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Fantasy Grand Ultima

"Ok... Ferena. I'll try to remember that." Rika saw the assassin stand up and go towards the inn's pantry. He must be hungry Rika thought. "Hmm, Amelia is still unconscious." said Rika as he looked at her.

"How about you.... If I remember correctly, Cadda? Or was that... Caddy? Where are you from? I think you're one of us." Rika asked the girl. She seemed to be a mechanic but with an Ultima Core. That empty but strong presence proved it.
Caddy smiled. "Yeah, it's Caddy. I'm from Machina Haven, the land of the lost mechanics. I ran away from the Manatus Region - the wealthy part - when I was just a child." She looked down, her eyes in a presence of her past. "In a long line of famous mechanics, I was an abomination for not using the best parts that could be found. But... I just wanted to help the world, you know? Clean it up of the things that seemed to have no use. I guess it's because at one time I felt like I had no use. That's why it hurt so much to have arrived so late out there."
Wow, so that's how hard a mechanic's life is... Thought Rika as he heard Caddy's explanation. "Machina Haven, I haven't heard of that. I think they didn't teach that at our school. You must've had it hard with your past." He still wanted to see the girl's Ultima Core power but it the presence of it's power is already gone.

Rika saw the Innkeeper stop cleaning the counter and raised his eye. Yeah, he's probably listening to us, Rika suspected but he did not mind it and stood up to carry the unconscious girl from the waiting bench. "Hey, what room is this girl staying?" Rika aked. The Innkeeper stood in silence but spoke after a few seconds. "Younglings... I have been observing you for a while."

Ok... What's with this Innkeeper.. Rika was creeped out by that. "The way your core acts, it was already obvious. I saw the interference of an Ultima Core." The Innkeeper continued. "Wha...? How did you know that!?" Rika was surprised, this Innkeeper isn't ordinary.

"Hohoho! Kid. I just work part time here. I've retired from being a sage. I thought I could earn rest if I worked here. I'm Gura and I have something more to tell all of you." He said as he got out of the counter revealing his large wooden staff.

"G...GURA!?" Rika can't believe that a sage is working part time for fun in Stargazer Arc. "O... Ok". Rika sat down and waited feeling like his pain was all gone. Was that from being surprised or because of the tea? He had no idea at all.
Elijah comes put of the pantry with a massive loaf of bread, he stands a few feet from Caddy and begins to devour it while, slumping his back against a wall as he eats, keeping his head down and hands tensed for the feel of the blade.

He points to Caddy "heyo, may I ask your name?"

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Caddy looked at Elijah, eyeing the bread and giving a small laugh under her breath. "It's Caddy. Caddy Bowes. And yours?" She said, still looking at him eat like he had been deprived of nutrients for months.
"Nano, a cute girl like you can call me Nano however" he grinned under the mask, it'd been lifted slightly so he could eat.

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Caddy blushed and spoke softly, "Nice to meet you, Nano." Then she drifted off into her thoughts - about inventions, the current situation and what would happen to her life now that all these strange events had occurred.
Elijah went on eating his bread "stale and plain" he quietly muttered to himself

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She was awakened by a shout, something she could not really understand but still loud enough to jolt her awake. "Can you keep it down?" She mumbled as she tried to twist, feeling the strange sensation of two... pillars? It was those that supported her, and they were kind of warm too. She felt herself move, then settle before she managed to crack her eye open.

"Can you please put me down before I do something I'll regret in front of a Sage?" She asked Rika politely, strange dark anger welling up inside here. Summoning several arcane missiles, she found that they were quite diminished in number, yet enough to prove a point.
She could take this anymore, so she simply dispelled the magic she was to cast and jumped out of the arms of Rika. She would... instruct him on the proper way to treat an unconscious lady later, teasing the would-be assassin was always more fun. "You told us to call you Kitty, Kitty, in the forest." She explained with a superior smirk. "Or did you forget already?"
"Not kitty, black cat... It fits in with my mantra I chant before I kill someone" he pokes her playfully in the stomach "please don't call me kitty, it breaks me emotionally... If I had emotions of course..."

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"But Kitty sounds so much cuter." She countered with a pout. "Besides, it's only fair that the most emotionally down or secluded serves as comic relief in times of great turmoil or despair. It helps both said emotionally broken or challenged person develop, to overcome the stupid nickname or own it which you will have to do, and it's funny for the rest of us. Haven't you read novels before?"
"Yes, but there usually on murder mysteries and kidnapping... All of them are pretty dark..," he jabs her In the stomach again "pleeeeeeeease don't call me kitty, it's either 'Black Cat' or 'Nano'" he grins under the mask, still eating his stale bread.

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"Both it is then..." She said as she distanced herself from him just a bit. "Little Kitty!" She called out before entering the pantry.
He followed her into the pantry "heyo, I'm not letting you get away after saying that" he called out, a little playfully.

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"Yeah yeah! Was just tryin to help. Sheesh, these two really like to argue. A-Anyway, continue Sir... Gura." Rika then sat again and listened.

"Heh, young kids. All right. Do you know how powerful that is?" The sage pointed at Rika's chest. The Ultima Core... "Actually. No." Rika responded.

"Kid, and the others, all of you hold the power even stronger than the hero's rune magic." The sage ensured that no one other was listening and locked the doors. "Aand what is that supposed to mean?" Rika asked. "The void. The Shadow. Finish what the hero started. Darkness will soon consume Myria. Unless.... All of you learn to control that power." The sage laughed and started preparing his things.

"Wait.. Does this mean that we are the only ones!?" Rika wanted to clear everything up but the sage called another person and left. But before that, Gura threw an expedition pass marked 'LANDS OF CHAOS'. "Sorry kid! Shift is over." The sage said before he left.

This was the biggest task ever handed to Rika all his life. Now he wonders if he can really master the power of an ultima core. "Guys! We're going to Zali Citadel. We're going to get permission there." Rika shouted. He walked towards the pantry and gave Amelia the expedition pass. "We'll be joining the Myrian Expedition Team. Keep that, I might lose it."

He knew the sage's intention. Go to the Void portal and find the seal's place. And then end it all. He then gets his room's key from the innkeeper and ran to his room to rest for tomorrow. "Im going to meet a Grand Magus!!" He shouted before going to sleep.
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After receiving her room key and calling it a night, Caddy slipped the key into the door. She threw down her things and collapsed on the soft sheets. As she felt the cool breeze from the window she closed her eyes.

Ultima Cores? These people have them... does that mean... do I possess an Ultima Core? All that crap my parents went on about mechanics being the best of those with locked cores was all a lie? I... I... I don't know what to do now.

What use can I be to this group of people that I hardly know with some ideas from metal scraps if I can't even prove that I belong with this Ultima Core association? I need to speak to that boy - Rika? I have to talk to him.

I used to be so certain of who I was - who I am - no, that's all a lie. Who am I really?

Curling up, feeling helpless and vulnerable, Caddy closed her eyes as her head hit the pillow and made one final attempt to block out her doubts. These were trustworthy people, she could sense it somehow. But all she knew about herself was a small piece of her identity, for this changed everything - not only about her, but about how she saw the rest of the world.
She received the pass and bowed respectfully to the Sage before disappearing once again. That was how she was evading the assassin after all. Sneaking into her room was an easy affair seeing as she was simply hiding from people not that talented at sensing magic, that was how she snuck up on Little Kitty during the tour. As she laid on her bed though, different thoughts were in her head.

The first revolved around the power she now had, and Ultima Core it seemed. She really didn't know if the Sage was mistaken or something since ever since she started, she was branded as a failure. Even now it was a Multi Core that was awakened, and not an Ultima Core.

On the note of magic, she really didn't know if she was alright at all. She absorbed vast quantities of Void, something usually lethal to any mage, and dangerous even to darkness mages. She lived, so technically right now she was a Necromancer as well, but the supposed powers and side effects that entailed were not yet made manifest. She just hoped that she would not turn on them, especially since now she kept the pass. Her magic, both Light and Arcane seemed normal, still growing ever so slightly every hour even at a little faster rate, but the darkness within her... it was simply unknown now.

She thought it was just time to rest though, so she did. Before she lost consciousness, she found herself wanting to be embraced by the darkness.
Elijah started picking the lock on Caddy's door, he slowly snuck in and stood up, if she was asleep, best not wake her.

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Ferena missed a lot...She was sleeping all along in her room.

Then she woke up...she went outside because she was hungry, then she saw Ejijah snicking in Caddy's room...

She looked and then shouted "Bloody!!! what are you doing!!!???"

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