|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

The dark angel smiled and said, "Can I help you with this?" He really wanted to help. He wanted to fit in. The dark angel flipped his wings. He was still generating power but would soon be as powerful as his master.
Lenneth paused. "Uh... If you can find some paint to cover up these scorch marks, then yes, you can help. If not, then not really." He eyed the fallen cautiously.
Roselyn got rid of glass and when she came back into the house she saw the newcomer again, talking to Grim. Something didn't feel right and something didn't smell right either.

"Paint? We don't own paint, if you want it, you'll have to go to town to get it," Grim said to the angel, gesturing to the door.

"Wait why do we need paint?" Roselyn asked, stepping up to Grim and Gerus.

"We all felt the shift in the air, you turned bad! Don't lie to me!" Myles said, his blood boiling already, "Don't you dare lie you blasted Angel! If you do you're no better than me! And your black wings will sure show again!" He stated, but trying to keep his cool.
Vice eyed Myles, then the angel. I'm guessing fighting is common between these two. She frowned, crossing her arms and watching them but saying nothing. I'll only step in if this gets bad. She sighed.
"Lets have this decision elsewhere." He eyed Vice suggesting her to go away. Man, Myles sure has a a aditude. Well if he knows it better be him and nobody else..
Quincy stood at the door after it was opened and he stood completely still. He made the suit stand there with the sword in both hands with the tip pointed into the ground staring blankly into the home. He waited until the thing that had answered the door left and he walked in clinking with every step he took. Quincy took a quick look around the home and heard people off in the distance. He walked toward the talking but stopped before he got there and went into his pose. 
After a moment he walked up behind a girl who looked like she was dressed as a stripped. With every step closer her clanked and rose his sword higher.
Myles frowned, "What's wrong with just here?" he asked irritated. "I honestly don't feel like moving!" While he said that he took a seat on a tombstone and sat there folding his arms across his chest, "If you want to talk somewhere else you'll have to pick me up and move me because I'm not doing it myself!"

Roselyn shifted in her stance feeling a presence behind her. She quickly turned around and noticed someone she never met before. But by the looks of his sword she didn't like him so she got in a defensive stance, "What do you want!?" She snapped.
"Oh well.." He raised his sword and vines curled around Myles and carried him after the angel. When they got to their detonation they were on the roof. "The problem is that girl now what did you want to tell me?" At least nobody would hear them here.
Vice looked back at Myles, watching him plop down on a tombstone and being stubborn. She felt a smile tug at the corner of her lips and stayed where she was, watching both the angel and Myles stare intensely at each other. She frowned when the vines carried him away. Looks like they're both stubborn as hell.

Lenneth picked up a book and sniffed the air. More people are here. He shrugged, I'll meet them later probably. He continued wiping down the burn marks, getting most of it off save for a few spots that would need paint.
"How am I suppose to go to town." Gesturing at his wings. "You want to match in a convent store and say, "Can I get some paint" in my black wings. The government will be there before i can snap my fingers."

(This is Gerus btw)
Grim furrowed his brow, "What? Don't you know how to conceal them?" He paused, "Are you a fresh one?" He asked suspecting that Gerus hadn't been around for very long.

Myles continued to be a stubborn little kid until they got onto the roof. "What!? You're not making any sense! I thought you wanted to tell me something!" He stated, "And what girl? Why are they a problem!?"
"For somebody who has lived here as long as you you sure are dumb." He shook his head. "You and I know that I have fallen. I passed it on to create another dark angel to take my place while I am the good angel.
Vice sighed, walking back around to the front of the manor when she noticed a girl walking through the front gate, well, more like skipping. Great... More people. She walked to the front steps and was about to go inside when she was jumped on from behind. "Hey- what the-"

Erci giggled, jumping on the girl in front of her. "Hi~ Hehe. What's your name lady? You're really cute~" She giggled, tugging on a strand of the girls hair. She sniffed her neck, licking her lips. "You smell delecious." Her wings flapped and her eyes flashed bright green. She looked around to the grim at the door. "Ah! Well aren't you just weird and downright creepy!" She giggled, tugging on his sleeve.

Lenneth sniffed the air again. "Another fallen? I should check this out.." He walked out of the library and down to the front door, but bumped into Roselyn, who was standing in front of another Fallen angel. That's not the one I sensed.. "Hey Roselyn, who's your friend?" He said, grinning.
When he was talking he turned his head. Not that girl. Looking at Myles he said,"Don't move." He quickly jumped off the roof and pulled Erici off of Vice knocking the knife out of her hand. That wasn't there.

Seeing his master jump off the roof he took a frighted step back. "I'm not going to town today!" He quickly ran into the house and smelled diner. Following its sent he ended up in the kitten. Somebody made lunch. He quickly sad down and globed down as much food as he could.
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(Well, I don't really want to bring up her past just yet, I want her to be the crazy goofy girl right now xD )
When Caricon got off the roof Myles quickly undid the vine bindings, peering over the top of the Manor to look down bellow at someone who just ran in the house. He blinked thinking he had seen someone familiar.

He swung off the roof, latching onto the open door frame and dropping down. He gave a dafaq look as he watched what was going on.

Grim laughed along with the little fallen angel, "Hehehe, I suppose you're right~" He said agreeing with the girl and using the arm with the sleeve she wasn't tugging on to pat her head. "Oh I've always been a sucker for cuties..."

Myles sighed, Eh...I guess I forgot how much a pedophile Grim could be too...

Roselyn frowned slight, "Uh...I don't know..." she told Lenneth in confusion, not really getting what was going on. Not wanting to dwell on anything for too long she sighed, "I have a head-ache and I don't have time to deal with this..." She then excused herself from everything and started up the stairs.

(ain't nobodeh got time fer that xD

and you guys seemed to have taken care of the knife issue I'mma just relax and be a bum then and not say anything important >.>)
(Well, I guess she could have had a knife in her sleeve that slipped out. That would work.)
Erci sniffled. "Owiee! You're a big meanie!" She rubbed her elbow that had connected with the floor as she fell. Just as quickly as she teared up, her smile was back. She picked the knife from the floor and tucked it back in her sleeve. "Oopsie! You weren't supposed to see that now were you Mister Angel!" She giggled and patted the angel who knocked her down on the head, before turning around and seeing a new boy. "Ah! More people! More people! Yay!" She practically latched herself onto his torso, rubbing her face against his head and giggling. "You're adorable!"

Vice knotted her eyebrows in confusion, rubbing her cracked rib, which had pinched her skin when she was jumped on. Well she's.... odd.. She watched as she clung to Myles, latching herself to him like a monkey. Stifling a laugh, she turned and walked inside, right into Roselyn. "There's a new person here. She seems interesting." She smiled a bit, then walked upstairs.

Lenneth walked past the boy with Roselyn, listening into Vice's conversation. "New person? Interesting? Oh I've got to see this." He made his way past everyone and out to where the girl was. He held back his laughter, feeling particuallrly sorry for Myles, who was the victim in this case.
Caricon almost exploded when the dark angel patted his head. "Maybe you don't remember me but I am Caricon." He had been the one to report her and get her fire sword taken away. "If that doesn't spark any memories maybe this will." He then snapped his fingers and vines came to form a throne around him. One of his signature marks when he was still watching the angels.
Myles narrowed his eyes at the incoming girl who basically tackled him. He spun the the side slightly grabbing into the door so that he wouldn't fall over. "WHATIDONTEVENUNDERSTANDLETGO!" He panicked, his eyes swirling not able to focus on anything. As she crawled upward and rubbed her head against his he lost it. Unable to comprehend what was going on his face went beat red.

Roselyn perked up a bit when she heard the talking of a new person, and then the panicking screams of poor little Myles. She instantly turned around and went to see what was going. She laughed clapping her hands together, "Oh Myles! This is adorable!" She chimed.

Grim chuckled at the sight, "Ah...what child's play...if only I could condone in such things once again," He sighed in content in watching. "Myles, why not get her settled here, if you two are already so close~" Grim teased while walking away, probably to hide out in his library.
Erci giggled, tugging on a side of his cheek. "Awh, he's blushing! Hehe! Did I do that?" She turned her attention to the angel, watching him make a chair of thorns. After blinking a few times and studying him she smiled. "Nope! Don't remember you! You sure you got the right Fallen Mister?" She giggled, returning her attention back to the boy. "Myles? That's your name? It fits you!" She tugged on a strand of his hair and then turned to the new girl who was clapping. Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped in awe. "Oh my gosh! You're so pretty!" She ran to the girl and clasped her hands together. "Will you be my sister?! Pretty please! Oh please please please!" She linked her arms around the girls waist, snuggling up to her whilst asking.

Vice opened the door to her bedroom and stepped inside, shutting the door and the noise out. She finally let her face fall. Smiling takes up a lot of energy. That being said, there's too many people here. I'll stay for the night, then leave in the morning. She decided, settling on the bed and backing herself into the corner, curling in a ball. I should have never let my wounds get this bad. She stuffed her hands in her pocket, feeling something strange. She pulled out Myles' handkerchief, looking at the dirt marks from her face. I'll wash it later, then return it before I leave. She set it down on the desk next to her and dozed off, letting herself fall asleep.

Lenneth couldn't help it anymore, he laughed like there was no tomorow, leaning on the railing for support. His face is so red! This girl is hilarious! He held his stomach, which was beginning to get a work out from laughing so hard. He watched the girl latch onto Roselyn, but that only made him laugh harder. "Oh my god I can't breathe!" He gripped the railing, laughing harder and harder.

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