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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"No, not at all. Imma bigger fan of fish fingers and custard as my weird obsession" he passed the jar to her, then started fiddling with a cut on his chin.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Hmm, that sounds strangely familiar..." Caddy shrugged and held her hands out in refusal for the pickles. "I've already had two jars tonight. Never once in my life have they seemed so unappealing."
"Good, that means you won't be devouring them, really aren't that good for yourself"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"It's pretty disgusting, but remarkably healthy... Sorta... Not the point though..." Elijah let out a quick sigh, pressing his back against the wall.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Well I should get going now, I've gotta pack up again before tomorrow. See you soon." Caddy glanced at the jar of pickles and took them from his hand. "Ya never know, I might get over it!" She said joyfully as she walked away.
Elijah nods "guess so, I'm a little late on assassination deadline as well, the boss is gonna kill me soon of I don't hurry."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Alright, have fun killing people, just don't get killed!" Caddy sing-songed from down the hallway. She grinned and open the door to her room.

Caddy went inside and set the pickle jar down on the desk. She took the free soaps from the bathroom; she initially hadn't brought any, she was supposed to go back this evening after she had collected her parts. Caddy glanced at the ticket that should have been used a while ago. "Well, Caddy, guess you're in for more than you expected." She tore up the ticket and threw it in her bag. Caddy had the tendency to do that due to her belief in nothing being truly rubbish. Who knows, maybe I'll need it someday.

After packing up her patchwork bag and setting it beside the door, Caddy sat down at the desk and pulled out some stationary. She took the pen and began to write. It took her a couple minutes to scrawl the note, one to her friend back in Machina Haven.


Won't be back in time for the invention to finish at the original date. Important business came up. Don't worry. Will bring home parts when finished. Keep working on the speech understanding module. Sorry for short notice.


She slipped the letter into the envelope and stuck it on top of her bag so she wouldn't forget to mail it.
"Having fun there?" Amelia asked as she watched the assassin eat through what looked like a large block of cheese. "Someone's going to have trouble digesting that."
"Doesn't really matter does it?" Elijah continues to eat, finishing off the cheese wheel quickly and readjusting his hood.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Whatever floats your boat then." She said before taking what looked to be bread and taking a bite out of it. "So where are the rest of them?"
"You know, the people from last night?" She asked before remembering what happened last night. "Well I guess I fainted early on, but you guys had a meeting and we got this pass for the expedition, right?"
Caddy, again finding that a sleepless night was ahead after a failed attempt at some shuteye, walked out in the hall and strolled over to Eli and the girl.

"So, looks like everyone else can actually go to bed..." Caddy sighed. "I'm Caddy. I don't think we've been properly introduced." She smiled and offered her hand to the woman beside Elijah.
Elijah whistled to himself, briskly walking away from the two, why do people always seem to be around him now...

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Amelia, pleasure to make your acquaintance." She replied with a polite handshake as she continued eating her bread, "Mechanic?"
Caddy put her hand on the back of her head, blushing. "Yeah. Did the goggles give it away?" She asked, looking up at the eyewear strapped atop her wild hair.
"Locked core actually." She replied with a smile as she adjusted her glasses. "I used to wear them too, when things were a bit less, comfortable for me. Anyway I had the pleasure of being introduced to machinery a few hours ago, so what is it that you make?"
"Well, anything and everything really," Caddy's eyes went a little wide as she heard the girl talk about her locked core. "I grew up in a rich family of mechanics, but I wasn't accepted because I made anything out of small little scraps. I believe that nothing is garbage. Maybe if more people thought they could make the useful things out of old ones there wouldn't be so many junkyards or pollution. So whenever I find myself in a situation where I need something I forgot, I sit in the junkyard and clear my head. I guess I feel so normal doing it because I once felt like rubbish, to my family at least." Caddy sighed, then looked at Amelia curiously. "Actually, as of now my friend back at Machina Haven and I are making a clockwork man, capable of speech. It's always been a dream. I can finally prove that a little rubbish can go a long way." Caddy put her hands together and smiled.

"What about you? What do you do?" She asked brightly, taking her mind off her past.
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