|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

(Sorry ._.)

Alice looked past Grim at the guy who waved, blinking before walking back to the front entrance with her hands in her jacket pockets, having simply wanting to have gotten away from the situation on the roof.
Rose pulled a key out from shirt...possibly her bra and she unlocked one of the many guest rooms. "Here you go~" She chimed happily, "And if you need anything else just look around for me. I'm usually up on the roof and if you're hungry there's some food always out on the dinning table..." She told her feeling like she's been through this before, "Oh and what're you're name?"

Grim paused for a long time, waiting for a response but when he got none he just continued walking. "Okay then..." He said a bit awkwardly while going inside.

Once he got to the back hall way which led to the Library he stopped to make sure Lenneth was still behind him. "Now if you could, tell me...do you really want to be here?"
Vice nodded and walked into the room, shifting back to her human form in front of Roselyn. Her body was still soaked in blood and her wound on her chest still seeping. She looked back at her and smiled, greatful for the help. "Vice. My name is Vice. Yours?" She asked.

Lenneth followed behind Grim, his eyes settling on his shoulder rather than his bandaged eyes. "It's... better than where I was before." He grimaced at the thought, and instantly thought of playful Roselyn. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "I haven't really been here long enough to tell if I like it or not, therefore I can't give you a straight answer yet.
He leaned in the chimney closer. He really wanted to know more about how stuff worked here. Ever since he gave this mission, he couldn't talk to God any more. He really wanted to learn more about this demon business.
"Roselyn," She said confidently, "And...I think you should...get that...cleaned up..." Roselyn gestured kind of...everywhere on Vice. "Do you need anything for that? I could go find Grim and get him to give me stuff to help it..." She offered.

"Understandable...but I'm sure you'll come to love and hate this place all together," Grim said, ignoring the fact that Lenneth wouldn't look him in the eyes...well...bandages. He then pulled a key out from under his sleeve and opened a wooden door. On the other side was a large library! It was hard to understand how this big of a library could fir in a manor this small looking on the outside.

In the middle of the library was a desk that was piled with papers. Grim went over and took a seat there, pointing to the seat in front of the desk for Lenneth to sit.
Vice blinked, looking down at herself. She was scratched up pretty bad and her ribs throbbed violently against her side. She offered another smile. "I would love that. I hope I'm not asking too much, but could I borrow some clothes? I have nothing of my own and what I was wearing earlier got shredded when I turned.." She trailed off, cursing herself for how pathetic she came off as at that moment.

Lenneth sat carefully in the seat, not wanting to seem too comfortable. He scanned the library, having a secret love for books, he felt his heart swell with glee at seeing the massive amounts surrounding him. He smiled a bit to himself, and waited for Grim to say something. He was starting to like it here already.
Roselyn paused, trying to think of some clothes that she had that weren't too skin tight so that Vice's wounds could breath and wasn't too revealing, "Alright, I think I have some clothes, here wear this for now," Roselyn took off her black trench coat that had some tears at the bottom. Without this on, she hardly had anything on really.

A high cut tang top and some short black underwear shorts, or whatever you wanted to call them. They were short.

It seems she has yet to learn about being humble. "I'll go ask Grim for some stuff to put on your injuries real quick and then we can head over to my room so you can choose what you want to wear~" Roselyn said with a purr in her tone.

Pretending to look important Grim shuffled some papers and set them back down again, "Ahem...so...what did you do that made you become what you are?" He asked simply while going through some drawers through the desk. He pulled out some hard candy and popped some in his mouth.

He set the container on the desk so that if Lenneth wanted some he could get some.
Vice nodded. "Thank you." She spoke quietly as she took the coat. She wrapped it around herself and held the collar together with one hand while scanning the room. Nice Vice, you just got here and you've already gotten mauled by a were, and have had to ask someone to borrow clothing. Reaaaal smooth. She frowned.

Lenneth waved his hand in decline at the candy and exhaled. "You mean, to become an Angel, or do you mean what did I do to get stripped of my rank and banished from the oh so high and mighty's presence?" He leaned back, resting his hands in his lap and crossing his legs. "I helped a human get revenge."
"Sure thing," Roselyn said before heading downstairs and around the corner to the hall way. Once she reached the door to the Library stopped and gently pressed her ear against the door. Hmm...should I go in? She asked herself, but she just ended up sitting to the side waiting for them to be done.

Grim swallowed his candy, "Mmmm...sounds scandalous," He smirked. He coughed and kinda rummaged through his papers for no reason, he kind of liked to act like he was a boss of something. "Alright, you can elaborate on that if you want, but it's as much as I'll need to allow you to stay here with your conditions."
With this the angel decided to confront Grim. THe flew off the roof and went to the library, and saw Roselyn waiting there already. "You waiting to sign in the other demon?" He tried to act casual but his wings hit the wall and cause a awkward moment where he had to fix his wings. Real smooth Caricon real smooth...
I wonder how his wounds are. Vice thought, thinking back to the were-boy. She peeked down the hallway, making sure it was empty before walking back to the boy's room. She opened it slightly, checking to see if he was awake or asleep. When she saw he was still sleeping, she walked inside, clutching the coat close around her. She scanned his shoulder where she had bit him. There was a bruise blossoming there, but she did no real damage. That's good. She thought, before turning to leave. The picture caught her eye again and she couldn't help it, she kneeled down beside his and lifted the picture frame, inspecting the two in it. I want to know who I was..

Lenneth smiled and shook his head apologetically. "I'm sorry but, I don't feel right talking about it just yet. Maybe later I'll come to you and explain more, would that be alright?" He watched as he shuffled with papers on his desk. "If you're not looking for anything in particular, you don't have to shuffle around so much, I'm pretty laid-back." He grinned.
Roselyn stretched her arms upwards and shifted her sitting position on the floor, "I'm just gonna ask Grim for some healing crap for Vice," She explained, feeling a bit uncomfortable around the angel. She tried to heighten her senses to see how he stood within all of this, but he seemed sort of wishy washy. It was kind of like trying to smell underwater.

Grim nodded his head, "You'll come around," He said, "They always do..." he then slammed the papers on his desk, catching up some dust. "I'm not shuffling the papers for you! I'm doing it for me!" He explained, spreading the papers across his desk now while laughing. "Just fun and games boy, now you can go ahead, find a room you'd like to stay in. Oh and here!" Grim opened another drawer and pulled out a ring, with only one key on it.

"The longer you stay the more keys you'll get. This one unlocks one of the rooms upstairs, you'll just have to find it." Grim tossed the keys at Lenneth, "Now go, there's a lot of rooms~ Have fun..."
"Stop trying to smell me!" The reason he was here was to figure out why God had cut him off. He also wanted to figure out how the ghost died. "I don't know where I stand ether that is why I am here," he might have given too much information but he didn't care...
Roselyn's cheeks puffed out and she pouted, "I don't try to smell anyone! You don't walk into a doughnut shop and TRY to smell the pastries! It just happens!" She attempted to explain how it works, "What I was trying to do is figure out what you smell like..." She muttered, pressing her knees against her chest, "I don't think any of us know where we stand..."
"Well I use to be God's second hand man, but know you see where I am stuck here with no connection with the all mighty." Caricon then leaned in the door and hear the words, "Have Fun." "My turned," he said pushing the demon out of the way and opened the door. He didn't care about feelings any more he wanted to know what was going on ans the only person who had answers and was still alive was at the other end of this library...
Roselyn hissed, her eyes glowing red with anger, "Hey! Who told you that you could push a demon around pipsqueak!?" She growled in a deep low tone the didn't seem her own. She got up and brushed herself off and got in a defensive stance.

Grim looked over at the door a bit bewildered at first, "Uhh...there's no need to push each other around, there's enough of me to go around!" He chuckled.
Lenneth grinned at the sight of Roselyn getting ticked off. He stood from his seat and nodded to Grim and walked out, bumping into the angel while he did. "You're not very polite." He sneered. He walked into the hall and patted Roselyn on the head. He turned and began climbing the stairs to find a room for himself.

Vice pressed her fingers against the frame, as if she could feel the moment the picture was taken. A sharp pain erupted through her ribs and she winced, returning the photo back to its previous position. She bit her lip and stood, rubbing her side gently and letting her finger glide over her cut.
"There won't be Enoch of you for the dust to blow once I'm done with you. Now tell me how did you come to be here. Or I'll turn you to dust," he then pulled out his sword just to prove a point.
Roselyn huffed and puffed furiously but then stopped, flinching slightly when Lenneth patted her head. She shook her head, flipping her platinum blonde hair around. She then marched pass Caricon, "Calm yourself..." She growled, looking towards Grim. "Where's your healing stuff?"

Grim pointed towards a chest near a bookshelf and Roselyn glared at the angel before walking over to the chest and rummaging through it.

Grim then focused his attention to Caricon, "There's no need to be hasty, just tell me what you need like a civilized person..." He said, trying to compromise.

Back in Myles' room he just started to wake up and when he did he saw Vice touching the picture. He quickly jolted up and grabbed her hand to push it away from the frame, "You shouldn't be touching that-" he stopped scolding her when he saw she was hurt.

He fell back into the bed, covering his face with his hands, "Oh...what did I do?" he muttered, feeling achy himself.

(I was able to squeeze a reply in before I go :D )
Vice flinched when he grabbed her hand which had been cut pretty deeply. She chewed her bottom lip when he asked what he did. "Uh.. nothing. I did this to myself." She mumbled, before removing her hand from the frame and walking out of the room, back down the hall.

Lenneth walked up the stairs and saw Vice. He blinked and waved his hand at her, she just looked at him in reply. He smiled. "You don't talk much do you?" She turned her head and walked to her door. "Not if I can't help it." She walked inside her room, closing the door behind her. Lenneth sighed, looking down the hallway. Now, just to find which one is mine..
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Myles watched Vice leave the room through his fingers. He let out a long sigh getting up, but realizing he didn't have anything on under the covers. He quickly retreated back under his blankets and frowned at his ceiling.

I know I did that...I must have done it...

He looks over at the picture, paying much attention to the girl in it, Lillian. There was a knot in his chest as cold tears started to roll down his bruised cheeks. She was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.

Roselyn stood up from the chest instantly. Her glare was filled with hate as her eyes burned. She launched at the angel, pushing him into book shelves and as the books were falling around them she lengthened her fangs becoming completely enraged, "Don't you DARE touch the boy!" She screamed.

Grim stood up from the desk and frowned, "Both of you...quit acting like children! There is no need to go to such lengths!"
Vice sat in the corner of her room, using the coat as a blanket as she stared at the ceiling, the spot where her heart should be, throbbing. I need to know how I became like this. She closed her eyes, feeling pain and desperation surge through her like electricity. When she opened her eyes, there was real electricity, zapping the room around her, and she was the source. Panicking for a second, she forced herself to be calm, and as soon as the electricity was there, it left.

Lenneth froze, sensing a shift in the hallway. He jogged down the steps and turned to go back into the library, watching Roselyn hold the angel against the bookshelves, furious. He sighed. Stupid angel, didn't anyone ever tell you not to enrage demons? He decided to watch from afar, unless something happened that he needed to intervene with.

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