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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Elijah followed the two calmly, keeping a fair few feet behind them; odd, he was acting similarly to how he would act when he was being employed as a bodyguard, odd to him, he already had a firm grip on the hilt of his sword, these people weren't an employer, he'd only get pain from even thinking of protecting these fools, he closed a foot if distance, he'd bd able to react faster to guard them if that was needed, this really wasn't how he should act...
"HALT!" The guards stopped them before they could get inside crossing their swords at the entrance. "What business do you have with the Arch Spire?". Rika showed the expedition pass to the guard immediately making them unblock the entrance. "You may enter." The guard said. Rika walked in and gasped in admiration of the Arch Spire. The walls were completely black, shining in short intervals with bright glittery pure mana in exposure to the giant mana dome below, perhaps Archium from its nature Rika thought. A metallic stone mined in some mines in Manatus. A very good conductor of mana that is currently being used for artificial mana cores (Like gloves with mana cores for non-mana core holders).

At the entrance of the Arch spire is a small platform connected to a spiraling staircase leading very far up to the Grand Magus' chamber or down towards the Mana Dome engineering station where Magi and Mechanics work together to maintain the form of the Mana Dome's nature, both the container and its magical form, and also the Machina Part, even deeper below. Rika was looking everywhere in awe. "Wow, an entire building made of Archium. Hey guys, lets hurry and go up!". Rika then walked up the staircase holding his bag. 'No wonder Manatus was so advanced'. Rika thought of just how many Archium deposits are in Manatus. The staircase still had a long way up.
"Mentor, what's happening to me?" She asked as quietly as she always does when speaking the Librarian of the Acadamia, also the one who taught her that she could be great even if she could only cast one spell properly. "I have discovered that you were correct, I am a multi core user, but what now, the darkness threatens to consume me."

"If this was any other situation, child, I would speak at length about your stupidity." The bespectacled woman groaned behind her desk before pointing a pencil at Amelia's nose. "But your actions saved lives at the cost of your own health, as well as giving you more power that you could possibly realize. The fact that you are a Necromancer now, and a relatively sane one at that is no easy feat. Still I advise you against actions like this." She pushed the pencil through Amelia's nose, the wooden stick phasing harmlessly though the Illusion.

"Your powers are much greater than we had anticipated, and the Void seems to serve as a buffer to force all three to grow exponentially. The only way to deal with emptiness is to fill it and so your core is working overtime to fix the problem. The emotional changes could be attributed to a lack of inhibitions or the true change most Necromancers go through as they decent into insanity. We may never know." She ended as Amelia looked down. "Take heart child, you seem to have found companions, and they will allow you to go through this alive. Go, they must be suspicious by now. Dividing one's consciousness has never been easy."

"Thank you for your wisdom once again, Mentor. I will take them to heart as I do all your teachings." She ended with a bow as she walked towards the door to the exit. She was not rude enough to disappear completely in front of one she respected to the utmost.

"Just stay safe, Ameila. I'm proud of you, my little necromancer." She ended with a smile just as the door knob was twisted.

"I will mother, thank you." Amelia's illusion said those last words before exiting, then disappearing completely.
Mid-way through the stairs, Rika was getting tired. The chamber upstairs could now be seen but is still far from them. "Gah, just how long do we even have to walk! We have 2 hours le-..... Huh?" Rika stopped and felt the air's flow around the building changed. He looked down below to see the Mana Dome crackling with energy.

It seemed normal not until its power fluctuated, suddenly turning off the power in the citadel for a minute and then going back to normal. A black shadowy energy could be seen lingering inside the mana dome. Rika was surprised to see this and thought that the void energy has interferred with its function. "So this is what they have been saying... I hope they fix it soon enough.". Rika's sleepiness was replaced with weariness and worry. He continued on and sighed.
Caddy looked around, admiring the architecture. She hid her worry under a mask of bright excitement, for she still knew little about herself, this world, and what could happen to her at any moment. Shivering as she felt the dark energy, Caddy hurried to the front, beside Rika. Unzipping her bag slightly, she kept her hand on a piece of scrap metal in case of emergency - for that was all she knew how to do, for now at least.
"Gah! Finally. The door." Rima stopped in front of a slightly big door with magical markings on them. He tried to knock but the moment his knuckle lands on the door, it suddenly opened, the grand magus doing it.

"I've been told. Please do come in." The Grand Magus smiled at them and pointed his hand inside. 'K...Kraisel!!!' To Rika's surprise, he did not know what to do and instead held the pass out and said while his head bowed "Im so sorry but we do not have much time so please sign this out Grand Magus sir!" in shyness.

"In a little bit of a hurry are we?" The Grand Magus took the pass and, sat in his chair on the table at the center of the room to sign the pass with a feathered pen. He stood up and handed it again to Rika who was fidgety. "Go, I wish we could talk a little longer though." The Grand Magus then turned back to his table.

'Th...Thats it? Phew. I finally saw him!' Rika also turned and started to walk ahead. "Ok, lets catch up to the ship! We have an hour left." Rika shouted at them.

Before the Grand Magus could close the door, he stopped for a bit and pulled a white ring with small wings and a small orb on its front. "You. Take this." He threw the ring to Amelia. "That is a Divine imbued ring. Enchanted by the greatest priestess Haijira to protect its holder from void exposure long ago."

He knew of Amelia's condition by sensing it. Like giving a hint to her to maintain her ever growing darkness. After throwing the ring, he proceeded to close the door.
"Thanks!" She called out through the door, just before she slipped the ring on her finger. The effect was instantaneous. "Divine Magic, tier three, protection spell, also has boosters for light magic. Though it looks like it should be used as a set of training wheels for now, I hope I can learn to control both high magics without it." She said with a whisper as she looked at the rest of them. "So, shall we go?" She asked with a smile, brighter than any other she had ever smiled before.
'I really don't get this girl...'. Rika looked back at them and saw Amelia smiling just right after her moments of uneasiness. "Huh, Yeah. Lets go!". Rika ran ahead going down the very long staircase again.
Caddy, a little shocked at the short affair, stayed in the room for a while to process the information. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes and smiled, giving a small wave of her hand to the Grand Magus. She didn't really know who he was or why she was even here, agreeing to this crazy quest, but the look in the man's eyes comforted her. He made it seem like the world finally made sense. Hurrying down the staircase with the others, Caddy hoped that soon she could be just like that man - she would cross the bridge when she came to it and wouldn't have a care in the world. With a little more hope and at least some faith in the group of people she was with, Caddy continued to descend.
Getting down the stairs again, Rika stopped to sit in the entrance and catch his breath. "That... Was... SO TIRING.". The way up and down was already like climbing a short mountain. "Ehh... Anyway, we have 20 more minutes..". Rika stood up and walked again. The expedition ship sounded its loud horn alerting people that they were nearly leaving. "WHAT THE!? They're leaving earlier than we thought!". Rika's eyes widened when he saw the anchor being lifted. In a last minute decision, Rika thought of something.

"Guys... Anyone up for a high speed chase?". Rika lifted his hand up and began bending the wind around him again surrounding him with winds moving in his direction. "I can only do this to 2 people at a time, so.... Who's next? We'll just carry the other 2." He turned and asked the group, grinning.
"Enchant the other two, I'll maintain the power flow, if there is one thing Arcane magic is useful for, it's the added kick." Amelia suggested as she laid a hand on Rika. She pushed energy into the winds, allowing them to move faster, and encircle the entire group as the ship slowly began to shift forward no longer supported by an anchor. "Guide the power, I'll handle supplying it."
Rika touched Caddy and the assassin, enchanting them with the wind also. "We're GOING TO FLY!" Rika shouted and carried Amelia darting towards the ship. They were even faster than before, with the guide of Amelia's magic. Rika had never tried to glide with this buff before, but with Amelia's help, he thought it could just be done. Even for a small time. The ship had already departed, no longer being harbored, moving forward.

"Everyone!? Get Ready to JUMP!". In a lightning fast dash through Zali Citadel to Yumena Harbor, Rika did a hard step through the wooden planks of the harbor adding an extended wind burst on their feet to give momentum to their jump. "We're FLYIIINGG!! Hahahaha!". Lightweight magic plus arcane magic and an additional wind burst made it possible for them to reach the large ship's edge before it was too far from the harbor.

Rika landed and immediately lied down the wooden floorboard. "That.. Was.. Awesome!" He was panting from both magical and physical exhaustion. "Please... Give this to... Captain Jelt... Just ask where he is...". Rika raised his hand with the pass while still lying down, giving it to Amelia.
"You are impossible, and you act like a child." She replied with a huff as she took the ticket and went towards where she knew the captain was, the bridge. She was tired as well, but the joy that filled her almost eclipsed whatever she was feeling. It seemed that she had not have enough Void to balance out the Divine magic, and as good as that was, she was still aware of the change. She needed more darkness if she wanted to return to normal for now, and who knows, maybe she will find a way to absorb the very enchantments on the ring she wore.

"Mon Capitan!" She greeted cheerfully as she entered the bridge and handed the ticket to whoever seemed like the highest ranking officer. Also he was the one who had the look of expectation as well as the look of surprise on his face instead of the simple shock at a giddy girl barging into the bridge. Scratch that, no one seemed that surprised, maybe they had experienced someone barging in before, maybe another girl. must have been Caddy. She though as she gave him the ticket. "Now if you will excuse me, I will pick up my friend from the floor outside." She said with a shallow bow as she closed the door behind her.
Rika saw Amelia coming back from the bridge. "Good... Now, please help me up? I think I'll have to go to the crow's nest again for... Something." He held his hand out again and waited for Amelia to pick him up. The travel would be long so he had enough time for polishing his Gale Razor and to rest.
She pulled him up with a tired smile, making sure he was upright before looking at the others. "I'm going to bed, try not to need me." She said with finality as she journeyed to her cabin, and to the most peaceful sleep in days.
'Try not to need me? What was that supposed to mean..' Rika scratched his head and climbed ahead again to the ship's crow. He summoned his blade again and concetrated. He tried to slash in a wide upward arc this time but Rika did not know that the blade released a very sharp wave of slicing wind that sliced the crow's nest in half but fortunately not reaching the ship's mast.

Rika slipped, falling downwards from the crow's nest. "AAHHH!!!" He shouted while falling. He landed in front of the cabins making a loud THUD, his wind magic cushioning his fall a little bit. The blade on his hand was still active as he did not notice it. "Oww! That hurt.. I should be careful next time." He was sitting in front of the cabin removing dust from his shirt.
Caddy, out of breath and tired, boarded the ship and began to prepare for her ongoing ship research. Hmm, I guess I should get some- A loud thud rang throughout the air -sleep. Caddy rolled her eyes and strolled over towards Rika who had fallen off the crow's nest onto the ground.

Caddy gave a small giggle at Rika and held out her hand to help him up. "Pretty cool moves there!" She said gently. Grinning at him she kept her hand steady, waiting for a reply.
Rika was swiping the dirt off his clothes when he heard Caddy

"Pretty cool moves there!"

He turned to see Caddy holding out her hand to help her. 'Ehh.... Someone saw me..' Rika immediately made his wind blade disperse and grabbed Caddy's hand. "Y...You saw nothing.". Rika said in a low voice. "By the way, you look so happy. Something caught your eye?" Rika asked.
After pulling him up onto his feet, Caddy gave the question some thought. Then she replied, "Well, I've just never been a part of something like this before. I hardly ever leave Machina Haven, solely for the reason I left my home in the first place. This... makes me feel like I'm part of a family again," She let go of his hand and grinned a little, blushing. "I just like feeling like I have a purpose, y'know?" Caddy brushed her hair behind her ear. I really do mean something... At least here. At least now. For once in my life... I have nothing to prove.
'A sad life this girl had.'. Rika examined Caddy and confirmed that she really was a mechanic. "Well, we're all here for the same reason. I'm happy to do something large for once in my life too.". He smiled at her and turned, watching the waves. "I've never really had experience on real battle you know. I don't even know if I can survive the Lands of Chaos. That was why I was practicing my blade.". Rika lowered his head a little and looked at his hand

'I'm actually really worried about how this will turn out...'. Rika turned back to Caddy and cast a small breeze on them. "Whatever happens, im prepared anyway." He let out a chuckle, looking at Caddy.
Caddy gave him a warm smile, her eyes twinkling as her bushy scarlet hair blew gently in the breeze. "Everything will turn out for the best. That's all we have to go on now, so we might as well put our faith in it." She stared out to the beautiful calm waters. It was so balanced, so serene. Caddy could at least try to be that. The Grand Magus - the way he acted, that look in his eyes - that had taught her that much. Yes, she thought. Everything happens for a reason.
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"I hope that is true...". Rika canceled the breeze and smiled back. 'This is the first time I've done these things... In a while.'. He was trying to hide his worrying by smiling at all times.

Pass holders! Please immediately report to Captain Jelt on the bridge. A member shouted from somewhere.

"Oh well, thank you for taking the time." Rika walked towards the bridge and entered. Captain Jelt was sitting beside the steering wheel awaiting the pass holders. It seems that he wants answers.

"Your names?" Captain Jelt said in a serious voice. "Rika.. Sir. Rika Styfr." Rika tried not to do anything silly. The captain looked like he isn't gonna tolerate even one stupid answer.

"Gura explained everything about every one of you. Ultima Core users eh? Thanks to you this time we were allowed to explore the void by the Grand Magus." Jelt stood up and drew his large sword. A greatsword even larger than himself. In an instant, he slashed at Rika. Rika immediately backstepped to avoid the wide swing, surprised.

"But the thing is, are you prepared?". 'How could he even act fast with that large sword!?'. "What was that for!?" Rika complained looking at Captain Jelt. "A test, get ready!". The room was large enough for a fight to be held. Jelt dashed, performing a giant stab towards Rika. Before he could even talk, Rika sidestepped and summoned his blade "Gale.. Razor" tried to slash the captain at his side but Jelt did a full circle slash slicing a bit of Rika's clothing.

"Hoho, a Magus against a Knight. Yes! I do not have a mana core and im not gonna go easy on ya, kid.". Jelt was taunting Rika, making Rika somehow annoyed. "Aeraform!". Maybe he could at least land a hit with such speed. Rika performed a swift stab but Jelt used his giant sword to block the attack. Rika circled and did another one at the back but the same thing happened. Jelt reacted fast and immediately turned blocking his attack again, grinning.

'If I can't wear him down with close range attacks, I might as well try these...'. Rika backstepped far away and pointed his palm at Jelt. Nothing happened for a second but suddenly, wind bursted below Jelt sending him up. At this moment, Rika quickly jumped and kicked Jelt downwards.

Jelt fell to the ground and coughed. Rika walked away back to where he was before. "How was that?" Rika asked. "Tch, you caught me offguard." Jelt returned to his seat and continued talking. "Anyone want to go next?"
Damnit, right when I was hoping I wouldn't have to face the bitter reality. Caddy closed her eyes and stood for a moment. She then quietly unzipped her duffel bag and put a hand on the scraps she had collected on the journey. She didn't know how to control or use her core, but she did know that she could be what she always was: a crafty mechanic. Caddy scowled at Jelt, watching him recline in his chair. As her eyes followed his when he scanned the group she dug around in her bag and slipped a couple screws into her pocket, also readying to take her wrench from her boot. Carefully Caddy glanced around, checking for a source of ignition that she could forge the metal into shape with.
"You woke me up for something like this." Amelia drawled somewhat impatiently as she dropped her Illusion surrounding her. "Really captain, you wish to fight me, with nothing but your own sword and physical strength, when you can't even trust your eyes?" She brushed a strand of hair away with a single hand before adjusting her glasses, allowing the light to reflect of them, giving her a vicious glare. In the area, she could feel Caddy planning something as well, but this need to be done first. She was going to show the captain just how powerful the 'failure' of the Acadamia was... with dozens of arcane missiles, imbued with both light and darkness. "So, shall we begin?"
Caddy glanced at Amelia, giving a grin as she realized what was about to happen. She loosened her grip on the metal. Time to sit back and enjoy the show.

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