|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

"No! I do not-" Myles started to say but Erci stopped him with a quick kiss on the cheek. "-care..." he finished off a bit absentmindedly. What? What!? What was that!? He thought unable to express anything at the moment. He wasn't really listening to her anymore while he rubbed his cheek trying to wipe it away along with the red tint in his face. Myles watched her leave the room commenting about someone being in a bad mood, he was about to go too when he saw Grim in the corner of his eye pouting. "Aww...I wish she would give me a kiss too...I wonder if she'll consider calling me, 'Papa Oliver' what do you think?"

Myles gave a curious look, Using your real name? Has it really been that long since then? He thought in his head remembering a time when Grim went by the name of "Oliver" but he hasn't done that in one-hundred years. Without answering the idiot Myles left the room, heading upstairs where Erci, Gerus and the new angel was, in front of Vice's room.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Roselyn stared at Lenneth for a moment not exactly sure how to respond but there was something different, she just couldn't pin point it. Of course, not wanting to think too hard she went about the situation she the only way she knew how, teasing.

"That means you'll accompany me to bed right?" She asked jokingly, "If not you know...that's cool too..."
Erci frowned, knocking on the door again. "It's like she had an electrical short of some kind! Hey hey, gurlie gurl! Open the door~! We don't bite I swear!" She giggled, talking to the door.

Vice decided to just ignore them, in hopes she could sleep. She closed her eyes, trying her best to drown them out and sleep. "Leave me alone for a bit.. I'll come out soon.." She raised her voice slightly, just so they could hear and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

Lenneth grinned, nudging her in the side, his usual smile back. "Only if we snuggle. I don't know about you, but I'm hard-core on snuggling." He chuckled, also joking.
"S-snuggling..." Roselyn echoed as if it was a new concept to her. "I mean...i-if that's what you're into...I could do that..." She muttered. For as long as she could remember she was always in cut-to-the-chase type of situations, but this was different. It's just a joke... Roselyn told herself in her head, trying not to ponder over the thought, but all she has been doing was pondering.

She opened the door to the manor and waited for Lenneth to go in, looking at the ground sheepishly but when she looked up she noticed everyone's attention in the house was towards Vice's room.

In curiosity she went up the stairs and did the same thing.

She patted Myles' and Erci's head when she got to the door.

"Vice...hey...it's Roselyn...if this is about what happened earlier...uh...I'm sorry..." She said through the door hoping that Vice had heard her.

Myles glared at Roselyn, as if he had already knew what she had done. "What did you do to Vice huh?" He asked.

"Nothing that you can understand..." Roselyn said, sticking her tongue out.

"Do you want to go there? I was around when the lute was the coolest thing ever! I think I understand things!" Myles said, rolling up his sleeves.

"We are going nowhere you guys..." Grim interrupted, being the voice of reason.
Erci frowned, looking at everyone. "Didn't you guys hear her!" She giggled. "Vicey wicey will come out soon!" She giggled, tugging on Myles' sleeve and walking to Grim. She lifted her arms, giggling. "Up! Up! I want to touch the ceiling!" Erci wiggled her fingers expectantly, smiling radiantly.

Vice frowned, getting nowhere with her want of sleep. She sat upright, pushing herself against the wall and looking around the room. Her new clothes were everywhere, thrown against the wall, scattered all over the floor, the lamp had been knocked over and the light bulb was shattered with broken glass all over the floor. Somehow, she didn't care at all about the way the room looked. She sighed. "Come in, I guess.." She pushed her fingers through her hair, closing her eyes and holding her hands in her head.

Lenneth smiled as he walked Roselyn walk away. "We are most definitely snuggling." He mumbled so quietly only he could hear. He stepped behind her towards Vice's room, and passed everyone, sticking his bags of clothing in his room before walking back out. He caught the end of Erci's sentence. "I want to touch the ceiling!" she giggled. He smiled to himself. That girl sure is something else. He stepped forward. "Come in, I guess.." He heard Vice mumble. Her tone of voice told him that something hadn't gone right.
Grim clapped his hands together, "Dawl'! You're so adorable!" He squealed, before picking Erci up and lifting her so she could touch the ceiling.

Roselyn and Myles stood side by side watching that, almost disgusted. "Grim...what...are...you doing?" The both of them said in unison, seeming to both agree on the fact that Grim was equally weird sometimes.

Grim pouted and set Erci down, "I had dreams before...don't judge...you're not the only one with a past life."

Myles sighed, scratching the back of his head, but looked up when Vice offered for them to come in.

Roselyn walked in, hoping that Vice was okay but when she walked in the room was a bit of a wreck.

Grim came by next and looked around, "You're paying for this..." he commented bluntly just for Roselyn and Myles to punch him in the gut.

Grim smiled weakly, "You know what...n-never mind..."

"Um...s-so...what's up?" Roselyn asked nervously, after dealing with Grim.
Gerus walked in saw the room and walked right back out. He grabbed the other angel (I forgot my own carries name) and flew to the roof. He would listen to this from the roof Away from danger.
Erci squealed happily, being picked up by Grim. "Hehehe! Yay! I can touch the ceiling! I'm tall now!" When he put her down she pouted along with him, tugging on Myles' sleeve again. "If you wanted to pick me up you could have just asked.." she mumbled quietly under her breath. When they opened the door to Vice's room, her eyes widened. She ran inside and twirled in the middle of the room. "Woaaah! It's like a tornado hit in here~" She giggled and ran around inside, then stopped short of a piece of glass from the lamp. "Uh-oh! Watch out you guys! It's dangerous!" She giggled.

Vice peeked at them from between her fingertips. "I'll pay for it." She crossed her arms over her knees and rested them there. I shouldn't have let them come in. She regretted it in the instant they walked in. They're not supposed to see me like this. Make time go back. Make it all go away. "S-so...what's up?" She heard Roselyn ask. She sighed, looking up at them with a straight face. "I redecorated."

Lenneth had to bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing. Redecorated? Oh my god this girl is a comedy without even trying. He crossed his arm, not letting any trace of humor be felt from him. He looked at grim sympathetically when Roselyn and Myles punched him. Note to self : No smart-ass comments when things are serious.
Myles' attention was alerted to Erci just for him to put on his bad poker face, "What!? Where do you get these crazy ideas! I didn't even say anything about that!" He told her, folding his arms across his chest. He walked into Vice's room and stood next to Roselyn.

"Redecorated? Huh...I like it...it certainty draws my attention- Wait...the lamp!?" Roselyn ran to it's side like it was her long lost love who just died. "Dang...this was my favorite..."

Myles slapped her across the back of the head, "Even you!?"

Roselyn rubbed the back of her head and made her way to the shamed corner with Grim.

"I kinda liked that lamp too..." Grim whispered to Roselyn.

Myles rolled his eyes at the two idiots and drew closer to Vice being the one to bring the serious into the room, "Vice, I don't have time to play 'dodge the question' so just tell us what the hell is up!" Myles said bluntly.
Erci frowned, climbing up on Myles' back. "Oh come on pretty boy! She did ask for some space!" She tugged on his ear and puffed out her cheeks to show her frustration. If anything, she looked like a monkey tugging on a stubborn banana.

Vice eyes Myles' carefully, then brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them close to her and resting her head on her knees. "Remembering... Sucks." She focused on a burn mark on the wall, although she wasn't focused. Her eyes were looking, but her mind was elsewhere.

Lenneth walked behind Grim and Roselyn, patting them both on the back supportively. He let his hand slip from Grim's back, but let his hand linger on Roselyn's. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "She'll be fine. By the way, I'm looking forward to that snuggle." He chuckled jokingly and walked out of the room, trudging down the steps and into the dining hall.
"What!? Not this again!" Myles complained when Erci climbed onto his back. Trying to get Erci off, which now seemed to be a re-occurrence as of late, he also tried to listen to Vice who was talking about remembering.

"Remembering...?" He muttered, confused but also a slight bit worried. "Uh...I'll let you...sleep..." Myles said, leaving the room, and unfortunately taking Erci with him.

He puffed out a breath of air, "You can get off now..." He said.

Grim smiled when Lenneth came around, and being the sick weirdo that he was he managed to listen close to Roselyn and Lenneth. Roselyn nodded her head agreeing with the fact that Vice would be fine but then perked up when he had mentioned that snuggled. She smirked and watched him leave the room.

"Oh, aren't we all getting chummy~!" Grim chimed to Roselyn.

"Me? Chummy? Ha! I'm just doing what I do best..." She responded, dismissing Grim and heading for the door, glancing at Vice briefly.

Grim frowned, "I wonder when you'll drop the act..." He muttered, kind of to himself.

"I'm not the one who's acting..." Roselyn said, hearing the guy. With that said she went to her room, she needed to change her clothes and wash off the blood that the rain hadn't already.
Erci giggled, clutching onto Myles. "I want a piggy back ride!" She bounced slightly on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and giggling more.

Vice blinked, watching everyone leave the room. She blinked, looking back down to the sheets and the torn up room. She chewed the bottom of her lip, tears pushing their way to her eyes. "I'll pay for it all.." She hid her face behind her knees, clutching the blankets to herself.

Lenneth grabbed a plate of food and began chowing down. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he saw the table full of food. Damn, this is delicious. But I have to remember, these plates are bad news, so don't eat too much. He nodded to himself, eating a bit more.
Gerus heard the crying and went downstairs to Vice's room. "I'll pay for it all." He shrugged and said, "No I will." He was going to try to comfort Vice as much as he could, after all it was his job...
Grim was the last one to leave the room but just when he was about to leave he stopped at the door way, "If you would like to explain what you remembered...feel free to talk to me later...but please remember, I will gather up all my little lambs to the Library soon, so don't stay too long in here, I have some things to point out to the whole manor..." He said with one of those know-it-all smiles, then closing the door.

Then when the two angels came about, Grim gestured to her door, letting them know she was still in there.

Roselyn set her new clothes out on the bed and went into her bathroom. She turned on the water, slipping her hand under the running water. She dropped her clothes to the floor and stepped in, letting herself sink into the tub. It wasn't until she realized she was completely alone did she feel a bit scared, remembering the shadow man who had pushed her to the ground, taking that sword, raising it upon her and swinging it down just for Lenneth to stop him.

That shadow reminded her of something Myles used to talk about...something he had dealt with a long time ago...something in Limbo.

Although instead of battling shadows in Limbo Myles was being forced to give Erci a piggy back ride.

"You're going to make me fall down the stairs!" Myles snapped, holding onto the side railing and looking down to the main floor.

"And besides you have two perfectly unbroken legs and wings, I think you can carry your own weight!" He mentioned irritably.
Erci giggled, opening her wings as wide as she could, although she couldn't fully extend them because of the walls that were in her way. "D'aww! Does Mr.Myles want me to carry him again?" She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and slumping on his back comfortably. "Well no, it's my turn silly goose.." She hyper attitude started to wear off as she soon fell asleep, clutching onto Myles as she did.

Vice nodded at grim, but frowned when she saw Gerus. I thought I was alone. "You don't understand what I'm talking about. Please leave me alone. Right now I want to be alone." She dug her nails into her leg, breaking the skin and making herself bleed. I want to be alone... I need to be alone.. Just for now... She wiped her face and frowned. I can't even let myself get emotional in peace. I really should have went elsewhere... Then she stopped. Raising her hands and looking at them. What's happening to me..? Why am I getting agitated so quickly..

Lenneth sat back and rested his hand on his stomach. "Oh my gosh that was delicious." He pressed his hands together as if in prayer and bowed to the table. "Thank you for the meal~" He grinned and walked back to the bottom of the staircase, seeing Eric sleep on Myles. Oh they just get cuter and cuter. He decided not to say anything for the sake of Myles would probably get frustrated, yell, and wake her up, so he just stepped up the steps, waved at Myles, tugged on one of Erci's wings gently, and walked into his room.
"Hey w-wait are you-" Myles started but paused, realizing what just happened.

Oh. Shit. She's asleep!? What am I supposed to do with a sleeping girl on my back!? I was never trained for this! I was raised in a time when ankles were naughty! Oh...if my father would see me now I would have taken a whip for this! Myles was panicking in his head, not exactly sure what to do.

When he saw Lenneth come up the stairs her frowned, "Not a word!" He muttered to him, trying to figure out what to do without flipping out completely and dropping her.

Roselyn sighed and stepped out of her bathroom, with a towel, drying her white hair. She had let the red tinted water drain down before slipping on her clothes then sprawling out on her bed. She felt better that's for sure, but another moment in that room and she shall kill herself.

Roselyn walked out of her room and looked down the hall at Myles and Erci. She covered her mouth to hide her smirk, but the small laugh didn't seem to hide completely.

Myles glared at Roselyn, a glare so evil enough where Roselyn stopped and looked the other way for a moment.
Lenneth sighed, having nothing to do in his room. He thought back to Myles and Erci. "Oh, those two are hilariously cute." Then he thought back to Vice, all alone in the room. Well, she wanted to be alone. He began unpacking his clothes and putting them away in the closet, then he looked down at his soaked clothes and decided to change.
Myles, being desperate to get her off sighed and eyed Roselyn over to help him. Roselyn was holding back laughter but she nodded her head and walked over, looking at Myles with sympathy.

"Alright, where do you want to put her?" Roselyn whispered.

"I don't know! Just not on me!" Myles whispered back in distress.

"Well I'll put her in your room-"

Myles turned red, "No! Not there!"

Roselyn smirked, "Then you decide..."

Myles paused then looked down stairs, "Um...in the den I guess..." He muttered.

"Okay...now let me see..." Roselyn looked at Erci and first tried to take her off but she seemed like she had a pretty good grip on Myles. "Hmmm...."

"Hurry up! I think I'm going to have my spine break!" Myles said.

"Shhh! Don't rush perfection!"
Lenneth changed into a long, button-up white shirt and blue jeans, not bothering to brush his black, damp hair. He then opened the door to the hallway, seeing nothing else to do to his room, and stepped out, watching Roselyn's amusement at Myles' distress. He walked over to them, holding back laughter and overhearing their spot to put her. "Maybe you should just carry her down to the den, then put her down, it would be a lot eaiser."
Seeing he wasn't helping he looked to his teacher of guidance. He shook his head. Gerus knew what that meant. He best. Thing for her was to be alone. Backing out the door Gerus tossed 100 bucks to Vice. "For the damages if that is not enough let me know." As he backed out he went downstairs to see Myles with Erci on him. "I don't even want to know." Gerus and his teacher went to the library and knocked on the door. They needed to talk to Grim.
"But...I don't feel like carrying her..." Myles muttered with a childish pout. It was probably one of the cutest things he has done in a long time.

Roselyn wasn't phased, "Do it." She stated simply, "Or else I will push you down the stairs..." She said to him lastly. Myles rolled his eyes, "Okay whatever..." He turned his back on Roselyn and started down the steps. While Myles wasn't looking she nearly squealed.

Oh my god! That was so cute~! I wish Myles would pout like THAT more often! She thought and looked at Myles as if she were a fan-girl. When Myles felt the odd air behind him he turned around and Roselyn coughed, acting like she wasn't just gawking at the fact that he was adorable.

He glared at her and continued to go to the den.

Grim ignored the knocking for as long as he could before deciding to let them in, "The door is open just walk in..." he muttered, his head on the desk.
Walking in Gerus and his teacher sat down in frount of Grim. Gears spoke first. "Can I have a room also meet my teacher you might recognize him."
Lenneth bit his bottom lip and raised an eyebrow as he watched Myles carry Erci down. He just lost some man points right there. He smirked to himself, following them down to the den, putting on a poker face when Myles turned around, pretending like he was utterly bored with the situation. When he turned back around, his goofy grin was back.
The den, like always, was nice and warm from the fire place. It was also one of Myles' favorite places to hide when ever he didn't want to deal with people like Roselyn or Grim.

Roselyn opened the door and Myles walked in with Erci. There were two vintage chairs set up facing the fire place and on the other side of the room there was a poker table. Yet another gift given to Grim by a demon. This time of greed. It's meant to make all who play loose, so no one actually plays there unless they want their pockets run dry.

Roselyn then tried to get Erci off of Myles by whispering some words in her ear. Hoping that the girl had heard it, she should want to cling onto the chair, but it doesn't always work on heavy sleepers.

Grim looked up at them and paid close attention to Gerus' teacher, "Hmmm....nope, don't recognize him!" He said bluntly with a laugh. "And here, take these," Grim said, tossing them both a ring with one key on it. "The longer you stay, the more keys you get. As of currently Myles has the most keys due to the fact he has been a lazy bum and lived her for a long time," He said jokingly.

"So go into the halls and try to find your rooms, it may take awhile, but you know, all fun and games."
Erci, hearing something being said while she was dreaming about her past, began mumbling out loud. "Mommy... I-...I didn't mean to... I'm sorry... Elise..." She mumbled, clinging harder to Myles and continuing to dream about her family.

Vice got up, not feeling better at all, and slipped out of Roselyn's clothes, leaving them in a wet pile on the floor. She peeled off her bandages, to see that all of her cuts and wounds had healed completely. The only reminder of the fight was a pink scar that ran across her torso, nothing else left scars. She frowned, walking around the room and picking up a pair of black leggings, blue-jean shorts, and a black tank top. She pulled a long silver chain out a bag and slug it around her neck. Then she raked her fingers through her hair, and began cleaning up her room.

Lenneth frowned once Erci started talking. "I'm sorry... Elise..." She mumbled. He leaned against the wall, feeling sorry for Erci, and also Myles, who she was still clinging on helplessly to. He sighed, walking towards them and then grabbing her arms, prying them off of Myles and picking her up out of his arms. She didn't resist at all, she was dead asleep. He set her in the chair gently and backed away.

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