|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Agravated he snapped his fingers and the perky girl remebered Caricon. He quickly pulled out his sword ready to rebel any attacks from the crazy killer..
Quincy stopped completely still in mid movement when she turned around to look at him and he stood there perfectly still again waiting for her to look away. He was laughing inside his head because to him it was like a game of red light green light.
Myles rubbed his cheek where she pinched it, trying to catch his breath, "Yeah you did that! You nearly suffocated me!" He said coughing to clear his throat. He's face finally returned to it's normal color when she said that his name fit him. "Mmm..." He mumbled not really wanting to respond to that, "Yeah whatever..."

He eyed her carefully, paying most attention to the color of her eyes.

Damn...she idiot number two written all over her... He thought, thinking about a friend who had lived her long ago.

Roselyn was caught of guard when the girl had came up and hugged her too, telling her that she was pretty and asking to be her sister. Roselyn trembled for a moment, unable to contain her feelings so well. "Uh...y-yeah of course you can..." She responded, running her fingers through the girls hair and smiling warmly. A smile that was much different from her regular smug look. It had been a very long time since anyone had called her pretty and Roselyn was touched, so much that she had to prevent herself from crying.

Roselyn wiped her face hoping to catch away any tears that might have fallen, luckily there was none but when she looked up she saw Caricon holding his sword out. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Rosely hissed at him, holding the girl tighter, pressing her up against her breasts.

Myles' eyes narrowed, "Hey! It's bad enough that you're a predator to guys! Now get her out of there!" He scolded Roselyn.
He eventually got bored of standing still and started walking toward them again with his sword raised. He started walking towards the slutty girl again. "None of you are acting very fun you all need to liven up." he spoke in a light male voice with a heavy english accent.
Erci giggled, snuggling more into her new sister. "Yay! I get a sister!" She turned her head and looked right into the tip of a sword. "Well you sure are a persistent Meanie Bo-beanie Angel! She stuck her tongue out, wiggling it in sight of the Angel. Stupid Angel, of course I remember you. I just don't care anymore. She thought to herself. Erci turned herself in the girl's grip so that her back was against the girl. "That's a dangerous weapon Sir! I would advise you to put it away! I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." She giggled, her eyes turning from a bright green to a dazzling emerald.

Lenneth ceased laughing when the angel unsheathed his sword. He stepped in front of both Roselyn and the girl. "I don't like you, whoever you are, and I don't like the way you point that thing around." He grinned, letting his annoyance fuel him. "Don't be so sassy, just because you aren't gods favorite, there's no need to take it out on others. Just run off like a good little boy." He smiled devilishly, his purple eyes boring into the angel as he pushed his persuasion powers into him.
"Well neither is she that little murderer. She went out one day and came to her old family like this. Then she killed them all. She was evenly tainted because she killed so many humans it was covered up as a plunge. The black plunge to be exact..."
Erci froze, her heart now lead in her throat. She looked to the ground. Stupid Angel.. I just wanted to start over... Stupid Angel! You don't understand anything! You only see what you want to see! She thought, her hands covering her face. Tears flooded her vision and her heart heaved with pain. Why does it always have to be bad when it comes to me.. She pulled herself out of Roselyn's grip and mumbled "Sorry.." just before dashing off into the forest, getting as far away as possible. 
Lenneth frowned, taking the blade of the angel's sword in his hand. "So? Who cares! We've all come here for a reason, and that's to change. If you can't let us change then you need to leave, now." He stepped forward, pushing the sword away from all of them and letting it fall to the floor with a clatter. His annoyance turned into anger and it swelled inside of him, consuming his train of thought.
He angel took off in mid flight the spell worked off and his wings became tainted. Caricon was now evil. He wanted to take back the world he wanted people to pain and suffer. He had became evil.

Gerus watched in amazement as his wings became white. I am not fallen he flew his new wings all the way to the front yard to see his master had been tainted. "Master," he screemed.
Roselyn tried to grab her when she slipped out of her hands but her attempt did not matter. The girl was gone.

"Hey! Where are you going...?" Myles' question faded out as he stepped aside so she could make it through the door. "You bastard!" He said to Caricon

"What is your problem!? Out of all the people here you criticize her!?" Roselyn's eyes burned red and her fangs began to pain with the urge to rip Caricon's neck out. Then the smell came to her nose again, and she watched as he flew off with his tainted wings.

"Are you going to say that violence isn't the answer?" Roselyn asked Lenneth, her breathing was heavy and she was trying her best hold back the urge to go right out there and destroy the angel for real.
(So nobody is going to pay attention to the angel that came flying out of the house screaming master?) 
(Oh also Caricon is open gang you can kill him)
Lenneth frowned. "Not this time." He looked as the angel flew off into the distance. "This time it is the answer." He turned to look at Myles and Roselyn. "So, who's going after her? Or should we let her realize we don't care. I'm going after that angel bastard." He unfurled his wings, stepping outside.

Erci ran fast and hard through the forest, sobs erupting from her chest. Stupid stupid stupid! Stupid angel! Stupid house! Stupid God! Stupid! She folded her wings and ducked under branches, jumped over logs, and finally tripped over one, sending her rolling down a steep slope and onto a clearing. She whimpered, pushing herself up, then falling back into the dirt, punching it wildly. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She said angrily through each punch. 
(Yeah me too xD )
Quincy laughed inside the suit of armor and watched the girl fight the guy with black wings. He walked over to Roselyn again and put a metal gauntlet on her shoulder pulling her back and throwing her backward . "Little... angel man why dont you fly away now."
"I'll go get her, and you two get him good..." Myles told Rosely and lenneth before heading outside into the thick trees trying to see if he could find a path or anything to lead him to the girl.

"Save his wings for me! I want to rip them off!" Roselyn told Lenneth before getting grabbed by a gauntlet and getting thrown to the floor. "Hey! W-What are you doing!?" She looked upon the shadow-ish figure "Why do you keep coming after me!?" She hissed, brushing herself off and getting up.
The black shadow came off the armor and it all dropped to the floor in a pile and he stood there in his normal form and bowed. " Very nice to meet both of you." he laughed and went back to the armor as the shadow covered the pieces and they came all together to form the entire suit of armor. " And why you...why not" he laughed and swung his rusted sword down at her.
Lenneth frowned, catching the sword mid-swing and chunking it against the nearest wall. His eyes flared amethyst. "Back off." He grabbed Roselyn, picking her up bride-style and walking out the door. Just before he walked out, he looked back at the figure. "This one is mine." He expanded his wings, and with one kick off, he flew into the sky, following the angel's track. He looked down at Roselyn. "Damn girl, everyone wants a piece of you." He chuckled.

Erci's knuckles were bloodied and bruised, her shoulders ached, and she could have sworn that she had broken one of her hands. She didn't care, she continued punching the ground, pain searing through her. "Stupid! How could I have let myself believe that I could be changed!" She sobbed harder, finally stopping. She leaned back on her heels and let her wings spread, just as she did, it began to rain, as if the heavens were crying for her. "It's not fair.." She wiped at her tears, letting her wings wrap around her until all you saw was a huge mass of feathers.
Quincy walked slowly outside to see them take off "Well that is a rather un fortunate circumstance for me isnt it." He looked inside at all the weapons on the wall "Lets see what i can do with all this stuff." he came off of the armor and covered all of the weapons and they started floating "Now lets play...but later." he sat himself back on the walls in the designated places.
"What the-" Roselyn began but was cut off by the sword coming down at her she was about to plan on grabbing it but someone else did and before she knew it she was swept off her feet and carried outside. She looked over at the shadow figure and flipped him off just before she was taken up into the sky.

"What can I say?" She laughed, "I'm a demon born a lust, I'm meant to attract the masses~"

Myles looked around for a moment when it began to rain. "Shit..." he said. It wasn't like he could call out her name since he really didn't know it yet so he kept on looking when he heard some sobbing. He ran towards it and found the ball of feathers, "Why you crying?" he asked plainly as if he were insulting her, but it's not like he meant to say it like that. It just came out wrong.
Lenneth grinned. "Demon born a lust, huh? Most definitely not my type." He said in a light tone, slightly smiling. He flew faster and faster as rain poured down on them. "Hope you don't catch colds easily." The rain slammed against them because of his speed, and he soon caught up with the angel, flying several hundred feet above him. "There he is!" He had to shout over the sound of the rain.

The ball of feathers twitched, and her only response was to sob harder, and force out a strangled "Go away.." She tightened her wings around her and made the ball smaller. Stupid... stupid.. stupid... You've just come to insult me and make fun of me.. You've come to ridicule me and call me a murderer.. You don't even understand so leave me alone.. She sobbed harder with her train of thoughts, the rain pouring harder and harder on them.
The new angel flew into the forest looking for the lone sober when he heard the sound of crying he landed and approached the ball of feathers. "I am sorry my master hurt you... He was treated badly and unfairly and his anger is unlessed on people like you. I am sorry.." This girl might be responsible for the black pleage but many good things came out if the pleage, many good things..
"Oh, judging a book by it's cover?" Roselyn shook her head in pretend shame, "I would think someone like you would know better..."

The rain poured harder and she wiped some of her hair away from her eyes. "Catching colds are lame..." She told Lenneth. Her mouth began to pain more as she urged to see bloodshed. She wanted to see him fall. Roselyn squinted slightly, trying to get a better focus on Caricon.

"Toss me onto his back," She started working up a plan, "I'll ruin his flight and send him to ground..."

"They're going to kill him. You know that right?" Myles asked, ignoring the fact that he told her to go away. "Thought you'd might want to see it, I know I do..." He got closer, standing in front of her little ball of feathers. He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "There's tons of people who killed others, I know I did...and I know others who did too..." He tried explaining but he felt out of place. He then was startled by the fact that the angel just flew down here, ranting about his master.

"Yeah yeah, no one wants to hear it..." He said bluntly.
"I would never judge you by the cover. You're far too skiddish for that." He chuckled, picturing her as a deer in the forest. Lenneth grinned. "I'll catch you if you fall." He positioned her above the angel, then released her, letting her free fall downwards at rapid speeds. He flew closer to him, making sure he didn't miss place her, or send her to her death.

Erci flung her wings open and splattered rain drops all over the boy. "I don't want to see anymore killing!" She covered her ears and hid herself with her arms. "You don't understand.. You might have killed other people... but did you kill your own family? Your father? Your mother and your baby sister?" She pressed her face against her knees. "Don't let me keep you from seeing someone get killed.." She sniffled, wiping her snotty nose on the back of her hand. "If that's what you want to see, then go see it." She stood up and rubbed her eyes.
He got close to the ball of feathers. "Don't you know with out the black pledge the world would be a much worse place than it is." He was trying to make her better but he wasn't doing much good.

Caricon saw the people behind him and decided to give them a really good chase. He dove down and landed underwater making his wings waterproof. If they wanted his body they would get it, in ashes.
Skiddish? I'm skiddish? What? Roselyn thought before shaking it off and getting prepared to grab onto Caricon. "I'm trusting you!" She said with a smile just before he let her go.What she just said contradicted what she had said about trust in the library. She'd thought she'd give Lenneth something to think about for awhile. As she fell through the air she extended out her hands waiting to feel Caricon's wings. She then toppled onto him but not soon after they both landed under water.

Myles stood there in shock for a moment. The images of his family, poisoned at the dinner table filled his mind in one instant. He staggered backwards and coughed into his hand, "Um...yeah...I...I did..." He told her a bit out of it. "I wanted to kill my two older brothers for power to the throne, but I didn't only kill them, I ended up killing my mother, my father, the servants and myself...."

He told her with a monotonic tone in his voice. He glanced over at the angel and gave a glare, "Did you know that you have an annoying voice?"

(Ugh posted too slow, let me change part of it ;_ ;)

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