|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Lenneth smiled his best smile and nodded. "I'm doing well." When Myles walked out with a coat tied around his head, he wanted nothing more than to shove him inside a closet and lock the door. After Myles finished talking, he grasped the girls hand, smiling. "Please, follow me this way and I'll show you to the owner."

Erci, unable to contain herself bounced up and down, just before she lost it. She hid her wings, then she dashed from behind the corner and jumped on the person. "Hello~ Hehehe!" She rubbed her face against her cheek. "How are you?" She looked up at her expectantly, her eyes gleaming and her body trembling with excitement.

Vice face palmed, hard. Erci... what are you doing.. was the only thing she could think as she watched them walk by.
Roselyn tried not to laugh, I mean she didn't want him to wrap it around his head like that! Maybe make a lame excuse about how he just walked in and it was raining outside or something, but you know, looking like an idiot is better than looking like a demon so she didn't mind his quick attempt to hide.

Myles then backed away and tried to hide in the background, don't say much, don't do much. He watched Erci pop out and cling onto the human, he smiled thinly, glad she wasn't fondling over him this time.

Roselyn anxiously waited for Lenneth to take the human to the library so she could get down from the ceiling, I mean she can only do that for so long.
Gerus was walking own the stairs and saw the human. He didn't hide his wings fast enough. He quickly hid his wings and ran down he stairs thinking the human hadn't seen that.
Ava blinked in surprise as a girl popped out of nowhere and amiably ambushed her. "Uhm," she managed to get out as the girl hugged her. "I guess..I'm flattered." She mustered a small smile, amused at the girl's behavior. Definitely friendlier than she expected. More and more people were showing up. For Ava, she never got this much positive (she assumed it was positive) attention. A bit uncomfortable at the sudden outburst of people, she sort of wished the guy would just drag her off to meet the owner. She didn't know any other way to get out of this situation.
Lenneth smiled, tugging on Erci's hair. "Hey Erci, look, there's Myles. Doesn't he just look, so lonely to you?" He said, pointing to Myles. Erci's eyes widened and she giggled letting go of the girl and tackling Myles, giggling like crazy. "I found you! I thought you had left! I was so sad!~" She giggled some more, rubbing her face against his.

Lenneth slipped one of his hands around her waist, and guided her back to the library door, away from everyone else and knocked on the door. He opened it slightly. "Hey grim, you have a visitor." He nudged her inside gently, and shut the door behind them.

Erci rubbed her cheek against Myles, smiling and refusing to let go. Vice grinned, walking out and looking up at Roselyn, who was still up on the wall. "You can come down now, she's inside the Library." She looked over at Myles and Erci. She tried not to laugh, so she just raised her hand, putting her finger slightly above her lip and smiling.
Ava barely had time to think as she was guided into the library. She passed by a guy-did he just have wings? Her eyes had caught a half a second of wings..it was probably her imagination. People didn't have wings, and he certainly looked normal now.

As the door closed behind her, uncertainly flickered across her mind. The same fear of the unknown came back before she brushed it away with the same thought of being away from her family. Grim? What kind of name was that? She took a half step forward before stopping, thinking it better to remain where she was until beckoned. A few seconds passed and she was tempted to call out a greeting of some sort, but refrained from doing so.

"Wait w-what!?" Myles said confused for a moment, but then realized what Lenneth did. When I get my hands on him...he's DEAD. He thought, about ready to attack that fallen angel. But Myles was getting sort of used to Erci clinging onto him so he just stayed where he was and tried not to move too much.

"Yeah...alright..." He muttered, trying to get Roselyn's coat off his head while Erci snuggled him

Roselyn got down from the ceiling when Vice gave the clear.

"Oh thank goodness...my arm...was starting to hurt..." Roselyn laughed rubbing the side of her arm. She quickly got the coat off of Myles and put it on.

"I'm going to go find a hat...you have top hats right Myles?" She asked, "You can put those on...and do you have anything else?"

"I have a nun's outfit but I don't think that will fit your personality at all..." Myles laughed then tried to get Erci off.

"I have a what?" Grim looked down from the ladder he was on. He was stacking his papers as high as he could out of boredom from waiting on Gerus to bring the people in the house to the library, but instead Lenneth brought over something he didn't think would be in this manor for a long time...a human.

He adjusted the bandages over his eyes to be doubly sure that the girl wouldn't see his eyes. Over all Grim looked like a regular twenty some year old guy who just had bandages around his eyes and long hair.

"Oh..." He said, climbing down from the ladder. "Um...Hello young lady...heh, are you at all confused about what you saw...um...out there?" He gestured to behind his door, referring to everyone else in the home. He already assumed that she had seen what they really were.
Lenneth frowned, making a neck slicing motion from behind her and shaking his head no, trying to tell him that she has seen NOTHING.

Erci giggled, rubbing her cheek some more, then jumped off of Myles, extending her wings and flapping them as she flew to Roselyn, cuddling her closely. "Sissy! I missed you!" She clung to her closely and giggled more.

Vice raised her eyebrows, looking at Roselyn. "Speaking of clothes, I washed the ones you lent me and they're probably done drying by now. I could go get them for you." She pointed upstairs, where her sweater, and shorts where already dried on a hanger.
Ava relaxed a bit. "Grim" didn't seem too deathly or spooky. She shook her head, a bit confused on why he had asked her that. "No...not at all..was there something out there that I'm supposed to be confused about?" she replied. From the way he said it, it seemed as if there was something abnormal with the people out there. But from what she could see, they all seemed normal. A bit weird, but nonetheless, normal. Although..that guy with wings...but..that wasn't real. Ava was sure that it was just her imagination.
"But I didn't go anywhere...did I?" Roselyn hugged Erci back but wondered why she missed her. Roselyn looked over at Vice and shook her head, "No no, it's fine Vice, keep it, I insist..."

Myles took the moment, free of Erci to go up to his room and find hats for himself, Vice and Roselyn to take care of their...demon issues before the human came back. He pulled out his top hat that he used to wear a lot when it was in style and then he pulled out some really old medieval hats that would work perfectly for around the horns. He came back down and tossed one to Roselyn

"Here." Myles said simply to Roselyn. He held out the other one to Vice, "Want one?"

Roselyn looked around the hat and placed it on her head, "...Uhh..." was all she could say, "Eh...I feel like an idiot..."

"Oh..." Grim muttered but when he looked over and saw Lenneth he understood, "OH! Oh! Oh...um...well please...come here, have a seat..." He said with a smile, pointing to the seat in front of his desk. Grim moved the ladder to the side and knocked over the absurd pile of papers to the ground so that he had a cleared desk.

"What brings you here ummm......?" Grim started but then paused, wondering what her name was.
Vice grinned, watching Roselyn put on a hat like that. She broke into a full out laugh, covering her stomach when she put it on. She shook her head at Myles' offer. She smiled, pointing to her head. "No, but thanks, My horns are non existent. Then she stopped completely, her eyes looking from Myles' horns, to Roselyn's. Why don't I have horns... Her eyes glazed over and she desperately wished to remember what happened to her, and why she was different from them.

Erci giggled, clinging onto Roselyn as she put on the hat. "Hehehe~! You look silly!" She tugged on her hat and smiled. Then she pulled off her hat and stepped back, pulling off Myles' hat too. She smiled and wiggled her fingers. "Or I can just help like this!" She giggled, snapping her fingers, and their horns slowly became invisible. "Of course you can still feel them, but you can't see them!" She giggled, clapping her hands together. "I did good right! Right?"

Lenneth swallowed, moving her to the seat and pulling it out for her, acting as gentlemanly as possible.
"You don't have to," she said to the guy as he pulled out the chair for her. The manners would drive her crazy. "Ava. Ava Felbury," she responded to Grim evenly. She took a deep breath before responding to how she got here. She understood that they might want to know if she were a criminal or not. Still, it was uncomfortable to tell others about her family issues. "I left home," she said shortly, chickening out of telling them the actual reason at the last second.

"Hey! Don't laugh!" Roselyn pouted, blushing from embarrassment. It was probably the first time in a long time has she ever blushed.

"You're lucky you have no horns...very lucky...their probably just really small...I mean, mine are bigger than Myles'..." Roselyn explained teasing the boy.

"Hey!" He pouted, but the Erci took their hats off and did something they both have been wanting done in a long time. Making their horns invisible.

Roselyn was a bit shocked and she grabbed Myles and dragged him to the nearest mirror, "Oh my god...Myles...l-look...it's almost...it's almost as if we're human again..." She muttered, about to cry wonderful tears of joy while she hugged him, almost suffocating him in her breasts like she almost did to Erci.

"P-Please....let go..." He mumbled trying to breath.

Grim looked like he was about to cry, "Oh my...oh dear dear dear dear..." He got up from the desk and went around to hug Ava. "There was once a girl like you who came here...she ran away from home also, out on a whim...she's very special to this home..." It was almost like he was rambling like a babbling fool, but what do you expect? It's Grim...he's Grim.
Lenneth raised his eyebrows, dropping the gentleman act, and crossing his arms, watching them talk. He sat leaned against the nearest bookshelf, his eyes lingering on Ava. He smirked when Grim hugged her, but he was still curious as to the real reason she left. No one in their right mind would just come out and tell them the real reason instantly.

Erci pouted, tugging on Roselyn's sleeve. "I wanna snuggle too..." She puffed out her cheeks and looked up at Roselyn expectantly. She raised her hands up, wanting to snuggle.

Vice moved her hands to the top of her head, looking down at the floor. She felt around for the bumps that should be horns, but no, nothing was there. She brought her hands down and tried to smile, but gave up, and just settled for watching them, while her mind was elsewhere.
Ava blinked as he suddenly hugged her, noticing that he was wrapped up in his own emotional ramble. "Er, what was her name?" she asked, thinking it was best if they steered clear of why she was here. And from what Grim was doing, this girl seemed very special. But the words like you caught her attention..."Like me?" she said, troubled by the meaning behind it.

"Jesus Christ...what is with people and snuggling!?" Roselyn asked thinking about Lenneth and looking up as if Jesus would come down and answer her, of course...nothing. She shook her head and brought Erci in too.

"Yeah come here girl," She said having Myles on one side and Erci on the other. Myles...not enjoying it as much as Erci would.

"Uhhhh....yeah..." Myles said, trying to get away.

Roselyn looked over at Vice and smirked, "Come here Vice...I know you want to...come on...."She teased.

"Her name was Lillian...you can see her tomb stone...but...our graveyard is under construction..." Grim said, letting go of Ava and wiping his eye from under his bandages. "Oh...like you? Well you know, running away from home n' all...she told me the same thing in that very chair..." He pointed out, "But now she's dead..." It was quiet for a moment.

"Well, anyway, how long do you plan on staying here Ava?"
Laxira has come upon the manor and is walking slowly to it. She has felt something happened in there that is lively and interesting and her body had automatically guided her mind there. She, a ghost, wanders lifelessly in front of the door until she finally knocks it, then rings it, hesitantly.
Lenneth threw his hands in the air, walking behind Ava. What the hell Grim? Way to scare her! Just suddenly saying she reminds her of a girl he knew and then randomly saying. "But now she's dead." WAY TO SCARE HER AWAY! He thought, mentally headbanging a wall.

Vice raised her eyebrows, watching them. "Not particularly.." She averted her eyes, looking outside of the window. What is this... feeling... Something's coming... but what..? She gripped her arms and focused outside.Then there was a knock on the door. She frowns, I knew it. She walked to the door and opened it, looking at a transparent girl. A ghost..

Erci giggled, rubbing her face in Roselyn's breasts, then managing to wiggle her way over to Myles and rub her cheek against his while snuggling them both. "I love you guys! Hehehe~!" She giggled, hugging them closer and smiling.
Ava shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the dead. She felt a bit embarrassed as he asked her how long she would be staying. Obviously, she would leave if they asked her to, but..Ava hadn't really thought this through. Where would she go if she left? "Well..I'm not sure," she started. "I don't really have anywhere else to go."
Laxira blinks, and decides to sits down there until somebody responds...And she drifts to sleep.....

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