|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Roselyn looked at Erci, wondering if she should wake up, she was having a nightmare anyway, it might be best to not let her finish it. Poor girl... Roselyn thought. It always hurts to see children in states like this, especially since they're already dead...

Roselyn looked over at Myles, who seemed to no longer be interested in being here, or just didn't want to hear Erci talk in her sleep. It's just hard to tell with that boy. Sometimes he shows that he cares, sometimes it just too hard for him to bare so he pushes it down. Who knows how much his eyes have seen, who knows how much wisdom he holds.

"Well bye," Myles said in a hurry to get out of there. Yeah, so much for wisdom and greatness, he's still just a boy. Roselyn grabbed his arm before he left, "Myles you know you don't have to be that way..." she whispered to him.

"I said, bye..." Myles wiggled out of her hand and left.

Grim nodded his head, "But you see, your master wasn't even around when the group was here, so he hasn't been here as long as Myles, and besides, he's dead...and I need to have a word with everyone about it, so why not be useful and gather up everyone in the manor and bring them here~" Grim said gesturing them to the door.
"Just please don't tell the people who don't know that I did it." He went to the doorway and asked, " Should I gather everybody else?"
Lenneth watched him leave, sighing and running a hand through his hair. "Should we just leave her here? or should we wait till she wakes up?" He asked Roselyn once Myles had left. He stayed standing besides Erci, his chest squeezing in sympathy for her.

Vice finished hanging up all of the clothes and grabbed Roselyn's clothes, heading to her bathroom and washing them out in the sink, then running a line to hang them up on. She didn't feel like looking for a washer and dryer, so she just did it herself, just like with Myles' handkerchief, which was placed on his bed. She stepped out of her bathroom once she was done, and then picked up the 100bucks that Gerus had given to her. She opened the door and slid it under the door to another random room. She turned and walked down the hall to the stairwell.
Grim laughed and gave an are-you-serious look, "Listen little girl," He started, insulting his manhood, "I don't think anyone in this house doesn't already know, so just go get them and bring them here! All of them! Go! No time to waste!"

"I personally would want to wake her up now..." Roselyn mumbled looking down at the sleeping girl, "I'm guessing she's having a nightmare...and it sucks when you dream like that...but you're already living one..." Roselyn was serious for a moment, but then shrugged, giving a 'whatever' look.

"Of course that's just what I think..."

Myles, being Myles went outside for some fresh air. The sweet smell at the end of rain lingered in the air and he enjoyed the smell. He leaned against one of the columns and looked towards the graveyard...and it still hurt. He missed her...
Vice stepped down to the front door, about to go outside when she looked out of the window, seeing Myles standing there. He didn't look like he wanted to be bothered. She took her hand off of the doorknob and turned around, walking into the dining hall and sitting on one of the chairs, her stomach churning at the sight of food. She wasn't hungry at all, and the only thing that could stop her craving was... The plate in front of her emptied, and was soon filled with a goblet of blood. Her eyes widened and she backed away, hitting her head on the wall behind her and panting. No no no...

Lenneth frowned. "If you wake someone up during a nightmare, they could have a panic attack, or they could strike out at you." He mumbled, brushing a strand of hair from Erci's face. He smiled up at her and then frowned. "You know.. you don't have to act with me.." He said, shrugging, then grinned. "But that's just what I think."
He would take many things but he wasn't going i take this. "If you don't recognize my teacher how about you look in your book of the dead." Smirking he went down the hallway, going to tell everybody of the meeting.
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Grim looked around the library, "Uh...which one?" He asked but when he looked at the door he was gone. Grim shook his head and sighed.

"Price to pay for being free no?" Roselyn muttered, but it was mostly just to herself.

She looked away from the ground and at Lenneth when he mentioned something about her acting. "W-What?" She asked as if she couldn't believe what she just heard.

Finally being able to breath, Myles walked back into the manor while he was walking he went pass dinning hall and he heard someone slam against the wall. Curious he popped his head in, staring at Vice, "Oh..." He said as if he was disappointed or something. "It's you...what are you doing?"
Vice's bewildered eyes looked from Myles to the goblet. "U-uh..." She stuttered, a bit out of breath, then stood from the table and looked back at the wall. She then turned to look at Myles, her face impassive and straight, as if nothing ever happened. "I was checking to see if this wall was stable." She muttered, then walked to the kitchen, washing her hands in the sink.

Lenneth swallowed, "It seems like there's something bothering you. I just want you to know that you don't have to pretend nothing's wrong with me when something is. Sorry if I'm being too bold, or overstepping my boundaries." He looked to the floor, suddenly real interested in his shoes.
Myles raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh...is that so?" He asked walking into the room and running his hand against the wall, "Did you know that when Grim used to be a funeral director that he would open the walls up and store the bodies in here?" He asked Vice, wondering how gullible she was so he knew how to really trick her later on. He hoped this would take her mind off most things.

Roselyn stood there, a bit shocked, something that was rare. She soon softened her expression and smiled, walking closer to Lenneth and tapping his chin so he'd look up at her.

"Don't have to say sorry," She began with a reassuring smile, "...And it's hard to know when you're pretending when that's all you've been doing for years..." Roselyn then stepped back showing a weaker smile than before then walking out of the room.
She frowned, looking questionably at the wall, then at him. "Rea- Wait." She squinted her eyes, sizing him up. "Are you serious?" She cautiously stepped closer till she was right next to him, then reached out slowly, placing her fingertips on the wall.

Lenneth frowned, following her and grabbing her wrist. "It's alright. I know how you feel." he tugged her up the stairs and down the hallway. "So. Snuggle time now?" He asked, his eyes lighting up like a child's, even though, he most definitely was not a child.
(Sorry if it's completely screwed up and unexpected xDD

I have no idea how to start and I didn't read all 37 pages .-.)

Ava Felbury was wearing an oversized red hoodie and dark denim jeans. Inside the hoodie was a crisp, white, and short sleeved blouse. Her red hair was pulled back into a ponytail, though strands of hair and bangs framed her face gently, tickling her cheeks and forehead from the wind.

She trudged down the street, realizing that it was darker than she had intended to stay out. She couldn't be on the streets in a strange neighborhood. The manor she had absentmindedly noted was in front of her..how did she get here? Honestly, running away from a broken family was more distracting than anything she had ever encountered.

She slowly and cautiously made her way to the front gate, one hand on the dagger safely tucked into the compartment on her belt bag. It was spooky, no doubt. The manor practically screamed at her for approaching. Yet, it was too late to turn around now, and even if she did, there would be no other definite place for her to go. Maybe she'll even turn back on this very doorstep.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled back her right sleeve and let her hand grasp the knob firmly. She knew that most people locked their doors, but manors like this...they didn't even need a lock. "This is what I get for running away," she muttered, turning the knob and pushed at the door with both hands. As it creaked open on rusty hinges, she peered inside. The warm atmosphere and dewy scent hinted rain, so she hurried inside before closing the door behind her.

What was this place?

From the lack of dust and must, she figured someone was here recently. Her heart beat faster as she used her back to push the door back in place, leaning against it when she was done. She had no other choice but to face whoever would try to kill or welcome her here. For her life's safe, she hoped it would be the later.

(That was really good. Oh my sweet baby hey-zeus. I was like OH MY GOSH DON'T GO IN THERE! It seemed so creepy xD But then I'm like, naaah we're all awesome. -nodnod- )
(Yeah! xD It's all good! That's basically how you just jump into the RP here and Hunny the only one in the library is Grim >.<)

Roselyn flinched when Lenneth grabbed her wrist, not at all expecting him to do that, "Lenneth..." She muttered but didn't exactly finish her train of thought since he was dragging her up stairs.

A small smirk spread across her face, "Well alright~ If you insist-" She stopped mid sentence. "Wait..." she whispered, "You smell that right? Er well...even if you don't...this has to wait..." Kind of absentmindedly she stepped away from him and ran up onto the wall like she did when she first met Lenneth. Crawling along the ceiling she went over to the main hall when she noticed someone by the door.

"No...way..." she mumbled under her breath. That's a human I'm smelling!

Myles nodded his head, seeing that Vice had taken the bait, "Yup...defiantly made of human bodies..." He tapped the wall. "So the next time you feel like checking the walls, I suggest you remember that these are also people's graves..."

Myles seemed so dead serious and he left Vice hanging like that as he walked out of the room and into the main hall, he stopped walking though when he noticed someone standing by the front door.

He froze, covering his horns with his hands, hoping she didn't take a glimpse of it. He quickly tried to hide his pitch black tail too so he shoved it down the back of his pant leg

"Uhhh...." Myles looked up above him and he saw Roselyn on the ceiling. She pressed her finger upon her lip, telling Myles to be quiet.
Ava remained mostly motionless, while conflicting emotions flickered across her features. Her right sleeve gently fell back down and covered her arm again, but she didn't notice. Instead, she felt a prescence..the kind people got when they were being watched. She had had this sensation before, but usually, it was just her own fear stirring up.

Her breathing quickened another notch, but she forced it back down, swallowing back the fear. If there was anyone here, she was sure they would be better companions than her drunk mother and four rowdy siblings. With that thought secured in her mind, almost all of her fear was gone. Just the thought of being away from them set her mind at ease. She felt the pounding of her heart also slowing down back to its usual rate.

Raindrops occasionally made the sound of pounding against the windows. She glanced around the room, noting smaller things and planning an escape route if anyone planned to jump out at her. Unfortunately, she forgot that she was right next to the best escape route: the door. Wait-was someone on the ceiling? Or was it just a shadow? Ava ignored it, her features composed excellently, as if she hadn't seen a thing.

(Just don't worry about it >.> it's not like a quest and you HAVE to do it <.< I mean if Gerus doesn't do it then Grim will just come out of his library and be like: If you want something done right, you'll have to do it yourself)
Lenneth frowned, furrowing his brows in confusion when she climbed up the wall. "What ar-" He stopped mid-sentence, feeling the vibes in the air. It's... a human.. He grinned. Walking to the end of the hall, and down the stairs He folded his wings inside his shirt, hiding them completely and walked to the girl. He smiled, extending his hand. "Hello, how are you, miss?"

Erci's eyes snapped open, panting heavily as she awoke from her dream. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, noticing she was alone. She popped off of the chair and walked through the door, seeing a girl at the front door. She hid herself and made a small "o" with her mouth. OH MY GOSH MORE FRIENDS! Her eyes lit up. AND THIS ONE IS HUMAN!

Vice frowned, not believing it, and walked after Myles. "Hey there was-" She stopped talking as she noticed him hiding his horns. She frowned, putting her hand on his shoulder and peeking over it, seeing the human there. She slipped her tail into her shirt, wrapping it around her torso and laying it flat so that you couldn't tell it was there.
Roselyn noticed that Myles couldn't hide his horns very well so she managed to wiggle off her coat and drop it over his head.

"Ack!" Myles was surprised by the sudden darkness and failed his arms, but he soon realized it was just Roselyn trying to help him out.

Roselyn then backed herself into the far corner, hoping and wishing...possibly praying that the human wouldn't see her and get terrified.

Myles took Roselyn's coat and wrapped it around his head like he was from the middle east...of course his non-middle east ethnicity didn't help his cause.

"Um...Welcome to this...shady...bed n' breakfast...W-would you like to meet the owner? He's much more prepared in these...situations..." Myles said nervously.

A guy walked down the steps and extended his hand towards her, a surprise she never quite expected. Her posture stiffened a bit as she eyed him emotionlessly. And suddenly, the tension eased. Everything seemed to come to life. The air changed and Ava could feel it, as if the ice was melting. She wasn't one for manners and felt uncomfortable when her mannerism was put to the test. Nonetheless, she reluctantly extended her hand and took his gently and lightly. "Awkward," she answered honestly, her mind going blank at the thought of saying "fine" or "good".

She debated whether asking him if he was well or not, but deciding it was better to put an effort and avoid getting killed, forced herself to ask, "And, you?" Truthfully, she wanted to swallow all embarrassment and just turn the knob and run away again for no reason. She had not expected this kind of welcome. She had expected a creepy, gothic family that greeted everything with mild to no surprise and a creepy smile.


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