|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Roselyn didn't mean to act the way she did, it just slips, like everything else she says, but she easily shook her guilt away to deal with it later, "Yeah, maybe he is just jealous..." She said happily.

"What!? He's GONE!?" Myles shouted at Grim.

Roselyn instantly let go of Lenneth and ran to the Library to see Myles actually wiping all the stacks of papers off Grim's desk and onto the floor.

"Yes, go look out the window he broke..." Grim gestured to the side while picking up his papers.

"Damn it!" Roselyn muttered, shoving her hands into her coat pockets and leaning against the book shelf, but it was probably better this way, for one she wouldn't get herself knocked out again for trying to fight him and two he won't be able to hurt Myles.
Landing on the roof he pulled out his sword and cast a spell making his wings white and his smell go away. It also created another fallen angel to take away all the bad stuff out of him. (I'm going to make a new char to fit him)
Lenneth ran to catch up with them. "Well, must've been one hell of an exit." He picked up a piece of glass, frowning. He looked around the library, seeing some of the bookshelves broken from when he slammed Roselyn into them. He walked to them and began inspecting the damage, to see what he could fix.

Vice walked inside, having not ever been in there before, she looked around at the multitude of books surrounding them. He must not have much to do. She thought, frowning at the broken window. She stood next to Roselyn, looking at the damage that was done. Scorch marks framed the window, and were still sizzling a bit.
Grim walked over to the window and blew out the few flames. He seemed to keep his cool even though his library was a wreck.

"Alright, Myles now that you're awake you have graveyard duty!" Grim assigned him work.

"What!? Right now!?" Myles complained.

"Yes right now, and you Roselyn, clean up the library..." He assigned some work to Roselyn too.

She sighed, "Fine..."

That was why Grim kept his cool. He had Roselyn and Myles to take care of the damage, even though Roselyn never did a good job.

"OH! Wait, Vice, here's the things I said I would get you!" Roselyn suddenly remembered the chest here. She went over to it and opened the chest getting out clean bandages. "Here! These will be better for you to use~"

"When did you become helpful?" Myles asked smirking.

Roselyn blushed in embarrassment, "I can be helpful when I want...d-don't judge me you little kid!" She hissed, "Now go do what Grim said!"

"Lighten up..." He muttered, copying what she had said earlier as he walked out to go to the graveyard.

The dark angel smiled at his master. He knew what to do. He quickly flew to the ground and ringed the door bell. He would please his master.

Caricon sent the angel down to the front door he hoped it worked. He sat on the roof thinking.
Vice smiled and took Roselyn's bandages. "Thank you." She watched the boy leave, then turned to Grim. "I told him I would help him with the graveyard. I'll put on better bandages and do that." She said, walking back out and up the stairs to her room. She took off the sweater and shorts, then pulled off the bandages, looking to her wounds. First she treated the cut across her torso, rebandaging it, then she treated her bite wound, then the rest of her. After she was finished, she dressed and hopped down the stairs and up to the front door.

Lenneth glanced over to Grim. "I'll help in here then." He began by repairing the bookshelf he was at, then stacking the books back on it. He put each book in order carefully, checking for any damaged spines or ripped pages. He always cared for books, they put him in a whole new world.
Grim smiled at the thought of more free labor, "Yeah yeah, you guys handle all of that-" He paused, "Oh someone's at the door, I'll go get that while you guys go do what you do..." With that taken care of he left the Library and head towards the front door where Vice was. He let her through first and then looked the fallen angel up and down.

"May I help you?" he asked.

Roselyn raised an eyebrow at Lenneth, "Did you work in a Library before you died or something?" She asked while fixing Grim's desk.

Myles wasn't really doing anything outside but poking at the ground with a stick. Being out here really got him down. He wondered if Grim sent him out there to fix the graveyard for a reason besides the fact that he was part of the cause that destroyed it.
Vice climbed down the steps, getting an odd familiar feeling from the fallen, but thinking nothing of it. She walked around the manor and out to where Myles was. She assessed the damage and then nodded, beginning to pick up gravestones and set them back into place, the ones that were completely shattered, she'd have to remake completely.

Lenneth grinned. "You could say that. My mother was a librarian for the public library. When I was a child she didn't know what to do with me so she assigned me a shelf. Every time I fixed the shelf and replaced the books that were out of order, she would give me candy. As I grew older, she started paying me, and gave me more shelves. You could say, books are sort of my thing." He glanced back at her, hoping she didn't find it completely weird.
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"Oh, I wouldn't have guessed...oh wait...I did~" Roselyn laughed, but she soon got on a serious note as she began trying to throw the pens into the drawer rather than setting them in, "But seriously, I wouldn't have been able to guess at first sight."

Myles looked up when he saw Vice doing his work for him, with the injuries he had given her, "Whoa! What do you think you're doing!?" He asked, tossing the stick aside and trying to get her to stop. "Seriously, what's your deal!?" He began to question her, "Why are you here! You should be inside, doing something else..." Myles muttered the last part while leaning against the fallen tree.
Lenneth grinned, placing another book on the shelf, then another. "No one would have, I don't come across as the 'good little librarian boy'." He chuckled, checking another book for damages. "I come off as the, 'i screwed up in front of the oh so mighty one so now i've been banished forever~" He laughed a bit more.

Vice looked at the boy, taking his questions lightly. "I told you I would help you, didn't I?" She began to fill in the claw marks in the ground, making it look like they were never there. She paused and looked up at him. "You still never told me your name." She waited for a moment.
(I was already privately accepted)

Quincy walked up to the gates of the Grim Manor and with every step he took clanking sounded loudly. He walked slowly not speaking opening up the gates and walked to the large doors of the Manor. He slammed a hand on the door three times with five second intervals. He stood there in a suit of rusting knight armor with a rust long sword and waited for the door to be opened.
Roselyn laughed lightly with him, "Heh...I understand..." she told him, although she has been a screw up since birth and has been spiraling down hill ever since. She went to the window and and examined the damages, "What did you do to screw up?" Roselyn asked but the shook her head soon after, "You know don't answer that, it's not my job to know, that's Grim's...but did you find your room?"

"Well y-yeah you did..." He mumbled a bit shocked that she would hold up to her word. Myles then sighed and began to help out also, I mean this was his job and his mess. "Uh...it's Myles," He told her while moving some debris from the trees to the side. "And what about you?" Myles asked feeling awkward since he normally doesn't in engage in conversations that don't involve insults and yelling.

Grim, already being at the front, noticed instantly that there was yet again another newcomer, "Popular tonight aren't we?" He whispered to himself while opening the door. "Welcome, is there anything I can help you with?" He asked. "Most of the people who would help you get situated are busy with some damages that happened earlier, so I will have to get you settled myself if you plan on staying"
Lenneth paused, "I think, I'll tell you someday, just not today. I don't know you well enough. I didn't even tell grim details." He chuckled to himself, then began fixing more books until the whole shelf was done. Then he moved to the next shelf, doing the same thing. "Yeah I did, it's right next to Myles' room." He raised his eyebrows.

Vice began lifting up the tree he had knocked over, trying not to re-open her wounds while she did so. "Vice." She settled it back in place, and began covering the roots. "This tree should still grow, we just need to water it and make sure the roots are covered with plenty of dirt." She mumbled to herself, pouring dirt over the exposed roots.
"Oh, gives me something to look forward to," Roselyn responded, then looking for a broom in the far back corner of the Library. She came back and started sweeping away the glass.

"Right next to Myles?" Roselyn scoffed, "If you can get on his good side, you can get on anyone's good side." She told him. She has yet to see his good side which is probably why she still tries.

Myles went to help her lift the tree to lighten the load. "Yeah...I guess so..." he said agreeing with the fact the tree would still grow. "By the way, if you plan to lie to me again I suggest you don't...I can tell," He warned her patting the dirt down. Like Roselyn can smell someone's stance with moral, Myles can sense a lie. Not that he knows the truth, just that he knows the difference.
Lenneth grinned, finishing another shelf. "I'll do what I can, but I can tell, he's gonna be one tough cookie." He stood up, having finished repairing the shelves, he grabbed the dust pan for her to sweep the glass into. "So, how long have you been here for?" He asked, squatting down next to the pile of glass she was beginning to form.

Vice let a smile tug at the corner of her lips. "Technically, I didn't lie. I didn't tell the truth either. I just dodged the question." She said, covering up another stray root that had popped out of the dirt. She pushed it back under, just to have it pop back up and fling dirt all over her. "Stubborn little.." She muttered under her breath, breaking off the stray root and chunking it into the forest.
"About a couple months...I haven't been here very long compared to Myles so I don't know very much, but I catch on," Roselyn stated, "There's a system to this actually, if Grim doesn't think you can help others here he won't use you...it's kinda like a circle of us helping each other change ourselves driven by the fact that Grim is to lazy to do it himself," She laughed, liking the way the guy thinks.

"There's no technicalities where I'm from," Myles stated bluntly. He smirked when the dirt flew onto her face, "Here..." He said, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to her. He was dressed like a true gent. Myles was just used to it from the good ol' days and he didn't spend time trying to get up to date clothes so he looked like a blast from the past. 1800's to be exact.
Lenneth smiled, picking up a rather large piece of glass. "Sounds like something I would like. It's a good method though, it's better than calling us in his office and questioning us like lab rats." He fingered the edge of the glass, testing its sharpness and then tossed it into the trash bag next to him.

"Thanks." She reached out and took it from his hand, wiping her face, then stuffing it in her pocket. "I'll return it when I'm done with it." She stood, satisfied with the tree, then turned to the rest of the shattered tombstones. "Do you have a furnace? Or maybe even another slab of stone?" She began thinking of ways she could repair the stones if there wasn't one here.
Roselyn shrugged, "I suppose so...but I always feel like it's not secure...it's like the system only works on trust and that's something hard to obtain..." She then took the end of the broom and ran it along the sides of the window to get the last pieces of glass out. "Because I don't know about you most people who come here, are hard to trust."

With that said took the bag of glass and started heading out of the Library.

"Mmm..." Myles said instead of saying 'you're welcome' or anything. "Yeah, we have a lot of things in this manor, it's not even funny..." He said. "But I, personally don't think we should do anything about the tomb stones...Grim used to be a funeral dirrector for the longest time and if we screw up it will probably offend him and I'll have more stuff to do..." He explained, not wanting to get caught up in Grim's passion.
Lenneth frowned, pondering over her words. "Well, that may be true, but people aren't hard to trust if you pick the right ones." He mumbled after she had left. He stood up and walked around the library, looking for any more damage done to the area. The scorch marks would have to be wiped off, and as for the ones that set too deep, they would need to be painted over.

Vice frowned. I'll at least set the names back on their respectful graves. She thought, looking at the rubble surrounding them. "Do you remember which grave was where? We can at least put the names back in place." She began picking up the pieces of stone, piecing the names together and waiting for him to tell her where each name goes.
The dark angel took that as a welcome sign so he rushed in wanting to know everybody. When he was running down the hallway he saw the open door to the libraiy. He peeked his head in and saw 2 people working in it. "How are you I'm Gerus."

Caricon watched the activeity in the graveyard then expected his wings. They where whiter then ever. So he decided to fly down and talk to Mlyes...
"Oh um, yeah go ahead, wander the house I...suppose..." Grim said as the fallen angel just waltzed into the house. He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.

Roselyn retraced her steps back into the library, hearing what Lenneth had said, "The right ones? Heh...you're something, I'll give you that..." She said shaking her head and laughing. As she then started to walk out she bumped into someone.

"Wha-" She stopped mid word and looked at the new fallen angel, "Well hello there~" She said a bit confused but happy all the while. "I'm Roselyn, I got to run real quick but catch me again and I'll talk to you some more," She offered but when she got a good smell of who he was she narrowed her eyes. Roselyn looked behind her back at Lenneth and gave a look that said this guy is odd, be careful.

Myles began pointing to where people were buried. He spent enough time in this graveyard to know the place like the back of his hand. Then when he came to Lillian's tomb stone he sighed looking down on it. "Uh, this one is fine where it is..." He said. Then when he turned around he seen someone he didn't think to see right away. Caricon.

His eyes were plastered on his wings, "What did you do!?" He asked in a pissy tone, "That's not possible..."
"What's not possible? Breaking a pane of glass because they are older then you are." He stayed hovering in case the demon desired to go all werewolf on him. What did Grim tell them. Do they already know? He was starting to panic when he made himself calm. One question won't hurt you it's just one question.
Lenneth nodded and waved her off. "Hey. I'm Lenneth." He offered a grin and resumed inspecting the scorch marks. He then grabbed a wet rag and began wiping off most of the burn marks that he could.

Vice blinked, looking to the angel. She had seen him flying around before. She stood next to Myles and sniffed the air, her eyes going from a hazel blue to a crimson red. What's going on with me today? She shook her head, and decided to just observe in case Myles lost it again.

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