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Fantasy Grand Ultima

After Elija stormed his way in, Rika was like "Whaaaa??". Was he even like that before? No, he was not like that before. If Elija was safe then so is Amelia but something is weird with her. The flow of mana is going in and out and not just that, darkness. And light? Rika doesn't sense any Ultima Core with Amelia but two new elements, guessing she was a multi core holder after all.

That flow of mana is kind of disturbing. Then he saw the darkness little by little being absorbed by her. By that, Rika had one thought. A thing he learned by listening to his lectures in school. A Necromancer? Is she trying to be one?

While holding the barrier up, 5 minutes till the darkness subsides, Rika spoke. "Hey! That's dangerous! Don't kill yourself." Something might really happen if that continued Rika thought.
"Aww~ Bloody is cute but weird..." she said while still struggling to hold the barrier. (referring to Elija)

and now she looked at Amelia, she was surrounded by dark and light...which worries her but Ferena trust her, she'll be fine...(she hopes)

Then Elija was hit by one of Caddy's invention "pfft-hehe" she managed to chuckle a bit

5 minutes more according to Rika............

...in 5 minutes...what might happen................
"Hey, don't call an assassin cute, it's like calling a guy girly, not cool..." He looked a little disdainfully at her, but was still smiling beneath his mask.

"Well, should I go knock put darkness girl before she turns into a monster or something?" He was casually sighing and had placed his hand behind his head.
3 minutes, estimation. 3 minutes more! Thought Rika as he feels the darkness slowly losing it's force. He then heard Elija speak from inside the inn again. "No, don't. Let's wait for her. Let's see how her body reacts to the Void Energy". But then at that moment, something bad happened.

"GAAAH!!" Rika was knocked back far away from the explosion of his Gale Barrier. Why did it explode? He can't hold it anymore. His Ultima Core is way out of control now, probably depleted and his normal mana core took over so the mana scrambled and scattered. Lack of training that's why.

"F-Ferena... Hold it!" Rika shouted from afar. He wasn't sure what to call that.... Assassin because he forgot his name. "You too!" Bad.. That was Bad.
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"Shit! Don't do more than you can handle!" Leaving the others to their own devices, Elena rushed to assist Ferene in the holding of the barrier.

It was funny, she literally only made barriers to shield herself from possible explosions causes by her experiments. Protecting others had never been 'her thing'. Although, it could be argued this was more to survive than any altruist feeling.

"Let's switch places, yeah? Deal with the weirdos."

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Her breath was even and her eyes were closed as she sat in silence. It took all her effort to put up the facade of calm as inside the battle for control was being waged, and lost.

A bit of explanation: She knew she was fighting Void magic with simple arcane and light magic. Doing the math in simplest terms, she was outgunned about 3 to 2. If that was the actual number to be given the strength of her adversary, she would not have worried, but multiplied a thousand fold, not even her knowledge and skill could counteract such odds. But set persevered. She needed to, to prove to herself for once and for all she was not a failure, that she was not just a wannabe magus.

She did what she never did before in her entire life: she threw caution to the wind, absorbing all the darkness she could sense and manipulate into herself and slammed the rest of her light, the entirety of her mana against it. It was an extremely risky move, to absorb darkness, and even void, to convert that malignant force into pure mana though her core, and to once again bring it forth as the purest and most powerful light she could produce.

For one fleeting moment, the darkness slammed into her with the malice uncomprehesible, of evil that would break any mind that touched it. Yet in one fleeting moment, pure light fought the darkness back. It was purely up to her now, to feed which power she would choose. And she chose...
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Rika was not sure how to reply to that, deal with the weirdos. Sure. Yeah if he can even stand up, and he realized that there was only 2 more minutes. He was now exposed to the void having his Ultima Core depleted. "Just... A little more...." he said as he was in pain. The darkness was once again trying to consume Rika. His insides felt like it was burning rather than being taken over.

Once again, he looked at Amelia. He saw her lose control over the darkness but somehow, something is going on. She is trying to fully consume the Void!? What is she thinking!? Rika worrilingly said in his mind.

"S....Stop! You- GYAAH!!" Rika shouted in pain as something happened inside him. Void Energy is starting to penetrate the walls of his mana core. Void Energy is now flowing through him. "1.....Minute... And... 30 more... Seconds.. " Rika is clinging onto a stone beside him barely staying alive and watching the others.
"Aaaah screw it" Elija walked up to Rika, pressing his hand onto the boys shoulder "this barrier should hold out to stop you from getting into a critical condition" the barrier around Elija shattered, turned to shards and formed around Rika. "Do your best to keep this up, I can't form a strong barrier myself, so you shouldn't rely on me"

With that, Elija stood and walked up to the girl, consuming the darkness "Hey honey, id probably stop that... Things are gonna go pretty badly at this rate" he smiles under the mask... 'Damn... Without my barrier this pain is excruciating, deal with it, you're an assassin, you've been shot with mana and been stabbed so many damn times.' He thinks to himself.
The darkness was bursting from everywhere the eye laid it's light upon. The powers of her comrades were not enough to fully hold the void back. The power itself was evil, inhuman, not normal, it was alien, never ment to be in the hands of man. So she did the only logical thing to do, she chose to feed the darkness with everything she had.

She knew necromancers, how they aspired to gain the void for their own purposes, the successful ones were extremely rare, only a hand could count the ones who survived the encounter, the ones sane were zero. She would join them for a fleeiting moment, before the darkness fully consumes her or one of them, the supposed heroes, the weilders of the Ultima Cores, would strike her down. She would die, she accepted that as a fact.

"But I will not fail!" She screamed her defiance against the darkness as it flowed into her in it's entirety. No more tricks, no more resistance, just open acceptance to the power that she thought would be her demise, she close her eyes during the entire procedure, the entire enchantment, but she felt its strength' its danger. If she had to sacrifice herself to do it, she would, it was indeed only logical to sacrifice one for the sake of millions. It did not matter if she would be that one.

With that on her mind, she faded from consciousness, still seated, still serene as every iota of darkness and void entered her core. The light shined through, the clear moon returned soon after.
The assassin's barrier had protected Rika from certain death on that last minute. It was night, the waving darkness had almost withered everything around. "I... I survived." Rika looked around and saw Amelia lying on the ground. "As I thought, can't handle the void's power." Rika said as he approached her slowly.

He realized that a bit of Void Energy has entered his mana core so he tried to do the most basic training in the art of magic. (Info updated about this) The Wind's flow is still normal, which is good for him but he still needs to recover from that incident. He carried the unconscious Amelia to the inn and said "Guys, we need to talk about this.".

A meeting had to be done with all the Ultima Core users.
Caddy looked up at Rika and Elija from her weapon, which she was loading amo into.

"Pickles, you guys, I wish I could have helped more." An expression of disappointment spread across her face as she looked down at her work. She dropped the weapon and stood.

"Yeah, we need to talk. I don't know what happened to me tonight, but it wasn't normal. I have a locked core... but I felt so... alive. Like I finally felt free. My senses were heightened, like I could see or feel anything. It was a burst of excitement, and as far as I knew mechanics couldn't have Ultima Cores." Caddy gave an ominous look and swung open the door.
Talk? Hell, talk was way too far from the verb that Elena had in mind. They needed to DISCUSS. DEBATE. VERBALLY ARGUE IN A HEATED MANNER. Not only was this whole thing a catastrophe in a global scale...Styfr seemed to know much about it. Way too much about it. While to some, it may have been a relief to get some intel on the situation right away, it only made her question his connection to the entire issue.

He had known it would happen before the blanket of darkness took over them, he had known how to repel it, and he knew what Ultima cores were.

"...I admit, although it shames me so, that I neglected core study, bein' a mechanic. So I don't know what the hell an Ultima Core. I can't get what's ocurring at this very moment. Only that probably everyone I met today barring you people is dead. But you do, Styfr. You're in bad shape, though..."

Peering into her bag, Elena began taking out plastic bags containing out some of the flora samples she had collected. There was a herb, the Gizer Herb...making some tea with it had incredibly strong relaxing properties, and it took out fatigue like a charm.

"So let's have some tea time, and sit down and most in-depth debate about this. Cuz I'm not letting you go till -I- know everything -YOU- do."
Rika was still wounded from both the Void Exposure and the barrier explosion. He only needed some rest but he wanted to talk to everyone. This is some matter that needs to be discussed with all the Ultima Core holders. He put the unconscious Amelia down the waiting bench and sat there.

The Clerk was there, safe and sound listening to them paying no mind and fixing the MagiWave. Rika looked at everyone and they also seemed to be looking forward to this discussion. Mostly Elena, she had that curious atmosphere.

So let's have some tea time, and sit down and most in-depth debate about this. Cuz I'm not letting you go till -I- know everything -YOU- do.

ell... That was sudden. This botanist seems to only study plant life and not read history books or some sort. While still in pain Rika responded "Just to clarify, do you even read from a library? And if you do.. What kind of books?" Rika expected a natural book or something. He'd be glad to take her to Naturos sometime.
The Shadow of the Void

In the world of Myria where magic is common, there is the legend of a hero who saved the world 300 years ago but in his adventures, there was an enemy even he could not defeat. This part of his legend was not revealed and was kept hidden for all those years. Only those who know this said that the enemy was instead sealed for some time, but the seal weakens and is now starting to break. If even the hero could not defeat it, who can? The enemy was known as the Shadow of the Void as people say.

The Void

After the events of the hero's legend, the hero disappeared and was never found. Peace continued on and people started to forget it. In the world of Myria, there was another world full of darkness. That place is known as the Void and has a portal currently at a region called the Lands of Chaos. The shadow of the void is currently sealed there, waiting for the time to break the seal completely. As time passed, it weakened and things started to happen. The Void portal started releasing tremendous amounts of dark energy affecting every region in Myria.

The Adventurers of Fate

In Myria, there are mana cores which are inside every person, mages use those mana cores to produce magic and use it in any way. People who can't use magic have locked mana cores and are called Civilians. There are different types of mana cores and there are those people who carry its rarest type. An Ultima Core. A Core which only activates on people who have it, even if they have locked mana cores, on dire situations or emotional bursts. Having discovered this, 10 adventurers find out about each other while in a vacation in Stargazer Arc when a tragedy happened. Their Ultima Cores protected them from that tragedy and now they find out more about it teaming up together, only knowing that only they can stop the shadow from taking over Myria.

Myrian Magic

Myrian magic is all about the production of mana from your unlocked mana core(s). Mana is exerted and formed either into a projectile, a trap, a weapon and many other forms. As Mana Cores are depleted, people are severely weakened and will need to rest.

Rune Magic

The rarest and oldest type of magic in Myria. Instead of runic words used, like runes, its magic is an enhanced form of mana formation and can also be called Ancient Arcane by magus researchers. This type of magic is so rare that in each generation, 1-5 people only carry this type of mana core element.

Mana Cores and their Types

Mana Cores are the Mana Storage inside people in Myria. Some are locked and some are unlocked. How strong your magic is depends on your Mana Core's capacity that can be enhanced through training.


The Most Common mana core and holds only one element

Mana Cores with Multiple Elements, Maximum of Three.

The Core of a Seal breaker, Seal breakers only have Barrier destruction magic and cannot have any other magic, their magic destroys most magic shields and barriers in Myria. Despite their magic lacking on almost everything, it has one ability to compensate for it. Shards of the Protector. In which the Seal breaker uses Shards of the shields or barriers he/she has destroyed and uses it either for Defensive (forming another barrier) or Offensive (Building a weapon or hurling large shards) techniques. Their mana cores do not depend on mana but on the barriers they destroy which fills their mana cores to use Shards of the Protector. Destroying Shields and Barriers do not consume mana and are limited to how large your mana core capacity is. Another helpful thing about them is that they Regenerate their Mana Cores through meditation at a faster rate unlike normal mages but absorbing Shield/Barrier shards are still faster.

The Rarest of all the Mana Cores. It comes with another Mana Core and will only be activated through Dire Situations or Emotional bursts. It holds a large potential of Magic Capabilities.

The Races of Myria

Myria also has races to be taken note of and these are


  • Elves
  • Fairies


  • Citizens (Humans that who do not have Mana Cores)
  • Mechanics (Humans that do not have Mana Cores and specializes in Tinkering and Engineering)
  • Mages/Magi (People who have mana cores)
  • Beastbornes (Affinity to the Wild and Nature, can or cannot have a mana core)

Myria Date Information

This date information is known to no one except Lancelot who was called back in time.

  • Year 0 - ??? (As researchers say, Myria was fully formed)
  • Year 100 - The time when only Ancient Myria was the region in Myria, Ancient Myria was the island in the center of Myria before.
  • Year 300 - The time of the first Rune Wielder, Destinia.
  • Year 322 - Void Portal opening
  • Year 330 - Sealing of the Shadow of the Void
  • Year 500 - Due to a large Seismic Reformation, Ancient Myria was knocked off to the side, being replaced by the temple of Myria. Ancient Myria was then sealed by a very strong barrier that even seal breakers can't break. Together with the closing of the Void Portal.
  • Year 700 - Manatus Region rose up from the sea due to Seismic Reformations
  • Year 900 - Followed by Gale Region
  • Year 910 - And Naturos Region
  • Year 983 - Time of the 2nd Rune Wielder, Lancelot.
  • Year 989 - Lancelot was sent back in time by Destinia to seal the Shadow of the Void due to time disruptions.
  • Year 1000 - Lancelot saved the world. After casting a spell that ended the final battle, it was so strong that it consumed his whole mana core whole and even his spirit was used. In order to preserve himself, he put himself in a Recovery Stasis which sealed him inside crystalized mana for many years.
  • Year 1115 - The Lands of Chaos rose up from the sea due to another Seismic Reformation.
  • Year 1120 - The Void Portal reopened on the Lands of Chaos
  • Present Year 1297 - The Shadow of the Void has broken the seal.

The Three Seasons of Myria

  1. Season of Hunt - This is when the rarest of monsters come out. The best time to hunt for rare ingredients, equipments and items that can only be found with certain monsters. This also the time when rare plants bloom. Early Start of the Year.
  2. Season of Harmony - A Season where the weather is very beautiful, perfect for every recreational activity there is. Plants (depending on the type) grow best at this time. Midyear.
  3. Season of Darkness - That time when the Void starts releasing tremendous amounts of Dark Energy which triggers harmful effects on every region. Late End of the Year.

Myrian Optional Information

  • There are the so called Sages of Myria. They were entitled sages because they have great control over their magic.

    • Gura - The "Gale Guidance" of Gale Region, who specializes on supportive enhancements.
    • Karu - The Greatest Healer of Naturos who cannot cast offensive magic but can cast powerful healing magic.
    • Claria - The Arcane Wizard of Manatus. The only sage with offensive magic. Instead of casting normal magic at each time, Claria uses highly destructive magic in battle which consumes a lot of mana focused on one strike. This was due to the unusual flow of mana on her mana core.

For those who are applying for Academia Manatia RP, here's the password.

"A Myrian Academy Life"
"Just to clarify, do you even read from a library? And if you do.. What kind of books?"

"Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? Do I even...read from a library? I WRITE the books in the library! I read every book in the library! I AM THE LIBRARY!

...Making an exception history and mana cores. Gods, that's so embarassing. And here I supposed it would pose little consecuence in my future...stay in your educational institutions, children..."

Her ranting was disrupted by Styfr's stiffled grunting. Priorities, girl...priorities!

"Gah, I apologize for my outburts. You're hurt and need quite some time to rest up. Here, count to twenty and drink this concoction. It won't be a substitute for proper medical treatment, but it should ease the pain and speed your natural healing processes." She said, as she handed the suffering one a thick wooden cup she had kept in her bag, with a still hot Gizer Tea.
"Then that is why." Said Rika as he took the hot tea. "......................" He stared at the tea blankly for a couple of seconds. He rarely drinks tea or even sees it so he drank it all in one go. The taste was very herbal as expected from a botanist.

"Almost every event that happened here is in one of Myria's oldest history books. As for the Ultima Core part, its within information books. I've tried to visit the Ancient Manatian Library on my uhh.... Last field trip in Manatus." Rika is kinda a book reader when bored. He tries to read every book he sees.

Rika was a little relieved when he drank that tea. Now he turned his sights on the assassin. "Why is an assassin in vacation anyway?" Rika curiously asked. He saved his thoughts for the other Mechanic with the Ultima Core later.
Elija showed a curt grin "Take a guess, why would an assassin be in a place where a lot, and I mean ALOT of rich and powerful people come to" due to Rika's... What appears to be obliviousness of what an assassin even does?, he simply fixes his hood back into place.
"I... Haven't thought of that." Yes, a contract to assassinate someone, as common knowledge says. Rika examined the assassin once more before turning his eyes onto the elf which seems to be at a decent mood even after that.

"Hey. You. Uhh..." Rika forgot her name too. Only Amelia and Elena's name came into mind. "Elf, do you even realize what just happened earlier?" He just wanted to check if the Elf was still listening.
Meanwhile, Ferena slams her head on the table while they're debating or something...talking about the void earlier.

"well......that was tiring" she muttered, all she wants was a little bit rest because holding up a barrier is exhausting.

"Elf, do you even realize what just happened earlier?" said Rika who is still hasn't fully recovered yet.

"uhh...There was this void thingy that destroyed my vacation. We headed back here then protected the inn with barriers..." what else...she thought

"Oh! and Bloody being cute...um, Amelia........." she wondered what happened to her. She then saw Amelia unconscious.

but at least she's fine, everyone seems fine...
"Being cute?... What are you talking about" Elijah moved close to her, though it was impossible to see from under his hood, he was looking at her quizzically. Confused and a little interested by the girl.
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"See, that's better. Thanks for noticing, hun" he turns around, leaning his back against one wall of the building, Elijah keeps messing with his hood, it keeps moving and shifting.
\(-o-)/ "really bloody......"

"btw...Riko my name is Ferena...Ferena Skai, ok?" she mistakenly said Riko instead of Rika (sigh)

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