|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Lenneth frowned, making his wings also waterproof and diving underwater after them. There was no way in hell he would let her do this alone. He searched the water, looking everywhere and anywhere until he spotted them, he swam hard, using his wings to help push him through the water.

Erci blinked, feeling selfish and stupid. And here I am freaking out about it.. She stood up and looked to the ground. Cover it cover it cover it cover it. She repeated over and over in her head, just before lifting her face, with a big goofy grin on it and tackling him. "I sure am a silly goose aren't I?" She giggled. "Getting so upset over a stupid comment!" She ruffled his hair, only then did she notice he was no longer looking at her, but the angel that had came up to them. "I don't want to see killing, it's against my nature. I am an angel after all." The angel said. Erci frowned. "Killing? Against your nature? Pish posh lemmitie squash! Killing IS an angels nature! It's called protecting! That's what they do! Protect! They have to kill to protect!" She said, stuffing her face into Myles' shoulder and frowning. "You sound like that other angel that was very mean. I don't like you."
"Kill to protect never thought of that." He spread his wings and said,"Want a ride? We are going to destroy my master." He gestured to his back willing to give a ride to a killing. 
Caricon saw his prosewer . He quickly flew out of the water and dropped the rider off his back and flew low until he entered his cave. Turning his night vision sight on. He was going to give them a good fight.
Roselyn gasped when Caricon flew out of the water. She lost her grip but as she fell she ripped some of his feathers off and then began plummeting, hopefully towards the water. She grabbed her shoulders and braced herself for impact. Trust, trust, trust, trust...this is just a really high trust fall...relax... Roselyn told herself, actually wanting for Lenneth to come to her rescue this time.

Myles thought she was going to cry some more when she hung her head low, "Hey don't-" but he was cut off by her silly face and the go-lucky shift in the air. He flinched away when she reached over to ruffle his hair but was unable to escape the action. "What do you think you're doing!?" He said just before she smashed her face into him.

Uneasily he tried to pry her off.

Dear God, what's going on? Is this the true hell I have go through? Asked in his head, trying not to make too many sudden movements.

He looked over to the angel and frowned, "You are real quick to change your point of view..." He commented.
Lenneth shot out of the water, catching Roselyn mid-drop and swinging them around to face the direction the angel went. "See? I told you I'd catch you." He grinned, flying off in that direction. "Do you know where he went?" Lenneth scanned the area, not having been able to see him take off.

Erci frowned, clutching Myles like a scared little girl, except, she wasn't scared. "I don't want to ride on you. I have my own ride!" She spread open her wings and clutched Myles. "Hold on pretty boy!" She giggled, kicking off into the sky, flapping her massive wings and carrying Myles with her. "Weee~! Hehehehe! Isn't this fun?" She held onto him tightly, making sure he wouldn't fall.
Roselyn let out a sigh of relief when being caught. "And I only doubted you for a couple seconds..." She muttered, catching her breath.

"Uh, I think he headed towards the cave, it's near the back of the forest," Roselyn pointed to the direction where it should be.

"Holy shit!" Myles panicked, not expecting her to just take him up like that. "If you dare drop me I will make sure you're going down with me!" He told her, not exactly wanting to be up there.

"Where are you going?" Myles asked, wondering where in the world they would be going where she would have to pick him up and take him there.
"Doubt? Me? Pff! Don't ever doubt me, dear Roselyn. I'm too awesome for that." He joked, flying off towards the cave. His eye caught another angel flying around, but he relaxed when he saw who it was. "Hey! Look who it is!" He smiled, nodding his head towards Erci and Myles who were getting closer to them every second.

Erci giggled. "Of course I wouldn't drop you! You're too cute to go splat!" She rubbed her cheek against his and smiled. "Lookie! Lookie! There's my sissy and that guy!" She flew faster until they reached them, then slowed down to match their speed. "Hey! Hehehe! Oh sissy you look like a princess being carried like that!"

Lenneth smirked. "She acts more like a queen." He dove towards the cave, landing in the entrance. "Whoopsie! Lets go pretty boy!" Erci dove along with them, landing hard and basically creating a small crater in her landing spot. "Oopsie! I should have slowed down first!" She still had the boy in her arms.
The angel took off without Myles. His lost. He quickly flew as fast as he could to go help in the hunt to kill his master. He didn't want to kill his master but he had become evil. He flew even faster and joined in the traffic. "Looks like my master is famous," he yelled so everybody could hear him. He pulled out the nature sword his master drop and yelled, "This is the only way to kill him."

Caricon flew through the cave as fast as possible sending bats on panic mode when the sonic blast went past them. When he heard his servant he grunted. "So my own servant wants me dead." He flipped his wings and went even faster.
"I'm glad you're full of confidence!" Roselyn said with a smile when Lenneth pointed to Myles and Erci.

"Myles~ Well isn't it a fancy seeing you in a similar situation as me!" Roselyn said to him, referring to the fact their both being carried by fallen angels.

"Shut up!" Myles told Roselyn with a pout, his face burning.

Roselyn laughed, and smiled wickedly at Lenneth when he mentioned her being a queen, "Damn straight!" She agreed, "Despite the fact that I know you want to hold me longer," She began a bit sarcastically in a dramatic way, "You'll have to put me down..."

When Erci landed and created and unnecessary crater he frowned, "Quit calling me that!" He demanded, "A-And let go of me!"

Why does she come so close to me!? He asked in his head.

Roselyn looked at Gerus and frowned, "I can't use that..." she commented, "One touch of the handle and my hands will burn!"

Myles frowned also, "So we're not going to be able to do anything?"
Lenneth frowned. "Damn, I was hoping to carry you for a bit longer." He turned to look at Gerus, reaching out and taking the sword. "Good thing it doesn't burn me." He flipped the sword high in the air, then caught it, handling it expertly. "Wow, this thing really sucks. My sword was much better." He slid it through the loop in his buckle and walked onward inside the cave.

Erci pouted, making a very sad face. "Y-...You don't like when I hug you...?" Her eyes filled with tears and she looked to the ground. Then she smiled, looking back up to the boy. "That's okay! I enjoy hugging you!" She giggled and released him, dashing off to Roselyn. "Sissy! You're a queen?! As I thought! Sissy is too pretty to be a commoner!" She pounced on Roselyn's back, holding tightly. "Hey hey! Sissy! Lets go find the bad guy!" She giggled.
"No no no," he screamed when the person stole his sword. "That sword is a nature sword. Only loyal to the line of Caricon. Just give it back out the sword does many bad things!"
Shit! Crying girl alert! Myles thought, unable to really do anything about it. He staggered backwards in shock when she just popped up all happy and perky again.

"I think I'm going to die again from a heart attack..." He muttered, sighing from exhaustion. He watched as Erci went over to Roselyn.

Roselyn grinned, "Hahaha~ you flatter me, but I'm not exactly true royalty," She said, looking over at Myles. Myles looked the other way and pouted slightly.

"Anyway, yeah let's go get him!" She cheered willing to carry Erci all the way there. She looked over at Gerus and smirked, "Hey, we can handle this, and we don't need you to screw up if your feelings are going to conflict what you do, I mean Caricon is your master...and so it takes a lot to defy your master." She began, "It's best to put our hopes into someone whom we know will kill the guy...understand sweetie?"
"I it is my duty my master has become evil. I inherited his power. Only I can kill him." As his white wings propelled him faster then ever. He stole then sword out of Lenneth's holster. "Only I can do it."
Lenneth snapped his fingers, making the sword re-appear in his hand. "Exactly. You inherited his power, therefore we have no idea how you intend to use it. You might be just like him, one moment, all friendly and goody, and the next, terribly wrong." He chuckled when he talked about how its only loyal to the line of Caricon. "You're kidding, right? Each sword was made for each angel specifically, yes, but once the angel has turned rogue and fallen, the sword is taken away from them. In other words, this sword will turn to dust in a matter of time. Why do you think I no longer have a sword?" He grinned, running farther into the cave. "I was in the highest position next to god, I'm pretty sure I would know this."

Vice blinked, finally waking up from her dreams. She rubbed her eyes, feeling drowsy and stood up, forgetting about her wounds and stretching her cut almost open. Wincing, she grabbed her ribs. Ah... That's right.. She frowned, looking over to the desk next to her. Myles handkerchief was still there. She picked it up and walked out of the room, heading downstairs and into the kitchen. She began to scrub the dirt out gently until it was all gone. She then wandered back upstairs, putting his handkerchief on the edge of his bed. Bye, for now. She smiled a bit to herself, then wandered downstairs and out of the manor, heading to town.

Erci frowned. "True royalty? Nonsense! You're too pretty to not be royalty!" She giggled and clung to Roselyn as she marched into the cave. Erci looked back at Myles. "Hey why are you pouting! Come here! Come here!" She extended her hand, wiggling her fingers at him. "I'll make it all better~!" She smiled and reached out to him. She frowned to the other angel. "No! You can't use the sword! You're a meanie Bo-Beanie!" She shook her head and then turned her attention back to Myles. "Oh oh! You guys never told me your names!" She giggled. "I'll start! I'm Erci! Don't forget it! Hehe!"
He snapped his figure and the sword in his hand. "Caricon was the first angel. I am true loyalty. You can say I will not turn evil because it took him all of time and each time somebody is born they are better then their parents. Just give it to me and trust me, this is the last nature sword it will only turn to dust when the world does." He went through the cave and tackled Caricon. He quickly stood up and stabbed his master in his heart. Weeping he flew away leaving the badly in the cave. 
(Who is the angel she is talking to?)
(She see's Caricon in him so she's just saying what she thinks is right, don't worry about it. if your chara isn't mean then he isn't mean xD )
Roselyn nearly dropped Erci, "H-Hey! What are you-" but before she could finish her sentence the deed was already done Caricon was stabbed and slumped before her very eyes.

Roselyn put Erci down and ran to Caricon's side, seeing if he was still alive. Her teeth were hurting like crazy and he was stabbed already before she could even take him fresh. This was bad. If Roselyn isn't able to satisfy the need she has worked up she may just have to sneak out for awhile in town and take care of her pain there.

Myles stood there a bit shocked, "Wait...what...it's over?" He asked not really believing it.

Roselyn got up and kicked Caricon's body, "Damn it!" She said. She took a deep breath and started marching out of there.

Myles' knew what was going on. Choosing a vampire form over werewolf had it's consequences which is why Myles never did it. "I know what you're doing Roselyn! I suggest you don't even try..." He stated, giving the girl a warning.

"Sorry kid, but my opportunity just died!" Roselyn pointed at the angel, "So I have to go create some more." With those being her last words for now she ran out of the cave and stated to head for town.

Myles facepalmed at her, "There she goes, throwing a month's amount of work away..." He muttered but then lifted his head from his hands in slight fear. "If Grim finds out about this...he's defiantly going to punish us!" Myles said.

"None of us shall say a word, or else we're all doomed!" Myles told the ones who were still in the cave. He really didn't want to deal with Grim when he's angry.
Vice stepped into town, looking at mutiple clothing shops and stepping in, grabbing clothing she thought would work, paying for it, then heading to the next shop. I hate shopping.. She sighed, heading into the next shop where she saw some really cute combat boots. Well, maybe it's not that bad. She headed into the store, found her size, and headed out. After what seemed like minutes, she headed into a general store, picking up some much needed ointment and bandages.

Lenneth frowned. "Great. I'm not getting in a Vampire's way when they're like this." He walked out of the cave, looking around the lake to see if there was another way out. The rain had increased substantially and he frowned more. "Looks like we get to be even more wet!" He unfurled his wings and flew out of the cave, heading off towards the manor.

Erci frowned when Roselyn put her down. She frowned even more when she left. "No... Sissy come back.." She pouted, looking around the cave until her eyes landed on Myles. She ran up to him, tugging on his sleeve. "Hey! Where did sissy go!?" She pouted and looked at him with big pleading eyes.

The angel went crying to the house. When he got there he went in and knocked on the library's door. He went in and and went to Grim's desk. "I killed Caricon and the Vampire/Demon is going on outrage. What should I do?"
Myles looked at Erci a bit sympathetically, "She's probably not going to be back for awhile...so we should go back to the manor." He told her sighing when she started tugging on his sleeve "She went to do somethings that she will regret later on..."

Roselyn walked down the street when she saw three guys hanging out near a corner shop. She instantly came over to them and started dragging them down to their worst nightmare. Softly she kissed one of them, pushing him against the corner store window. Then without any hesitation she broke away and looked at the clerk through the window as she went to the guys neck and let the bloodshed begin. She didn't just prick him she completely tore his neck off, decapitating him, then turning to his friends and smashing them through the store's window.

She looked up at the clerk and smirked, running towards him and eating him alive at the cash register.

Her hip bumped the machine and the wonderful green money flew into the air, causing a bigger scene than necessary.

Grim was making a house of cards at his desk when Gerus ran in. His little house fell and cards fluttered to the grown. "Hey look what you made me do-" Grim started to scold the angel but what he said completely changed the aura in the air.

".....Which demon?" he asked, folding his hands on the desk.

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