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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Elijah hopped out and closed Caddy's door behind him "shhhhhh, you'll wake people who are sleeping" he was being depressingly ironic with his words.

Turning around he walked up to Ferena "and would you cut it with calling me 'bloody'..."

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"Hehe... Well how can I explain" he let out a rasp sigh "nevermind... I really can't explain this..." He put his hand behind his head and sighed.

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Caddy let out a deep breath in her sleep. She held onto her pillow and jostled her head towards Nano.

"Is that you... emperor of pickles? Are you here to give me the pickle kingdom?" She murmured in her sleep, rolling around gently. After a few moments of this muttering she let out a deep snore and curled back up on the sheets.
Elijah automatically heard that as an innuendo "this girl is ridiculous..."

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Suddenly she rolled over on her back and laid still.

"Ridiculous? But the pickle kingdom has always been my dream! You can't take that away from me!" She said significantly louder than before.
He grabs a chair, sitting backwards on it. "Oooh, I gotta listen in on this" but the first thing he did was retrieve a jar of pickles from the inns storehouse and leaving it by her bedside.

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Again rolling around, Caddy gave a small sigh.

"Ah, I see I have no choice. We must joust in the name of the Pickle Kingdom! Winner takes the throne!" Caddy stood up on her bed, her hands clenched as if holding a sword. Flailing around as if battling an opponent, Caddy then pointed her hands towards the bed.

"Haha! You see, the people love me! I will be their queen!" Caddy fell onto the bed, a loud bang echoing throughout the room as her head hit the frame. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she looked over at the pickle jar.

She rubbed her head as she sat up. Caddy smiled as she looked at the pickle jar. "The throne is mine..." She said quietly, still not noticing Nano sitting beside her bed.
"Hey, foolish girl, what are you doing?" He looks at her somewhat accusingly, when she was flailing around she'd kicked him in the face and cracked the porcelain mask around his eye.

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Caddy rubbed the gunk from her eye and looked towards Nano. Her eyes went wide as she saw him.

"Holy sh-" She pulled the sheets over her torso and clenched the edge of the covers tightly. "How long have you- did you- what did you-" She breathed heavily and looked at him with a nervous look in her eyes.

Caddy took the pillow and poised to jump out and pounce on him. "Did you see- did you hear- HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!?" She yelled in a nervous tone.
"Hmm... About an hour I guess..," he smiles and grins under the mask. "Why? I mean, it's not like you've said anything strange in your sleep is it? Oh, and thanks for cracking my mask.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy gave a sigh and put down the pillow. "Sorry, I missed the part where you explained why you snuck into my room to watch me sleep!" She said, sliding out of bed and taking a pickle from the jar. "Why are you wearing that mask anyways?"
"Because if my actual face was ever caught on any form of surveillance, the government would be after me specifically, not the person I am when I do my job." He looks at her somewhat scornfully, dodging the question as to why he was in her room anyway.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Oh you're not getting off that easily, Nano. You seemed pretty happy in that chair, watching me sleep talk. So what is it? Why are you here, in the middle of the night, watching a mechanic sleep? The subject is nonrepudiate; you might as well answer it." Caddy took a bite of the pickle as she slowly drew nearer to the boy with a constraining look in her eyes.
"I would say it's because I like you, but that really wouldn't get me out of this... To be honest... I guess there's no reason I could give that could get me outta this is there?..." He looked a little nervous under his porcelain mask, he'd learned women were dangerous as hell when they were angry after he messed up a job one time and his boss cracked a stone statue by headbutting it.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
She furrowed her brow and tried to understand why he looked so nervous under his cracked mask. She shook her head as she thought back - never had she seen a guy so terrified of what might happen to him next. "Forget it. Sorry about your mask. I could use some materials around here to fix it for the moment - it might look kinda... post-apocalyptic survivor, if that's a look you'd go for." Caddy smiled and reached out her hand. "Let's go. I'm hungry enough that pickles won't hold me over."
"The mask is fine I guess, it only shows a little of my eye." He takes her hand "so, apparently we all have ultima cores or some crap... What's your opinion on all this?"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
A small laugh came out as Caddy replied "I've got no freaking idea. Up until tonight I thought I was a random nobody mechanic trying to make a crazy useful invention. Guess that's not the truth anymore. All you guys have all these powers - I didn't even think I possessed them, too. I actually don't really have any proof that I have an Ultima Core or anything, I've never actually done anything except make a gun out of an old mug. I need to talk to that guy - Rika? Someone has to know what's going on here, 'cause all I know is technology." She pulled him out of the chair and opened the door, letting go of his hand and stepping into the hallway.
"The innkeeper is one of the sages, he knows the most by far, contact him if you want anything" he paused, thinking back on the first thing Caddy said "and nobody in the world is a nobody, especially not you. So don't think of yourself like that... I know this sounds pretty damn hypocritical coming from a guy who kills for a living, but ya' know..."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy gave a small smile under her bushy, deep red hair. "Thanks." She entered the pantry and began snooping in the shelves, taking a loaf of bread and another pickle jar for her room.

"So... You kill for a living. That's interesting. Who hooked you up with that job?"
Elijah grabbed an assortment of vegetables, walking off into the kitchen and making a salad, he was alone for a second he removed his porcelain mask "damn it's stuffy wearing this thing, it clings to the skin and us is damn uncomfortable..." He let out a small sigh, forgetting to put the mask back on as he chopped a few carrots.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy rolled her eyes as he made the salad. "Is someone trying to catch you or something?" She asked him, searching the shelves for good grub. "God, you are secretive."
"If I wasn't, I'd have died years ago... And please don't look at my face closely..."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Alright, Mr. Mystery." Caddy gave a smirk. "Sounds like pretty dangerous work you do for a living, huh? You like danger?" She pulled out some cheese and sliced the loaf of bread, coating it in dry cheese slices. Caddy opened up the oven and broiled the cheese so it melted over the stale bread, hoping it would taste good.
"No, I just sorta have to live with danger for a living... Also, the mystery part of me is really something pretty useless, it just pushes people away and stops someone from figuring out who I really am..." He took a pause for a moment, removing his hood, then sighed "take a look, I guess if it's just one person..." He has a boyish face, looking about 19 with a manic smile and grin plastered across his face, a twinkle in his eye.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy

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