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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Caddy examined his face. "Hm. You look kind of like a stalker. You do that too?" She grinned and nudged him. "Just kidding, Nano. I'm not ratting out your face description either for the record." She pulled the slice of bread out of the oven and took a whiff. "Alright, enough of my questions. Fair's fair, so got any for me?"
"Only trivial things really" he sat on the countertop with his now finished salad, it was massive. "Okay then, can you tell me about your background and history?" He asks this remarkably politely "and I do not look like a stalker..."

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy laughed. "Ok, well, I used to live in the Manatus Region. Real wealthy family. They were all famous mechanics who insisted upon my building of things. Of course, I had no problem with that. But it just... never felt right. I used to make things out of forks and spoons, and they were awful to me because of my interest in old scraps. Young and fresh I ran away from my old man and the mansion, and I've lived in Machina for as long as I can remember. It's known as the land of lost mechanics, but it was perfect for me. Lots of good people down that way. I came here to find some parts for my latest project."
"Hehe, I like a resourceful girl" he gives a slight smile and a soft chortle before getting back to eating

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy blushed and bit into the bread slice. She gave a slight frown, "Bread's pretty stale, but it's ok when it's softened up with some greasy cheese." She looked over at Nano, wondering how he could even live with everyone so distant and uninformed about his life. I think I'd go insane... not that I'm completely sane myself.
"I guess it's only fair since you told me your backstory" he offered his hand "the names Elijah, call me Eli... Just don't tell anyone else will you.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy took Eli's hand firmly and shook it. "No worries, Eli. I'll call you Nano around everyone else, though." She smiled at the massive salad in his lap. "You sure like to eat a lot."
"I have to to keep myself alive, I'm always on the move, fighting or working out so I guess I have a sorta insane appetite"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Makes sense. Well, I'd better get back to the room before morning. The innkeeper will freak if he finds out I smuggled all these pickles, so I have to get eating them. Oh, and thanks for the jar you left in my room earlier, emperor." Caddy smiled broadly at him, then turned and waltzed out of the pantry.
Elijah was alone again, swiftly he began to finish his salad. "Let's see.., I get to sleep in 26 hours, working out till then or someone interrupts me.,," he walked into the main hall is the inn and started punching the thickest pilar in the inn.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
Caddy sat down in the chair Elijah was once in, eating the pickles and thinking over the situation in her head, wondering why he trusted her enough to tell her that much about himself. She smiled when she considered that she was the only one who even knew his real name. Licking her fingers as the last pickle was finished off, she went back to her precious dreams of the pickle empire...
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1408927866.417875.jpg.ee497ac122ac83bd9ac8c063ea54ef38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1408927866.417875.jpg.ee497ac122ac83bd9ac8c063ea54ef38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy



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Amelia was sitting cross-legged on the bed, long since giving up on really sleeping anymore. It wasn't as if something was bothering her, no it was quite the opposite really. It was like she blinked, and all the fatigue, all the tiredness just disappeared. She really didn't need to sleep anymore, she was fully energized.

The problem was it was still nighttime. She needed something to do, and preferably it was something tiring. She didn't know just how much the Void magic changed her, nor what would happen if she was to use magic, so she intended to test it out. Cloaking herself in darkness was easy, much easier than it should have been, allowing her to walk unseen as she exited the room.

She didn't count on one variable though. "Little Kitty? What are you doing up so late, or early?"
"I train all the time and I rarely sleep, it's just sorta my routine" as he stops talking he splinters the pillar with a kick and decides to stop. Turning to face her as he pulls the hood over his head to conceal his face, only the boyish grin showing underneath.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Meh, couldn't sleep either." She returned the smile with little apprehension. He didn't look like he was about to explode again and that was alright with her. "The hoods kind of useless now though, the Void did something, shadows aren't really a problem anymore." She commented before taking her own place and summoning as many balls of power as she could. Her previous record was twenty five, each one being the size of a large melon. "Let's see how many I can make, oh you don't mind if I join you right?"
"Of course I mind" he walked back off into the kitchen and retrieved his mask "ya' know, I tend to kiss people who see my face." He went back to punching and kicking the pillar, splintering it even more each time "so, if you don't wanna end up with my tongue down your throat, I'd advise you don't think about my face." This time he draws his sword, standing in the center of the room and releasing the exact same flurry of strikes each time. Practicing Kendo.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"The thought never crossed my mind." She replied emotionlessly as eighteen orbs, each the size of an exersize ball appeared in the air, six for each element she controlled. "Though I would have to wonder how many guys you've kissed if that's all to takes." There would be more if she didn't try another exercise, an exact clone of herself, to fool sight and magical senses while she hid her form. People do get a bit paranoid if someone threatened them with that. She would not strike though, no that would be rude. Seeing him kissing air would be quite funny though. "Don't worry" the fake said with a smile, her eyes closed. "I'm not even here."
"Yeah, yeah your not" he half-assedly sliced at the clone and went back to talking "oh, and I don't kiss guys, I tend to just dismember them"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Well you should have clarified the sooner, Little Kitty." She teased with a smile. "You could have fooled me on dismembering people though, but hey, everyone needs a hobby right?"
"Meh, it's just my job really... But taking it to an extreme is always good for the body and mind ya'know." Elijah walks up behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders and whispering in her ear "oh, and teasing me is never a good idea. I can be excruciatingly forceful when I want to be... And nice cloning trick I have to admit. Pretty close to perfect in fact. It'd trick most people easily" he smiled and walks off.

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Including you," She whispered as the form he touched faded. Another form, with arms crossed leaning on the far wall shook her head. She took one more count before closing her eyes once more. Twenty seven, and each orb is much larger now. Taking it to the extreme then. She produced more and more, simply content to maintain them until the morning light.
"Meh, you really seem to have a superiority complex don't you?" He paused for a moment "oh, mind if I drain the energy from one of these balls? I'd like to give a bit of a demonstration for something"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Go ahead, no superiority complex though." She said with a somewhat forced smile. "Quite the opposite in fact. I've been branded a failure for most of my life, so I understand if you don't really see where I'm coming from. Sorry all the same I guess."
"Hehe, I'm not exactly the best assassin either, just a few gang leaders and government officials under my belt... But really? You don't seem anything like failure, compared to a lot of people I know... Including a sage I got in a fight with, you really seem far, far more skilled than a fair few" he quickly shatters one of the orbs, morphing the energy into tiny granules of yellow crystal. He formed a carbon copy of himself as well "I use mana a little differently from you of course... But atleast I can do this" the clone and himself ripped there blades through the air. A blast of wind erupted when the two took a dash forward and thrusted, completely demolishing the pillar he'd previously been training on "oh, and this little guy is practically immortal as well"

99% Jackass, 1% Crazy
"Thanks, nice to be known as the not failure every once in a while, and I guess I'm technically a Necromancer now too." She played with the orbs in the air for a bit, looking for a perfect target before she laid eyes on another pillar. She shook here head, she didn't want the entire place to crash down over them just because she wanted to show off, instead... "Two of you huh, let's see if I can do something similar." A clone of her own appeared, three orbs of light, dark, and arcane energy revolving around her.

"Now let's see if I can cast..." She mumbled before she threw three of the orbs at 'her'. 'She' did the same, with an equal amount of force, causing the six orbs to implode on each other, reducing the amount of damage it could have caused to zero. "Well that's good to know, takes a bit from the reserves though."

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