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Fantasy Grand Ultima

Ferena also trembling, followed Elena back to the inn...she could feel the Trees trembling too and the ground....something was there

but she was unsure. She didn't even saw the beautiful falls which saddens her. Ferena now in Alert mode, a serious face can be seen on her.

While walking everyone kept quiet...and because of the silence she can hear more from her surroundings like bugs, insects, the wind...

But it did not help her calm her nervousness. "say...what do you think of this...this thing happening right now...." she finally spoke.

"I can hear something...but...I don't know what..." she waited for others to answer....
Elija replied "How the hell would anyone know? were not some kind of psychics or something, atleast, I think none of us are" Hes still hanging back from the group, so the harsh tone in his voice is lost on the wind, He tensed his grip on the sword.
"Indeed, we are most likely unable to determine the source of the quake. However, a safe course of action is heading to a location in which tremors wont cause trees to fall on us. There's a beach as well, and quakes tend to cause tsunamis minutes or hours after the tremor...high ground should be a priority"

Then, after her inner thoughts were done spilling out, she noticed the trembling one had taken one of the Slumbrange berries from her.

"Also, toddler, don't eat that berry. You'll fall asleep, which is hardly recommended in our predicament."

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Rika silently put the berry back in the back, not knowing why he even took the berry from her bag. He nearly ate the berry and he did not want to sleep while feeling really bad.

The group walked towards the inn, noticing that the tour had already finished and its already sunset. The gates, entrance to the forest on the left side and the entrance to the mountains to the right side, were already closing down. Everyone has gone to their rooms in the large inn due to the seemingly bad atmosphere. The moment the group got in, the MagiWave radio (The Multipurpose Radio and TV for Myria that uses Long Distance Aura Waves from a broadcasting rod.) was on the news channel that had reports of unusual events from all other regions.

Gale Region's plains was crawling with more monsters.

Zali Citadel's Arca Core which is used to power the whole citadel has been suffering disruptions.

Naturos Region's low grade crops suddenly wilted and implanted ents started to wail.

Grand Magus Kraisel was interviewed in the news too. "I believe we are suffering from a Large Discharge of Void Energy, this is very unusual now because it isnt even the season of darkness. The Manatian Expedition Party is currently working on it. Please wait for-". The MagiWave suddenly lost transmission.

"The season of darkness is in the late year end! It's still the midyear! What could be the reason for all of this?" Rika began complaining.

(The season of darkness is the season where the Void begins to release dark energy more than normal)
Elija just sighs "This is gonna make my contract harder..." Still hanging back from the group however, he finds somewhere to rest his head; still keeping the hood pulled over it and his face hidden.
Amelia was conflicted, she really did not know what to do at the time like this, but something simply compelled her to exit the inn and see the monsters for herself. She did not know what she was facing, she did not know how many she faced, she did not know where she would face them, but something just told her to do so. It was not simple curiosity, like a girl wanting to know how to cast magic, but it was something that seemed much too... natural for her to ignore. It was like the darkness was calling out to her. And she would answer it. So she slipped away, making sure that her magic signature could not be read by any who tried to follow.
Elija watched the scene unfold, staring at each of the group as they made their moves.
Edit: Oops, posted too late. let me edit this with a proper post.

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Rika in a really confused state also wanted to go outside to see what is really happening. These events would drive his curious side crazy if he did not know what things looked like. He opened the door and saw the sky completely dark, darker than before. The wind that previously died out suddenly turned to a gale. "Thre is really something wrong with the void.. This isn't normal! I need to f-". Before Rika could finish his sentence, a large wave of dark visible energy came rushing from southwest of Stargazer Arc that enveloped the whole island in an instant. The surroundings were totally darkened by the wave and Rika was thrown some meters from his position.

"Gah! What was that wave!? It came from... There.. What is southwest of Stargazer Arc.... I... It can't be... The Lands of Chaos! Its the portal!" Rika was surprised so much. It was the strongest wave released over the years. After that single wave, continuous waves started to be released. Fortunately, each main region had their High Priestesses that is inside a temple who forms a holy shield that shields the whole region from the waves but then, Stargazer arc is not a main region.

Rika can't see almost anything anymore because of the darkness. He can't even worry about the others. His body started to get overpowered by the dark energy, soon he will be consumed by the darkness as he realized it. Trying to resist with every inch of his life, he heard a dark, deep voice that echoed throughout the whole world.


Since he has been reading books, he knew Lancelot, the savior of this world 297 years ago. To think that the myth about the Shadow was true. He knew it was the shadow because of the old rumors.

"No... This can't be... This world will fall into darkness soon after the shadow recovers..." Rika said as he is losing hope, nearly falling from all the dark energy he has absorbed. His body would soon succumb to the shadow.

That was when a sudden flash of bright green glow from his chest appeared. The nearly passed out Rika has suddenly been awakened by a surge of energy from a source he did not know he had. He gasped.

"Is this... From the books.. An Ultima Core?" Resisting the dark energy, he stood up with a shell of howling wind covering him and protecting him. "I feel renewed! So this is the power of an Ultima Core!".

Some guards were possessed by the dark energy ran to Rika like a zombie. Rika thought this was the perfect time to test it out. He looked at his glowing hands and pointed it at the possessed guards.

"[Gale...BOLT!]" He shouted an improved version of his Aerobolt technique. A large spinning high pressurized wind bolt was released and hit the possessed ones and sent them flying.

Wow! Rika thought. But then the people at the inn needed help. He then shielded the inn from the dark energies too. An even stronger form of his barrier/buff, Aeraform was constructed. He was also worried about the others, but he needed to stay here. Waiting for the waves to subside.

"I just need to hold out now..." The Ultima Core sustained him throughout the process. He was on a different league now.
Leo sighed as a small light gleamed from his chest, visibly hidden by his clothing. He sits up and heads off to Rika "Kid, anything around here I can get to work on?" He fiddles aimlessly with his sword, glancing around and taking in the darkness around him "Oh, and I bet that we are all here by coincidence, to act as heroes. I bet my money on the fact that a tiny handful of people will have to defeat the greatest threat the world has ever seen, I bet that will goddam happen" he exclaims loudly, though muffled by his hood
"Hah! Heroes... I don't even know. Do me a favor and find Amelia, I think she wandered off on her own." Said Rika as he is conjuring the large barrier gale barrier that is protecting the inn.
Elija kicked off the ground in an instant, dashing off into the darkness outside the inn "Amelia!, Shout if you can hear me!" While shouting he draws his sword and prepares to use his magic, ready for the worst.
The darkness bathed her form, eating away every form of light that even dared come touch her. That was all she could see as soon as she stepped out of the inn, yet it all felt strange. The darkness, emanating from the portal she knew to be somewhere miles away was thick, miasma seemed to be pouring forth from all direction as she walked in the direction away from the in. She could hear screaming, for terror, for help, for quick demise, but she could not bring herself to care. She felt cold, empty and dark.

She felt normal.

She knew that the wave was a sign, of something to come. A coming darkness, but she could not help but be excited for it, for the conflict that would happen. There was something, something sad in her that there had to be this trial, this time of testing, but there was something that was utterly supportive of the idea, of blood being split, or a rising conflict. She needed something to hurt, something to harm. There was just that urge now that the darkness had fallen. It needed to bring things into itself, to consume Emptiness, void was unleashed, and the darkness was void, so it too would react.

She felt conflicted.

There was another, far more convoluted in it's nature. Prismatic, that would be best to use to describe that strange blossoming feeling. It was a mixture of everything, to harm, but more to heal, to cleanse, but more to restore, to purge darkness, but more to gently purify. It was gladness that it was there, yet it was disappointment that it had to quarrel with itself. It was clarity that it knew it's purpose, yet it was confusion that it was paired with it's polar opposite. It was everything, it was presence, it was color. Yet with all the heavy feelings weighing down her mind, it was light.

She felt at peace.

More than ever the purity of the arcane stood above both strange sensations. It was there, to act as a wall between conflicting nature. It would mediate between them and act as a bridge so that two never destined to meet would work together to become something more. For one cannot create from nothing without nothingness. Nothingness, the purity in absence was in the presence of the purity of the source, that which becomes everything.

She could only smile in realization. Three extremes, neutrality, presence, and absence. That was who she was, and it only took a crisis of this magnitude to realize it. (Yeah, you're too far, keep looking guys. Oh and no Ultima Core for her yet, just more magic)
Elija kept running. This darkness, this never ending void. He felt at home u. The darkness, the shadows had kept his way if life safe all this time after all... But not this, this void, practically forgetting about Amelia in an instant, he began to prowl the night. This was his new home, to him. This 'Realm' of shadow was where he was most powerful, where he felt the most free.

Elija laughed.

Elija ran.

Elija began to hunt. His mentality breaking and shattering. His humanity leaving him.

Was he even human anymore?
She was having fun, way too much fun. Her locked potential was finally unleashed and she had all her strength at her disposal. Her senses could see clearly through the darkness, her eyes much better at perceiving the light. The two opposites worked in harmony, filling her with power as the arcane energies around her seemed to flare all the more brightly. She was strong now, nothing could ruin this .

But then she just had to think of something like that when he heard laughter, maddened and dark. Her darkness could see the taint, how the yellow could not defend himself from it's grasp. She would purge him first then. Any barrier he made was useless, and the darkness was hers now. This would not even be a fight. She smirked as the shadows coalesced around her, filling her with power as the light kept her mind clear.

The arcane bolts flew, crossing the distance as missiles of darkness before detonating on impact, each bolt an explosion of light that burned away the darkness and blinded creatures of the night.
Elija's entire existence seemed to become the darkness, completely vanishing from view and advancing towards the source of the magic he'd seen, his vision keen in the blackness, he slowed his heart rate and stopped breathing as he advanced through the void, 'They say that in a void, sound does not exist, if you anger me, I'll make sure you don't get a chance to scream" his voice echoes and emits in the darkness. Impossible to detect it's location.
Would her death be gruesome enough to be a field of study? Would her Aurele Book make it alive? Was her family alright? Gods, to hell with that book, Elena regretted she'd die here, enveloped by darkness and the moans of those lost to the depths...without seeing her family in so long.

But she didn't die, in fact...she seemed to have gained vision of the area, a surge of energy overfloweing her very being. Looking at herself, she noticed a bright glow, one she had never been capable of producing. At that time, she saw the small one that had taken one of her berries produce a barrier around the Inn. Fascinating. She would survive this, research it, find her family...

She ran over to the small one, and shouted out at the top of her lungs. How many years had it been, since she felt the need to shout?

"Small One! I didn't catch your name! What is this phenomena? Why are only we glowing!?"
"Well this is, problematic." Amelia said, mostly to herself when yellow was consumed.

He knew him to be a coward but this seemed to be kind of stupid, and a bit redundant. He tried to hide from her. Darkness was trying to hide itself from itself, yeah, that was not going to happen. Even under assault he seemed to not notice her, now that was good, but it also meant she had to up the ante. Pure missiles of light were guided towards him, the darkness not letting itself hide from fellow darkness. He was, maddened so she could not fault his reasoning, still she needed all her wits about her. He was unpredictable now, and problem.
Elija dashed onwards, the first of the missiles flying over him, the second being shattered by a combination of his sword and the shards that he fires at it. Elija swiftly swings the sword over his head, though the movement showed no purpose. He continued charging towards the now obvious source of the attacks, keeping a low profile as he swiftly advanced.
Okay, definitely lost his mind now. Amelia thought as she watched the boy move from afar. He dodged the first salvo. He managed to willingly let pass one of the only spells known to home in on it's target come hell or high water. (I thought we discussed this aspect already) The shards she had sent were breaking some of his bolts, not in the way he must have expected. The shards were pure mana as well(and this too), a fact so few would recognize. The first volley coming at him, came from her, the second would still come from her, but the third would be his, the shards she struck with the weakest arcane bolts she could muster. It was commendable that he tried to avoid injury, but his fate was sealed the moment he dodged and the moment he blocked. The wave he dodged first returned with a vengeance, it's numbers bolstered while his own shards sought to impale him. Strangely enough, it was the storm of light the struck his body first, even before his own shards started their assault.
The Void's dark energy that is colliding with the Gale Barrier is producing loud crackling sounds. It was starting to weaken time by time and soon his Ultima Core would run out of mana, therefor will be taken over by his normal core which would not last long but then, she heared a voice that managed to reach him despite the howling sound of the waving dark energy and the crackle of the barrier.

"Small One! I didn't catch your name! What is this phenomena? Why are only we glowing!?"

t that moment, Rika was already struggling to hold the barrier. His glow was shining through the darkness, releasing a raging aura of wind.

"Huh? Elena?" Rika was surprised when he heard the faint shout. He looked at the shout's direction and saw Elena standing near the inn's door with a bright glow. Elena is an Ultima Core holder too!? Rika was thinking while he held the barrier, then. "Hey... Elena! Have you ever heard of Ultima Cores? Try to think how you survived the first wave of darkness! And by the way, I'm Rika, Rika Styfr.".

There was too much to think of because of what is currently happening, he saved the thoughts for later and concentrated to hold the barrier up. When is this going to stop!? Rika thought while holding the barrier up.

Ferena too was almost consumed by the void but then she heard a shout.

"Small One! I didn't catch your name! What is this phenomena? Why are only we glowing!?"

She then snaps out of it, and saw herself glowing too. Everything around her is destroyed except the in that they are staying in which

is protected by Rika's Barrier, but he can't barely hold it up for long.

"Let me help you" she appeared beside Rika and helped him with the barrier, the ground shakes.

Enclosing the inn with huge wood, mud? or ground? no one knows and it was enchanted, still with Rika's barrier.

but it won't last long too..."but you have to admit, this glowing thingy is pretty cool."

"Now....let's discuss this event right now!" she said "I wanna smack the person who ruined my almost perfect vacation before going to Naturos!"

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As Rika was holding up, the force colliding on his barrier seemed to lessen. He looked at the inn to see another layer of a barrier of unknown matter. He then heard Ferena talking by his side. Not this elf too! She had an Ultima Core!? Rika thought surprised.

"Ok Elf! Thanks for helping anyway. Haven't you even read informatory textbooks or history books? There was the lost legend right? This isn't a person! Its the Shadow of the Void! If you even know what that is.." Rika shuddered while saying that phrase.
"oh really? It ins't a person? Then...How can we smack this void..." she said.

I did read some books though....but it was all about swords, bows and elves nothing about the Void...She thought

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