|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

The angel reacted immeditly knocking the demon out with one blow. When he saw Lenneth in the hallway, he smiled. "That is why you don't mess with a angel." Turning his attention to Grim he said, "I could leave if you just give me the story of this house then I will be able to leave and you can stay here and protect this batch of demons just tell me the story" he knew Grim would give in after all he had a brain.

(Sorry I didn't respond sooner the power went out)
Roselyn slid across the floor, hitting her back on the opposite book shelf. Her vision went blurry as she tried to stand but found that closing her eyes and dosing off for awhile a better option.

Why am I not strong enough to protect him? That was her last thought before being completely K.O-ed.

Grim had a stern look.

"I'll tell you alright?" Grim said, giving in, "But Lenneth, go wake Roselyn up somewhere else...I don't want either of you to hear this conversation..."

He cracked the knuckles in his hands then gestured to the seat in front of his desk for Caricon. "Come sit...this may take awhile."

Myles heard fighting down stairs and was a bit curious as to why this was happening. He got up slowly, and went to his dresser, pulling out some clothes to wear before leaving his room.
He sat down he was prepared to let Grim run this show as long as he got the information he wanted. He snapped his fingures. "Now none of your annoying little demons will desturd us." He had his own little tricks. Now he was about to get the information he wanted.
Lenneth frowned, looking to the angel. "Shut it. Being disrespectful will only bring trouble." He said as he walked in the library, picked Roselyn up, and walked out, climbing up the stairs. Aiyaiyai. I'm always coming to this girl's rescue. He thought, looking down at her. He walked down the hallway. Now which room is hers?

Vice opened the door to he hallway, looking down it and seeing Lenneth carry Roselyn. "Is she okay?" She whispered. "Fine. Do you know where her room is?" Vice nodded, having seen her go in it before. She opened the door to her room and let him set her on the bed. "What happened?" She asked. "Crazy angel." He sighed, pulling the covers over her and sitting next to the bed. He then looked to Vice. "Damn, you really should get yourself cleaned up, you look terrible." Vice nodded and walked back into the hallway.
Roselyn opened her eyes slightly at the sound of Vice's voice.

Oh shit...I had to get her the bandages and stuff from the Library...and the clothes! Ugh! I had one simple task and I ruined it!

She said in her head to scold herself.

Myles was walking down the hallway to see Roselyn being carried to her room. He frowned not showing the same compassion towards her as she did to him so many times in the past several hours. He also saw Vice and he approached her, "Hey! Why did you lie to me about that? And why haven't you done anything to fix it!?" He asked, pointing to her wounds.

Roselyn shifted and turned trying to open her eyes completely and wake herself up. She needed to wake up and that was all she was focusing on.

She turned to her side and saw Vice leaving into the hall and Lenneth by her bedside.

"Vice...the...the library...with Caricon..." She started mumbling in distress but not making any real sense, "The angel, has no scent! There's something wrong with him!" She said lastly grabbing Lenneth's arm.

"He's not safe...and...and I was in the Library to get things for Vice but the angel threatened to kill Myles and I lost control for a moment! But I still have clothes for her," Roselyn was speaking a little fast as she let go of Lenneth and ran over to her closet trying to find the clothing she promised.

Grim sighed and leaned back in his chair, "This house was built in 1796, owned by several noble men until I took it for myself. I'm not so good at lawn care or anything outside so it has the appearance of an old abandon house. But the inside is nice I think you had a good look at it. Then in 1888 I met three demons, Ferris, Kalcyte and Myles. They ended up living with me too because I found their motives intriguing. I had a ghost maid living with me too, her name was Sherly and she was very nice to a young girl who came to live here also she was a Human and it took some convincing but it was all good. Ferris and Kalcyte no longer lived in the house around 1893 and who was left was Myles, Lillian, Sherly and myself. Lillian got married, her husband deceased and she grew old her until she died and became a ghost. Sherly then decided to leave and she's an angel but Myles has stayed because of Lillian. Then Roselyn came along one hundred years later and here we are..." Grim said all of that in one big breath, not taking any time to waste, although he left out all the details.

"And that's all the people who lived here and shown some significance, now would you like to buy the house or do you need more details?" Grim asked sarcastically.
Lenneth frowned. "Uh, Roselyn? Are you sure you should be moving around? You hit your head pretty hard." He spoke quietly, watching her run to the closet. Frowning, he thought back to the angel. He has no scent huh?

Vice looked down to her body, which was covered by the coat. Dodging the first question, she went straight to the second. "I don't know." She shrugged, acting as if it wasn't a big deal. She walked past him and started down the steps and out the front door, clutching the coat tightly to her body. She wandered back to the graveyard, sitting down on one of the tombstones that her and the boy managed to not knock down. She began replaying the scene in her head, remembering exactly where he kicked or scratched her, to determine how many bandages she would need.
When he was responded with such a short answer. He was mad, but he keep it under control. "Can you give it with more details and what about the angel, Syrin?" Grim was frustrating him very much to the point where he almost pulled his sword out.
Myles was not satisfied with that lame answer, "You don't know?" Myles asked, following her right outside.

"I don't have time to play games with you I-" He paused mid sentence when he saw the damage that he did outside. His eyes quickly darted to Lillian's grave. Her tombstone was cracked right in half, splitting her first and last name apart.

He covered his mouth and tried to get rid of the rock that was sinking into his stomach. The boy walked next to Vice and fell to his knees in shock, "What...d-did...I...?" He wasn't able to complete that question.

Roselyn turned around with a black sweater in her hands, "I didn't hit my head...that stupid angel did!" She corrected Lenneth then turned back around to her closet to find some pants or something. "All he did was knock me out...it's not like he potentially destroyed me...so...I'm fine..." Her sentence faded out. "If only I don't fight the way I do...then maybe I could return to my old self and rip those stupid white wings right off his back! It's not like he deserves to have them anyway..."

Grim sighed like it was such a pain to tell every detail, "Would you like to know what we ate for breakfast everyday too?" he asked a bit irritated, but eventually decided to answer, "Syrin was Lillian's husband...they got married while he was an angel so technically death had already done them part..." He said simply, "You know, Syrin was much like you...so focused on these goals...but once he met Lillian...he changed, such a good boy..." Grim said, admiring Syrin.
When he thought about Syrin he thought about his death. "How did Syrin die?" The angel wanted information, he wanted it bad. He could use the information to bring both Syrin and Lillian back. If he could get the information..
Vice turned her head to look at the boy. "I don't know. It could have been you, or that angel, or it could have been me. All of us destroyed something when we were trying to stop you." She sighed, kneeling in front of him. "Hey, we can fix it. I'll help you." She wanted to pat his head, give him more comfort, but couldn't find the strength to.

Lenneth sighed, looking back to her. "Violence isn't the answer." He said in a sing song voice. He pointed to a pair of white short shorts on the ground that weren't too short nor too long. "How bout those? " He offered. He stood, walking to the door. "All I can say is, I don't like that guy. He has a lot of attitude." He frowned and walked out into the hallway, but left her bedroom door open so they could continue talking if she wanted, and began looking for his room.
Myles ran his fingers through his white hair and sighed heavily, "I need to go..." He muttered, getting up and trying to prevent himself from crying. He used to cry a lot, a long time ago, feeling sorry for himself, but he hasn't in a long time and he doesn't want to start now. He headed back towards the manor in a hurry.

"Jesus...you sound like the ol' man..." Roselyn laughed, referring to Grim. She picked up the shorts and took them along with the black sweater to give to Vice. She then walked out of her room and shut the door behind her.

"I don't like him either...his bipolar and I can't read him. It irritates me...I rather smell the foul stench that evil gives off rather than nothing..." She complained.

"Oh and good luck finding your room...just a little hint, if you spend too much time in the hall way it will start to seem like it's getting longer and adding more rooms, so take a break if you need to sweetie~" She teased with a wink before heading down stairs to find Vice.

When Roselyn got to the bottom of the steps she saw Myles. "Uh...hey...kiddo..." She muttered with a smile just for him to push her aside.

"Leave me alone Roselyn, I don't need to hear your pedophile jokes right now..." He snapped, going up stairs.

Roselyn frowned, getting real hurt by that comment, "Well alright then! It's not like any pedophile would want a brat like you anyway!" She snapped right back, storming out of the house.

"Kids...I can't live with them..." she mumbled to herself. "Now...where's that girl?"

"You're asking all the wrong questions!" Grim complained like a child, "It's not how he died, it's who killed him!" He explained.

"And that is a question so hard to answer that even I don't have a clue..."
Vice called out to the boy before he left. "Hey! I didn't get your name!" She stepped forward a few steps after him, then decided to wait and give him space before chasing after him. A few minutes later, she saw an angry Roselyn walk out of the house. "Ah..Hey."

Lenneth grinned, beginning to stick his key in each lock until he found the right one. He tried the one right next to the boy's room, and luckily, it slipped right in. Oh, looks like I didn't need to take a break after all. He opened the door to his room just as the boy stomped up the stairs angrily. I'd better not pry or say anything, if looks could kill...
Myles ignored Lenneth's presence as he walked into his room and slammed the door. The aura around him obviously stated Don't talk to me or else I will rip your head open and feed your brain to the rats in the sewers while I get people to rape your dead body. Or something along that line.

Roselyn noticed Vice and smiled, "Hey~!" She cheered, slipping right out of her bad mood. "I brought you some clothes...but I ran into some complications getting bandages for your cuts...umm...I'm sure I'll find something around the house other than what's in the Library..." She muttered, trying to think of other places in the manor where bandages could be.

Grim scratched the back of his neck and pondered on what to say, "Syrin...isn't as important as you think..." He said plainly.
(I laughed so hard @ the "I will rip your head open and feed your brain to the rats in the sewers while I get people to rape your dead body." bit xD )

Lenneth flinched as the echo of the door slamming reached his ears. "Hello to you too.." He mumbled, walking inside his room and shutting the door quietly. He turned to see a bed, a desk, and a closet that he would be using for his time here. He dusted off the bed, looking up at all of the spider webs surrounding the walls and corners. I'm gonna have a lot of cleaning to do..

Vice returned the smile, although she wasn't used to smiling this much. "Thanks. I won't pry. I can wait until the...complications.. settle down." She looked to her shredded clothes on the ground. Dropping the coat, she walked over to them, beginning to wipe the blood off of her body with some of the rags, and ripping the others to use as bandaging. She looked to Roselyn. "Could you help me with this?" She asked as quietly as possible, pointing to the large ripped cut that stretched from her chest to her lower abdomen.
"Well I want to learn about everything so I can get out of this place!!!!!" As he said this something very bad happened, his wings went black. He was so mad he didn't even notice this. One thing was clear Caricon had become one of the fallen...
(LOL Tis' the Joy of Myles xD )

Roselyn nodded her head, going over to Vice and helping her wrap around her body. "Heh...that kid really did a tole on you..." She laughed and tried to keep pressure but not too much as she wrapped it around.

When she was just about done a shiver went down her spine.

"I smell it..." She muttered quietly. "Here! Hurry put these on!" She tossed over the sweater and shorts, "We have to get back to the manor!"

Roselyn was smirking devilishly as she grabbed her coat and put it on, "I think we just lost our goodie-two-shoes!"

Myles was in his room when he felt the dramatic off set balance in the air. He looked up from his desk and headed out into the hallway and hurried down stairs to open the door for Vice and Roselyn.

"Did you guys feel that too?"

A smug look played across Grim's face before he started laughing, "Ha ha, looks like your wings have become tainted after all these years just serving someone you couldn't see, or touch, but only hear..." He began doing what he does best...judging.

"You're unfit to know the true secrets of the house...so be gone! Get out of the library and meet your equals...the demons..."
When he looked at his wings and screamed. "I have served him from the beginning of time!!!!!!!!" Then he in all his glory passed out. How did this happen curse The Lord curse him.

(Caricon won't survie a day)
Vice winced as she tightened the bandages, her hand immediately went to her ribs as she finished. She tried her best to laugh when rose talked about the boy, but it came out more of a grunt. She slipped the sweater on just as the boy walked out. She blinked a few times, grateful that it was big enough on her that it went down to her thighs. She slipped the shorts on as he asked if they felt it. She shook her head, she was too busy focusing on her wounds to pay attention to anything else going on. She looked from Vice to the boy, not willing to ask questions just yet.

Lenneth blinked. His wings twitching and shivering at the feel of a fallen. I knew he was too damn good to be good. He laughed a bit to himself, then pushed himself off of the bed and opened his door, walking down the stairs and meeting up with Roselyn, Vice, and the guy he hadn't gotten to know yet just in time to hear his question. "Hell yeah I felt that." His wings twitched. "They haven't stopped moving yet." He pointed to his wings with a grin.
(Needs to toughen up. come to the realization and be like:


xD XD xD XD)

Roselyn bit her lip and smiled, "Mmmm, I smell it now! And it's utterly awful! Nothing smells worse than a fallen angel..." She glanced over at Lenneth, "Um, no offence..." She laughed.

"I knew something was up with that angel when he came to watch over Grim..." Myles muttered under his breath. "Now, I don't know about you guys but I'm checking this out..." He then turned at the heel and started towards the Library.

Roselyn soon followed wagging her tail like a dog...if she had one.

Grim frowned walking over to Caricon, "Oh god, come on be a man, people like you survive everyday!" He said, grabbing a ruler from the desk and poking his cheek.
Vice stifled a laugh at the comment made by Roselyn against the fallen angel. She gripped her side, trying not to grunt as she followed them inside. She kept her face passive, making it look like she was just crossing her arms instead of holding her rib intact.

Lenneth frowned. "Oh I'm offended. It's all your fault if I go all ape shit on you for that." He smiled to let her know he was kidding. He reached his hand out to Vice. "By the way, I never got to meet you properly. I'm Lenneth." Vice shook his hand, then returned it to her side. "I'm Vice." He nodded and walked behind Roselyn, tugging on her hair. "You know, for someone who just got knocked out you're sure full of pep." He mumbled. 
(ROFLMAO. Hell, I'll be a man for you! xD )
Refusing to come back into reality, He opened a lucid dream. He had entered God's presence and asked why he had joined the fallen. "Your faith has left you and your power and your sword will leave you." When he heard this he bolted up and and his hand shipment to his holster. Good the sword is still there. When he saw Grim holding a stick he grounded. "Is there any way you can cover the awful smell." He might has joined the ranks of the fallen, but he still had the nature sword and he was twice as powerful as Grim. He just had to keep the sword just the sword. He tapped his foot wanting his remedy.
"Oooh, I look forward to seeing you go ape shit," Roselyn responded with a laugh.

She was surprised when Lenneth and Vice just introduced each other. She would think that by now we would all know names...but with how things went today it seemed reasonable for people just now to state names.

Roselyn glanced over her shoulder at Lenneth when he started tugging on her hair.

"Hmm, maybe it was the fact that you were at my bedside that gave me that extra boost of life to keep on living in this dead body of mine~" She joked.

Myles rolled his eyes not finding Roselyn's constant playful flirting with everyone amusing.

"Myles, baby, you're my number one," She purred going to his side and linking arms. She was just teasing of course because she knew it made him mad, and she thought of him as just this little brother who was all vulnerable so that she could poke his buttons.

"I told you! Quit being such a pedophile!" He jerked her off and sped up a bit to get to the library before them. Roselyn frowned and folded her arms. "Lighten up..." she mumbled.

Grim laughed, "No there isn't..." He told him bluntly, "You may just have to do what Roselyn does, wear perfume...I mean you guys are of the same gender anyway," He began taunting his man hood.
Vice rose her eyebrows, falling to the back of the group, walking slower than the rest, but still at the same pace. There.. that feels better. Not too close, not too far. She smiled to herself, not paying any attention to their conversation.

Lenneth laughed, watching Roselyn and, Myles, he assumed although he hasn't formally met him, go at it. His face fell a little when he pushed her away. So he's more of the serious type. Lenneth linked his arm with Roselyn, deciding to join in on the little act. "Don't worry, he's just jealous of our love." He said in a sing-song voice, grinning and teasing both Roselyn and Myles.
He was tired of this. Annoyed he snapped his fingers and the nearest glass pane shattered. "See your around, Grim." Quickly he flew off, burning everything in his path. He was mad very mad. If anybody got in his path he would decenergrate their heads, keeping them alive burn their body, burn their ashes, dump the ashes into lava, throwing the lava in a suware, and cursing the seware to the point where it exploded...

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