|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Hearing all the noise from outside, Alice climbed out the window and jumped onto the roof, her wings still hidden as she looked down at what was happening, one of her eyebrows slightly raised.
(Have who? For what? Just keep your chara xD Lenneth isn't harming Roselyn, so its best to leave them be for now.)
"Ooh, witty..." Roselyn commented. She watched as he twirled her hair around his finger, "For someone who's not your type, you sure are touchy touchy." She gently pushed his hand aside and smiled so kindly that it's irritating. "Now...do you hear that...?" She asked, trying to see over Lenneth's wings. "What happened to the brat? Is he okay?" She asked nervously.

Myles' body began to go back to his default state, which was a very good sign. In this form his bruising and scratches were much more visible...and so was the fact that he didn't have any clothes either.

Grim got up, rubbing his head and turning himself towards Myles' body. He didn't open his eyes though. he just kinda, guessed where Myles was.

It was way to quiet for Roselyn, "What happened!?" She asked again, fearing the complete death of the poor boy.

(>.> Hahhahaha...tis' mine and sorry for taking forever, I had to find paper for my mom.)
The angel then sat down not wanting to talk to reality for a long time. He began making plans of how to stop Myles. He thought for some time when he heard somebody on the roof. "Let's see what they want." pulling out his sword her prepared to defend himself."
(It's alright xD I don't mind.)

Vice released her grip on him and stood, seeing that he wasn't resisting anymore. Blood was dripping off of her matted, sweaty fur and she ached everywhere. She began licking a long cut on her arm, sitting right next to the now naked boy in case he woke up again.

Lenneth grinned. "It's called distracting, and I did a very good job of it thank you very much." He spread his wings, now letting them both see what was happening. His eyes caught sight of the naked boy on the ground and he raised his eyebrows, looking at the were-girl who was licking her wounds. "So, what happened?" He inquired to Grim.
Standing on the top of the roof, her white hair blowing around with the breeze, she stared down at the scene before her with a look of amusement, and at that time she realized she had forgotten her sword in the room. Oh sh*t...
"No need to get your sword," he knew she was disarmed and was going to so get the sword. "It's ok I wanted harm you. I just want to talk with you he said sincerely."
"I know you are not mute, so say something anything," he said putting his sword next to her neck. "I just want to talk to you."
Her gaze glanced at the sword next to her neck then back to him, and after a long minute she said in a quiet voice, "What?"
Roselyn looked up at Lenneth a bit curiously, giving him a type of respect look. "I guess I underestimated you..." she muttered quietly before she was able to see what was going on.

There, kinda...beat up looking was the brat.

Roselyn quickly ran to his side, pressing her head against his chest. Wait...that won't do any good...he doesn't have a heart beat...what am I doing!? Roselyn asked herself, drawing back from Myles. She was confused at why she forgot that but she shrugged it off to kinda try and lift him up.

"Oh Jesus..." She muttered, "He's heavier than he looks..."

Grim turned to the direction of Lenneth's voice. "What happened here?" He asked as if there were other things that were happening. "Well if you're talking about the boy, he just um...had a flood of emotion...T-that's all..."

Grim turned to Roselyn and frowned, "Be careful with him, he's probably going to be angry if he wakes up now..."

Roselyn nodded her head and as she headed for the manor she looked at the other demon who had turned to a werewolf to stop him.

"Thanks..." She said with a relieved smile.
Vice blinked, unsure of what to say. She just looked down at the boy in her arms. She gestured to the boy, asking permission to carry him for her if he was to heavy.

Lenneth exhaled. "I saw that." He looked to Grim. "Did you get the message from the 'oh so mighty and powerful' about me being sent here?" He reached down and picked up the bandage, placing it in Grim's hand and averting his eyes to the boy in Roselyn's arms.
Grim quickly wrapped his eyes back up and stretched his arms a bit, "I might have," He said kinda dodging the question, "If you want, we can discuss this further in the library, this type of stuff is best to be kept...confidential, if you know what I mean."

Roselyn closed her eyes for a moment and pressed her head against Myles' "He's such an idiot...it brings shame upon his mother..." she teased him even though he was knocked out cold. She then nodded her head in agreement to let the other demon hold him. "I'll show you where his room is and we can get him situated for his awake."
Vice took the boy from her arms. In his human form, and her in her were form, he was rather light. She walked carefully, not moving too much in fear of jerking him awake. She followed the girl into the manor, being led to the boys room.

Lenneth nodded, clearing his throat as the three left the scene. "Would you like to talk about it later?" I noticed something took an emotional toll on you as well." He offered, giving him some space.
He pulled the sword away. "Ah I see you can talk, now to more important matters. Who are you and how did you become one of the fallen?"
She stepped back from the sword that had been next to her neck, and gave a last glance down at Grim and some other guy, then she jumped off the roof and landed besides Grim.
When he saw this happen he signed. Well I guess I can listen in at the library. He then put his ear next to the chimney that went down to the library. "Let's see what they have to say...."
Up in Myles' room there were no windows. It was dark and shady. There was a mannequin wish a half done dress on it in one side of the room with rolls of fabrics to the side. They were all dusty like it hadn't been touched in years. On the other side there was shelves of jars with different insects in each of them.

Roselyn laughed nervously, "He has...strange...hobbies..." she said, gesturing to his bed. "You can set him there..." Beside his bed was a picture frame. In it had a girl with long brown hair with her arms around Myles. She appeared to be older than him and she had a sister like or motherly feel to her.

Grim shrugged, "People come...and people go, I see it happen all the time..." He told Lenneth, sighing slightly and looking upon the graveyard which was nearly destroyed, "Once that boy wakes up, he's going to have a lot of work to do..." He grumble to himself.

"But anyway, come on, we need to sort things out," Grim began to head towards the manor when Alice jumped down to his side.

"Oh!" Grim was shocked at first but then calmed down, "It's you~ Is there anything you need?"
Vice rested the boy on the bed, and retreated to the corner of the room where she sat, staring at the picture of him and the girl. So he remembers his life before.. Why can't I? She continued licking her wounds, looking around the room, not minding any of the insects or fabric sitting around.

Lenneth turned to follow Grim, and almost ran into him when he stopped short. "What is it?" He looked around Grim to see a girl standing there. Ah, the girl who entered the house before us. He slightly waved in her direction, and stood beside Grim.
"You know he was still a demon then..." Roselyn came up from behind Vice. "And the girl in the picture...I think her name was Lilly...Lucy....Lillian maybe..." She stopped for a moment to ponder over it while she threw the covers over Myles. "I think that's why he got mad today...because of that girl..."

Roselyn was quiet for a moment, just staring down at the sleeping boy.

"But anyway, come on, I'll show you to a room you can stay in...then you can...return to normal without anyone seeing you naked like this unlucky fellow!" Roselyn whispered but laughed as she gestured to Myles.

(I was kinda waiting for Jade to respond so I could use grim but I think I'll just post)
(Yeah, I won't use Lenneth either until then)

Vice looked back at the picture. Maybe he lost her. She thought, before turning around to Roselyn. She nodded in thanks and followed her out of the room. I shouldn't show much emotion in this form, it might come across as creepy, or scary. She continued to lick her aching wounds, save for the one upon her chest which ran from her shoulder, down to her lower abdomen. She was sure he broke a few of her ribs in their struggle, but she didn't know if they had punctured anything internally.

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