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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"Of course it's gonna drain you a little" he paused for a second, dissolving the clone and replacing the pillar "I really won't be able to sleep for a while if I don't want this whole place to collapse on us" he shook his head "don't go wasting your energy, we never know what we'll have to do as the heroes of the world or whatever"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
The innkeeper had been hearing strange noises from the pantry. Its late at night, or early at morning and there shouldn't be anyone there except for the late sleepers. IF there were any. The innkeeper yawned and opened a small wooden panel and got out of the counter walking towards the pantry in a sleepy manner.

The noises got louder and louder until he heard wooden pillars getting destroyed. He was fully woken up by that and ran seeing a boy and a girl playing around with their magic.

"HEY! If you want to play around, do it outside or just go back to sleep! This inn is gonna be destroyed by you guys in no time! Tch. Troublemakers....". The innkeeper walked back to his counter and sat there counting today's earnings.
"Well, that was... totally expected." She noted. Light and Darkness only stopped at vision, sound was in air's domain. "Refilling the reserves are simpler than it seems, just a bit of meditation. Its like a muscle they say, the more you use it, the stronger it gets after all. Where did you get the heroes of the world though, I thought we were rag-tag team of short explorers heading to the island of doom?
"Go bug the innkeeper about it, I hear pretty much everything in this inn... It's starting to get painful... It's pretty goddamn hard to keep one train of thought when I hear practically everything around me..."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Increased auditory capacity, thats interesting." She chimed in once more as she observed him more intently. "How did that happen, you are neither and air user or blind?"
"Meh, an entire life wherein I had to look after myself alone, listening out for even a step forward by a guy who could potentially cut off my head, then as I grew older, I had to keep using it to listen out for guards and mecha etc."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Makes sense. I had to at least perfect sensing energy signatures, makes avoiding people so much easier. Almost could make fights funny if you know what they could to do you, or what you could do to them."
"Uh hum, got it" he stood up and moved closer "you still saw my face though didn't you?"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"I said I tended to kiss people who saw me" he gave a smile, deciding it could always be fun to mess with and tease her for a little while at least.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"So you're gong try, Little Kitty?" She asked with a bright smile as the orbs reappeared, though only three. Two could play at that game, and she had been winning all day.
"I just might" the replacement crystal he'd put in place for the pillar dissolved. "And I can get pretty serious for once if it's about this" he gave another grin as he began to speed up on his way towards her.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Come and try then, but we are still in the inn." She reminded him quietly. "It won't do to behave like that here, and if this will end the way I know it will end, then you definitely don't want to start."
"I'll take your word for it... Nah" he dashed forward, a swirl of golden dust surrounding him "hello honey" he was inches from her now, his mask had been left on the side and he looked straight at her, his smile wide and blue eyes glistening.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Her formed blurred into blackness as 'she' lunged at him, dissipating before they could make contact. "For a yellow, you sure are quite easy to play with, Little Kitty." A voice echoed around the room as her current form appeared leaning on the wall with a smug smile. "I practised ventriloquism for a while so come and find me."
"Ooooh honey, you're such a tease" he gives off a cocky smile, the dust around him swirls and writhes, spreading across the room "even something invisible can't hide from something that smothers all, I'll weed out a copy without getting near it, shouldn't be too hard" he said this, but individually controlling millions of granules of dust really caused a headache and nausea.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"You absorbed my energy remember? So how can you look for me with magic when all you can see, everywhere you look, is me?" She asked as she waved a hand, spreading out the granules even more, leaving some figures filled with only empty space. "Good luck looking for the mouse, little kitty, but you better hurry since a bigger cat's on its way."
"Well, to put it simply, the mana is still mine to control, and these are like sensors. Detecting both the spiritual and physical... So will you please continue to try and mess with my probes whilst they hone in on the mana you're exerting." He smiles slightly, an assassin who took out military magi squadrons wouldn't let himself fall to a little trickster.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"My pleasure." She returned the smirk as she did just that, though not in the way he would expect. Taking each and every granule was much harder than anticipated, but she did so before unlocking her core, doing so now would be exactly three times easier, if not more so do to the strain she recovered from. The room was hers now, and long range magic had always been her speciality. "Can you find me yet?"
"I mean, considering the fact you've been breathing in plenty of them" he nods "I'd say you never factored on the possibility of the fact that the clone I showed you earlier is hanging from the ceiling staring directly at you?"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Oh I'm so surprised!" She feigned interest. "Please I can see what I inhale or exhale and littered the room with several dead spots for a reason" she replied with a sigh, not even making her visible form look up to give him the satisfaction. "Time's up then." She said before the large orb above her hurtled towards him, the light being one of her weaker elements but by far the fastest.
The orb struck him in the chest, passing through him and crashing into the wall whilst the yellow crystals stuck themselves back together "when it comes to decoys, two can play at that game" he drops down from the ceiling, grabbing the 'her' that the orb had been fired from.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"For a third time, magic missiles can't miss, remember?" She said with a sigh as the orb that struck the wall rebounded and headed for the figure dropping down.

She had forseen something like this, so she made the magic missile the snowball variant. She had spare time so when she could she added some properties to what was once the only spell she could use. The snowball in particular was one of the most dangerous against yellows since it took the arcane energy that made up their shards and used it to power the attack, much like a snowball gains mass as it travels down a hill. The air was littered with particles, and even part of the clone it phased through was now within the missile, powering it.

She could care less if it was another clone, it would serve the same purpose, fuel for the flame he was cooking over.
"You're the sorta person who's never been in a true fight, always sparring and practice against people who would never even think of dying" the shards in the air detonated, along with the shards of his clone still attached to the snowball "going, going, gone"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"I won't deny that, Little Kitty, but then if this is your idea of teaching me a lesson, then you're doing a horrible job" She replied as the air itself detonated, overloading with an abundance of energy. Energy she could still control all in all. So her orb still exploded, when exploded meant rapid expansion, but it still managed to hold its form, and it still zoomed towards its target. "There is a reason I don't fear yellows, Little Kitty, that's because in a fight, we're just incompatible."

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