|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Erci pouted, clinging to him as they started walking out of the cave. "It's still raining.." She mumbled, looking up to the sky. Suddenly, she shook her head very fast. No no no no! You have to be happy! A wide grin spread across her face and she hopped in front of the boy. "Do you want another ride home?" She giggled, hopping from foot to foot.

Vice frowned at the sound of a crash. She hesitated for a moment, deciphering if she should go check it out or not. Then the sweet, juicy sent of blood hit her nose. She darted out of the store and into the street, seeing a mans head and body separate with blood pooling at the scene. Frowning, she went into the store to see Roselyn devouring the remains of a person. "..Roselyn..?" She spoke quietly, trying not to spook her.

Lenneth flew down and landed in the manor's front yard. He climbed up the steps and into the house, going straight up stairs and into his room. He looked down at his clothes, seeing that he needed to change, then looked around, seeing that he had no clothes. His frown deepened and he headed back out of the house and into the rain, jogging to the nearest town in search for clothes.
"Roselyn she is probably attacking the village right now. Is there anything you can do to stop her. I don't want humans paying the price for her anger..."
Myles looked at the rain then back down at Erci, then back at the rain and back to Erci.

Walk in the rain...or be carried home? Walk in the rain or be carried home?

"I think I'll walk in the rain..." He dismissed her and started walking. There it was again, his impenetrable wall that he puts up to divide himself from others.

Roselyn got up from behind the counter with the devoured clerk clutched in her hands. She looked over at vice before using the clean parts of the clerk's shirt to wipe her face off. She hopped onto the counter and smiled thinly at Vice, "Oh hey," She greeted her casually. "Got some new clothes I see," Roselyn commented while reaching over to the sunglasses rack and putting a pair on.

Grim stayed quiet for a moment. "Alright...she's probably mad..." He started, "if you can find a way to calm her down you'll be able to get close enough to knock her out. Once that is done she needs to be brought her in my office, I'll take care of the rest from there...but! I warn you, if you're unable to calm her down she will probably just go into more rage and take you on too."
Erci frowned. "I think not! You'll catch a cold!" She flew up in the air, grabbing onto him by his shoulders and lifting him up. "Besides! It's much better being together!" She giggled, flapping her huge wings and taking them back to the manor. She kept her hands on his shoulders while she flied, hoping she didn't squirm too much or she could drop him.

Vice frowned. "What are you doing?" She stepped forward, closing the distance between them. She avoided looking at the body that had been ripped to shreds on the floor. Her stomach grumbled noiselessly and she frowned at Roselyn.

Lenneth skidded to a halt in front of a pool of blood. A boy running by stopped, screaming his lungs out in terror. "Dammit Roselyn.." He pressed his finger against the boys head, telling him to forget what he just saw and pretend nothing happened. The boy nodded mutely and walked away. Lenneth looked to the store. "I bet she's in there.."
Pulling out his nature sword he said,"She will be knocked out before she knows I'm there." He quickly flew away flying as fast a he could to the village. When he was near the village he dropped down and hid his wings and changed his body. He quickly caught Roselyn's sent and ran towards the store she was in. Once at the store he quietly stepped inside and pulled out his sword. Standing out he jumped at Roselyn wanting to knock her out. While still in the air he said to Vice, "You going to help?"
"Hey! I told you I want to wal-" Myles started but decided to not resist right now since Erci had the power to just drop him.

"I don't get colds..." He muttered quietly, not sure of Erci heard him or not. He seriously couldn't get over the fact that she looked so much like his old friend, it kind of scared him, but it was also comforting to have someone like Kalcyte in the manor again.

Roselyn adjusted her shades and then stepped off the counter, rolling her finger in the pool of blood. She went over to Vice and popped her finger in Vice's mouth.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She asked, "We can go get some more people if you like~" She chimed just when she noticed Gerus coming after her.

"What do you want?" She asked, moving to the side quickly, not wanting to go down that easily, oh no, she wanted to dance. She wanted to have fun like she used to do.

"Things aren't going as planned..." Grim muttered to himself when Gerus left. He then resumed making his house of cards.
Erci giggled, setting him down on the house in front of the manor and ushering him inside. "You said you'd show me around~ Now's your chance!" She looped one of her arms through his, clinging to him and giggling.

Vice froze as the copper metallic taste of blood entered her mouth and traveled down her tongue. She felt herself regaining strength just from one little taste. She felt her wounds sewing themselves up, and her rib repairing itself. She needed more, her inner wolf urging to be freed, to be let loose. She fell on her knees, her eyes dazed and her body trembling slightly. She was having an internal battle now. Lose control, or not?

Lenneth stepped inside the store, looking from Roselyn, to Vice, to Gerus. Sighing, he walked forward. "Roselyn, calm down. Isn't this enough blood for you already? It's time to go back to the manor." His eyes lingered on Vice as he spoke, wondering what was wrong with her. She looked so... out of it.
Gerus looked at Vice a flew away from the building. He was terrified. Vice had a taste for blood. Soon two demons will be attacking the village and Lenneth was in there. Only Grim could stop this. Flying to the house the broke a window into the library. Now was not a time to be polite now was a time to hurry. "Grim Vice has a taste for blood and Roselyn just offered her to terrorize the town and Lenneth is there too. Can you help me stop them?"
"I said that?" Myles asked, not really remembering the words coming out of his mouth but he decided to not argue right now. As he walked in with Erci clung onto him, the house felt empty.

"No one is here..." He said, "Not even the ol-" He paused for a moment, pondering. He finally came to the realization that Grim probably knew. "He knows..." He told Erci, "He knows what happened...but who the hell told him- ...The angel..."

Roselyn smiled at Vice, seeing that she may be swayed to loosing control and when Gerus fled her smile got wider. She looked up at Lenneth who just walked in when Gerus flew out. "Calm down? I ain't even mad." She walked over to Lenneth and took the glasses off, dropping them.

"I just want to have fun now..." Roselyn said. She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and got close, "Now you can either join me..." She whispered sweetly, "Or leave me alone..." She then let go and walked back to Vice, standing next to her.

"Well, do you want to come with me?" Roselyn asked Vice.

Grim's house of cards fell again and this was irritating him. "When do children learn?" he asked, getting up from his desk and creating is scythe from mid air again. "I'll take care of this..." Grim lifted up his hood and now he had the signature grim reaper look that everyone fears. He's body had the illusion of a thick fog as he went through the broken window and made his way to town.
This was too much for poor Gerus. He fainted on the floor out cold. He was going to be no help in this situation. After all he was a young one. He needed help in this life he needed partner....

(Hint hint I'm going to make a new charitar)
Erci blinked, turning her head to the side. "What? You're confusing me! Who knows what? And you're right! This house is as empty as an oyster shell after oysterfest!" She put her finger to her lip, releasing him and looking around the house, where she stumbled upon the table full of food. "Ah! Food!" She dragged Myles inside, pointing and clapping. "Can I have some? Please?" She giggled.

Vice felt her wolf tugging at her insides, nudging her and pleading with her to go with Roselyn. Just as she was about to answer yes, images flashed before her eyes of the last time she lost it. No one had survived. She held her head in her hands and bent over, gasping for air like she had just ran a marathon. "No.. I can't... Not again... Not ever again..." She flinched, fear coursing through her.

Stepping forward, he stood between Vice and Roselyn. "Roselyn, leave these people alone. They did nothing." He frowned, sensing another presence coming towards them and looked to the entrance of the store. "Looks like someone ratted on you."
Myles didn't feel like explaining completely so he covered his forehead like he had a head-ache but when Erci gave that really weird metaphor he looked at her confused, "Oysters...heh...what?" He smiled for a moment until he had realized he had smiled, then he stopped. He was glad she was distracted by the dining hall.

"Yeah you can have some..." He said with no feeling or emotion as he leaned against the door frame.

The table set up was extravagant, but no one ever really ate there. "Uh, just be careful, the table was cursed by a demon of gluttony so the plates never run out of food no matter how much you eat..." Myles said, scratching the back of his head.

"I'll just bring you some in a bottle when I come back..." Roselyn told Vice, not getting mad at her for saying no. She then stepped back when Lenneth came between them. She frowned, feeling offended, "How do you know they're innocent!?" she asked him when Grim showed up.

"Roselyn...are you going down this path again?" He asked. Roselyn stayed quiet, not answering him.

"Well...just so I know you're completely gone, go kill that girl," Grim said, pointing to a woman who was running away from the frightful scene.

Roselyn gave Grim a questioning look but she ran after the woman anyway, tackling her to the ground.

Grim watched Roselyn get close to biting her but stop. Roselyn hung her head low over the woman and then got up, letting her run away.

She came back to Grim and kicked him in the stomach instantly, "Why her!? She's a single mother who's pregnant! I can't kill her you sick bastard!" Roselyn said, crying.

Grim laughed, grabbing his stomach in fake pain, "Well it's good to know you haven't gone insane..."

Roselyn realized it was all a test and Grim knew that she wouldn't be able to do it.

"Well, now, all of you, back to the manor, Vice, Lenneth...Roselyn...I have some work to do here..." He gestured to the bodies, ready to send them to judgement.
While Grim was judging souls could escape. This is when Shawa got out. Listening to the distress of Gerus. He got away and took his old form. All he wanted to do was please Gerus. He got into his form and looked at the passed out Gerus. "I have a lot of work to do.."
"Gluttony? Are you worried I'll get fat? Never!" She giggled, lifting her shirt just high enough for him to see her naval, and her very flat stomach. "I don't think I have anything to worry about! See!" She giggled, then pushed her shirt back down, grabbing a cookie, plopping on the floor, and starting to devour it. "Oh this is so good! You have to try a bite!" She reached her hand up with the cookie in it, waving it around for him to take.

Vice was swallowed by emotions and memories, her body trembling as she stood, barely registering anyone else around her. She trudged through the shop and outside, down the trail to the forest. Her body was moving on its own, and her mind was completely overwhelmed. She was remembering the terrorizing screams, the blood everywhere, her insane laughter. "Not... again.."She mumbled to herself as she stepped up the steps to the manor, walking instantly upstairs and into her room, shutting the door and sliding down behind it.

Lenneth frowned, watching Vice make her way slowly but surely to the manor. He turned his attention back to Grim, who was staring at the bodies. "Do you need some help?" He glanced at Roselyn, who was standing in slight shock at the technique he used to make her stop.
"No...I'm worried you eat until the food bites back at you..." Myles said looking to the side when she lifted up her shirt, "Put that down!" He snapped.

Myles glanced down at Erci whom was offering him a cookie. Of course it had to be something sweet. Not many people knew but Myles had a sweet tooth so he took the cookie from her. He was about to take a bite when he heard someone walk in. He looked out to the main hall and watched at Vice went up the stairs and down the hall all strange like.

"Hmm..." he wondered silently about what was wrong with her while he took a bite.

"It's something that's out of your hand boy," Grim told lenneth as he began writing things down on a large book that he was able to manifest like his scythe. He looked through their names and read their past, he paused, surprised at what he had read. He moved to the three other boys at the window and did the same thing, he looked up from the book and at Roselyn. They exchanged glances before she looked at Lenneth.

"How do you know they're innocent?" She asked again with a slight pain behind her voice. She then walked out of the store not wanting to deal with that anymore.

"That girl...she knew..." Grim started, "These three men raped a woman while the clerk didn't tell anyone about it..." He said quietly before smiling. "Smarter than she looks..." He closed his book, making it disappear.

"Lenneth, I wouldn't want you see my eyes, so go back to the manor, I'll be back there soon to talk to you all in a group...about Caricon..."
The new angel woke Gerus up with a start. "Hello Gerus you asked for a helping hand and here I am!" He started fixing Gerus' wings. "Consider me you godfather."

When Gerus heard that somebody was here to help him he could bearly contain himself. "You mean your here to help me! I can't believe this!"

"Lets go some other place then here," he said flying out the already broken window Gerus following him.
Erci clapped her hands happily when he took the cookie and begun chewing thoroughly on her own. She then got up and wandered to the refrigerator, grabbing a glass of milk and pouring one for Myles. She handed it to him and smiled, a piece of chocolate chip stuck in her teeth. "You never told me your name Silly!"

Lenneth frowned. They could've been. Then what would you have done? He turned his back on both of them, walking into the town and buying himself some clothing. He wandered into a coffee shop to wait for the rain to stop before he headed back. He ordered himself a coffee and sat at a booth alone, pondering over things and frankly, sulking. I can't believe I thought they might've been innocent. His cheeks puffed out and he fiddled with a strand of his damp hair. The waitress brought him his coffee, and his usual carefree look returned. "Thanks."

Vice closed her eyes, rocking back and forth like a mental patient, her eyes wide and terrified. She had somehow managed to throw the clothes around the room and crawl under her bed, laying in the fetal position. Electricity began to buzz and extend from her being, contacting with the walls, her bed frame, and the lamp, making the light bulb pop. Calm.. Calm... Calm... Calm... She repeated over and over in her head, more frantically each time.
Myles stopped thinking about Vice for a moment due to the fact that Erci started talking and got him a glass of milk. He hesitated at first but he accepted the drink.

"Uh, Myles..." He said, drinking some of the milk. "Umm...how long do you plan on staying here?" He asked taking a seat at the table.

"Not that I care...I just want to count down the days till you leave..." He pouted and looked to the side. While he was looking to the side he heard some wings flapping from the Library. He lifted his head slightly and thought about who else could be here.

Roselyn walked down the sidewalk with her hands stuffed in her pocket, she was planning to go to the manor but she didn't feel like being there, in fact she didn't feel like going anywhere. They didn't trust me... She thought feeling sorry for herself. None of them understand me then...none... Roselyn looked up and saw a young man walking to opposite direction of her. She stopped him in his tracks, "Darling, where you going? do you mind of I accompany you?" She asked, feeling very much alone, but it wasn't like spending a night with a stranger could fill that hole and she knew that.

"S-Sorry..." He stuttered, seeing how she was dressed, and the blood that covered her body, "You seem like a nice woman but I'm happily married." He dismissed her sheepishly.

Roselyn bit the inside of her lip, "Married?" She began, "Do you love your wife?"

"Very much yes I do..." He told Roselyn confused like he was being interrogated.

"Good, keep up the good work kid," She patted his shoulder and continued walking, deciding to that it was probably best if she washed the blood off herself.
Vice trembled slightly, calming herself as much as she could before wedging herself from under the bed. She sat on the floor, trembling in her wet clothes, electricity still flowing from her body. Calm... Calm... Calm.. She said at a slower pace, electricity shooting from her feet and into the floorboards underneath her. She hoped no one could feel it, she didn't want to be seen like this.

Erci smiled, tugging on a strand of his hair. "Myles is a pretty name!" She giggled. Her eyes widened when he said he wanted to count the days until she left. "Oh my gosh! Myles cares! Myles cares if I leave!" She did a happy dance and jumped on him, latching her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Hehehe! I was hoping you would care! I like you! You're really nice!" She rubbed her cheek against his and giggled more.

Lenneth leaned back in his chair, sighing. He paid for the coffee and left the store, figuring the rain wouldn't let up. He decided to take an alternative route to the manor, and saw Roselyn walking towards him. He stopped in his tracks and watched her. "I'm sorry." He said bluntly, before looking down and walking past her towards the manor. I really need to observe more before I put my big nose in things.
The angel told Gerus many things that helped him understand the world more. "Now there is something a angel watching a Grim should always do. Never hold information to yourself. That is what happen to your master and you see how that ended up."

Gerus paid very much attention espesaly to the last part. "Did you hear that? It sounded like a electric override."

"Good attention lets follow the sound."

When they had gotten to the sound they were at the door of Lenneth's room. They decided to knock and they did.
Myles fumbled backwards until he hit the wall. His eyes swirled, startled by the fact that some girl just jumped up on him and clung onto his body as if she were a monkey and he were the tree. His face turned red quickly like those old thermometers.

"No! No! I don't care I don't care!" He panicked, trying to pry her off his body. "Get off!" He demanded, "I'm not nice! I'm not nice at all!"

The front door then opened and Grim walked in sighing when he heard all the commotion from the dining hall. He peeked his head in and saw the scene. He covered his mouth with his hand and laughed, "Oh! I didn't mean to interrupt~" He said, giving a if-you-know-what-I-mean tone.

"You're not interrupting anything you idiot!" Myles fumed, yelling at Grim.

Roselyn lifted her gaze off the sidewalk and put it on Lenneth. She was surprised to see him for one, since she thought he was at the manor or with Grim, and she was also surprised that he said sorry. Confused for a moment she didn't respond and watched him walk past her.

Roselyn was silent before running up to Lenneth and linking arms, "Excuse me sir, but it's getting rather cold in this rain, so maybe walking together would warm me up~" She said as if they were strangers, but the smile on her face indicated they were not, it also indicated that she forgave him.
Erci giggled. "You care you care!" She planted a quick kiss on his cheek and hopped off, grabbing another cookie. "It's nice to have someone who cares. Where I come from there's hardly anyone who does.." Her voice began to fade, and then her eyes snapped open, feeling the electricity. "Uh-oh~ Looks like someone's in a bad mood!"She giggled, dashing up the stairs and in front of Vice's bedroom. She looked down the hall to Gerus and the new angel. "That doopidy-do-dah guy isn't here yet! So you'll have to wait!" She knocked on the door to Vice's room. "Knock knock knock! Open up silly goose!"

Vice blinked, as if she was snapped out of a trance. Her head pounced like thunder and her brain felt fried. She frowned at the person at the door, standing up and crawling under her blankets, shaking slightly. Calm.....Calm... She barely had to repeat it anymore, her pulse had slowed dramatically, and her body was exhausted from the internal struggle. Her mind wanted nothing more but darkness at that moment.

Lenneth almost gasped in surprise. His face took on that of a child who just got the best present in the world and was shocked to see it. Then he did something unexpected, his face melted into his real smile. Not one of the plastered on, goofy, fun crazy smiles, but a genuinely happy smile. Relief washed over him and he chuckled. "Not at all ma'am. I would love to accompany you."
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