains that..." He then glanced at Erci and Myles. "So...what do you two have to say on this?"

"I never liked Caricon." Myles said bluntly, "Can I leave now?"

"No," Grim pouted, not done playing detective.
Erci tilted her head, having not paid attention to anything that was said. "What do I have to say on what? Perverts?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, I think you and Roselyn are very nice people, which means, I think perverts are awesome!" She giggled, throwing her hands in the air and pouncing on Roselyn.

Lenneth covered his mouth, stifling a laugh and eyeing Roselyn and Grim, then the Ghost. "You guys are perverts~" He teased.
"Um..I'm confused about what happened..." Laxira says as she slowly slips behind Myles, being very, very careful about Grim now. "B-but I think perverts should die....Should all die...Because......They will have nosebleeds.........."
Roselyn smiled slightly when Erci pounced on her but it immediately went away when Laxira made her comment about perverts dying.

"Excuse me...I think we're going to have a problem," Roselyn said, completely un-amused.

"Well you see, I'm not a complete pervert so I'm cool..." Grim mumbled, but no one really heard him.

Myles flinched. Oh...Roselyn's mad...He thought, just a bit frightful. "You should have stayed quiet..." Myles whispered to the ghost behind him.
Laxira frowns, wondering. "But I'm saying the truth..." She mumbles and stays quiet. "Sorry Grim...You know...I just hate blood coming out from noses....." She explains quietly, looking down.
Erci squees and squirms, jumping on Laxira. "You're so blunt it's cute!" She giggled, rubbing her cheek against the ghosts'.

Vice frowned, looking down at the floor boards, then laid on them, flicking her finger and sending electricity through them.

Lenneth raised his eyebrow, watching everything.
Roselyn folded her arms across her chest, remembering how much truth hurts. "The truth huh?" She muttered, feeling her cold blood suddenly boiling, but she took a deep breath, "Whatever..." Roselyn said, dismissing the ghost, deciding that she wasn't worth it.

"Oh, don't worry about it darling, blood rarely comes out of my nose nowadays," Grim said, not getting as offended as Roselyn.

Myles didn't say much, but he looked up at Roselyn. You know...I think I should be the only one to insult her... He thought to himself and even though he thought that he didn't do anything upon it.

"Can I go?" Roselyn asked Grim, not wanting to be there any more.

Grim was about to object but nodded his head, "Go ahead, but just don't do anything suspicious in front of the human okay?"

She nodded her head and then walked out.

"Alright! About the human...Myles, what should we do?" Grim said, pointing to the boy.

"...Not get her killed..."
Laxira is wondering very hard why she seems to offend someone. "I can leave...If you want," she says, and notices that Erci is rubbing against her cheek. I offended someone...Yet someone seems to like it...She failed to find a reason why.
Lenneth watched Roselyn leave. A few minutes after, he backed out of the room quietly, then wandered to Roselyn. He stopped next to her and smiled, slinging his arm around her. "About that snuggle." He said in a joking tone, but very serious.

Erci hopped off of Laxira. "You know, not showing her and letting her find out later would be worse than showing her now and letting her find out with us telling her~ It builds trust!" She giggles, slipping her hand through Myles' arm and rubbing her head against his shoulder.
Grim shook his head, "No stay," He said, "It's fine~ Roselyn isn't someone that you need to like you, she has people issues to begin with," Grim reassured Laxira. "Besides, there is bigger problems to deal with...and I think Erci may be onto something..."

Myles tried to slip away from Erci but he stopped and let her cling onto him. "It may work..." He agreed.

Grim then started thinking of the order we may show her what exists "I think we'd need to show her angels first...then ghosts then the fallen and then lastly-"

"Demons..." Myles finished lastly, "Because everyone's scared of demons..." Myles stated. Him being a demon was kind of a sensitive topic.

Roselyn was about to head upstairs when Lenneth showed up. She laughed slightly, "You know you'll just end up alone right? I'm just a really young looking cougar, who's a pedophile and a pervert..." She tried to pull it off like she was joking, "Now because I like you, I'm just going to go to my room and sleep..." Roselyn slipped away from Lenneth and gave him a playful bro punch on the shoulder, "I'll talk to you later."

Roselyn then walked up the stairs, going to her room.
Erci giggled, clinging to Myles and cuddling him. "I'm not scared of demons! Demons are very nice! Just like Myles!" She giggled, rubbing her face on his shoulder and smiling wide.

Lenneth frowned, seeing right through her. She may have been smiling, but her voice wasn't. He followed her to her room, watching her open the door. Before she closed it he frowned. "Roselyn." He basically mumbled her name, just loud enough for her to hear it. His neon-purple eyes lingered on her and his face wasn't smiling at all. He knew something was wrong, and he had told her before, that he wanted to be there for her.
Myles frowned, "Don't be stupid!" He snapped at Erci, "Vice, Roselyn and I are different cases but there are many of demons who will stop at nothing to just destroy everything in their path! We are not very nice!"

Myles defiantly did not want Erci to just think that every demon was nice. If she did she would get used and walked all over. He should know.

Grim nodded his head, "You should listen to Myles okay Erci? Just be careful when you come across a demon who isn't Myles, Vice or Roselyn...but on another note...we should decided when we should tell Ava...should we wait till tomorrow, couple weeks? Now?"

Roselyn paused for a moment, her hand on her door propping it open. She turned around to look at Lenneth. She was smiled sweetly, "I'm not your type remember~?" She chimed with a wink. Then she closed the door, looking around her room briefly before plopping herself down on her bed. She laid there for a moment before making sheet angels. Ironic... She thought with a slight grim.
Lenneth sighed, looking at the closed door for a moment. I really shouldn't have said that. He frowned, walking back to his room and sitting on his bed, relaxing.

Erci frowned, looking at Myles. "I know. I'm not stupid. I've met several demons." Her voice, face, everything about her became dead serious for a split second, something she rarely does. Then she smiled, climbing on Myles' back and giggling. "But that's okay! Because as long as I stay with Myles he wont let anything happen to me!" She giggled, ruffling his hair. "We should tell her tomorrow~ the sooner the better~ But not too soon, cause if it's too soon, then she'll have a hard time adjusting~"
Myles furrowed his brow, "If you're not stupid why do you act like it?" He whispered irritably, but it was mostly just to himself. He was a bit lost in that thought when she climbed onto his back. "Yeah yeah sure..." He said.

Grim clapped his hands together, "Good~ As for now, just keep what you are a secret around the house, now go on, get out of the Library," he said with a nice laugh.

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