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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"Hmph, such is the pride of magi." Jelt stood up again and rested his sword on his shoulder. "Come on then!"
"It's already over." She replied with a smile as they all manifested simultaneously. A dozen orbs of light, a dozen spheres of darkness and a dozen missiles of arcane burst to life around the bespectacled girl. Each was about the size of his head, and each flew to strike him from all directions, or at least they would have if she did not raise her hand to abruptly stop the incoming onslaught. "Do you submit yet?"
"You think I'm going to go down with those?" Jelt built up momentum and smashed the metal ground heavily sending out a massive shockwave that made the spheres get knocked away. "A knight shouldn't be underestimated!". Luckily the ground was reinforced metal or it would've been destroyed.
"Neither should and illusionist, or an arcane missile launcher." She said with wink as the spheres were knocked back...

Several centimeters.

"Only magic can push away magic you old fool! Meet your end at the hands of a Necromancer!" She cried out with sadistic glee as the orbs turned back and the onslaught began in earnest. Several orbs were summoned forth as she took of the ring for but a moment, allowing the Void to have free reign within her and push her Darkness Magic to the utmost.

She had taken as much of the Void as she could from the stupid island, as well as the main Mana Core that fulled the Citadel as she went to meet her mother. She had much more Void magic than before, and even as the Divine Magic tried to suppress it, as soon as she removed the ring, it simply flooded out. This was the power of Darkness she flung from her very being, as the Void simply grew as her mana was slowly being depleted.

Still, she had enough self control not to toss away the ring, almost as if she intended to put it back on later...
"You are the fool!". Jelt dashed up front while doing a tornado swing to slice out the orbs that Amelia summoned. Near Amelia, Jelt stopped swinging and instantly jumped high doing a massive downward slash "Letting the darkness take over you already made you one!".
"Just kidding, for a knight you sure are silly." The illusion dropped, leaving a smirking Amelia to meet the gaze of the airborne Knight.

"The air is where you are most vulnerable, knight. I am faster than gravity, and so are these." The orbs she shot were real this time, no longer illusion to be dispelled with a simple slash. The walls of the room creaked at their power, their very presence filling the room with an abundance of mana, mana only she could wield for if anyone else tried they would feel the slivers of Darkness.

The orbs shot out, like their true nature as arcane missiles, striking true every single time. There was now way to block, no way to change direction as he was a non magus and in the air, helpless to do anything but get hit. And get hit he did, buy more than three dozen orbs of energy, light and darkness he could not hope to wield. He was bombarded before he could even hit the ground.
"All right that's enough!". A seemingly young short girl with a long blonde hair, probably a 9 year old shouted from the watching crowd of expedition members. She jumped over the crowd and landed with both hands touching the ground.

"HYAAH!". As she shouted again, a dazzling burst of light filled the whole room cleansing everything in it. "What is this... Soothing feeling?". Rika felt rejuvenated, his exhaustion beginning to fade.

"Learn to control yourself, or you could even kill those who aren't supposed to be killed.". The girl said as she walked away while the light and darkness fades on the room.

"Leminel!? Why did you interupt me?". Jelt complained, lying down on the ground surprised that he didn't get hit. "Learn your limits. If you want to be like the great knight Rius who defeated a lot of magi in the war back then, do so!". Jelt returned to his seat with a disappointed look.

"Uhh, may I ask who that girl is?". Rika asked out of curiosity, how could a little girl even be here? "Oh her? That's Vice Captain Leminel. A 10 year old graduate from Academia Manatia. A Single-Core light user.".'10 years old!? This kid is a genius!'. Surprised at what he heard, Rika looked at the girl again. She seemed like any other kid.

"Erm... Lets get to the real topic. Before we proceed to the plan on Lands of Chaos, does anyone have anything to say?" Jelt asked, now in a calm voice.
Caddy blinked twice, unsure if what she just saw was reality. I really don't know anything, do I? She slid her hand out of her bag - for now at least. The Land of Chaos was next, and she needed to find at least some matches, and fast. Caddy knew her services would at least be a little necessary for the group's survival in the Land of Chaos. Zipping up her bag again, Caddy rested her hands on her hips and waited for the inevitable to happen. While she was masking the anxiety within her, she desperately hoped she would make it back to Machina Haven alive.
Elijah'd been watching the entire scene play out, though his focus had been mainly on Amelia, muttering to himself "failure? Pfft, she acts like she's stronger than one of the sages, I'm highly doubtful about her, it's not even like the void necessarily fuels magic in any way, shape or form. It's still odd how she even uses it, and even so, not even being able to graduate from 'that' place, she shouldn't even be able to generate a handful of projectiles, nevermind those damn orbs that move freely and are nigh invincible." With a smirk, he decided he'd need to get something to deal with her if the void ever took it's hold.
"Ok then, here's how the plan goes." Jelt sat up straight and began explaining the details. "First off, when we arrive at Lands of Chaos, we're going to set up a base camp. For sure the expedition will take weeks, or even longer. Ellestren and his radio support squad will stay at the base camp while the advance squad that consists of magi tracks the way towards the void led by Vice Captain Leminel."

Jelt pointed at Ellestren, a man with the same uniform as them holding a broadcasting rod and the group behind him, and at Leminel, with her group beside her. Leminel spoke up from the sides, still seemingly disappointed at Jelt. "Since you four are new, you have your own squad going seperate ways with the Advance Squad. We can't let new guys hinder our progress. Prove yourselves as rightful holders of Ultima Cores."

"But we haven't even-" Rika was interupted by Leminel even before he could finish his sentence. "Experienced battling monsters? Then this will be your training! You... Yeah, you with the brown shirt, your mana core is that of a growing amateur. The monsters here are nothing like in the other regions. Here, take this." Leminel threw a research paper at Rika containing a list of known monsters in the Lands of Chaos.

Lands of Chaos Bestiary Entry # 11

Magma Horror [Common] -

A creature with a human-like body surrounded by magma. Has very long arms (About one to two meters) with long claw-like hands that can easily slash through metal thanks to its magmatic nature.

Type: Agressive, Attack on sight

Granite Titan [RARE] -

A type of golem only found on the Lands of Chaos usually near the rocky and mountainous areas. Its height ranges from 60-90 feet, width at 3-4 meters, and it will wander around destroying any living thing in its path. Its large, wide and stony body makes it really slow allowing expeditionists to escape easily.

Type: Roamer, Territorial

Consumed [Common] -

Expeditionists that have been consumed by the void portal and was possessed wander aimlessly on Lands of Chaos. Their bodies are like solid shadows, black, flowing. Consumed Magi still cast magic but their mana cores have been fully replaced by the void's energy.

Type: Agressive, Attack on sight

Void Lurker [RARE] -

A creature that has gotten out from the walls of the Void Portal. It resembles a large lizard-like aquatic creature (A fish?) that crawls around the corrupted waters of Lands of Chaos. Its scales are hard, not allowing normal sharp weapons to pierce it. Its horrific face truly resemble a creature of the void. Its size is like a crocodile. Its very sharp and long teeth bite through rocks, maybe even metal. When its mouth opens, it will shoot a pure orb of void energy capable of destroying even a necromancer's body if not wearing any kind of dark resisting armor. Although it looks big, it is as fast as a wolf and can jump very high.

Type: Defensive, Territorial

Crystalline Sheller [Common]-

A turtle with a sparkling crystal shell completely immune to magic. It is slightly bigger than most tortoises. The only way to damage this turtle is to wait for its head and feed to come out and begin attacking it with either physical or magical attacks.

Type: Defensive, Stationary

Ripper [Common] -

These creatures have the body structure of a bear, only that its front arms are twice as much bigger. With their strength, they can punch a hole through the ground, or knock a person way back.

Type: Aggressive, Attack on sight

Chaos Manifestation [uncommon] -

Fire Elementals that roam around pick up energy from the void whenever it releases void energy affecting their nature. They use high grade void magic enough to destroy a whole battalion of soldiers. Apparently, the expedition group years back were destroyed by two of these things.

Type: Agressive, Attack on Sight

----More to be Discovered----

"There is NO WAY us four are going to live with all these things roaming around." Rika shivered when he saw the research paper and immediately complained. "Yeah, there is no way if you are like that." Leminel replied, her face even more disappointed. "Just stay away from all the rare and uncommon monsters and don't get too reckless."

"IMPOSSIBLE! Why am I even invovled with this!?" Rika was irritated, at the same time a little bit scared. He handed the Research paper to the three. "See for yourselves...."
Caddy closed her eyes and clenched her fists after surveying the paper. She clenched it tight in her hand."I'm going to do whatever I can." She said quietly, on the verge of the breaking point. "I don't even know what the hell's going on, but damnit, I have to try!" She said louder this time, her bushy scarlet hair flew upwards as she looked up and gave a piercing glare at Rika, fire in her eyes. Caddy pulled her goggles down over her eyes and pulled a wrench out of her pocket. "This so-called Ultima Core I possess might all me a lie, but I've chosen to trust all of you, so I have to try!" Caddy pointed took the wrench with great force and held it with a tight grip. "We will win. We have to."
"Caddy.... Fine! I have no choice but to try." Rika smacked Caddy in the back, forcing a smile. "Leminel... I mean, ma'am. Is that all the plan?"

"Be sure to prove your words... Jelt, continue the plan." Leminel sat on a chair and closed her eyes listening to everything. Jelt cleared his throat and spoke again. "My Squad, the squad of Knights will be protecting the Advance squad. You four will also help in finding the void portal in your seperate path. Leminel will send a signal once we have found the portal. Our main goal here is to defeat the Shadow of the Void before it breaks its seal, which is why we need you four to master using your Ultima Cores. If you four find the portal first, leave a mark in front of it and enter without us. The path on the way is sure to train you the hard way." Jelt sighed and rested his back on his chair.

"Gah, i'll just have to toughen myself up..." A mix of fear, excitement and worry got over Rika. "Then I'll do what I can."
Caddy smiled almost victoriously as she clapped her hands and rubbed them together. "Let's get going then. We've got some battles to win." She looked at Rika, getting revved up just thinking about it.
Amelia eyed the little girl with a humored smile, part of her still thought this whole debacle was some elaborate prank, before she shrugged and committed the bestiary, which seemed severely lacking in her opinion, to memory. They were the underdog this time, that was perfect. She had far too much experience playing that role.
"Yeah sure, we'll get back in one piece." Rika let a nervous laugh out and sighed, looking at Caddy not sure about his words.

The girls seemed to be excited with this task. 'I better not disappoint them.' Rika had always been traveling alone but now he has these companions, alltogether plunging into a dangerous area soon enough. This made him feel happy that there's someone with him, something he had not felt for a long time.

"Oh and since you four are now a member of the expedition team, help us find more monsters for the bestiary. Ok, dismissed! Do whatever you need before we get to the Lands of Chaos in about 1-3 days." Leminel added.

Rika walked out, pulling the only cookie out from his small bag and chewing on it. Heading to the cabin, he looked up to see the crow's nest being repaired by a shipwright. "Woops... Glad they didn't see me". It was afternoon and the sun is already setting. Before laying down the bed and waiting for dinner, Rika stood by the ship's edge looking front with a blank face. "Will we even really get back home..."
Caddy turned stared up against the ceiling as she drifted to sleep, the faces of all her loved ones back home showing up in her thoughts. "I've gotta make it back," She held her gloved hand up to the roof and clenched a fist, drawing it closer. "not just for them, but for everyone." Caddy voiced quietly to herself. This journey wasn't a suicide mission, it was an oath. An oath to herself to continue on with life no matter what. Shaking her head slightly, Caddy realized the irony. Just when she thought she'd die anyway, the only thing holding her back would be the people she died with. Farewells may be unavoidable, but even if I lose myself, I'll continue to walk by your side. That's one thing I'd never like to change.
"What the hell is happening?" Amelia asked herself with a sigh as she finally reached her bed. She knew the answer to that already, but that didn't seem to stop the insistent the mood swings. One moment she's as chipper as a, well, a chipper and the next she's downright demonic, almost to a cliche degree. The Divine Magic, as well as the Void were both fighting for control and the more she used it, for some reason, the worse it seemed to get. "That's it, no magic until I figure this out." She huffed before turning over. The knight didn't even make her sweat, so she slept in the clothes she wore. She didn't even care anymore, and was much too tired to think about the implications.

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